GunSlinger OIF II

lowing wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

there are shootings around my neighborhood all the time.  people getting killed too.  Shit, I was shot at twice before I turned 17.   Ive known a lot of people (they were all lowlives) that died from gunshots before they became adults.  Why doesnt this stuff ever get reported.  The local paper rarely even does it.
Because nobody gives a shit and (rightfully so) about thugs and gangstas offing each other during drug deals gone bad.

These people were going to college to prepare to be contributing members of society and therefore their deaths are tragic and meaningful..

I love being PC free.......I find it is so liberating........
true, but its still an immense amount of gun violence that doesnt get reported.  and what about the innocent bystanders.  happens all the time, youll never see it posted in the forum.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

lowing wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

there are shootings around my neighborhood all the time.  people getting killed too.  Shit, I was shot at twice before I turned 17.   Ive known a lot of people (they were all lowlives) that died from gunshots before they became adults.  Why doesnt this stuff ever get reported.  The local paper rarely even does it.
Because nobody gives a shit and (rightfully so) about thugs and gangstas offing each other during drug deals gone bad.

These people were going to college to prepare to be contributing members of society and therefore their deaths are tragic and meaningful..

I love being PC free.......I find it is so liberating........
true, but its still an immense amount of gun violence that doesnt get reported.  and what about the innocent bystanders.  happens all the time, youll never see it posted in the forum.
anytime innocent people arehurt it is tragic. Which is why taking away their means of protection is pretty silly.
GunSlinger OIF II

lowing wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

lowing wrote:

Because nobody gives a shit and (rightfully so) about thugs and gangstas offing each other during drug deals gone bad.

These people were going to college to prepare to be contributing members of society and therefore their deaths are tragic and meaningful..

I love being PC free.......I find it is so liberating........
true, but its still an immense amount of gun violence that doesnt get reported.  and what about the innocent bystanders.  happens all the time, youll never see it posted in the forum.
anytime innocent people arehurt it is tragic. Which is why taking away their means of protection is pretty silly.
just pointing out the lack of outrage for the average crime. 

And every person I knew who was involved in low life shit during my misspent youth acquired these weapons illegally.
damn ain't it great to be a laxer
well thats life... i live in a neighborhood with one of the highest homicide rates in the US. it's not good but it's just something you live with.
Stupid Americans with your guns you should be more like the English and Use billy clubs and drive-by arguments to solve things

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

lowing wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

true, but its still an immense amount of gun violence that doesnt get reported.  and what about the innocent bystanders.  happens all the time, youll never see it posted in the forum.
anytime innocent people arehurt it is tragic. Which is why taking away their means of protection is pretty silly.
just pointing out the lack of outrage for the average crime. 

And every person I knew who was involved in low life shit during my misspent youth acquired these weapons illegally.
innocent people becoming victims would make for about a 26 hour day in reporting the news.

The guns acquired illegally speaks nothing to those of us who acquire our guns legally..
damn ain't it great to be a laxer

GR34 wrote:

Stupid Americans with your guns you should be more like the English and Use billy clubs and drive-by arguments to solve things
no need to write americans off as gun toting thugs.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6765|Sydney, Australia

lowing wrote:

anytime innocent people arehurt it is tragic. Which is why taking away their means of protection is pretty silly.
If you are referring to their ability to carry legal weapons, doesn't the fact that they still got hurt/killed negate the protection that the said weapons would provide?

I really can't be bothered to enter into the gun debate. Maybe another day.

On the OP, something that the thread seems to have slightly strayed off, it's a tragic loss - although that much should be apparent. I think that the recent spate of shootings should bring some sort of policy change to the forefront of political thought. I'm not talking exclusively about 'gun control'. The use of these weapons, as portrayed in the media, give the impression of some flaw in society itself:

SgtHeihn wrote:

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. If someone wants to get a gun to commit a crime, then they will get one no matter what gun control is in place. Unless all guns are destroyed there will be shootings.
People. That's where the change has to be aimed at.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6853|Marathon, Florida Keys

GR34 wrote:

Stupid Americans with your guns you should be more like the English and Use billy clubs and drive-by arguments to solve things
So the only people who have guns are the criminals right? Go eat your tea and crumpets.

