That's how I roll, BITCH!

Mek-Izzle wrote:

r'Eeee wrote:

I remember the tanks waking me up in the morning. Best alarm ever God, what a noise!!!
American or Iraqi
Make Love and War
+303|6631|Communist Republic of CA, USA
For the record, I'm not really trying to make a fair comparison between Bradleys and Abrams', because as has been said you can't because one is an IFV, and the other is a MBT.  While a Bradley can hold it's own in a gunfight, it's real strength is it's dismounts.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

no no no.  Ok, first.  A brad with its high turret could maintain a defilade position.  The Brad could take out whatever without giving away its profile (in the right conditions).  As a brad driver, you should know this.   "Driver Up"  "Driver Back" is there for a reason.

Second, even if any piece of armor takes out the track, what is the biggest threat to any tank crew, by the book?  Dismounts.   Warfare is not about comparing vehicles for the same mission.  Its about winning engagements.  Would a section of Brads take on a section of tanks head first? absolutley not.  But, that 8000 meter range means spit if the tanks cant see the enemy.

might have two different purposes, but the same result for both, same mission.  Kill armor and troops.   The brad is much better at this job.   More brads have taken out tanks than abrams have.

not like special forces where you really cant compare em.

and you could never compare the m113 to any tank.  what kind of offensive weapons does an APC have compared to a brad?
I take it you are talking about in a turret defilade position, rather than hull defilade. In that case it really is all about the situation. Is the tank in a defilade position as well? If not, why give the Brad a unfair advantage on a vehicle in open terrain? Not really a equal chances type of comparison IMO. Kinda weighted in anothers favor in that case, wouldn't you say? What kind of TOW is being used? How far can that TOW penetrate into the front armor of a Abrams? Both have thermals so that is a wash. At best, I would suspect a mobility kill is the most you can hope for in a 1v1 engagement.

As far as a 113 with offensive weapons. M901/A1/A3 ITV. 113 chassis with double TOW's. FWIW the Brad was designed to replace the 113.

I'm not sure whether more Brads have taken out more tanks than Abrams have. Have a link you could share? But look what they have gone up against though, T-55's, T-72's, BMP's etc... all old Soviet vehicles produced under the concept of quantity over quality.

Thermals, coax and the TC's 50 cal are tough on dismounts. Heat is hard to hide.

Don't take me wrong though. IMO a Brad can get a mobility kill. That's as good as dead.

Last edited by Coot11M (2008-02-15 04:01:31)

sorry you feel that way
Not enough pwnage material talk.

Btw, GS how long does the rotation take if he wants to go backwards in a narrow alley (as you described), wouldn't that be risky over vehicles with wheels which could just drive backwards quickly, then turn?
inane little opines
Stand and Deliver
+86|6086|United States
Just wondering,GS, what's the armor thickness on the Bradley? Does it protect only up to 50 cal rounds or cannon rounds?
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6302|San Antonio, Texas
Wow, the Bradley in the OP looks real secksay.
sorry you feel that way
Allright I was wrong.

Taken from wikipedia:

The vehicle hull is of aluminum construction, one of the points used by critics to deride the vehicle. Aluminum armor tends to vaporize in the face of HEAT warheads; this and the storage of large quantities of ammunition in the vehicle initially raised questions about its combat survivability. Spaced laminate belts and high hardness steel skirts have been added to later versions to improve armor protection, although this increases overall weight to 33 tons. Actual combat operations, however, have not shown the Bradley to be overtly deficient as losses have been few. In friendly fire incidents in Desert Storm, many crew members survived hits that resulted in total losses for lighter USMC LAV 25 vehicles.
Aluminium it is.
inane little opines
Stand and Deliver
+86|6086|United States
ty dayrath
then it's probably only meant for 50 cal rounds

omg, now anyone can have their own bradley!
sorry you feel that way

that is fucking awesome.
inane little opines
God Save the Queen
+628|6497|tropical regions of london
8 gallons of JP8 to start an M1 Abrams

Last edited by God Save the Queen (2008-07-07 17:36:15)

+76|5958|Amsterdam, NY

God Save the Queen wrote:

8 gallons of JP8 to start an M1 Abrams
gas guzzler
God Save the Queen
+628|6497|tropical regions of london
its not gas, its diesel
+1,106|6443|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

redone in better graphics
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5942|Catherine Black
Still shit.
Make Love and War
+303|6631|Communist Republic of CA, USA

God Save the Queen wrote:

its not gas, its diesel
The M1 Abrams runs off Jet Fuel.  No joke.

And this thread sucks.
God Save the Queen
+628|6497|tropical regions of london

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

its not gas, its diesel
The M1 Abrams runs off Jet Fuel.  No joke.

And this thread sucks.
+877|6115|Washington DC
Who is this "god save the queen" character? Sure seems to know a lot, just like GunSlinger OIF II (speaking of which, where the hell did he go?)

HurricaИe wrote:

Who is this "god save the queen" character? Sure seems to know a lot, just like GunSlinger OIF II (speaking of which, where the hell did he go?)
I always thought he was GS...

Cool thread, Bradleys are some kickass vehicles from the sound of it. I saw some LAV III's the other day, what is the general opinion on Canada's new apcs?

Last edited by csmag (2008-07-07 22:31:12)

fuck it

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Havok wrote:

But will it blend?
It wouldnt.
What if the blender is enormous and the blades are made of 25MM AP ammo?

Last edited by iNeedUrFace4Soup (2008-07-07 23:46:48)

'Light 'em up!'

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Havok wrote:

But will it blend?
It wouldnt.
What if the blender is enormous and the blades are made of 25MM AP ammo?
It'd be catastrophically unsafe
fuck it

M.O.A.B wrote:

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

It wouldnt.
What if the blender is enormous and the blades are made of 25MM AP ammo?
It'd be catastrophically unsafe
It would blend, admit it.
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6593|Brisbane, Australia

M.O.A.B wrote:

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

It wouldnt.
What if the blender is enormous and the blades are made of 25MM AP ammo?
It'd be catastrophically unsafe
It would be lulz.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

What if the blender is enormous and the blades are made of 25MM AP ammo?
It'd be catastrophically unsafe
It would be lulz.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom
not enough bradley talk
Tu Stultus Es
+3,936|6653|so randum
bradleys r dum go navy!
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

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