
Are you a Democrat or a Republican?

Democrat21%21% - 19
Republican26%26% - 24
Not from USA but would be Democrat15%15% - 14
Not from USA but would be Republican4%4% - 4
Unsure4%4% - 4
Neither / No preference26%26% - 24
Total: 89
Go Ducks.
I'm an infant-murdering, Satan-worshiping, monkey-descended, terrorist-harboring Democrat, and I'm proud of it.
im a southerner
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6610|The edge of sanity
Registered Libertarian, and yes I am registered to vote.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York
Independent. Not registered, but I consider myself to be so and will register myself as an Independant (even though NY State doesn't allow Indy's to vote in primaries) as soon as I hit 18.
+1,716|6886|St. Andrews / Oslo

Not American, but would be a Republican.
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
I am all that is MOD!

Independent, voted every election since I turned 18 in 1999.  Never voted Repub/Dem in a Presidential Election.  Tend to vote Green/Libertarian/Independent in state/local elections.

I most closely identify with the Green Party, but I'm not one of those touchy-feely hippie types.
Typical white person.
+389|6914|San Antonio, Texas
I'm a registered Republican, but I would call myself a Conservative, Republicans are leaning too far to the middle now-a-days...
...It's almost hard to tell the difference between the Democrats and Republicans this day in age, since both of them are trying to grab votes from each others' constituencies.
And I don't even have to look at the results to tell you that most people that are not from the US would side with the Democrats.

Last edited by {M5}Sniper3 (2008-03-10 13:26:32)

be nice
+2,646|6607|The Twilight Zone
Not from USA but would be Democrat
Cheeseburger Logicist
I'm a member of the Canadian Liberal Party, which falls under the centre-left category.

In American politics, Democrats are often derided as liberal (which I find to be a pleasing compliment instead of the insult it has become in the US), but in comparison to our politics, is more centrist or centre-right (in line with our Red Tories). So, I'd have to be an Independent in the US.
Turning 18 this October, hopefully soon enough to vote in the general election. I can't really agree with either the Democrats or Republicans to be perfectly frank. That might change as I get older, but unlike my sister who opted for the Democrats right off the bat (parents are Democrats too), I'll probably start off either Independent or Decline to State.
Mass Media Casualty

What's really the difference? Democratic politicians act pretty much the same way Republican politicians do.

I suppose I'd be more Democrat based on my voting history here, (lefty,) but really I just vote for the person with the best policies.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Anger is a gift
+174|6787|Sin City

Hardcore registered Republican here

definitely neither, they are both jokes. actually they are one party that is committed to preserving the wealth and power of the elite. one half does it by strengthening the federal govt, the other does it by strengthening the multinational corporations that own our industries. and meanwhile both market themselves as the party for the people because, in general, we're idiots.
I'm not sure EXACTLY what to classify myself as. I believe it's called Fiscal Conservative.
- I'm Pro-Choice
- Pro-Stem Cell Research.
- Borders should be closed, illegals should be deported.
- I don't believe in 'Global Warming' at least that we're causing it.
- I think that we should push for alternative fuels for the sake of not needing anything to do in the Middle East. (And Cheaper)
- I think that companies should be able to hire who they desire. (Against Affirmative Action)
- I think that we should have a reduced welfare system.
- etc... I can go on for almost every topic.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York

ReDevilJR wrote:

I'm not sure EXACTLY what to classify myself as. I believe it's called Fiscal Conservative.
- I'm Pro-Choice
- Pro-Stem Cell Research.
- Borders should be closed, illegals should be deported.
- I don't believe in 'Global Warming' at least that we're causing it.
- I think that we should push for alternative fuels for the sake of not needing anything to do in the Middle East. (And Cheaper)
- I think that companies should be able to hire who they desire. (Against Affirmative Action)
- I think that we should have a reduced welfare system.
- etc... I can go on for almost every topic.
Besides global warming, I have almost the exact same views as you.

It's easier to title yourself as independent. No affiliation with either party and either idea sets.

Poseidon wrote:

ReDevilJR wrote:

I'm not sure EXACTLY what to classify myself as. I believe it's called Fiscal Conservative.
- I'm Pro-Choice
- Pro-Stem Cell Research.
- Borders should be closed, illegals should be deported.
- I don't believe in 'Global Warming' at least that we're causing it.
- I think that we should push for alternative fuels for the sake of not needing anything to do in the Middle East. (And Cheaper)
- I think that companies should be able to hire who they desire. (Against Affirmative Action)
- I think that we should have a reduced welfare system.
- etc... I can go on for almost every topic.
Besides global warming, I have almost the exact same views as you.

It's easier to title yourself as independent. No affiliation with either party and either idea sets.
I suppose, those are just generally the main topics that people classify you as. There's still others that I believe make me Conservative. I just ABSOLUTELY HATE Church affiliation in the government. You pray to whom you'd like to pray to, don't force that upon others, we all live happy.
Black Panzer Party
+184|6876|Eastern PA
O' HAL naw!
+470|6732|Columbus, OH
"I don't answer to Man's laws!" - Van Helsing

Both parties can kiss my ass
+1,716|6886|St. Andrews / Oslo

Poseidon wrote:

ReDevilJR wrote:

I'm not sure EXACTLY what to classify myself as. I believe it's called Fiscal Conservative.
- I'm Pro-Choice
- Pro-Stem Cell Research.
- Borders should be closed, illegals should be deported.
- I don't believe in 'Global Warming' at least that we're causing it.
- I think that we should push for alternative fuels for the sake of not needing anything to do in the Middle East. (And Cheaper)
- I think that companies should be able to hire who they desire. (Against Affirmative Action)
- I think that we should have a reduced welfare system.
- etc... I can go on for almost every topic.
Besides global warming, I have almost the exact same views as you.
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico

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