Δ > x > ¥

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

And you're missing my point. Either play the game as it is... or quit. That's mostly what I'm trying to say.[/b]
Sorry but that attitude is just wrong.  If it weren't for people complaining about a game, there would never be updates.  EA (and all the other developers) would just put out the original versions and never bother about patches.
just nothing

aardfrith wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

And you're missing my point. Either play the game as it is... or quit. That's mostly what I'm trying to say.[/b]
Sorry but that attitude is just wrong.  If it weren't for people complaining about a game, there would never be updates.  EA (and all the other developers) would just put out the original versions and never bother about patches.
You seem to be missing my point too. Upon patching a game people still complain. I never said that you should never complain about a game. This is about people complaining, getting the patch that they asked for, and complaining more.
lol, i never whined about anything and just kept playing. yea, so i hated the n00btubers but my defense against that during 1.12 was sniping, because at a long range, you really cant get tubed unless the person actually has Skill with it. Then i just waited patiently for this patch
Personally, I think the real reason everyone bitches and whines is because they suck badly. I noticed that the n00bs are turning to the APC's lol. So if you are one of those that are bitching and whining, grab an APC and you are all set to get kills again! YAY!!!
I have been complaining about the patch. But my complaints about it have been what EA/DICE said they would fix and then didn't.  I have very rarely if ever complained about it doing things with bunny hoppers and dolphin divers.  I could care less about that. As someone said in a different thread it should make you a better player to be able to kill those who do.  As for AA being to strong, I don't think so.  I wasn't one to chuck C4 at people, but it was good to do it at passing vehicles.  I just have to change tactics for vehicles now. No big deal. 

My biggest beef with the patch is the following:  It did not fix the red/blue issue. It did not fix video/collision issues in special forces.  These are the things I wanted to see fixed by the patch.  That was not done.  So I will complain about it not fixing issues that EA/DICE said it would. 

Delete it if you want, I don't care.  Overall the patch doesn't do anything to make me like the game more or less.
+86|6920|New Zealand

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

My point here is that first people complained that the AA was too weak... now it's too powerful?  [...]  They did exactly what people asked. Now even more people are complaining
If you ask for some salt, I will take off the cap and pour it onto your meal. If you will complain about that I'll write an open letter and stick it on the door of the restaurant.

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-02-18 14:15:52)

just nothing

MB.nZ wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

My point here is that first people complained that the AA was too weak... now it's too powerful?  [...]  They did exactly what people asked. Now even more people are complaining
If you will ask me for some salt, I will put of the cap and disperse everything over your meal. If you will complain about that I'll write an open letter and stick it on the door of the restaurant.
I have no idea what you are trying to say, but I'm going to take it as an insult.
Jet Rammer
+4|6873|Debris From Space
Man, even by lowering the requirements for the higher ranks and adding more, i'll still never get past First Sergeant...
+86|6920|New Zealand

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

My point here is that first people complained that the AA was too weak... now it's too powerful?  [...]  They did exactly what people asked. Now even more people are complaining
If you will ask me for some salt, I will put of the cap and disperse everything over your meal. If you will complain about that I'll write an open letter and stick it on the door of the restaurant.
I have no idea what you are trying to say, but I'm going to take it as an insult.
there is no insult, I wouldnt insult any1 here.

oh wait, I quoted wrong anyways you understand it by drawing u that picture?

