http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbc … 29782/1003

Now why should anyone be afraid of a backlash from a decidedly ( in this forum anyway)  peaceful and tolerant religious group?? What exactly is there to be afraid of from such a non-violent religion?

One could only speculate. I for one have no idea, do any of you?
The terrorism level was raised from "limited" to "substantial," No. 3 on the four-level Dutch alert system.
Ok, that's really going to help; at least their government is doing something about it!
+5,233|6671|Global Command
+877|6103|Washington DC
Glenn Beck put it best in his book. European nations have to stop bowing down to every whim of radical muslims or they'll all end up under Sharia. The Dutch president or whatever the lead position is should tell the Taliban to fuck off and if they want to target their soldiers, they'll respond with bombs.
+16|6508|Sydney, Australia
2 problems:

1. For the nut bag radical Muslims (i.e. non the mainstream good citizens), who were looking for an excuse to blow stuff up or hate the West more, it provides more fuel for the fire.

2. For fringe dwellers, sympathetic to the radical Muslim cause, it might be enough to convinve them to rally to the cause and becaome activist.

In creating the film he is just engaging in the same hatred and extremism that groups like Al-Qaeda are engaging in. I.e. nutbag Western Dutch making a flim in Amsterdam vs nutbag Wahhdist Muslims in a cave in Afghanistan.

It would be same having Muslims (or Jews, Buddhists or whoever) making a film portraying Christianity (or Judaism, etc, etc) as fascists, nutbag, etc. Most Christians will just think. "Whatever ....". A few might just have their prejudices reinforced.

It just seems like Muslims get more enraged that Western Christians about these things. However, firstly the media will always beat that up, because it sells more papers (in reinforcing pre-existing stereotypes).  However, I think it is also partially because the West has become more secular, wheras Islam is in a more dynamic and fundamentalist stage at the moment. The West went through that a while ago.
+16|6508|Sydney, Australia

HurricaИe wrote:

Glenn Beck put it best in his book. European nations have to stop bowing down to every whim of radical muslims or they'll all end up under Sharia. The Dutch president or whatever the lead position is should tell the Taliban to fuck off and if they want to target their soldiers, they'll respond with bombs.
Notwithstanding my earlier comments, I agree. Most Muslim emigrants are willing to try to fit into wherever they emigrate to. However, when the local government allows or encourages them to stay apart, you will always end uip with division.

If you seriously expect to move to another country and not have to make some accommodation, you need your head read - or should just not have moved in the first place.
The Year of the Cow!

pj666 wrote:

2 problems:

1. For the nut bag radical Muslims (i.e. non the mainstream good citizens), who were looking for an excuse to blow stuff up or hate the West more, it provides more fuel for the fire.

2. For fringe dwellers, sympathetic to the radical Muslim cause, it might be enough to convinve them to rally to the cause and becaome activist.

In creating the film he is just engaging in the same hatred and extremism that groups like Al-Qaeda are engaging in. I.e. nutbag Western Dutch making a flim in Amsterdam vs nutbag Wahhdist Muslims in a cave in Afghanistan.

It would be same having Muslims (or Jews, Buddhists or whoever) making a film portraying Christianity (or Judaism, etc, etc) as fascists, nutbag, etc. Most Christians will just think. "Whatever ....". A few might just have their prejudices reinforced.

It just seems like Muslims get more enraged that Western Christians about these things. However, firstly the media will always beat that up, because it sells more papers (in reinforcing pre-existing stereotypes).  However, I think it is also partially because the West has become more secular, wheras Islam is in a more dynamic and fundamentalist stage at the moment. The West went through that a while ago.
Your right, we should just keep appeassing them, that will make it all end. 

We went through what a while ago?  A seperation from our fundamental religion and became more diversified?

God I hope you are right.  I will appease them till it happens.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)

White supremacist Nazi prick is just using Muslim bashing to gain political points with stupid people who lost their jobs to outsourcing but think they lost it because of immigration. Also if you are not "uber leet macho mother fucker ass kicker FUCK YEAH COME GET SOME BITCHES" guy you would realize that he is not doing anyone any good except him self. You need to use brains to fight an ideology not testosterone. Sure it might sound gay to use brains but this is NOT highschool ffs.
With retarded things like this, the Nazi prick is going to create 1000 more extremists. Now again you could say, "give me my 9mil and Ill bust a cap in all their asses cos I'm so leet", but than you are going to drink your milk in you comfy chair and talk some more smack on the Internet. On the other hand real soldiers are going to die and get maimed fighting those extremists and shit load of civilians will die along with those soldiers. Kids, pregnant woman, elderly ladies and gents. Think of them and their families. Who knows there might be an explosion or two in Europe. More civilians die, and all because of the political ambitions of one Nazi prick.

