
What do you think of the 1.2 patch?

This patch sux32%32% - 51
This patch is awesome40%40% - 64
Don't care - I will play it either way26%26% - 42
Total: 157

Linus wrote:

I think it sucks when EA/DICE caves in to some little kiddie whiners who apparently dont
know how to hit moving targets...  Its called JUMPING, people..

Bonehead Award for 2006 goes to EA/DICE for changing a entire player movement for a game
that has been out for 6 months...

Gee, I wonder if I complain about how hard it is to sack Peyton Manning in Madden 06' if they
will issue a patch for me and change it all up...

"bunny hopping" and "dolphin diving" .... theres 2 terms made up by some noob who didnt know
how to play very well, thats for sure..  Funny, though, I have NO trouble killing anyone jumping
or proning..

Some of you whiners should take up another game... I hear Disney is releasing a new Finding
Nemo game next month..

It wouldnt surprise me if they changed it back 6 months from now to the original way.. That
would be hilarious.. I put nothing past EA or DICE..   Sadly, though BF2 will soon be collecting
dust on my shelf..  I cant deal with the cry babies any more..
Honestly, learning to handle bunny hopping makes you a better player. Whining about it, makes EA decide to attach M80's to the game and light them, in their ignorant attempt to "fix" things.

And dolphin diving, was that EVER a hard think to counter?? I mean WTF... XD

"OMG, He's jumping upward into the air BEFORE lying down prone on the ground!! Let's piss our pants and run in circles!!!"

Seriously, just follow the guy through the air, or wait for him to hit the ground and unload into his face.
This is pissing me off, I was hating this patch the day they released info on it! XD

Back then everyone called me a bunnyhopping loving noob (even though I don't bunny hop, and I never use anything that has ever been labeled as cheap).

NOW the same exact retards are quoting me. >
This is all just too funny.

I think the point of BF2 was to have a realistic war game. How is proning in mid air over and over again realistic? How is proning-standing-proning in the span of half a second realistic? I never had a problem with bunnyhoppers, i could kill em no problem. But i also dont have a problem with it being taken out as it doesnt affect my movements since I never bunnyhop.

I feel when I play now that it mimicks real movement and now as infantry, you cant just charge down the middle of a street firing from the hip. You have to act sensibly knowing a PKM could cut you down in an instant.

uk.solidsnake wrote:

I like how the opinion of most people who like the patch is: "it got rid of noobs and leaves only skilled players lolz!".

Wait a second...

So... this game is only open to skilled players now is it? You ignorant fucks.

What are you guys going to do now? You might not have realised it during your ignorant glee, but you probably just killed half the player population on BF2. These people aren't going to adapt, they are going to LEAVE.

That's a good thing though, right? Wrong.

Oh yeah, noone is going to want to start playing fresh now either. Why? EVERYONE starts as a noob. How the HELL do you expect anyone to get good at a game if it only rewards skilled players? A noob can't become skilled if the game is so difficult they have no chance to learn. How can a pilot learn to fly if he gets shot down instantly? I feel dreadfully sorry for anyone starting out on this game now.

I am baffled by how people can be so ignorant and selfish, they want to eliminate new and less skilled players and future players just so they can enjoy the feeling of being "elite". I'm going to miss the times some guy called "Jason289473" or "CoolMan128" joined my squad and follows me around, clearly new to the game, yet all he wanted to do was heal me and have fun. All he wanted to do was to have the chance to copilot or pilot without being called a whore.

Here's a reality check. Every patch since the game release has ruined the game for somebody. Every patch since the release will have caused people to leave. Eventually a patch is going to come along that will ruin the game for you, and somebody else will call you a whiny skilless noob, just because you were trying to defend something you enjoyed. Eventually, the server list is only going to return empty servers. With the current track record of the game, it is statistically inevitable.

I hope you people choke.

Selfish pricks.
I'm 100% with you too matey,

Awesome post
Donald O' Brien
I am not a big fan of the new patch, but I'm not going to whine or complain, as that is exactly the reason we have this mess.

kR4MR wrote:

ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:

adapt or die
Evolution my dear friend, natural selection if you will.
The last person still playing BF2 is the superior breed of gamer
I can imagine the last person still playing BF2 will be mighty lonely

uk.solidsnake wrote:

I like how the opinion of most people who like the patch is: "it got rid of noobs and leaves only skilled players lolz!".

Wait a second...

So... this game is only open to skilled players now is it? You ignorant fucks.
What a great strawman. This is the opinion of "most people" is it? LOL.

I think what you might find people saying is that now to fly (air/helo) you have to have have a bit more skill. That doesn't get rid of noobs, but it does get rid of the people spawn raping in the helo, or clowns racking up 20:1 K/D ratios on Oman by just bombing the beach flags repeatedly. Now in order to live in the air you actually have to fly low and evade, rather that just cruising around with impunity. Imagine that!