You want some salt - Mr. Wake-player wants better AA
Now, I pour everything of my salt over your meal - Now, EA just published 1.2
You're fucken angry because you cant even enjoy your meal - Mr. Wake-player is fucken angry because he cant even enjoy flying

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-02-18 14:20:01)

+244|6835|arica harbour
for all you dudes in this particular forum of 1.2 patch complaints...... will you stop wining and crying like wussies and fight like soldiers. i think every time they release a patch the game gets more realistic. i think with the BF2 community it seems like the tail ( players like you and me) wags the dog( the BF2 programers and those dudes in DICE).

for the most part i am a lot better than most of these fools who are higher ranking than me becuase they used all the exploits to get all the damn points and outrageous 12-15 k/d ratios. i went from a crappy ass player to a player who went from a 0.5 k/d ratio to a 1.07 (not very good but a big improvement).... why.....ill tell you the magic secret .ADAPT, CHANGE AND THINK DIFFERENTLY.... period. NO more run and gun.

the last few months i have seen way too much crybabies, noob tubers, bunnyhoppers that irritate me, idiot commanders that give supply drops to their clan mates and not to anyone else. Best way for me to survive in a game round.... work alone, lock the squad so no one joins... and leave me alone. when i see a few guys trying to capture a flag, then ill come out to help.. after that, i am gone and dont u ever give away my position. 

no patch is perfect period no matter whats in it.. i play sometimes WoW and patch tuesday every week does help but not too much.

just nothing

MB.nZ wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

If you will ask me for some salt, I will put of the cap and disperse everything over your meal. If you will complain about that I'll write an open letter and stick it on the door of the restaurant.
I have no idea what you are trying to say, but I'm going to take it as an insult.
there is no insult, I wouldnt insult any1 here.

oh wait, I quoted wrong anyways you understand it by drawing u that picture?

You want some salt - Mr. Wake-player wants better AA
Now, I pour everything of my salt over your meal - Now, EA just published 1.2
You're fucken angry because you cant even enjoy your meal - Mr. Wake-player is fucken angry because he cant even enjoy flying
Nope, still not gettin' it.

I get annoyed by things in this patch. Yes, the AA is leet now, but only if your the one in it.

I took down the same two guys 3 times last night on Dragon Valley who constantly hopped in the attack chopper.

But, I don't often get taken down by AA. Why? Because I've developed tactics for avoiding them.

What do you think people in F4's did in the Vietnam War when they were being chased by 2 or 3 SAMs going Mach 2? They dived and outmanuevered the missles so they hit the ground.

It's not as simple a tactic in the game, but its similar. You go low and find cover till you get to your airstrip (or far enough from AA) to loop around. If your good, fly through a building. If the missles was fired anywhere except right behind you or right infront of you, it'll hit the building almost all the time.

This patch does need to find a "gray area" as stated before. For example, do not be able to shoot guns while in the air, but be able to jump to give some extra height to your medic packs/ammo bags/grenades etc. C4 is debatable. I see C4 as anti vehicle and flag defense, not something to chuck and detonate.

But because of this patch I have become a better player and I actually get alot more medals now. Because I never bunny hopped (except when going for knife badges), never dolphin dived and never C4 whored. Now that those people "better" then me cant do it anymore, I own their faces.

It's that simple. Why do animals adapt and to a greater extent evolve? To survive.

Nope, still not gettin' it.
It's a simple analogy, why aren't you getting it? You asked for something better, you got too much, and now your pissed. I'm not saying that to you, I'm just trying to translate what he's saying.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-02-18 14:39:51)


Dr_3V|L wrote:

You wouldn't adapt to the people who used the game as it's meant to be played. Instead you bitched and whined to let Dice make the game easier for you. So why should they adapt now? Logic man... sad.
I'm sorry, how does this patch make the game easier for people? If anything, everyone will have to adapt in some way. Just the skilled shouldn't have that much of a problem and the whiners keep a whining. Logic man...sad.  You make it sound like only some people will have to adapt to the patch, whether or not you like or dislike it, everyone will have to change their tactics in some way, a more realistic way.
just nothing

Defiance wrote:

Nope, still not gettin' it.
It's a simple analogy, why aren't you getting it? You asked for something better, you got too much, and now your pissed. I'm not saying that to you, I'm just trying to translate what he's saying.
Hi, I'm sarcasm, have we met?
The patch is just great,I have the best matches of BF2 ever(not pointwise,experiencewise!) and there's no getting angry because some hopping grenadebunny just killed you Unreal-style.

