+10|6810| Going Feral

thurdawg wrote:

I've never had a problem reviving when kneeling.  You are only standing still for a second and not as easy of a target. 

Although, if there's gunfire coming from everywhere you'll probably want to do your teammate a favor and NOT revive him in the first place.  You'll probably just get both of you killed (again.)
I know some people get pissed, but I still am willing to gamble (at times) and rush out to a guy who has just been killed and revive hime.

Risk for me:  I die when I don't have to.  My K/D goes down.  Waaah.
Risk for the dead guy:  NOTHING, 'cuz if he gets killed again, it still just counts as one death because the revive eliminates the initial death.

Benefit for me:  I get two points and help the team and a teammate
Benefit for dead guy:  A death is removed from the "Death" side of the K/D ledger
all your base are belong to us
all I have to say is.. actually, TriggerHappy998 said it better

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

You people have two options as far as I am concerned:

1. Enjoy the game as it is.
2. Quit playing, you won't be missed.
Insert witty comment here
+3|6794|Brixham, UK
"God thank you, I just registered JUST to say that, no death unless you respawn.  smile, keep fighting!!!"

People get fucked off if they get shot, revived, shot, revived, shot, revived, shot.... they don't really care that you dont count as a death, they want to get the hell up and do something, rather than have to sit there being able to anything because some idiot keeps reivings them
If the 1.2 patch has killed your infantry game, then................

........... you are not a very good infantry player.
+51|6761|Twente, The Netherlands
It didn't kill the infantry game for me... but it makes it just more fun to tank whore and kill all the people who try to flee from you... but can't because of the slow paced infantry combat.
The Microwave Man
God how I love it when I killa guy and a medic comes out to revive him . I wait , he revives , and I take great care in shooting the guy again without killing the medic . I do this about 4-5 times before I start taking fire from somewheres then waste them both . Usually I see an all caps text from the guy I killed over and over " YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE STOP REVIVING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " - lol ! Classic .
+1|6765|Orlando, FL
So they killed infantry combat by making infantry weapons better and removing the cheap tactic that was C4 chucking. OK explain to me again how they killed infantry combat? I'm confused.


Works fine for me Slidero, I find that as long as I aim for the chest, you should be fine. Heck, I sometimes revive whilst standing.
I just stand over them and zap the chest. then run away. works well. I get a few deaths sometimes but almost always get the revive also. but being a medic is hell. Why lay down then have to stand to run again???

Last edited by leadman (2006-02-17 17:44:24)

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

armin wrote:

There was a time when I was a true tank person... then I found out that infantry combat is much more fun and challenging... Then I installed Patch 1.2

      1. You can't work as a true medic now, by the time you prone to revive, you're dead.
      2. You can't move anywhere because claymore are everywhere.
      3. You'll porbably get sniped with a PKM if you reach an enemy flag.
      4. When you spawn, an enemy grenade will kill you, tossed from across the map.
      5. Tanks are now unchallenged by airplanes and helicopters... mmmm tank people
      6. If the get into an aircraft or helicopter, you'll probably get sniped right away by the M90... From the other side of the map.

So, I'd like to thank the geniouses at EA for supporting the tank personing community, It really means a lot.

Can't wait to start spawn raping with the M1A2 at Karkand... again.
I agree, infantry aren't near as fun to play anymore.
They killed infantry combat by slowing it down to the pace of an 80 year old grandma.

It's not got anything to do with removing the cheap tactics, I can bet all those people who dispise what they have done to the infantry combat, could still finish high up on the ranking tables just like before, possibly higher.

It's just some of us really don't really feel any satisfaction or find it fun using weapons that have pinpoint accuracy and targets that make little to no effort to even bother evading your shots whatsoever. It's more realistic, but realism just plain sucks, we play games to escape all this realism...
+51|6761|Twente, The Netherlands
BF2 shouldn't be about realism... it should be about a balanced game. And it isn't now.
+50|6731|Southern California

Dr_3V|L wrote:

BF2 shouldn't be about realism... it should be about a balanced game. And it isn't now.
amen to that

seriously. the most annoying part of this patch is "no more c4 whoring"
first of all you can throw c4 in real life. period, just shut up about how that's unrealistic. i'm not even a spec ops person but the idea of this annoys me

second of all, nobody who bitched about the c4 even really played with c4 or cared about how effective it was, it was just a dumb argument based on aesthetics. "oh it's not realistic." some people had a legitimate gripe about the glitch that allowed early detonation - they didn't even fix that from what i understand, you just can't throw it now. ridiculous.

third of all, c4 was intended to be thrown in this game. it was balanced and made the spec ops class a popular class for those who chose to specialize in it, it was quite versatile. now they've crapped it up and taken the firepower out of it. nice try hitting a tank now. but hey, it's real great we have that realism now even if we no longer have the most effective infantry weapon for taking out tanks, right? maybe if the babies had whined about the detonation glitch they would have gotten around to fixing it.

