

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

IRON said this:

"No, Israel/USA does NOT care if children are targeted or accidentally killed"

When you state it that way, then you are saying that Israel AND the USA ARE purposely targeting children and then you even follow up and say you believe that they have!!!! So where was I wrong?

Also, you believe that the US government doesn't care if children are targeted....are you insane? And when did our government shoot and kill any Palestinians, let alone children.....maybe you need to be clear and not generalize so much.
Ugh...even if you can't read, I already explained myself twice.  But to humor you, this is how you read ENGLISH...  There is this thing called "tense."  The quotation you made above shows that I said collectively, that Israel and the United States does not care if children are targeted (notice the tense of the word "target") or accidentally killed (again, notice the consecutive and reafirming tense in the word "kill").   Being in the "past" tense, it refers to it already being done, therefore they don't care once it's been done...not actively being done.

If I said Israel and the US was purposefully targeting (target+ing = present participle...meaning NOW and presumably in the future), I'd ahve said, "Israel/USA does not care about children and targets and accidentally kills them freely"

See the difference.  I do, and it's a horrible notion that you'd think I'd say such a civilized nation would publicly say they purposefully target and kill kids.
UGHHH.....Here is exactly what you posted:

"I didn't say they purposefully target them, BUT I HAVE NO DOUBT IT'S BEEN DONE!"

YOU say exactly that so how am I supposed to think you mean something else. You believe that children have been targeted!
pub hero!
+603|6532|the land of bourbon

Braddock wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

If your government really cared about children being injured in conflict your country wouldn't be so quick to invade nations and bomb cities from thousands of feet up in the air or drop napalm or atomic bombs.

I'm not saying they target kids, that would be ludicrous but i wouldn't say too many tears are shed by the people who make the decisions.
are you fucking joking?  the US takes unbelievably great pains to avoid civilian casualties.  most of time our soldiers dont fire unless fired upon, and we spend millions on guidance systems to a deliver a missle within three feet of its target.  dont give me this shit that the US doesnt care about civilians.  these pussy terrorists hide in communities and use innocent people as shelter.  they authorize suicide attacks against a civilian population, including women and children.  the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties.  gtfo with your lies.
America has a fantastic history in terms of civilian and child casualties doesn't it... … 1178702837 … 52024.jpeg … ombing.jpe … _child.jpg

Keep up the good work lads... Perhaps you should send whatever statistics you've compiled to the relatives of these kids?
whatever.  i could post just as many photos showing aftermaths of suicide bomber attacks.  people die in a war.  even people who had nothing to do with it.  but next time we should let hitler do his thing because we might risk to many lives of innocent german children right?

the more i read through your posts, the more i think you are just saying this shit to get a reaction.

Last edited by steelie34 (2008-02-28 16:05:19)

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

It is happening on BOTH sides and they are both wrong and that is why it needs to stop sooner or later. The two sides have to stop the killing and the vicious cycle of death and violence. Whet I get tired of is the one sided attack against Israel when terrorists keep lobbing bombs into Israel on a daily basis. Do you think it is okay when an innocent Israeli dies from a missile or suicide attack? IT GOES BOTH WAYS AND THEY BOTH NEED TO STOP.

The Palestinians have a legitimate right and cause to have their own land and so does Israel. The main problem is that you have Islamic terror organizations using this conflict and high jacking a legitimate cause to further their effort to totally wipe out Israel. That is a FACT. If the Palestinian people could clean house and get rid of the extremism then something positive could happen.

Its ALWAYS against Israel.  Maybe Israel should use a little more humanity when deciding how to react to a terrorist.  Terrorists dont have nationality but Israel does, therefor Israel has to act ALOT more responsibly.  Its the old "do as i say not as i do" thing.

The reason there are no "Israeli terrorist's" is because they are called the "IDF".  Its the same thing just a different name.
pub hero!
+603|6532|the land of bourbon


steelie34 wrote:

are you fucking joking?  the US takes unbelievably great pains to avoid civilian casualties.  most of time our soldiers dont fire unless fired upon, and we spend millions on guidance systems to a deliver a missle within three feet of its target.  dont give me this shit that the US doesnt care about civilians.  these pussy terrorists hide in communities and use innocent people as shelter.  they authorize suicide attacks against a civilian population, including women and children.  the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties.  gtfo with your lies.
Wow.  And I used to be called "ironic-chef" because of my irony...

"gtfo with your lies" 


"the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties."

= Lie # 4,276,813

They take pain in avoiding civilian deaths?  Have you EVER turned the channel from Fox news?  Ever?  I've seen some multi-media propaganda fed mutants before, but you are hurting my eyes to read! lol
fuck fox, that shit is lame.  but tell me why you think we would risk our ground troops if we could just fire indescrimanently with our bombs and missles?  because we dont want to hurt innocent people.  tell me, who is in iraq helping rebuild the cities they destroyed?  we are.
"how is the USA being dragged into this especially trying to say that USA kills Palestinian children???"