If you die in 1.2 you deserved it,that goes for infantry as for aerial combat.

Most of the people on the servers I play on are happy with the patch.
The gameplay is not slower but the people actually develop strategies instead of just running around like in an UT-deathmatch.

Bunnyhopping,noob-tubing and C4-tossing are part of the past,and that's good!
Δ > x > ¥

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

And you're missing my point. Either play the game as it is... or quit. That's mostly what I'm trying to say.[/b]
Sorry but that attitude is just wrong.  If it weren't for people complaining about a game, there would never be updates.  EA (and all the other developers) would just put out the original versions and never bother about patches.
You seem to be missing my point too. Upon patching a game people still complain. I never said that you should never complain about a game. This is about people complaining, getting the patch that they asked for, and complaining more.
I have yet to see anyone who complained about the things this patch fixed asking for a return to the status quo.

aardfrith wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

Sorry but that attitude is just wrong.  If it weren't for people complaining about a game, there would never be updates.  EA (and all the other developers) would just put out the original versions and never bother about patches.
You seem to be missing my point too. Upon patching a game people still complain. I never said that you should never complain about a game. This is about people complaining, getting the patch that they asked for, and complaining more.
I have yet to see anyone who complained about the things this patch fixed asking for a return to the status quo.
Yeah the people who complained prior 1.2 are no longer complaining, they have got what they asked for. The only thing they are complaining is about people complaining about the 1.2 patch, they infact complained for.

Now it's the people who did not complain prior 1.2 who are now complaining...

Think I may have used the word complain a bit too much in there heh.

Last edited by Esker (2006-02-19 11:28:31)

Hmm, I never complained once about anything being changed. Yeah, I got pissed at bunny hopping, dolphin diving no talent ass clowns that claim it is a "skill", but never once did I complain or whine to EA or any forum thread. The new patch came out and Oh My God, I have to change some tactics, big fucking deal. At least I don't have to deal with the hoppers and divers. The patch does have some flaws, but it still rocks. And if EA changes something I don't like, I'm still gonna fucking play the game cause its a good game and I know how to ADAPT. And if you don't like the patch, I think the Official Battlefield website forums is the place where your voice will more likely be heard. And yes, you can post the same complaints 200 times in different threads like you all do in here.
+12|6898|Perth, Western Australia

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

BiRdMaN829 wrote:

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

I never actually complained about things at all, I don't think I have a single thread in BF2 : Complain. My main source of anger is the fact that EA now implements ludicrous elements into it's game, and makes it less fun.
What exactly is that supposed to mean?  Ludicrous elements?  Could you cite some examples and explain why they are so ludicrous?
Ludicrous elements? Like firing a grenade launcher at a car, or someones feet only to have it bounce away like a freaking coin? Being able to throw grenades 60m, but not being able to throw C4 5 feet? Not being able to jump and shoot at the same time? I bet you I could do it? Laying down like some fat bastard and not being able to move for three seconds? Retarded jump animation? Horrendously underpowered M134 Minigun attached to blackhawks? Have you seen the gun in action? Go to wikipedia and search for M134. TV guided missiles that last an entire three seconds because they run out of fuel or something? Over Zealous Anti-Air missiles and jet missiles? Shooting AA into an oiltower at Zatar provokes it to do some retarded zig-zag shit at 999k/ph? Snipers no longer sniping but throwing claymores into the middle of roads hoping to god they'll kill people?

A new paragraph for readabilty. You can't disarm mines or blow them up, so you can effectively block a road for an entire round? Jet missiles chasing every single flare that a chopper lets down turning 180 degrees at times to get to the nearest flare? Fucking up EVERYTHING airborne, but not changing a single thing about the tanks? Bugs that were meant to be fixed or addressed now increase in number and frequency?