What makes me laugh is the people defending dolphin diving and noob tubing as "skills" and complaining that that infantry combat is now slow. Congratulations - you found a bug in the game where you could defy the laws of physics, and now DICE has closed it. Have a look at [url]http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/ode.wmv[/url] and tell me that being able to do that makes the game better.

Since 1.2 was released I:
- haven't been killed by the noob toob (and I get killed a lot )
- haven't been shot by someone prone in midair
- haven't seen the top 5 positions on maps with air/helos be dominated by those who fly
- haven't seen the UH-60 survive the entire game on Mash

In other words it in my mind it is a great success. My only real dissapointment is that the red/blue bug still seems to exist
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6850|Orlando, FL - Age 43

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Look at sig

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

Those of you who are COMPLAINING about this patch an the GL, are NOOB TUBING FLAMING HOPPERS,  and I AM GLAD THEY ARE FUCKING UP YOUR GAME.   In RL if you walked ran hopped whatever to get to me and then pull out your GL and shot the ground next to me to kill me, id behead you before you could reload it.  and thats fact.  and before it ever exploded, i could skull fuck your remains.  stop sticking up for you skill-less asses an learn to shoot. i Cant wait for the patch. and i hope EA makes all ranked server adapt to use the new patch if they wish to remain ranked.  FUCK YOU NOOB TUBING FAGS
You were Soooooo happy when they first started bring out the changelist.......look at you now.
Go Cards !!
+196|6738|The Ville
wouldn't surprise me if there's and AA tank vehicle at wake. hell the ground defense missle guns will be more in play now.
+31|6732|Phoenix, AZ

Dr_3V|L wrote:

Agree. To stick c4 onto a tank now, you'll have to run towards it in a kamikaze move, put the c4 on it and try to run away and detonate. Then you get killed before you do. It's so stupid. Even medic bags and resupply packages can't be thrown while jumping.
When prone, it takes 2 seconds to stand up again. If you are hiding behind a wall, that means you'll have to crouch instead of prone, because standing up again takes too much time. And if you crouch (I don't really know if this is the good word), you have your head above the wall. Sniper paradise - especially with the new sniper rifle.
The PKM is way overpowered now. I've used it, and it racks up kills real fast, faster than ever. That is just not balanced anymore.
The new P90 unlock for the anti-tank is not my favourite. The new sniper unlock is a good weapon... I think I prefer it above the M24 and the M95.

The only real good thing about this patch are the new ranks. That gives some reward to the players with high points (including me).
BUT even that doesn't work out good. 1410 hours in all vehicles for a rank? WTF? I'm sure EA is kidding us. New hotfix please!

Edit: Agree at Esker I mean
i aint "flamin'", but,

- i never threw C4 on tanks, cos i never knew you could throw it. once i found out, i didn't do it eiter, seemed kinda unreliable/unpredictable - i'll just hand-stick it and run away while turret is pointed the other way...
- proning...imagine doin it in real life...not even supaman can stand up so fast after lying on stomach, so it is now more realistic = good.
- PKM overpowering??? i remember when coming face to face with enemy (like 2-5 metres away), proning, and i'd always die. Out of 30-50 bullets, ALL would miss. THAT's unrealistic. The PKM is not a bb gun. Its not that inaccurate. so now i can hand-hold it and spray, like spetsnaz do IRL, sometimes.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6744|MoVal So-Cal
The patch is a massive success! Its such a huge success because all you chopper and jet whores out there who thought you were the shit at the game suddenly are finding that you suck. You are mad because you get shot down, booo hoo hoo I was mad when i got bombed and tv missled 12 times in a row and i didn't come onto the forums and bitch. Most of the complainer out there are jet and chopper whores and i take great joy in seeing the  good pilots actually owning the AA and liking the patch because of the new challenge while all the noobs are bitching
Only problem is that plane whoring is easier now because bombs make more damage and planes have missiles that lock pretty well. But planes have 6 missiles that lock themselves whereas chopper has 8 that do not lock.

Plus the sound is screwd up, I dont hear gunner in the chopper when I fly, or dont see him shoot
also TV missile is to stupid now, almost useless
[TB]Dragon Slayer
Hehe, gotta love it!
+3|6752|England, UK

Tom_CDN wrote:

uk.solidsnake wrote:

I like how the opinion of most people who like the patch is: "it got rid of noobs and leaves only skilled players lolz!".

Wait a second...

So... this game is only open to skilled players now is it? You ignorant fucks.
What a great strawman. This is the opinion of "most people" is it? LOL.