...well.. the US funds everything that Israel does.. so they sorta are killing Palestinian children..

steelie34 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

are you fucking joking?  the US takes unbelievably great pains to avoid civilian casualties.  most of time our soldiers dont fire unless fired upon, and we spend millions on guidance systems to a deliver a missle within three feet of its target.  dont give me this shit that the US doesnt care about civilians.  these pussy terrorists hide in communities and use innocent people as shelter.  they authorize suicide attacks against a civilian population, including women and children.  the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties.  gtfo with your lies.
America has a fantastic history in terms of civilian and child casualties doesn't it... … 1178702837 … 52024.jpeg … ombing.jpe … _child.jpg

Keep up the good work lads... Perhaps you should send whatever statistics you've compiled to the relatives of these kids?
whatever.  i could post just as many photos showing aftermaths of suicide bomber attacks.  people die in a war.  even people who had nothing to do with it.  but next time we should let hitler do his thing because we might risk to many lives of innocent german children right?
Was Saddam on the verge of taking over half of the Middle East? No, he was shitting on his own doorstep and the Iraqis should have dealt with the situation in-house if they wanted to. Also, did the US provide Hitler with all his weapons prior to WW2?  Because ye sure did supply Saddam and his goons.

You could post just as many pictures of suicide bombings ...then we would have established that the US are just as bad as suicide bombing terrorists!
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6688|Long Island, New York
If anyone thinks that Israel targeted them specifically, they need to lay off the meth.
Whenever the post isn't going their way and an American speaks out trying to show the evils on BOTH sides....Braddock pulls out the "big, bad America" card. Braddock, you are so set on the focusing on hate towards a few countries that you will never understand that war, conflicts and fighting will have these types of things happening regardless of how careful you want to be. You can go ahead and blame the US and Israel for EVERYTHING that is bad....that if your right....but lets all remember that America has had its fair share of "doing the right thing"

As I have stated country is innocent when it comes to war, not even your Braddock. So stop trying to act like your shit dont stink. Stop acting like only Palestinians are suffering the loss of children, stop trying to act like there is not a vicious cycle caused by BOTH sides and stop trying to drag America and some of its past into these types of threads. Stay on your own topic

dimascurtu wrote:

"how is the USA being dragged into this especially trying to say that USA kills Palestinian children???"

...well.. the US funds everything that Israel does.. so they sorta are killing Palestinian children..
I think the US is being dragged into this again because of their financial and military support of Israel. I personally think the US should demand more for their money from Israel. Israel take all your cash and weapons and act the fucking goat with them, it's actually kind of insulting to America.
pub hero!
+603|6532|the land of bourbon

Braddock wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

America has a fantastic history in terms of civilian and child casualties doesn't it... … 1178702837 … 52024.jpeg … ombing.jpe … _child.jpg

Keep up the good work lads... Perhaps you should send whatever statistics you've compiled to the relatives of these kids?
whatever.  i could post just as many photos showing aftermaths of suicide bomber attacks.  people die in a war.  even people who had nothing to do with it.  but next time we should let hitler do his thing because we might risk to many lives of innocent german children right?
Was Saddam on the verge of taking over half of the Middle East? No, he was shitting on his own doorstep and the Iraqis should have dealt with the situation in-house if they wanted to. Also, did the US provide Hitler with all his weapons prior to WW2?  Because ye sure did supply Saddam and his goons.

You could post just as many pictures of suicide bombings ...then we would have established that the US are just as bad as suicide bombing terrorists!
so we should stand aside and let them kill everyone?  so if you were sitting in a cafe in baghdad and saw a terrorist running towards you with suicide destruction in mind, would you tell the marine not to shoot at him because he might hit a civilian? 

since we armed saddam, it was our responsibility, not his country's to remove him.  and he was trying to invade kuwait the first time we were there.  i am not trying to justify everything the US has done as being of great moral fiber, but we dont just run through every country like rambo, burning the villages and leaving a swath of destruction.  we stick around and rebuild.

Last edited by steelie34 (2008-02-28 16:12:57)
+55|6129|Portugal/United States
Screw you Braddock, thats uncalled for. What are you trying to proove, I can also post disturbing pictures of war from all over the world.
+385|6642|Northern California

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

UGHHH.....Here is exactly what you posted:

"I didn't say they purposefully target them, BUT I HAVE NO DOUBT IT'S BEEN DONE!"