Also he is using non Quran texts to make a point about the Quran.
Save the BlobFish!
Ok, so the only threats to Holland ( according to the article you linked ) were threats to Dutch soldiers in Afganistan , and that was from the Taliban. 
A Justice Ministry statement said, "While there are no concrete indications of impending attacks in the Netherlands, the increased international terrorism threat has prompted [us] to raise the threat level for the Netherlands."
So if anything they are just being cautious. Again you are making the mistake of putting all Muslims in the same basket. The Taliban is an extreme radical Islamic group. As we keep saying, but you refuse to acknowledge, is that most Muslims arent like that , and dont agree with their practices.

Also realise that the person that wants to show this video is a Muslim hating anti immigration extremist that wants to get his video across and wont accept any editing on behalf of the TV broadcasters. What TV company in their right mind would broadcast material that was deliberately biased and inflammatory, its not in their interest. If people want to look at it they can download it. He cant claim his rights to freedom of speech are violated when It probably isnt suitable for veiwing in its current form. In any case he has got the publicity he wants so he's happy.

zeidmaan wrote:

White supremacist Nazi prick is just using Muslim bashing to gain political points with stupid people who lost their jobs to outsourcing but think they lost it because of immigration. Also if you are not "uber leet macho mother fucker ass kicker FUCK YEAH COME GET SOME BITCHES" guy you would realize that he is not doing anyone any good except him self. You need to use brains to fight an ideology not testosterone. Sure it might sound gay to use brains but this is NOT highschool ffs.
With retarded things like this, the Nazi prick is going to create 1000 more extremists. Now again you could say, "give me my 9mil and Ill bust a cap in all their asses cos I'm so leet", but than you are going to drink your milk in you comfy chair and talk some more smack on the Internet. On the other hand real soldiers are going to die and get maimed fighting those extremists and shit load of civilians will die along with those soldiers. Kids, pregnant woman, elderly ladies and gents. Think of them and their families. Who knows there might be an explosion or two in Europe. More civilians die, and all because of the political ambitions of one Nazi prick.

Also he is using non Quran texts to make a point about the Quran.
White supremist Nazi??.... Source please

What he will show is how absurd it is that this peace loving tolerant religion will engage in violent protests for being called violent. A label well earned and deserved.
Commie Killer
Ive had that same saw for 3 years now, works amazingly.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6723|SE London

From Geert Wilders.....

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6680|Long Island, New York
How'd I guess this thread was about islam?
O Canada
+1,596|6547|North Carolina

HurricaИe wrote:

Glenn Beck put it best in his book. European nations have to stop bowing down to every whim of radical muslims or they'll all end up under Sharia. The Dutch president or whatever the lead position is should tell the Taliban to fuck off and if they want to target their soldiers, they'll respond with bombs.
+16|6508|Sydney, Australia
Your right, we should just keep appeassing them, that will make it all end. 

We went through what a while ago?  A seperation from our fundamental religion and became more diversified?

God I hope you are right.  I will appease them till it happens.
I never said appease them. In fact to the contrary. But there is a difference between engaging in mindless profiling with catch-all abuse, and drawing a line between allowable religious freedom and abusing that freedom to undermine the cultural and other mores of the place you have emigrated to.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6817|Canberra, AUS
I'm amazed that you're all so surpised that the Taliban wants to kill Westerners.

After all, isn't that all they've been trying to do for five years or so?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Typical white person.
+389|6902|San Antonio, Texas

Spark wrote:

I'm amazed that you're all so surpised that the Taliban wants to kill Westerners.

After all, isn't that all they've been trying to do for five years or so?
Heh, a lot longer then that.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6817|Canberra, AUS

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Spark wrote:

I'm amazed that you're all so surpised that the Taliban wants to kill Westerners.

After all, isn't that all they've been trying to do for five years or so?
Heh, a lot longer then that.
Notice the word 'all'. They would have to have expended at least some of their energy oppressing their own people while they still had power.

I see the point, though.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Year of the Cow!

pj666 wrote:

I never said appease them. In fact to the contrary. But there is a difference between engaging in mindless profiling with catch-all abuse, and drawing a line between allowable religious freedom and abusing that freedom to undermine the cultural and other mores of the place you have emigrated to.
But isn't the article about people fearing that Muslims will take drastic measures to retaliate if the film is shown?  Are there not people being persuaded to not show the film due to this fear. 

I believe we have crossed the line here.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6817|Canberra, AUS

LividBovine wrote:

pj666 wrote:

I never said appease them. In fact to the contrary. But there is a difference between engaging in mindless profiling with catch-all abuse, and drawing a line between allowable religious freedom and abusing that freedom to undermine the cultural and other mores of the place you have emigrated to.
But isn't the article about people fearing that Muslims will take drastic measures to retaliate if the film is shown?  Are there not people being persuaded to not show the film due to this fear. 

I believe we have crossed the line here.
There is a difference between appeasement (i.e. letting the Nazis run riot in Europe) and not offending sensitivities for no good reason. What is the point of showing the movie? It doesn't say anything of use and will only stir tensions and violence.

I think you people need to rethink what you mean by 'appeasement'. I know it's semantics but it's an important difference as using 'appeasement' automatically makes me think of Neville Chamberlain - and this is completely different.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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