I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6878|Cologne, Germany

kilroy0097 wrote:

irok100 wrote:

OKAY... here it goes
Blackhawks: suck, the chain gun has been rendered useless thus making the blackhawk about as useful as a commercial jet. except for the fact that C4 can still be thrown out of them and that may be the only way to achieve expert explosives now
So what you are saying is that the Blackhawk is now on par with the other transport choppers in the game?

Where is the issue?
K, love the new patch. It changed the game from unreal tournament style play to a real tactical action game. sort of. ANyway, just a note for all you people out there... the name of the sniper rifle is not AWP no matter what counter strikers might say. It is a L96A1, which is the British version of the AWC PM sniper rifle. Fires the same round as the G3 too (.308 NATO).

Speelbal wrote:

Maybe this is asked before: But do you get the new unlocks if you don't own Special forces?? Because I got promoted to Second Leutiant, but no new unlocks.

So...does this only mean Special forces owners get the new Anti tank and sniper weapons?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6878|Cologne, Germany

so far, patch looks fine. you can still throw grenades and jump at the same time, just have to start the throwing motion before you jump. No left clicking while you jump though, which is great. gets rid of the bunny hoppers and C4 chuckers.

I don't know about the minimal arming distance of the GL. I was able to kill a guy at about two meters distance yesterday. I need more testing of that.

biggest issue: AA

My problem with the "go fly yourself and stop whining" - argument is that even on a 64-player-server, there will be only 2 jets for 32 people. What are those other 30 guys to do when the jets are taken ? some of us will have to be on the ground, capping flags.

Hell, if I tried to get into a jet lately, there is a good chance I was going to be sniped right out of the cockpit or TK'ed before I even made it to the plane.

jets were so powerful and impossible to fight from the ground at the same time, that on any given night on a wake server, 90% of team members would rather camp the carrier and wait for the jet to respawn instead of trying to cap a flag on the island.

Moreover, teamplay on most public servers will be so bad, that I will have no way to communicate with the pilots on my team to ask for air support. In 80-90% of the games I have been in, our pilots were busy doing bombings runs on the enemy uncap or attacking SP's to raise their personal score instead of trying to keep the enemy jets of our back while we were down on the ground, screaming for air support.

So yes, I am glad I at least have a means to keep the jets at bay myself now, if our pilots should decide they are not gonna help us out.

I agree that BF2 has incredible depth and huge tactical implications, but the prerequisite for that is always teamplay. Every unit on the battlefield is important, you won't win a map only with planes or only with infantry.

I played about two hours of wake last night and even with the new AA, the jets were still owning everything. Which is fine, btw, jets are at the top of the food chain in BF2, with armor coming in second and infantry right down at the bottom. I don't mind that. It is a realistic approach from a game design POV.
What I do mind though is that us infantry guys should have no valuable means to fight enemy jets at all. that was the case in 1.12, and now it isn't any more.

I guess most of the good pilots here will accept the changes as what they are, a challenge.

they will adapt and learn to fight the AA before they do anything else, which btw is what real air forces also do, eliminating enemy AA installations before commencing ground attacks. nothing special here.

and maybe, just maybe, this patch will improve teamplay a little, with pilots asking for ground support against AA in exchange for air suppot against armor. would that be so bad ?

example of premier teamplay:
SL:"hey, pilot dude, we have an enemy tank on the bridge at the northern base and need air support"
Pilot: "Roger that, commencing attack, hold your squad until bombs have dropped. Could you take care of the AA ?"
SL: " absolutely. I'll have my sniper watch it."

oh boy, how I would love to have a conversation like that at some point...

helis now take a lot more damage faster. I do think that's a little bit of a mistake on DICE's part, since they are more vulnerable to MMG fire ( they fly low and considerably slower than jets ), but I guess the pilots will learn to adapt and change target approach tactics to counter the changed vulnerability of their chopper.

