+50|6848|Southern California
I want to report these jerkoffs

This was the most senseless kick i've ever seen!!!

This has got to be in some kind of violation and i've been kicked for stupid things but this takes the cake.

So you all know now that the game is loaded with support class and few medics, well we had THREE medics in our team. THREE, ok? One of them was doing nothing but reviving (had like 7 kills 14 deaths 24 team score). Throughout the round the admin keeps saying "DO NOT WHORE REVIVE OR YOU WILL GET KICKED"
this is a server with 54 people in it, ok, nobody stat padding. Just one guy running around reviving because nobody else is doing it to the point of it being really annoyong in fact, we would have won if we had one more medic doing what he was doing. anyways, finally i say "LET HIM REVIVE WE'RE DYING" the admin scrolls across the screen saying "7 kills 14 deaths 24 team points = whoring for global score NOT ALLOWED." ridiculous!
then the admin scrolls across the screen massively "ComradeWho you are arguing with the admin you have been warned" then i type "what are you some kind of fascist?" and i get booted for my "language."

This was in a RANKED server and this kind of booting and attempt at controlling playing style has got to be illegal, i don't remember if it says this in the ROE but it definitely seems to violate the spirit of it.
bad touch

i now want to kick all of their asses, just reading this
offtopic: where in southern california are you?

Last edited by stryyker (2006-02-18 01:49:03)

Complain to rankedservers, they might get in serious trouble, but then how did you realize he was a admin?

Did he have it before his name?
+50|6848|Southern California
he was using the feature that allows you to speak at the upper left hand corner of the screen where he was spamming messages.

anyways, this sucks, cus i went back and complained again. i really like that server and have been playing there forever and now i've bitched to the admins and they've booted me and it just will never be the same.
Sounds like the stupidest thing I've ever herd.

So the guy is just running around saving people and he is "whoring"?

why? because its not realistic? because we all know that a real life medic WOULDNT SAVE AS MANY LIVES AS HE COULD RIGHT?!?!

Was he using an exploit? was he using the game mechanics in a way that they were not intended to be used?
sounds like he was just a guy that didnt care about his K/D ratio and was running around keeping his team in the fight......that noob aught to be taught a lesson!! what was he thinking!!!!!

I'd report it to someone, sometimes these guys get their own server and it goes right to their heads.
+50|6848|Southern California
the whole disliking people because they get a lot of points thing has reached ridiculous heights
anybody that does well is under scrutiny and treated with hostility
it doesn't occur to very many people that the reason you get points for so many things is because it has a positive effect on your team to kill, supply, revive, heal, and use all the vehicles to their maximum potential - and that there's nothing wrong with that since if you have an autobalanced server then both team has an equal opportunity to do this - and that people that are doing things exceptionally well are the people that are contributing the most to a team win. never enters their minds. instead of a thanks, or a nice job, or a keep up the good work, or just a careful eye so that you might learn something from somebody who's mastered the physics and flow of the game people react with:
"sumbudy iz geting a lot uv poyntz doing _____.. wut a _____ whore"

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-02-18 02:44:57)

That's stupid.

Not you, the server and its admins. To me especially, since I play Medic a lot and save people more than the average Medic does.
Compain all you want to rankedservers, the server owners or anyone who will listen if it makes you feel better but wouldn't it just be better to get on with it and find another server to play on because, quite honestly, and you make not like this.....but who give a f**k.  It's a game dude, not real life - get over it.
+0|6801|New Jersey
I was playing last night and I had something like 12 revives and a k/d ratio that sucked but I never got kicked.  There are plenty of servers that are great, no need to stay on a shitty one.
admins on that server arent that bad. ii got banned for saying n00b when an admin told me to that admin is a serious $hit head.. both of them

CoNnOr36 wrote:

I was playing last night and I had something like 12 revives and a k/d ratio that sucked but I never got kicked.  There are plenty of servers that are great, no need to stay on a shitty one.
That's the key !!  There are stacks of other servers - Just find somewhere else.
El pistolero
An admin Should follow his server rules , be respectful, righteous and all seeing, if u aint got this things
u should leave that post. Thats were EA comes in , what are they doing about this things ,
When something is wrong ,REPORT or tell everybody, so they know about it.
An example , I was looking at a guys stats ,  and find out that he haves expert knife badge,
To my courosity i discovered that his victim was the person 18 times  , He must  have had a friend letting
himself be stabbed all over again . What the hell is that?
What is EA doing about it?  LMAO 18 times.
How many other cheaters are doing the same?
there should be some very clear guidelines as to what admins can kick for
i know about the EA's code of conduct and crap like that but i mean that doesn' cover this crap

can i stop using the word crap please?!

Last edited by kingkong777 (2006-02-18 07:16:26)

Oh man!
Sometimes people feel powerful and more superior because they have Admin rights. I will be honest and say the first time I got admin powers on a server, I was quite unfair to the players, and it was only when I learnt what it was like to be on the receiving end of a biased admin, that I understood I was being unfair.

However, I did like KingKong's idea of having a code of conduct. EA need to try and clamp down on people who are using a ranked server to their advantage, and make sure the game is played one way.

Some admins do love the authority, so if you called them a 'noob' then the chances are they will kick you, to show off their power, and to warn other people that they are the superior player on the server; which I think is a load of Old Mans Bollocks.
+50|6848|Southern California
yeah some people posted here saying "get over it" or "go somewhere else"
well i always play in the lowest pinged 64 person server with 50+ people, often it's not this server but last night it was.

admins have to obey the ROE is they want their server to be ranked, if they don't then they shouldn't have a ranked server, and i wasn't sure if this violated it but it sure as hell seemed to violate the spirit of it. i log out of servers w/out autobalance or where the team work is non-existant all the time, and i get booted for dumb stuff all the time, but getting booted for saying in effect "a medic can revive as much as they want because it helps our team and we're losing" is really stupid - and admin threatening to boot a medic for legal revives is ridiculous. if you want to have a server where your rules go and you are the admin and you paid for it, then don't buy a ranked server because a code of conduct comes along with that and i don't want my time wasted.
ROFL, I just got kicked / banned from this noob server. 1st round- almost over by the time I joined- on USMC side losing bad.  Team-mates complained of being spawn camped etc.  Next round-I mostly did 'ground pounding' as medic and support and the game ended with MEC FTW 2-0. 3rd round I used the APC killing the opposition infantry and other APCs and tanks.  Our team manages to get about half of the flags, then I notice people are starting to get kicked for no apparent reason on our side only (USMC).  And of course the last guy I killed was 1 of many ESF clan members (not sure if they had admin) but soon afterwards I too did get kicked. LMAO gg no re.
You honestly think EA is going to give a shit that you got kicked out of a server?  Sorry buddy, there are plenty of assholes in the world, learn to deal with them.
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6826|Houston, Texas
they were banning everyone on join on the opposing team, it was rediculious
I Have Been Kicked From No Whoring For "noob Tubing" For Killing One Guy With It I Swear I Was Whoring Because I Had 2 Points And It Was From The One Kill Fromthe Tube?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

El pistolero wrote:

An admin Should follow his server rules , be respectful, righteous and all seeing, if u aint got this things
u should leave that post. Thats were EA comes in , what are they doing about this things ,
When something is wrong ,REPORT or tell everybody, so they know about it.
An example , I was looking at a guys stats ,  and find out that he haves expert knife badge,
To my courosity i discovered that his victim was the person 18 times  , He must  have had a friend letting
himself be stabbed all over again . What the hell is that?
What is EA doing about it?  LMAO 18 times.
How many other cheaters are doing the same?

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