this is the way patching should be prioritized (and community whining sets the priority so remember this)
then somewhere off way in the distance is...
3. readjust the game settings to balance things (im being nice since we all know "balance" just means degrade it to whichever babified point the loudest group in the community is crying for)
4. make it more realistic

and what i said under #3 is so true. because from what i remember they weakened the power of the AA previously because people were crying that it was too powerful. it seems like all the crybabies forgot about that. maybe this is just EAs way of saying "shut up babies." cus they're getting tired of spending lots of money paying professionals to make redundant patches for a game that is currently generating very little revenue - we're at about the point where they stop making patches and start marketing their next game. if you're gonna bitch now do it right and make the next patch count kiddies, k?
+51|6761|Twente, The Netherlands

ComradeWho wrote:

Dr_3V|L wrote:

BF2 shouldn't be about realism... it should be about a balanced game. And it isn't now.
amen to that

seriously. the most annoying part of this patch is "no more c4 whoring"
first of all you can throw c4 in real life. period, just shut up about how that's unrealistic. i'm not even a spec ops person but the idea of this annoys me

second of all, nobody who bitched about the c4 even really played with c4 or cared about how effective it was, it was just a dumb argument based on aesthetics. "oh it's not realistic." some people had a legitimate gripe about the glitch that allowed early detonation - they didn't even fix that from what i understand, you just can't throw it now. ridiculous.

third of all, c4 was intended to be thrown in this game. it was balanced and made the spec ops class a popular class for those who chose to specialize in it, it was quite versatile. now they've crapped it up and taken the firepower out of it. nice try hitting a tank now. but hey, it's real great we have that realism now even if we no longer have the most effective infantry weapon for taking out tanks, right? maybe if the babies had whined about the detonation glitch they would have gotten around to fixing it.

this is the way patching should be prioritized (and community whining sets the priority so remember this)
then somewhere off way in the distance is...
3. readjust the game settings to balance things (im being nice since we all know "balance" just means degrade it to whichever babified point the loudest group in the community is crying for)
4. make it more realistic

and what i said under #3 is so true. because from what i remember they weakened the power of the AA previously because people were crying that it was too powerful. it seems like all the crybabies forgot about that. maybe this is just EAs way of saying "shut up babies." cus they're getting tired of spending lots of money paying professionals to make redundant patches for a game that is currently generating very little revenue - we're at about the point where they stop making patches and start marketing their next game. if you're gonna bitch now do it right and make the next patch count kiddies, k?
The problem with EA is that they listen to these crybabies - because they are the vast majority. Most of the people who whined before this patch are the people with less game experience. Because many of them whined about the 'unrealistic' circumstances ingame, EA listened to them. Why? Because they bring in more money. EA doesn't care about the minority. The majority brings in wayyyy more money than we.

And the problem is, I'm still going to play this game. Because it's a great game. Only the adjustments to the gameplay weren't neccesary - balance should be more important.
+1|6765|Orlando, FL
Hey geniuses, you say spec ops was effective against armor and infantry with the C4 chucking. Hold on a minute. Hold on a goddamned minute. Isn't that what ASSAULT, SUPPORT, AND ANTITANK ARE FOR?!!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Assault, Support, and Antitank were made to specialize in infantry and anti-armor combat, NOT SPEC OPS. Spec Ops was designed to infiltrate and SABATOGE the enemy assets. Stealth was their primary tactic. Not running out in the open tossing super grenades and owning everyone. So don't give me any of that realistic or not realistic and you can toss C4 in real life BLAH BLAH BLAH BULLCRAP.

Pre patch Spec Ops was MORE effective vs infantry AND armor than the freakin kits that were designed for it! Does that make any sense to you? Please, explain to me how it could POSSIBLY make sense.

You cannot counter that argument AT ALL. I'd love to see you try. And that, ladies and gents, is why they patched it. Now people will actually play Support, Engineer, and Snipers! Wow, sure is nice knowing they're worth a damn now. Before you start with the whining about the mines remember it's a server option to turn FF on or off for mines so there is NO excuse there. Other than that, it's your fault for running into it. So please, I'd like to hear a counter to this argument. Enlighten us. Tell us how they ruined infantry combat for real. You will only show your true colors, and that is a cheap ass who can't play the game the way it was meant to be played. Do us a favor and go back to UT or some other FPS.
Death StatPadder
+228|6805|Human Meat Shield
Umm.. I don't usually revive while prone or kneeling, It's easier to stand up and pause then run your ass off. I learned that later, because I was basically dolphin-diving to save people. The infantry is basically reborn if anything. Teamwork is the key now and that is what they wanted to begin with.