Overall, I think it's a good patch.
... WTF happen to the Black Hawk? And is the car and new AA against Choopers? You can shoot a chooper down with a FAV, if you keep shooting it for 4 1/2 second. And the blackhawk gun is like.... Transporter gun. You cant even shoot 15 people staying in a group with it (Scarcasim) And the tank is like, "WTF? 1 shoot from a tank and then you have like, 5 bar left? The only thing that is better is the Cobra. The guns are better. But the damage bar is like F***ed up.

Speelbal wrote:

Speelbal wrote:

Maybe this is asked before: But do you get the new unlocks if you don't own Special forces?? Because I got promoted to Second Leutiant, but no new unlocks.

So...does this only mean Special forces owners get the new Anti tank and sniper weapons?
Correct you need to own SF to get these weapons.

Rommel1l wrote:

Another way Developers ruin a great game..... listen to the crap players and then change everything.

Reduce aircraft strength plust increased AA are you f'ing kidding me? 

I was in a J-10 pulling a 180 degree turn with flares being release, got pegged by two linebacker shots and was easily brought down.

Im not a jet whore by any means but these changes for the planes are pathetic.
Your not a jet whore ?

I guess not.. but you certainly are not good on the infantry side

Totals      206:31:03      7,274      6,891


IndianScout wrote:

guess the pilot whores who spend the whole map bombing people to get 15:1, 20:1, 25:1 kill/death ratios will have to rethink their tactics..

told you this would rock....
You are not wrong !

HA HA HA to all them plane whores.. ha ha ha.. i am sooo pleased they are all crying like little bitches

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

judging from your stats i can see why your happy...cause your fucking trash. http://bf2s.com/player/BigWhompaOne%20/
Is it because he has expert knife and you my friend have never been that close to an enemy because you are always in a plane..

Worlds 2nd longest sentence

StokoE wrote:

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

judging from your stats i can see why your happy...cause your fucking trash. http://bf2s.com/player/BigWhompaOne%20/
Is it because he has expert knife and you my friend have never been that close to an enemy because you are always in a plane..

Worlds 2nd longest sentence
I noticed the person with the Expert knife badge got his basic on September 9, Veteran on the 10th and then Expert on the 22nd. If that doesn't scream stats padding, I don't know what does.

Obviously there are plenty of people who play this game who are so desperate for badges and score that they will get their little buddies together and have a little knifing party just to get a badge.

MajorJerkwad wrote:

StokoE wrote:

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

judging from your stats i can see why your happy...cause your fucking trash. http://bf2s.com/player/BigWhompaOne%20/
Is it because he has expert knife and you my friend have never been that close to an enemy because you are always in a plane..

Worlds 2nd longest sentence
I noticed the person with the Expert knife badge got his basic on September 9, Veteran on the 10th and then Expert on the 22nd. If that doesn't scream stats padding, I don't know what does.

Obviously there are plenty of people who play this game who are so desperate for badges and score that they will get their little buddies together and have a little knifing party just to get a badge.
nice catch.
I did some playing with my bots yesterday to check out the new patch. The no-jump-while-jumping is genius, and I'm glad for the prone-delay. But the AA acted a bit strange; I'm not sure if it's due to the new patch or if it's just a bug.

On Fushe Pass I played USMC and got into the chopper. The enemy chopper flied above in its predestined path, and a bot fired an Igla/whatever rocket at it. The rocket reaches halfway to the enemy chopper, then mixes up, and flies back and forth between my chopper (still trying to take off) and that of the enemy at a rate of 100 turns per second; then it flops out and explodes my chopper. What!?

... But the new AA is great. Two basic AA rockets won't down a chopper if fired at its front (that's what I experienced), but it will severly damage it. Also, choppers get damaged if the pilot jumps into the gunners seat . Lovely.
I'm actually very surprised to be reading what I have!

"This patch caters to babies"

"This was for the noobs"

That's hilarious.

