+1,175|6601|British Columbia, Canada
Finally!! I have money again.. Got paid $411.00 on my paycheck.. which is decent for someone my age.

I've never not had money since I started working.. so it was really weird not having enough money to buy even like a pack of gum or something..

Things with Lindsey are good, but I haven't had much time to see her this week at all, we've both been busy with work, school and other stuff..

I"m going dirtbiking tomorrow, and she doing the girly grad stuff..  the weather is really nice lately..

Compared to like.. Three weeks, its like we've gone right from Winter straight into Summer, and I'm liking it.

January 29th


Crazy... isn't it..

I'm going dirtbiking tomorrow, so maybe I'll post some pictures of that if I get the chance..

Anyways.. I gotta get back to school now.. Hope you enjoyed the somewhat small update..
You married yet?
+69|6747|th3 unkn0wn
Dearest Diary, today I kicked Mom and Dahd outta the house so that meh and Lindsey could move in (take over)...blah blah blah. Anyone care to finish it for me?
Meow :3 :3

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

Dearest Diary, today I kicked Mom and Dahd outta the house so that meh and Lindsey could move in (take over)...blah blah blah. Anyone care to finish it for me?
so that meh and Lindsey could move in (take over) and haz secks wheneva we want lolololololol.  brb sexks w/ Lindsey <3


Personally, I like the winter scenery better,..
+3,611|6659|London, England
I have 3 grand in my account. In GBP.

No girl though.

I'd trade it all in for my girl.

A generally unremarkable member

Mek-Izzle wrote:

I have 3 grand in my account. In GBP.

any pics?
+1,175|6601|British Columbia, Canada

Lai wrote:

Personally, I like the winter scenery better,..
It looks really nice.. but it gets boring after like 2 days..
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6451|Michigan, USA

LT.Victim wrote:

Lai wrote:

Personally, I like the winter scenery better,..
It looks really nice.. but it gets boring after like 2 days..
QFT.  Unless you're an avid snow-sporter (i.e. skier or snowboarder) and the weather is perfect, winter gets dull REAL quick.  Of course, this is coming from a guy who was born and raised for 10 years in southern California, so this opinion of winter and snow is likely to be biased
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6451|Michigan, USA

btw to all those who've helped out LT.Victim in this thread, kindly help out Thareaper:
This topic seems to have no actual posts

Mek-Izzle wrote:

I have 3 grand in my account. In GBP.

No girl though.

I'd trade it all in for my girl.

+69|6747|th3 unkn0wn

commandochristian wrote:

btw to all those who've helped out LT.Victim in this thread, kindly help out Thareaper:
Help Thareaper out? Eh? Help that guy get into that poor girl's knickers? Nah uh, based on some of the comments he's made on the forum I wouldn't be surprised if his main intention is to bang her.

I remember bennisboy's thread about his relationship. That one was a genuine one. He spoke more about his feelings for that girl than anything else. As for Thareaper's...well let's just say that I have my doubts as to whether he's really looking for a serious relationship with the Catholic girl or something less savoury.

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2008-02-23 15:38:40)


commandochristian wrote:

btw to all those who've helped out LT.Victim in this thread, kindly help out Thareaper:
On it!
+1,175|6601|British Columbia, Canada
Ahh.. It was an awesome day today..

And my bike in all its muddy/sandy glory..

And just so you can kinda get the scenery down.. cause it doesn't really show it in the other two pics..

I know theres some movies on my camera.. just gotta figure out how to take 'em off..

I'm going there again next weekend.. with our Travel Trailer, we just took the bike trailer this time cause we went for the day, next week we'll probably stay there Fri, Sat, then leave sunday..


After I went riding, I went to work for 5 hours, then went to Lindsey's house..

Shes been like messaging this guy on facebook, at first she wouldn't let me read the convo, which just made me want to read it more because she was trying to hide it from me. I read it and she was like flirting with him and stuff..

The guys like

"Oh.. well I just broke up with my GF.. blah blah blah"

And then Lindsey said something like "I can has?"

The guys like.. "Oh.. you can have "

Lindsey replied by saying something like "Oh sorry, I have a BF"

In which he replied.. "Oh.. way to get my hopes up"

I saw like.. the first bit of the this convo the other day, but I didn't read all of it because she closed it before I could, and I told her I wanted to read it etc... but she logged off her facebook, and I don't her password for her facebook..

That happened about two days ago.. and then tonight I asked her if I could read it... she was sitting on my lap at the time, and she was like "Fuck, I can't sit here while you read this".. so she got off and moved to the couch..

I read it and shes told the guy something like..

"Fuck, my bf (ryan) read this convo and got really jealous" etc etc... etc..

At this point I looked at Lindsey and she looked back, and shes just like "YOU CAN'T BE MAD!"

