BF2s Frat Brother

Magpie wrote:

Bush is the greatest he should get the nobel peace prize
you never know, they gave it to a terrorist.
GunSlinger OIF II

Superslim wrote:

Magpie wrote:

Bush is the greatest he should get the nobel peace prize
you never know, they gave it to a terrorist.
BF2s Frat Brother

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Superslim wrote:

Magpie wrote:

Bush is the greatest he should get the nobel peace prize
you never know, they gave it to a terrorist.

info link:

Last edited by Superslim (2008-02-21 18:36:04)

O Canada
+1,596|6551|North Carolina

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

What's scary about all this is that Congress has a lower approval rate than Bush.

I have a feeling that, regardless of who wins the presidency, the Republicans may take the Senate this year.
source, Id like to see that.
Congressional Approval:

Presidential Approval:

Sources and percentages vary, but in general, Congress has an approval rate at about 10% less than Bush.
GunSlinger OIF II

Turquoise wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

What's scary about all this is that Congress has a lower approval rate than Bush.

I have a feeling that, regardless of who wins the presidency, the Republicans may take the Senate this year.
source, Id like to see that.
Congressional Approval:

Presidential Approval:

Sources and percentages vary, but in general, Congress has an approval rate at about 10% less than Bush.
fair enough, just sounds like all those other "facts" being thrown out.  like obama being a muslim, swearing on a koran yada yada yada
O Canada
+1,596|6551|North Carolina
I know what you mean, and I'm certainly no fan of Bush or the Republican party in general, but it still looks like the Democrats in Congress aren't fairing so well among the public.  About the only Senator doing well right now is Obama.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

This country is most successful with different parties running the Executive and Legislative branches. They counter each other's jackassery.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+877|6107|Washington DC

Kmarion wrote:


And I don't need polls to know he blows

HurricaИe wrote:

Kmarion wrote:


And I don't need polls to know he blows
You blow the pole.. That was pretty cool.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Ninja Fart - Silent but Deadly

steelie34 wrote:

its not all bad.  the US is pretty damn charitable to the rest of the world, especially with food exports to africa.

HurricaИe wrote:

Kmarion wrote:


And I don't need polls to know he blows
O Canada
+1,596|6551|North Carolina

DBBrinson1 wrote:

HurricaИe wrote:

Kmarion wrote:


And I don't need polls to know he blows
You blow the pole.. That was pretty cool.
Cool in a Barry Manilow sort of way....
+877|6107|Washington DC

DBBrinson1 wrote:

HurricaИe wrote:

Kmarion wrote:


And I don't need polls to know he blows
You blow the pole.. That was pretty cool.

he's allowed to have fun like everyone else...'s just marred by everything else he's done in his 8 years

HurricaИe wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

HurricaИe wrote:

And I don't need polls to know he blows
You blow the pole.. That was pretty cool.

he's allowed to have fun like everyone else...'s just marred by everything else he's done in his 8 years
Thanks... But I still back him.   I really think that Rove is right -History will be kind to him.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
O Canada
+1,596|6551|North Carolina
History will be kind to Bush in comparison to Nixon, Harding, Hoover, and Andrew Johnson, but I don't think it will be kind to him compared to many other presidents....

DBBrinson1 wrote:

G3|Genius wrote:

Don't forget a Corperate owned.... ..... what the FUCK you are talking about?!?!
I think that there is a minimum wage for a reason.  You don't want to earn minimum wage?  Fine.  Go to trade school, college, join the Military, get a second minimum wage job.  Minimum wage was never intended to be able to take care of a family of five.  Sadly, I think people believe just that.
Minimum wage won't take care of you by yourself and it certainly won't take of 2 people under the 1 income.  It was never intended to either.

Turquoise wrote:

History will be kind to Bush in comparison to Nixon, Harding, Hoover, and Andrew Johnson, but I don't think it will be kind to him compared to many other presidents....
I still disagree.  He has the HIGHEST APPROVAL rating in GALLUP Organization.  He didn't want 9-11 any more than you or I.  He didn't bring the fight to the US.  We were in a recession when he was elected to tug the reigns.  His taxation methods are sound.  He's done what he felt was best for the country.   He hasn't has allowed terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11.  He fended off countless Dems' retarded BS allegations and has consistently taken the high road through every bull shit fabricated scandal the lib left has thrown at him. He did all of this with a smile (some of you eagerly call a  smirk) -  see his press dinner.  I don't agree with a few things he's done (bailing out sub prime borrowers), but for the most part he's been a good leader and President, despite what the media has said.  I'm sorry you guys bought into the left media bullshit.  You will see it again in the next election as they will attempt to beat down McCain, some after even endorsing him in the primaries, and yes it has already started.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
I hunt criminals down for a living

blisteringsilence wrote:

Pierre wrote:


When Bush took over we were in a recession ALREADY
In 2001? I did not know that. Link?
Good lord, how old are you?