This patch has done EXACTLY what I thought it would:

Make the skilled players STAND OUT, and make the noobs bitch and complain.  Without bunnyhopping, Dolphin Diving, C4 chucking, and pointblank noob tubing, the game has been balanced to the point that the players who ONLY knew how to kill people with cheap tricks are at a loss.  This patch is a blessing, and has done more for the game than any past patch:

Don't get me wrong, I could C4 Chuck and all that when I played, but I didn't.  why? because it was cheap.
Now the game is left for those who are truly skilled, who can truly fly, and who can truly shoot.

Anyone complaining is just bad.

Kudos to Dice,

P.S. Before you call me a noob, check my stats:

MajorJerkwad wrote:

StokoE wrote:

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

judging from your stats i can see why your happy...cause your fucking trash. http://bf2s.com/player/BigWhompaOne%20/
Is it because he has expert knife and you my friend have never been that close to an enemy because you are always in a plane..

Worlds 2nd longest sentence
I noticed the person with the Expert knife badge got his basic on September 9, Veteran on the 10th and then Expert on the 22nd. If that doesn't scream stats padding, I don't know what does.

Obviously there are plenty of people who play this game who are so desperate for badges and score that they will get their little buddies together and have a little knifing party just to get a badge.
Well looking at the guys stats just shows that he went for the knife badge.. Getting Basic then Vet is usually around the same time anyway.. I think i done the same.. but it took me ages to get that knife badge expert..  I didnt stat pad to get it and i am sure this other guy didnt.. It just doesnt add up what your saying..

Anyway back to complain about the new patch.. I dont have anything to complain about really.. I just love the way these cocksuckers are saying its shit..  Thats because you fucking suck as infantry (now i am not the best by any means)   

I am too much of a commando and go in when i shouldnt.. thats why mine are not great.. but they are not totally shit..  oh well..

P.S I still think you should be able to Jump and throw some C4 over a wall etc.. but still only trigger it whilst on the ground.. Thats the only thing whats bad..  I dont mean the run jump at someone and then run and jump Trigger BOOM ! just common sense throwing..
Camp Freddie
I'm just hoping that the lack of total jet pwnage will allow me to get a >1 k/d ratio...

However, when playing last night there was still mass ownage by fly-boys, though at least I managed to take down a few of them.
The good jet pilots were already able to take me out at a stinger site using their cannons from beyond lock range.  Some people are just TOO good at this game!

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

niomosy wrote:

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

another one who doesnt know what hes saying."The new AA is ok aswell,all the bitches who cry about getting pwnzord in a jet are just mediocre pilots". i've killed some of the best pilots in the game with the aa without hesitation and in a jet as well. it requires no skill to kill jets now. it pisses me off how noobs like you flame good pilots, yet you know dick about aviating.
While they might have gone overboard on AA's new-found smarts, you have to admit that in 1.12, there was generally very little chance of dying in a jet unless another jet wanted to step away from the point-profitable bombing runs and strafing for a dog fight.
thats the thing, a good pilot should make his first priority whatever is owning the game. if its a jet then the jet should be his first priority. thats the thing, i keep repeating, this game was always balanced, its just the skill that wasnt balanced.
I agree that skill should be involved.  What I'm pointing out is that AA in 1.12 was more luck than skill.  AA was beyond dumb in 1.12.  Even with a chopper coming at you head-on with no flares, you were going to miss more times than not.  Every pilot knew that and wouldn't even bother with AA turrets.  Sure, they'd take out the AA vehicles so long as someone was in them and they'd get a kill out of it but that's really about it.

Perhaps they went too far with AA.  I haven't had as much chance to test as I'd like with limited hours the last few days.  Still, something had to be done about AA.  It was rarely useful otherwise with AA vehicles ending up as a poor man's APC.