Are you telling me this shit isn't ludicrous?
How big is a grenade? Compare it to the size of C4, yeah, see the difference? Know how hard it would to throw that more than 10m, C4 isn't meant for anti-tank purposes, and very little anti-infantry, it's for destroying commander assets and ambushing vehicles, booby-trap a vehicle or something.

The Black Hawk miniguns were unrealistic because they did splash damage, which meant you could aim at a freakin' tree and hit a PLA infantry-man behind it, it's like the bullets are mini-rockets or something. They didn't nerf the damage, just the stupid splash damage.

On enemy claymores and mines, they piss me off because you can no longer get rid of them. The ability to blow up friendly ones doesn't affect me, in my opinion that's a change for the better.
Yes adapt and don’t complain but it was not like C4 tossing Noob-toobing, Bunny hopping Dolphin-diving they were hacks or exploits. If all those things were possible in the game then why is it people could not learn them? Now instead of that nade-spamming is more common than ever, the support kit is now the most overused kit with the PKM and MG36 firing from long distance with the accuracy of sniper rifles, a new breed of players called claymore-wh.... have been created, if I prone I'm unable to get up in time.

It’s very clear to me that the bf2 community is divided in to two “camps” here!? Players with more experience and time on the game and people that joined in later! Those of us that been playing since June had no problem with the C4 tossing and “noob-tubeing” as we could “type” our way out of the situation.

I don’t know if the effectiveness for some weapons before patch 1.2 discouraged people from purchasing upcoming booster and expansion packs.  So I guess it’s a good way to keep new or inexperienced players happy by giving in to their "demands", since they are probably going to be the majority who purchases all of the packs that EA feeds them.

But why do the PKM and MG36 have the same deviation as the L96A1? They have turned the support weapons into a fully automatic sniper rifle. Ok there is no realism in tossing C4, no realism in bunny hopping no realism in jumping and shooting (noob-toobing) so I can buy the end of that but still there is absolutely no realism in turning the PKM and MG36 into fully automatic sniper rifles!

Sluggit wrote:

Yes adapt and don’t complain.....

But why do the PKM and MG36 have the same deviation as the L96A1? They have turned the support weapons into a fully automatic sniper rifle. Ok there is no realism in tossing C4, no realism in bunny hopping no realism in jumping and shooting (noob-toobing) so I can buy the end of that but still there is absolutely no realism in turning the PKM and MG36 into fully automatic sniper rifles!

How difficult do you think it is to hit with a PKM or MG36 in real life?
It's even easier than in the game.

The results you get with the LGMs in 1.2 are closer to realism than ever before,if you get killed too often by it it's either your mistake because you still run around like a bunny while the guns have changed(hence the game dynamics) or it's because the PKM-user abuses the weapon in a game-inappropriate way(Rambo-style).The first is your problem,adapt a littlebit more,the second is Dice's mistake by not paching out these possibilities of playing Unrealfield 2(or is it Battle Tournament 2004?).

And the sniper rifles,well,everybody says it takes no more skill too use them....it still does!

Most of the time there are so many snipers around(sure,new gun everybody likes) that a target gets hit twice in such rapid succession that the second sniper thinks he got a one shot kill.
There's still bulletdrop and a headshot from distances I usually shoot on(300+meters,you literally aim at single pixels) still takes some skill.
The patch fixed the disappearing bullets from 1.12,sometimes sure shots on 50 meters just didn't connect,that annoyed the hell out of me and was just unfair because snipers depend on that one chance to get a kill,otherwise they are dead on 50 meters of distance(G36c and the like..).

The indestructable claymores are another thing,all the CS-hardened pwnzors are angry because they can't smoke out the snipers like the AWP-whores in CS,but at least they allow the sniper to be more supportive to the team(defending flags,securing a possible entry point,etc.).It makes the game more strategic without stupid team-bunnyhoppers destroying the strategic element by "picking up the red skull powerup".