I think what you might find people saying is that now to fly (air/helo) you have to have have a bit more skill. That doesn't get rid of noobs, but it does get rid of the people spawn raping in the helo, or clowns racking up 20:1 K/D ratios on Oman by just bombing the beach flags repeatedly. Now in order to live in the air you actually have to fly low and evade, rather that just cruising around with impunity. Imagine that!

What makes me laugh is the people defending dolphin diving and noob tubing as "skills" and complaining that that infantry combat is now slow. Congratulations - you found a bug in the game where you could defy the laws of physics, and now DICE has closed it. Have a look at http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/ode.wmv and tell me that being able to do that makes the game better.

Since 1.2 was released I:
- haven't been killed by the noob toob (and I get killed a lot )
- haven't been shot by someone prone in midair
- haven't seen the top 5 positions on maps with air/helos be dominated by those who fly
- haven't seen the UH-60 survive the entire game on Mash

In other words it in my mind it is a great success. My only real dissapointment is that the red/blue bug still seems to exist
Yes, I stand by what I said. I feel it is the opinion of most because the majority of responses to complaints about the patch were "stfu skilless noob" and "finally all the noobs are gone!".

And, what I am about to say my astonish you and others.

- game (noun)
An activity providing entertainment or amusement.

The game before the patch was fun. After the patch, it is no longer fun.

If we look at this logically, I'd say...

- More people are complaining about the patch rather than praising it.
- The fun factor has been severely reduced due to the patch.
- A game is designed to be fun, which this patch does not accomplish
- Therefore, the patch is a complete failure.

I don't care if the antics of some players before were classed as ridiculous or exploits. The game was fun. The game is now retarded, and if I wanted to do something frustrating and retarded, I'd go outside and pound nails into my dick. Games are supposed to provide a fun alternative to reality. Battlefield no longer accomplishes this.

That isn't to say some of your points aren't valid, many of the issues addressed in the patch needed to be dealt with. However, there is a line and DICE/EA jumped right over it and kept going.
Jack Klompus
+1|6690|Madison, WI
I totally agree with solidsnake.  This patch has taken all of the fun out of the game.
+51|6769|Twente, The Netherlands
Half of the people in this thread (read: the patch 1.2 lovers) are asses. And I'm not saying that because I am one of those 'Bunny hopping grenade ''noobs'' ' , but because it changed the game so dramatically. They have adjusted the things too much.

- Helicopters too strong? Decrease armor, missles. Increase AA effectiveness and accuracy and you get an unbalanced game again.
- Why the hell did they improve the PKM? Now if you see a guy with a PKM, whether it's 10 or 100 meters away... you're a dead man.
- Looking at the prone adjustment (for disabling the ''dolphin diving'' - i hate that word): it sucks. Waiting 2 secs before being able to stand up again is absolute shit! Omg this is a lunatic solution to it. Stupid person who came to that idea.
- Also the ''bunnyhopping'' problem is solved! Yes!! Now we can't throw c4 while jumping, can't shoot, can't throw medic bags and resupply packages. Yay! Suckass.
- Some people say that this makes BF2 a more realistic game, as it was 'intended' to be. Fist: this game was never intended to be realistic. If you played this game longer than 10 minutes you would probably have noticed. Secondly: for the tough guys. How about the AT mines and Claymores not killing any friendlys anymore? Is that realistic? NO.
Luckily there are people around who see the darkness in this patch. The other guys should open their eyes and see what's wrong with it. Maybe if they get better they wil understand.


That relieves a bit. Thanks for reading. Flame me. I don't care.
Got milk?
I don't really care. I can get over it. I like BF2 because it is a BF2. And I play to have some fun, not because of the points. So as long as I able to shoot, run, die, being revived, BF2 is still a good game for me. The only thing that kinda bothers me is the different game physics. You cant see alot of people on the open area now.  But I'm sure when I get used to it, this game will be like before, maybe even better.

Last edited by Dr.Battlefield (2006-02-16 11:09:32)

I'ma Eat Yo Children!
+17|6689|Annapolis, MD
I LOVE the patch, mainly because of how it fixed dolphin diving, bunny hopping, and C4 chucking. The weapon adjustments are great, although I'm still figuring them out.

Although it's better that there is no more round-long base rapage, it was a mistake to BOTH increase missile accuracy and weaken aircraft HP. I would have left the HP how it was, and increase missile accuracy. I am mainly a ground pounder, so the only thing that bothers me is how easily the blackhawk tards out when a jet or AA wants to take it down.

Almost forgot the wall glitches. You're done, fags.
I have a non-violent solution.

Those of you who don't like the new patch, stop playing the game.

Those of you who DO like the new patch, keep on playing the game.

Those of you who haven't decided, play some games and decide. If you keep on playing without noticing that you do, you like the new patch.