YOU say exactly that so how am I supposed to think you mean something else. You believe that children have been targeted!
Again, if you read my following comments, I made it clear that publicly, Israel/USA does not target children.  That is a whole lot of difference between what goes on on the ground.  If you're in a humvee rolling through hostile neighborhoods in Iraq, and you have a standing order to shoot people standing in front of your vehicle, or at vehicles pulling in front of or blocking you, or even approaching you from behind, does it take a genius to realize that said soldier probably won't go get some binoculars out and verify the occupants of the vehicles before unleashing some 50 cal on them?

I do frequent a liberal blog (a couple actually) and since March 2003 I've seen the pictures, seen the clips, seen the news that didn't get wide acclaim.  it's not a secret that children have been targeted directly or indirectly, on purpose or accidentally.  I would bet from some military members of this board that in the real hot areas they've been given standing orders to shoot "anything" in their way.  And yes, because enemies use children, animals, women, etc for bombs, this makes such orders possible.

And please don't make me whip out the Ava videos...

So yes, I have no doubt that children have been targeted by Israelis and Americans.  Doesn't mean it's official, public policy, but it's been done..either ordered or individual decision by someone over the edge or passed feeling.  I think some here would say "war is hell" for a reason.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-02-28 16:16:48)


DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Whenever the post isn't going their way and an American speaks out trying to show the evils on BOTH sides....Braddock pulls out the "big, bad America" card. Braddock, you are so set on the focusing on hate towards a few countries that you will never understand that war, conflicts and fighting will have these types of things happening regardless of how careful you want to be. You can go ahead and blame the US and Israel for EVERYTHING that is bad....that if your right....but lets all remember that America has had its fair share of "doing the right thing"

As I have stated country is innocent when it comes to war, not even your Braddock. So stop trying to act like your shit dont stink. Stop acting like only Palestinians are suffering the loss of children, stop trying to act like there is not a vicious cycle caused by BOTH sides and stop trying to drag America and some of its past into these types of threads. Stay on your own topic
I just hate it when one side always tries to pass themselves off as the good guys. I didn't say anything about America in my OP. Asides from where the weapons come from and the support given to the two sides the issue is purely about Israel.
its insulting to the citizens, but to the higher powers its not.. they are making money.. and thats why israel is still getting support from america. ..and then dropping american bombs on civilians (accidental or not), its insulting to american citizens, but in the end the companies that lobby the politicians are making money.
pub hero!
+603|6532|the land of bourbon


DeathBecomesYu wrote:

UGHHH.....Here is exactly what you posted:

"I didn't say they purposefully target them, BUT I HAVE NO DOUBT IT'S BEEN DONE!"

YOU say exactly that so how am I supposed to think you mean something else. You believe that children have been targeted!
Again, if you read my following comments, I made it clear that publicly, Israel/USA does not target children.  That is a whole lot of difference between what goes on on the ground.  If you're in a humvee rolling through hostile neighborhoods in Iraq, and you have a standing order to shoot people standing in front of your vehicle, or at vehicles pulling in front of or blocking you, or even approaching you from behind, does it take a genius to realize that said soldier is going to get some binoclulars out and verify the occupants of the vehicles before unleasing some 50 cal on them?

I do frequent a liberal blog (a couple actually) and since March 2003 I've seen the pictures, seen the clips, seen the news that didn't get wide acclaim.  it's not a secret that children have been targeted directly or indirectly, on purpose or accidentally.  I would bet from some military members of this board that in the real hot areas they've been given standing orders to shoot "anything" in their way.  And yes, because enemies use children, animals, women, etc for bombs, this makes such orders possible.

And please don't make me whip out the Ava videos...

So yes, I have no doubt that children have been targeted by Israelis and Americans.  Doesn't mean it's official, public policy, but it's been done..either ordered or individual decision by someone over the edge or passed feeling.  I think some here would say "war is hell" for a reason.
i agree, but i think alot of it is intent.  if that soldier in the humvee saw a kid running towards them, history has shown that kid could be a bomb!  so maybe in that case a child was targetted, but i do NOT believe for one instant that some navy seal is putting a laser on a school for a 2000 pound suprise.
+550|6788|Amsterdam, NY

Braddock wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

If your government really cared about children being injured in conflict your country wouldn't be so quick to invade nations and bomb cities from thousands of feet up in the air or drop napalm or atomic bombs.

I'm not saying they target kids, that would be ludicrous but i wouldn't say too many tears are shed by the people who make the decisions.
are you fucking joking?  the US takes unbelievably great pains to avoid civilian casualties.  most of time our soldiers dont fire unless fired upon, and we spend millions on guidance systems to a deliver a missle within three feet of its target.  dont give me this shit that the US doesnt care about civilians.  these pussy terrorists hide in communities and use innocent people as shelter.  they authorize suicide attacks against a civilian population, including women and children.  the US took over iraq in a matter of days, with VERY few civilian casualties.  gtfo with your lies.
America has a fantastic history in terms of civilian and child casualties doesn't it... … 1178702837 … 52024.jpeg … _child.jpg

Keep up the good work lads... Perhaps you should send whatever statistics you've compiled to the relatives of these kids?**http%3A//

These guys didnt kill any inocents right?