I finished reading it and sat next to her on the couch.. and then everything was fine again..

But still.. I dunno.. should I be mad? I mean, she would be mad at me if I was flirting with some random girls on Facebook...

Or should I be more mad about the part that she was trying to hide it from me, and probably wasn't gonna tell me anything about it until I stumbled upon it.. And remember.. what that guy is doing with her, is what I was doing with her 2-3 months ago, which is why I'm worried.

I know shes loves me and everything... I dunno, Lindsey can be very Flirtatious.. that just her nature.. at times its hard to tell if shes just being friendly.. or overly-friendly..  Shes been talking a lot to one of my best friends lately too.. he knows I'd probably shoot him if he tried anything.. but it worries me because a few months back when his GF broke up with him, he was massively flirting with Lindsey, and was like.. Maybe I'll try and get with her etc.. at this point I had feelings for Lindsey, so I told him not too.. and he backed down and is back together with his current GF, even though he complains to me everyday about her..

Maybe I'm just being overprotective/paranoid.. It's just.. I've worked so hard for this, I waited for so long, poured every single emotion I had into this girl, and even the thought of seeing it end is like.. Ouch.
+617|6444|NSW, Australia

girls never cease to amaze me...

if I were you(I'm not saying do this) I would do the same thing and see her reaction then if she got pissed id throw shit in her face(not literally), but I'm a spite-full person.
Little BaBy JESUS

XxRavenxX wrote:

girls never cease to amaze me...

if I were you(I'm not saying do this) I would do the same thing and see her reaction then if she got pissed id throw shit in her face(not literally), but I'm a spite-full person.
that could go VERY wrong... but hey if she loves u she wont break up with u
Pony Slaystation
+343|6747|Charlie One Alpha
Sigh... teenage girls are just inherently untrustworthy. Zero accountability.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Hmmm, dont worry about it, as long as we're teenagers we're bound to flirt with other people, but most of the time nothing happens.
I do know how it feels though, but guys tend to over-react as soon as a girl gets involved, its something about them that doesn't let us think straight. Try not to let it worry you
+456|6171|Carnoustie, Scotland
Is that the origional size of the first pic?
Because it's an amazing picture if you ask me, and I'd like it for my desktop

I think you should just forget about it and hope she does nothing like that again.. Just be happy about the great time you had dirtbiking
Hey, you got the girl at last, don't expect it to be trouble free from here out.

On a completely different note, I finally got a gf after two years of being single High five?

LT.Victim wrote:


"Fuck, my bf (ryan) read this convo and got really jealous" etc etc... etc..

At this point I looked at Lindsey and she looked back, and shes just like "YOU CAN'T BE MAD!"

I finished reading it and sat next to her on the couch.. and then everything was fine again..

But still.. I dunno.. should I be mad? I mean, she would be mad at me if I was flirting with some random girls on Facebook...

Or should I be more mad about the part that she was trying to hide it from me, and probably wasn't gonna tell me anything about it until I stumbled upon it.. And remember.. what that guy is doing with her, is what I was doing with her 2-3 months ago, which is why I'm worried.

I know shes loves me and everything... I dunno, Lindsey can be very Flirtatious.. that just her nature.. at times its hard to tell if shes just being friendly.. or overly-friendly..  Shes been talking a lot to one of my best friends lately too.. he knows I'd probably shoot him if he tried anything.. but it worries me because a few months back when his GF broke up with him, he was massively flirting with Lindsey, and was like.. Maybe I'll try and get with her etc.. at this point I had feelings for Lindsey, so I told him not too.. and he backed down and is back together with his current GF, even though he complains to me everyday about her..

Maybe I'm just being overprotective/paranoid.. It's just.. I've worked so hard for this, I waited for so long, poured every single emotion I had into this girl, and even the thought of seeing it end is like.. Ouch.
Hmmm,.. I do think you're rather itchy Lt., no wonder perhaps, considering how much you'd to put up with lately.

No I don't think you should be mad at all, neither for some silly internet conversation (with a guy that might as well live in Honolulu and therefore isn't any more real than the internetz itself), nor for her keeping it from you. She'd probably didn't wanted you to read it, because she thought you'd be upset about something that doesn't mean a thing,.. in which she seems to have been right XD

About the flirtatious character: I know a girl that is exactly like that. Guys often thinks she's hitting on them and she attracts all sorts of guys of dubious if not plainly wrong character (and not uncommonly double her age). The girl however is completely unaware of her appearing flirtatious, it really is just her nature. But many guys are like that, they see what they want to see even if any person with just a minimum ammount of common sense could see the truth. For example if she's "flirting" with a 40 year old guy, he's gonna flirt back. The girl might not even consider a 40 year old guy as a possible candidate, so she won't even notice if he IS really flirting with her. In such a scenario, the worst accusation you can make against the girl is her being naive.