Thank you. Please resume trying to affect Dice and / or EA.
+-2|6744|England, UK

Y0URDAD wrote:

I LOVE the patch, mainly because of how it fixed dolphin diving, bunny hopping, and C4 chucking. The weapon adjustments are great, although I'm still figuring them out.

Although it's better that there is no more round-long base rapage, it was a mistake to BOTH increase missile accuracy and weaken aircraft HP. I would have left the HP how it was, and increase missile accuracy. I am mainly a ground pounder, so the only thing that bothers me is how easily the blackhawk tards out when a jet or AA wants to take it down.

Almost forgot the wall glitches. You're done, fags.
Well said mate. And to all you noobs who think your now going to own in the AA, proberly even TKing each other to get in it, no chance. After playing for the last couple of days with the new patch, good pilots and gunners are still doing the business. Having to fly map of the earth sometimes and I have to get the hell out of dodge quicker if under fire. New AA is hitting us more but that means that the AA sites will be shot more.
On Sharqi today I gunned in the cobra. We managed to TV the taking off attack heli and kill the AA whore plus destroy the site. Job done.

Still think though that the patch has gone too far in trying to cripple the airforce. New and up coming pilots are going to have a steep learning curve.
+-2|6744|England, UK

Janysc wrote:

I have a non-violent solution.

Those of you who don't like the new patch, stop playing the game.

Those of you who DO like the new patch, keep on playing the game.

Those of you who haven't decided, play some games and decide. If you keep on playing without noticing that you do, you like the new patch.

Thank you. Please resume trying to affect Dice and / or EA.
I've got a better idea, all the airpower fearing no skill noobs who moaned, feck off!
Got milk?
Ummm how about just dont install the new patch?
+-2|6744|England, UK

Dr.Battlefield wrote:

Ummm how about just dont install the new patch?
Lack of servers
This patch ruined my favorite part of the game... the fast paced infantry combat. Now it feels as though i'm controlling an 80 year old arthritis ridden old man who doesnt have it in him to get up quickly and dive into a corner even with the long barrel of an enemy tank staring in his face, instead he pauses (for 1-2 seconds EA?) then gets up (cant shoot for another short delay.... missing a trigger finger from an accident on the homestead?) and the tank proceeds to blast him easily. They killed the fun runs in a helo/plane as a good pilot or pilot/gunner team that made the game for the people who spent more than 1 hour a week playing, and they essentially gave the game to the tankers. Personally i had about 100 hrs in plane, 75 armor, 50ish transport and 300+ inf before the patch, but with the lack of mobility infantry wise, and being hit by every aa missle in the air (friendly or enemy) i have made it my personal goal to never step foot outside an armored vehicle until EA fixes this crap cheute they call a "patch". Sure they made a point of stopping the bunny hopping, but now when i go out of my way to be a team player and try to revive a squad mate, then get back to safety all the delays ensure i will be killed before i get a chance to get off the ground from prone.  All i can really say, is if any of you see me in a server (unlikely because this patch killed the up beat inf action) i will be in a tank, and god help you because you cant c4 me, you cant dive away from me, your ass is mine, so thnx EA I guess.... I look forward to a k/d of about 20:1

Last edited by RedHot (2006-02-16 11:45:27)

I have to say i really like hte changes they made in this patch, but they overkilled everything.....

Support is now way to strong, obsoletes every other class, (they are insanly accurate and do most damage)
Helicopters were made way to weak, cant survive anything (support can kill them)
AA is way to strong, flies in freakin circles until it hits.....
I dont mind the delays after jumping, but the delays are way to long.......
Air power is supposed to rock the ground.....thats why their is usually only 1 or 2 jets a level, now they are crap and are nto worth flying

My solution is that EA/DICE takes all the changes they made and average it all with 1.12 That way the still stop the bunnyhopping dolphin diving, and support cannot rule a map....nebody notice how like 50% of teams are now support? And that their is no way for the USA to win wake island....everything gets shot down in 2 seconds after take off.
i hate the patch. its a different game now.  i really loved to heli- and jetset. i got shoot down plenty of times by skilled and unskilled players. lots and lots of times. now after the patch, everybody is able to shoot me down. infrantry is a mess with all the snipers. the only thing that seems to make fun now for me is spawncamping/pointfarming a flag with the supportclass. they messed up a great game. dont flame me, its just my opinion. you may call me whiner, but i am not mad or sad, i am glad to finally have no fun anymore playing this game so i can do other things.

More Bugs:
1. On Zatar when you lock and shoot the AA at the oiltowers, it spins around the tower like crazy till an enemy/friendly aircraft is coming near -  it spins off the oiltower and hits and destroys the aircraft then.
2. In Special Forces when you shoot a tow from the humvee you crash to desktop.
3. other bugs where already mentioned in this thread

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