And the person above me...... it's true what you say...

Last edited by imdead (2006-02-18 05:09:48)

+1|6765|Orlando, FL
I'd like to add to my previous post. If they wanted Spec Ops to focus on infantry/armor combat, they wouldave given them BODY ARMOR and called them SUPER RAMBO EXPLOSIVE TOSSER. Yes. You morons have been THOUROUGHLY OWNED.
+51|6761|Twente, The Netherlands

warco3 wrote:

Hey geniuses, you say spec ops was effective against armor and infantry with the C4 chucking. Hold on a minute. Hold on a goddamned minute. Isn't that what ASSAULT, SUPPORT, AND ANTITANK ARE FOR?!!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Assault, Support, and Antitank were made to specialize in infantry and anti-armor combat, NOT SPEC OPS. Spec Ops was designed to infiltrate and SABATOGE the enemy assets. Stealth was their primary tactic. Not running out in the open tossing super grenades and owning everyone. So don't give me any of that realistic or not realistic and you can toss C4 in real life BLAH BLAH BLAH BULLCRAP.

Pre patch Spec Ops was MORE effective vs infantry AND armor than the freakin kits that were designed for it! Does that make any sense to you? Please, explain to me how it could POSSIBLY make sense.

You cannot counter that argument AT ALL. I'd love to see you try. And that, ladies and gents, is why they patched it. Now people will actually play Support, Engineer, and Snipers! Wow, sure is nice knowing they're worth a damn now. Before you start with the whining about the mines remember it's a server option to turn FF on or off for mines so there is NO excuse there. Other than that, it's your fault for running into it. So please, I'd like to hear a counter to this argument. Enlighten us. Tell us how they ruined infantry combat for real. You will only show your true colors, and that is a cheap ass who can't play the game the way it was meant to be played. Do us a favor and go back to UT or some other FPS.
And so talks mr. Support player. You like the new patch don't you? Racking up kills with your beloved PKM. LOL.
And about your argument. It only makes clear you have a lack of actual game experience. If spec-ops was only designed to infiltrate enemy bases, and destroy the enemy commander assets, that would mean half the people are walking in the enemy UCB baseraping and destroying enemy arty. Spec Ops was - and still is - way more than that.
The only way to counter tanks now is the AT kit. But if you play as an AT now (you should try, instead of only playing the uber support), you'll notice the new bugs, which makes it very hard to kill tanks with it now.
C4 should not only be used to destroy commander assets. It's also used to blow bridges AND ESPECIALLY destroy armor.... as an addition to the AT counter. So please no blablabla about SpecOps only designed for stealth and base raping... haha stealth in bf2.
Oh yeah... if you watch my stats you'll see I'm a pretty experienced player who loved the game as it was - BALANCED. You should play some more, and see the BALANCE is gone in the game.
And you can't say of me that I'm a 'cheap ass who can't play the game as it was meant to be played', because you have never actually seen me play. I'm a normal, decent player, who doesn't like the game as it is now. It only makes clear you are full of prejudices. And to make a prejudice of you: you were probably one of the whiners who forced Dice to make this patch... I would like to meet you ingame and see how you're doing. I've got some prejudices I would like to see if they're true.

Last edited by Dr_3V|L (2006-02-18 05:27:43)

i've always played as a medic. i dont have any problems with the new paddles. u switch weapons and they recharge, and then u go prone revive then jump up and kill. the people who seem to have problems with that really need to work on there skillz. as a med i get 20 kills ez, but most of my points come from revives. ALSO IF U REVIVE SOMEONE IN A DANGEROUS AREA KILL THE ENEMY FIRST THEN REVIVE. i hate idiots how run up and get 2 feet away then get pwned in the head by some trigger happy noob.
+1|6765|Orlando, FL
Hey guess what? I played support on that {9thinf} account LONG before the patch, so shut up. I also fly a jet very well and I STILL do after the patch. Second, yes, I will agree its not TOTALLY balanced. The PKM is a bit too accurate now. I admit it. The game still needs fine tuning. It's part of the process. But to say that Spec Ops should support AT? Whatever. Bitch to EA/DICE and make them "fix" AT, since it's so broke as you see it. Anti-armor is thier job, let them do it.