[chu^2]sysfailur wrote:

Well, I am primarily a pilot and I've gotta say that the new missiles/aa canons are ridiculous.  Please tell me to go fuck myself I don't care.  There are 2 extremes to planes.  Before they were too hard to shoot down.  Now they are WAY too easy to shoot down.

Any complete MORON who can jump in an IGLA can now shoot down very good pilots with ease.  You call that fair?  So this is what, payback from all of our plane whoring?  Good game EA.  What they need to do is find an equal midpoint or else no one is going to fly.

Regardless, even with the new shitty planes I was still able to (by being INSANELY careful) get scores of 25/0, 35/3, (etc in that range) on Wake as China.  I barely touched the aircraft carrier but once--I got hit 3 times down to 33% J10 health--and said fuck it, no point even going near that again. 

Is there a way to still attack the carrier?  Yes.  If you come in at a totally odd direction at 600 feet and then dive bomb down you can still attack it but most pilots are going to get destroyed doing this.

There is ONE good thing about how easy it is to shoot down planes.  Hopefully it will deter morons who can't fly from flying.  It's not very fun when they jump in and are shot down in < 30 seconds.  That will teach em

On a side note, wtf @ GL spamming.  This was "fixed"?  Are they joking?  I can't even begin to tell you how many times today on Karkand I was GL spammed right in front of me point blank in my face.   Fixed? hahaha  yeah no.

I do love the PKM though, just like everyone else seems to.  One actual nice improvement.

Btw, the whole "you have to know what angle to attack it at" is nonsense.  Do you destroy Essex guns at 90 degrees directly centered over the gun?  Because that is the only angle you're not gonna get fucked is.

ENOUGH of the whinning flyboys.  My first experience with the patch; I was on clean sweep and was killed 6 times, ALL 6 TIMES by AIRCRAFT.  I took out 1, and got a kill assist for 1.  YOU STILL HAVE A 3:1 ADVANTAGE!

Further, it takes 3 shots from an AA to bring down a jet.  How many bombs does it take to take out the AA?  ONE.  Again, a 3 to 1 advantage.   There was a jet coming at me, I shot it with the AA, he bombed me and killed me, flew off to rearm/repair.

QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING!  If you think a 3 to 1 advantage for you is not enough, you REALLY suck.  Go to control panel, add remove programs, and uninstall Battlefeild 2.  And don't post your complaints here.

3 to 1 advantage!  Jeez, you'd think maybe it was almost fair the way you crybabies go on and on.

Last edited by EsP-Grandpa (2006-02-16 11:35:35)


Stcool wrote:

... WTF happen to the Black Hawk? And is the car and new AA against Choopers? You can shoot a chooper down with a FAV, if you keep shooting it for 4 1/2 second. And the blackhawk gun is like.... Transporter gun. You cant even shoot 15 people staying in a group with it (Scarcasim) And the tank is like, "WTF? 1 shoot from a tank and then you have like, 5 bar left? The only thing that is better is the Cobra. The guns are better. But the damage bar is like F***ed up.
A shot from a tank should be wiping most any chopper out.  Taking 5 seconds direct fire from a 50cal like that and you don't think your chopper should be in fumes?  You're funny.  C'mon, tell me another one!
OK so has anyone noticed the claymore problem on karkand? theres TONNES of them
last night on moongamers I saw them lined up like dominos from the fence to the hotel flag, there had to be 45 just in the little fence area its nuts
take out C-4 now its claymore EVERYWHERE!!
Best part about the new ranks is ppl like blazin and others who whore karkand will never get to that  Brigadier General rank because they are not well rounded and probably never will be.