Last edited by SgtSlauther (2008-02-28 16:23:27)

pub hero!
+603|6532|the land of bourbon

Braddock wrote:

I just hate it when one side always tries to pass themselves off as the good guys. I didn't say anything about America in my OP. Asides from where the weapons come from and the support given to the two sides the issue is purely about Israel.

Braddock wrote:

I have to listen to so much shit on the TV about 'Muslim extremists' and 'insurgents' and the 'war on terror' every day while countries like Israel go around murdering babies and calling it 'collateral damage'.
from you OP... so who exactly are you talking about? countries like israel?  who?

Last edited by steelie34 (2008-02-28 16:18:07)

dimascurtu wrote:

its insulting to the citizens, but to the higher powers its not.. they are making money.. and thats why israel is still getting support from america. ..and then dropping american bombs on civilians (accidental or not), its insulting to american citizens, but in the end the companies that lobby the politicians are making money.
I consider a country to be its citizens ...that's why I don't hate America, I like American people.

Last edited by Braddock (2008-02-28 16:17:33)

+385|6642|Northern California
Come to think of it, in WWII, in the Pacific theater, on Okinawa to be exact, I personally knew a man who told me that the Japanese mothers would strap bombs to their children, kiss them, and send them off running towards the fox holes of the GIs.  The GI then had the choice to make to disarm the bomb and get shot, or stay in the fox hole and shoot the child. 

That's 60+ years ago...I'm sure war is still hell and children are still shot...directly and indirectly.
unfortunatly even though we have the disguise of a democracy, it ultimately is not.

Last edited by dimascurtu (2008-02-28 16:20:39)


dimascurtu wrote:

"how is the USA being dragged into this especially trying to say that USA kills Palestinian children???"

...well.. the US funds everything that Israel does.. so they sorta are killing Palestinian children..
Most idiotic post of the day....AK47 guns probably kill more than anything in the world....So I guess we better blame the Russians for all the murder, war deaths around the world and all the executions in China. Those damn Russians!!
"Most idiotic post of the day....AK47 guns probably kill more than anything in the world....So I guess we better blame the Russians for all the murder, war deaths around the world and all the executions in China. Those damn Russians!!"

there's a very complicated history of the ak47... apparently russia isnt involved in most of it.

dimascurtu wrote:

"Most idiotic post of the day....AK47 guns probably kill more than anything in the world....So I guess we better blame the Russians for all the murder, war deaths around the world and all the executions in China. Those damn Russians!!"

there's a very complicated history of the ak47... apparently russia isnt involved in most of it.
OMG...who cares

anyway....your point was a joke to try to indirectly point a finger at the US for killing children. Do you realize that we also give money to the Palestinian leadership so I guess the US is to blame for killing Israeli children too.
+550|6788|Amsterdam, NY

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

dimascurtu wrote:

"Most idiotic post of the day....AK47 guns probably kill more than anything in the world....So I guess we better blame the Russians for all the murder, war deaths around the world and all the executions in China. Those damn Russians!!"

there's a very complicated history of the ak47... apparently russia isnt involved in most of it.
OMG...who cares

anyway....your point was a joke to try to indirectly point a finger at the US for killing children. Do you realize that we also give money to the Palestinian leadership so I guess the US is to blame for killing Israeli children too.
I dont think he cares too much about the killing of Isreali children tbh

Braddock wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Whenever the post isn't going their way and an American speaks out trying to show the evils on BOTH sides....Braddock pulls out the "big, bad America" card. Braddock, you are so set on the focusing on hate towards a few countries that you will never understand that war, conflicts and fighting will have these types of things happening regardless of how careful you want to be. You can go ahead and blame the US and Israel for EVERYTHING that is bad....that if your right....but lets all remember that America has had its fair share of "doing the right thing"

As I have stated country is innocent when it comes to war, not even your Braddock. So stop trying to act like your shit dont stink. Stop acting like only Palestinians are suffering the loss of children, stop trying to act like there is not a vicious cycle caused by BOTH sides and stop trying to drag America and some of its past into these types of threads. Stay on your own topic
I just hate it when one side always tries to pass themselves off as the good guys. I didn't say anything about America in my OP. Asides from where the weapons come from and the support given to the two sides the issue is purely about Israel.
No you just posted pictures of what some American soldiers did here and are the one who jumped at that opportunity to show pictures that are completely one usual.

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