All in all I would say that stronger and more accurate weapons enhance the game experience,they slow the game down from an arcade-fragfest-shooter to a close-to-realism-teambased-shooter,not too high tech real life realistic,but no arcade-jumpy-jumpy-crap either.

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

How difficult do you think it is to hit with a PKM or MG36 in real life?
It's even easier than in the game.

The results you get with the LGMs in 1.2 are closer to realism than ever before,if you get killed too often by it it's either your mistake because you still run around like a bunny while the guns have changed(hence the game dynamics) or it's because the PKM-user abuses the weapon in a game-inappropriate way(Rambo-style).The first is your problem??
There is no field manual in the world that tells you to stand up and shoot with a support weapon because you don’t hit anything but are a “sitting duck” you self!

No I don’t have the problem of getting fraged it’s the opposite.

Yesterday I stood up in the backyard up front on Karkand and “mowed down” the USMC on the “east ridge” were they sometimes go (especially snipers). In between I was spamming nades like crazy (read unlimited ammo) before I was able to spam nades but not use the PKM standing up shooting snipers like in a arcade game!

L96A1: Deviation Standing / Crouching / Prone2/1.5/0.8, Deviation Added per Shot5 (3.5)

PKM: Deviation Standing / Crouching / Prone3/1.2/0.8, Deviation Added per Shot0.1 (2.5)

Read: fire small bursts and you cannot miss, just like in an arcade game!
+1|6797|Stramproy (netherlands)
Hope they will fix some things in the upcomming patch.

and for the rest stop buggin about it, if the keyboard ansd the mouse are not stuck, you can still play

::DFC:: the Best

Sluggit wrote:

L96A1: Deviation Standing / Crouching / Prone2/1.5/0.8, Deviation Added per Shot5 (3.5)

PKM: Deviation Standing / Crouching / Prone3/1.2/0.8, Deviation Added per Shot0.1 (2.5)

Read: fire small bursts and you cannot miss, just like in an arcade game!
Do you think the results in real life would be much different?
Not the technical deviation stuff,if you talk game physics it probably sounds really unfair...but in real life anything under 300 meters(that's were BF2 combat takes place) is absolutely deadly,every soldier who leaves his cover and runs into this "beam" of bullets is dead meat,a dug in machine gunner is a difficult obstacle to overcome.

And I see it myself when I play support,I usually lay down somewhere and suppress the incoming enemy,that means I just burst away into the direction they probably come from and people just run into that stream of lead,no big sniping involved there.
I use the weapon how it's supposed to be used,if people die too much from that they probably haven't adapted yet to a somewhat more realistic light machinegun gunner.
Hell,I felt like the Germans in the bunker at D-day in Private Ryan on Mashtuur,if everybody thinks they have to rush into one area and completely disregarding their surroundings they are nothing more than cannon fodder for the support class.

In 1.12 the support was just an ammo-monkey with a shitty excuse for a gun,you had more luck with the Beretta.
In 1.2 he finally lives up to his job,the base of fire for the entire squad,he provides the coverfire for his rushing assaultbuddies.

They could fix it so that you can't use the weapon in close combat anymore,I've seen some players goin' Rambo on Sharqi,but on medium or long range I think the deadliness of the PKM is fully justified.
This would also give the "rush in and kill the campers"-job back to the assault class,the assaultrifles have to be a lot better when standing/crouching on medium/close ranges.
+0|6818|Where politics is not needed
I don't mind the patch. Sure some things are weird, but doesn't stop me from playing this kick ass game! It's still fun and the action on the citymaps is real intense with the new patch!
Only thing I can't stand is that there are so many install problems with the patch and BF2 in general. I know it's difficult with al that different hardware and all, but when my BF2 runs smooth without any problems and I install the 1.2 patch and BF2 doesn't startup anymore ... that pisses me off. I never ever had so much problems with a game as I have with BF2! Besides those problems I realy think that this is the best game  ever played! WIth or without the patches .... I'll keep playing!

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