The point is: the other guy is the one to keep an eye on, not the girl. I really think you're being a bit paranoid. For God's sake, she's your GF; trust her and distrust the rest. In any case I don't think you should ever be jealous (or mad) with the girl you love. Jealousy at least, is a completely pointless emotion. See it like this: if the girl you like would be engaged with another guy and (unlike your case) there wouldn't be any hope left; you wouldn't have to be jealous and can be happy for them even if you're not happy for yourself. Sure it would still hurt and you can be grieved that you didn't get the girl, but that emotion doesn't have to be destructive in that you begrudge someone else his or her luck. As such, jealousy is just evil. Now, I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm just trying to make clear why being jealous at any time about anything is completely pointless.

Just give her some space, and don't bother about anyone else. And if you have to ask yourself if you actually should have been mad (which means that at that point you aren't), you shouldn't!

Edit: !@#$%^&*() those mountains are beautifull!

Last edited by Lai (2008-02-24 06:45:27)

Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6451|Michigan, USA

What he said ^^^^ and I must reiterate that, HELLS YEAH! Those mountains B-E-A-Utiful!
+1,175|6601|British Columbia, Canada

Funky_Finny wrote:

Is that the origional size of the first pic?
Because it's an amazing picture if you ask me, and I'd like it for my desktop
The original Size of the Photo is..


And just to clear things up.. I was never really mad or jealous, just more worried that she wouldn't let me read the Messages in the first place..
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6713|Florida, United States

LT.Victim wrote:

After I went riding, I went to work for 5 hours, then went to Lindsey's house..

Shes been like messaging this guy on facebook, at first she wouldn't let me read the convo, which just made me want to read it more because she was trying to hide it from me. I read it and she was like flirting with him and stuff..

The guys like

"Oh.. well I just broke up with my GF.. blah blah blah"

And then Lindsey said something like "I can has?"

The guys like.. "Oh.. you can have "

Lindsey replied by saying something like "Oh sorry, I have a BF"

In which he replied.. "Oh.. way to get my hopes up"

I saw like.. the first bit of the this convo the other day, but I didn't read all of it because she closed it before I could, and I told her I wanted to read it etc... but she logged off her facebook, and I don't her password for her facebook..

That happened about two days ago.. and then tonight I asked her if I could read it... she was sitting on my lap at the time, and she was like "Fuck, I can't sit here while you read this".. so she got off and moved to the couch..

I read it and shes told the guy something like..

"Fuck, my bf (ryan) read this convo and got really jealous" etc etc... etc..

At this point I looked at Lindsey and she looked back, and shes just like "YOU CAN'T BE MAD!"

I finished reading it and sat next to her on the couch.. and then everything was fine again..

But still.. I dunno.. should I be mad? I mean, she would be mad at me if I was flirting with some random girls on Facebook...

Or should I be more mad about the part that she was trying to hide it from me, and probably wasn't gonna tell me anything about it until I stumbled upon it.. And remember.. what that guy is doing with her, is what I was doing with her 2-3 months ago, which is why I'm worried.

I know shes loves me and everything... I dunno, Lindsey can be very Flirtatious.. that just her nature.. at times its hard to tell if shes just being friendly.. or overly-friendly..  Shes been talking a lot to one of my best friends lately too.. he knows I'd probably shoot him if he tried anything.. but it worries me because a few months back when his GF broke up with him, he was massively flirting with Lindsey, and was like.. Maybe I'll try and get with her etc.. at this point I had feelings for Lindsey, so I told him not too.. and he backed down and is back together with his current GF, even though he complains to me everyday about her..

Maybe I'm just being overprotective/paranoid.. It's just.. I've worked so hard for this, I waited for so long, poured every single emotion I had into this girl, and even the thought of seeing it end is like.. Ouch.

Havok from December 26th (page 4) wrote:

I had a nearly identical situation as the one you're in right now, except I didn't get as far as you have before I found out the girl I knew was a bitch.  Be careful.  If she does break up with her boyfriend to date you, what makes you think she won't cheat on you too?  I don't want to play the hope-killer, but just keep this thought in the back of your head.
I warned you.  Once a cheater, always a cheater.  It's only a matter of time until that flirting starts to create a bond.  Isn't that how you got to know/like her?  Sorry dude, girls are fickle and don't value what they have.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6362|New Haven, CT
I was just going to say that.

Sadly, I don't know long it is going to last before you become Scott.
Meow :3 :3
does she still read this thread? if not, let her read what you wrote and everyone else wrote.  maybe it'll talk some sense into her, because for what you have done for her, she should be treating you better.  obvious girls that are flirtatious and stuff like that will do that, but she shouldn't have to be hiding it from you if its just in a jokingly manner.

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