I'll say it again, pre patch Spec Ops was MORE effective vs infantry AND armor than the kits designed for it. You can't sit there and justify that. The fix was necessary. OH and another thing! Long before people started C4 chucking, they still used Spec Ops against tanks and infantry.  For infantry you would set traps, for armor you simply snuck up on them. It wasn't until that gay trick started showing up that people left and right started whoring the kit. So what now? You know as well as I do C4 chucking should never have been possible. Just pretend that lame ass tactic never existed and move on.
is drunk and crazy

PV-Provo wrote:

See what ya mean, except 4 and 6. Because you can't jump and throw grenades like you used to surely grenades fall shorter now - so why does 1.2 get you grenaded from across the map? and the m90 sniping a chopper pilot? thats nothing new man, that's been there from the start!
You can still throw grenades when jumping, press fire before you jump and when he takes the pin out then you jump, karkand kills with grenades own
+62|6715|Adelaide, Australia
Out of all the lameass whinging threads I've read, this one is by far the funniest.... and there's a lot of funny whinging posts out there!
I probably didn't need to check the stats to tell this thread was started by a Karkand only player, but it's always good to check your facts.
It's also funny to see someone who has spent twice as much time in vehicles than on the ground complain about infantry combat!

Armin, have you actually played some of the other maps since the 1.2 patch? Maps like Operation Cleansweep, Wake Island, Dragon Valley, Daqing Oilfields... are far less dominated by air units. As a consequence the infantry battles are far more important, and far more enjoyable. I can now say that I actually enjoy playing Cleansweep and (maybe) Wake Island, and I can only thank the patch for that.

Karkand was spam before the patch, and spam afterwards. A patch will never be able to remove the retards from the game.

Warco3 is spot on with his posts above, maybe we should all study them again (there's a test later, online).
Spec Ops are meant to be sneaky. They are meant to lay traps and wait patiently, or (I know it might be pushing the boundries a little bit) get into the enemy base and destroy their assets. I find it amusing how (pre-patch) half the team would be SpecOps, but if you spawned at the captured enemy base, the assets were all sitting there intact.

If you want to take down armour, play Anti-Tank.

Dr_3V|L wrote:

The only way to counter tanks now is the AT kit. But if you play as an AT now (you should try, instead of only playing the uber support), you'll notice the new bugs, which makes it very hard to kill tanks with it now.
It's really funny to see people who have actually needed to pick up the AT kit for the first time in their careers complain about the "new bugs".... That's a joke right? Nothing has changed with this patch. Rockets were passing straight through things since version 1.0. The only difference is you can no longer jump to shoot over walls.

Armour is no harder to destroy post 1.2. Tanks were not overpowered before the patch, and they aren't now. "Two in the tracks, biatch!".
+1|6765|Orlando, FL
Gulf War Syndrome, I apprecite the fact that you don't have your head up your ass. It's just so funny to see these guys defending that lame ass tactic. I mean ok, fine, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you can toss C4 (which isn't recommended I'm sure but whatever). But prove to me how you can make it stick to any objet or wall. Guess what guys, in real life you have to ATTACH C4 to objects with tape. Plus we can all agree the instant detonation was a bug/exploit as well. Hell, I would allow C4 tossing, honestly, but I would remove it's ability to attach to objets and the instant detonation. Then what? You'd still bitch. Surprise surprise!

You can sit there and say the PKM is now overpowered, but guess what? You cant kill tanks with it, nor can you toss it over a wall and kill a whole squad of infantry instantly. So now what? What other pointless arguments can you make? Just leave it be guys. Accept that C4 chucking is gone. Everyone else has. Remember, this trick was "discovered", meaning the developers never intended it to be in the game.
Unintentional Good-Guy

mjw wrote:

duffking is right, medics dont have to go prone to revive as long as you aim for the chest region of the person your trying to revive.
To be honest i think that patch 1.2 improved infrantry combat. For example:
1.sniping is now actually worth doing and provides a service to the team effort.
2. the inaccurate weapons have now been fixed (l85, g3, m95, pkm)
3. people can no longer bunny hop and shoot at the same time therefore making it much more difficult for GL whores who spoil gamepleay.
4. jets and helo's are now not invincible to aa rockets and now have to defend themselves rather than just raping infrantry all the time.

And as for you saying that you can snipe with the PKM, come into a server with me and you take a pkm and i'll take a l96a1 and then we'll see how good the pkm is at sniping.
Shit I love the new patch. My kill/death ratio for the game has gone from 15/10 to around 25/5.

My most played kits are AT, Support and when I'm feelin 1337, Sniporz. I get as good a death kill ratio in KArkand as tank drivers now.

Medics are as good as they've always been. You don't need to aim atthe chest I've revived guys by defibbing their damn BOOTS.

My favourite target is a medic who's reviving someone. Two free kills. With the RPK-74  I can spray the targets until I kill bot of them owever you could always do that.

Got His War On
+37|6810|Golden, CO
Take your whining thread to the COMPLAINTS forum please.

And yeah, infantry combat is better after 1.2, because the jet rape is much lower.  Taking out armor is a problem, yeah, when you're always playing assault or medic or sniper.  Put in some anti-tank time and you'll see that it's really not that hard to take out armor...

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