BeefnCheez wrote:

Best part about the new ranks is ppl like blazin and others who whore karkand will never get to that  Brigadier General rank because they are not well rounded and probably never will be.
actually its firestorm that plays ONLY that one map and he has 500 more hours than blazin
Kick His Ass!
+371|6731|Howell, Mi USA

the_skajaquada wrote:

BeefnCheez wrote:

Best part about the new ranks is ppl like blazin and others who whore karkand will never get to that  Brigadier General rank because they are not well rounded and probably never will be.
actually its firestorm that plays ONLY that one map and he has 500 more hours than blazin
your right, every time iv looked at firestorms account if he's online he's in the exact same Karbullcrapkand only server.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with the patch or the direction EA is moving in with this game.The patch was created by request from those who play the game. I'm happy to know EA is listening. I would like to see a 3D version of Battlefield2. Just think about how intense that would be. Old farts like me would probably have a heart attack the first time we got shot. I did notice though the ribbons for Special Forces on this site don't show all the information for receiving them. To look at mine it shows I have met the criteria. It wasn't until I actually received one that I noticed you also have to play in each map for each force. Well enough rambling for now  I'm off  to warlord to kill me some enemy.

Hope to kill you soon!

+3|6745|England, UK

niomosy wrote:

Stcool wrote:

... WTF happen to the Black Hawk? And is the car and new AA against Choopers? You can shoot a chooper down with a FAV, if you keep shooting it for 4 1/2 second. And the blackhawk gun is like.... Transporter gun. You cant even shoot 15 people staying in a group with it (Scarcasim) And the tank is like, "WTF? 1 shoot from a tank and then you have like, 5 bar left? The only thing that is better is the Cobra. The guns are better. But the damage bar is like F***ed up.
A shot from a tank should be wiping most any chopper out.  Taking 5 seconds direct fire from a 50cal like that and you don't think your chopper should be in fumes?  You're funny.  C'mon, tell me another one!
Well, I certainly don't think so. We're not playing insta-fucking-gib Battlefield here. Just because you can hit a helicopter with a tank round doesn't mean they should blow up immediately. NOTHING should be killed in one shot. Also, 5 seconds direct fire to kill a helocopter IS too fast, regardless of what you think. There physically isn't enough time for a pilot to avoid or react to that kind of direct fire unless you are lucky. Especially on wide open maps such as wake island. The only map that you can survive easily on in a chopper is Sharqi, because you can duck behind buildings and shit. Other maps are too wide open, the pilots have absolutely no defense mechanism to overpowered attacks.

uk.solidsnake wrote:

niomosy wrote:

Stcool wrote:

... WTF happen to the Black Hawk? And is the car and new AA against Choopers? You can shoot a chooper down with a FAV, if you keep shooting it for 4 1/2 second. And the blackhawk gun is like.... Transporter gun. You cant even shoot 15 people staying in a group with it (Scarcasim) And the tank is like, "WTF? 1 shoot from a tank and then you have like, 5 bar left? The only thing that is better is the Cobra. The guns are better. But the damage bar is like F***ed up.
A shot from a tank should be wiping most any chopper out.  Taking 5 seconds direct fire from a 50cal like that and you don't think your chopper should be in fumes?  You're funny.  C'mon, tell me another one!
Well, I certainly don't think so. We're not playing insta-fucking-gib Battlefield here. Just because you can hit a helicopter with a tank round doesn't mean they should blow up immediately. NOTHING should be killed in one shot. Also, 5 seconds direct fire to kill a helocopter IS too fast, regardless of what you think. There physically isn't enough time for a pilot to avoid or react to that kind of direct fire unless you are lucky. Especially on wide open maps such as wake island. The only map that you can survive easily on in a chopper is Sharqi, because you can duck behind buildings and shit. Other maps are too wide open, the pilots have absolutely no defense mechanism to overpowered attacks.
Wrong.  A tank shell would DEMOLISH a chopper in one shot.  You realize choppers aren't meant to fly low enough for tanks to even see?  Play with me and my gunner, we remain unseen and use the choppers as they should be: Gunboats.  Park at a distance, and let the gunner wreck all vehicles with TV missles.

My pwnage with a chopper hasn't changed since the patch, and I will reiterate:

With the new patch, the truly good players will stand out, and the noobs will complain.

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