Dot Com Bust, anyone?

Seriously. I want to know how old you are. How ANYONE who was alive and thinking in 2000 could forget this bubble bust, I just don't know.
Completely forgot about it. Maybe because in 2001 I bought my condo, and my jag (my BMW was in 2002), and made lots of money which I didn't invest in some dubious dot com companies. L&H anyone? So it didn't affect me in any way. Were you hurt badly?
The average human being can't speak their own language, doesn't have the motivation to do anything other than take a paycheck and watch TV, can't name a half dozen countries on other continents, and has no bearing on my life whatsoever as long as she/he makes my burrito properly.

I don't give a good shit what 81% of the population thinks. As a matter of fact, if 81% think he sucks, then I'm probably better off. If 81% of the public liked what he were doing he would probably be raiding my bank account to support the world's brokedicks.

I'll stick with the 19%. When I see those TV specials about how 1% of the world controls 50% of its wealth I don't bitch about the 1%, I want to BE the 1%. The fewer people like the President the better I imagine. It means he's doing what he thinks is right, not what will win him a bunch of polls.

Dersmikner wrote:

The average human being can't speak their own language, doesn't have the motivation to do anything other than take a paycheck and watch TV, can't name a half dozen countries on other continents, and has no bearing on my life whatsoever as long as she/he makes my burrito properly.

I don't give a good shit what 81% of the population thinks. As a matter of fact, if 81% think he sucks, then I'm probably better off. If 81% of the public liked what he were doing he would probably be raiding my bank account to support the world's brokedicks.

I'll stick with the 19%. When I see those TV specials about how 1% of the world controls 50% of its wealth I don't bitch about the 1%, I want to BE the 1%. The fewer people like the President the better I imagine. It means he's doing what he thinks is right, not what will win him a bunch of polls.
Enjoy your fuel bills and the sub-prime fallout.

CameronPoe wrote:

Dersmikner wrote:

The average human being can't speak their own language, doesn't have the motivation to do anything other than take a paycheck and watch TV, can't name a half dozen countries on other continents, and has no bearing on my life whatsoever as long as she/he makes my burrito properly.

I don't give a good shit what 81% of the population thinks. As a matter of fact, if 81% think he sucks, then I'm probably better off. If 81% of the public liked what he were doing he would probably be raiding my bank account to support the world's brokedicks.

I'll stick with the 19%. When I see those TV specials about how 1% of the world controls 50% of its wealth I don't bitch about the 1%, I want to BE the 1%. The fewer people like the President the better I imagine. It means he's doing what he thinks is right, not what will win him a bunch of polls.
Enjoy your fuel bills and the sub-prime fallout.
whats fuel in Ireland? how much has it gone up or down since 2004? not trying to be a smart ass, honestly curious.

HurricaИe wrote:

And I don't need polls to know he blows
You just need your own childish instinct, right?

Turquoise wrote:

I have a feeling that, regardless of who wins the presidency, the Republicans may take the Senate this year.
Oh no...not that! Not a decent Senate majority with their heads screwed on their necks the right way coming back!

Oh lord whatever shall I do??????!!11!//111!1

CameronPoe wrote:

Logical and rationality does not appear to be your strong point.
And grammar, yours.

Last edited by The_Mac (2008-02-22 07:28:41)


lowing wrote:

whats fuel in Ireland? how much has it gone up or down since 2004? not trying to be a smart ass, honestly curious.
€1.17 ($1.73) a litre of petrol (gas). That's $6.55 a gallon of gas if I haven't fucked up my conversions (perhaps I have). I'll have to do a search for 2004 prices.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|6975|Grapevine, TX

CameronPoe wrote:

Dersmikner wrote:

The average human being can't speak their own language, doesn't have the motivation to do anything other than take a paycheck and watch TV, can't name a half dozen countries on other continents, and has no bearing on my life whatsoever as long as she/he makes my burrito properly.

I don't give a good shit what 81% of the population thinks. As a matter of fact, if 81% think he sucks, then I'm probably better off. If 81% of the public liked what he were doing he would probably be raiding my bank account to support the world's brokedicks.

I'll stick with the 19%. When I see those TV specials about how 1% of the world controls 50% of its wealth I don't bitch about the 1%, I want to BE the 1%. The fewer people like the President the better I imagine. It means he's doing what he thinks is right, not what will win him a bunch of polls.
Enjoy your fuel bills and the sub-prime fallout.

CameronPoe wrote:

I don't care about your domestic business... just what affects the outside world.
Walk the walk, not just your talk. You consistently make condescending comments and sneers/ comments about the United States. Including Domestic affairs. Would it  would be to much to ask you to stop? Let this guy speak his mind without you belittling our country!

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