Braddock wrote:

I was going to write something about how stricter gun controls might help the situation in the US but I've decided to go outside and have a conversation with a brick wall instead.
Ok let me try........

Hey!! you are generalizing

Hitler, took all of the guns away as well so you are a nazi

You need to stop being so paranoid, we are not all out killing each other.

Hey, this liberal debate key is pretty cool!! No wonder you use it all the time.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6489|The Land of Scott Walker

Braddock wrote:

I was going to write something about how stricter gun controls might help the situation in the US but I've decided to go outside and have a conversation with a brick wall instead.
Erm, gun free zone on campus so not really.
Goodbye :)
+399|6523|Somewhere else

I have a few friends that go there

It's even wierder when you know people who were therer.  I don't know if they were in that area, or in those classes, still, Not a fucking gain.


Why is this the new thing to do?  Fucking people.
+151|6273|NSW, Australia

lol @ the dumb fucks that say "bans on guns arent going to do shit, look at australia"

when was the last time we had a shooting?

the last one i know of wasnt a gun, it was a crossbow. and that was like 7 years ago, and it was in the leg

Last edited by Nappy (2008-02-14 23:37:18)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6885|Cologne, Germany


not downplaying anything here but these shootings happen in " Gun Free Zones " ie lawfull CWP holders can not carry - I would bet some serious money that these (some maybe not all) shootings woudl not happen if they killer thought they were in a area with people carrying
well, since 99% of all spray killers / school shooters do not intend to live through their experience anyway ( most kill themselves before they can be apprehended ) I don't think more people with guns is gonna help much in deterring them.

I know we have discussed the gun control issue ad nauseum here, so I won't try to start it again. You know, US internal affair and stuff.

Still, I have one question that maybe some of the US guys here can answer. Where do you think those high numbers of school shootings come from ? I mean, this is the fourth or fifth shooting in a month or so. Wouldn't you agree that the high number of guns in circulation and the easy availability play a role here ?

I mean, we have our share of crazy teenagers in germany, too, but a lot less school shootings.

Someone here said that an armed society is a polite society. Personally, I find it ironic that one would think that adding more guns to an already violent society would help make that society less violent.
in the uk you just get curbstomped or that any better?

btw the shooters are YOUR generation...not mine.....good luck with the future.

Last edited by theelviscerator (2008-02-15 02:22:28)


I would like to know (honestly no BS) where all the illegal guns the criminals get come from. Is it imported illegally from other countries or were they once legal than stolen or something like that. If anyone has any statistics on it I would appreciate it.

Also, without insulting anyone, I have to say that I think its ludacris to think that arming students would solve the problem. I mean its not the movies where every Joe is highly calm and train professionals. Imagine 100 students shitting their pants and blindly shooting at anything that moves.   Would there be more casualties or less?

Stingray24 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

I was going to write something about how stricter gun controls might help the situation in the US but I've decided to go outside and have a conversation with a brick wall instead.
Erm, gun free zone on campus so not really.
Having small gun free zones in a country with comparatively huge numbers of guns makes about as much sense as drawing a circle around yourself and declaring it a bullet free zone.

Don't let the kids have guns, don't let the teacher have guns, but do have a small, well trained buch of armed security to respond to any problems.

@Ziedmaan, the major source of illegal guns in legal gun owners/sellers/distributers. The FBI don't seem bothered about updating their stats these days, but the last report I saw sometime around 2000 put it around 300,000 - 400,000 legally owned guns are stolen each year in the US.

@B.Schuss I think one of the causes of the relatively high rate of school shootings in the US comes in part from the relatively high rate of school shootings in the US. There are plenty of messed up weird kids in the world, but most wouldn't even think about getting a gun and going to kill people. Depressed kids slash their wrists and eat sleeping pills because they thing that's what depressed kids do, they didn't all think it up independently. You could argue that one way to tackle school shootings is no not report school shootings. Don't let the meme spread.
+86|6780|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
When I was at school we used to settle things with fists, one round and the air is clear. The youth today seem to resort to whatever is available that does most harm (UK is knives, US is guns).

I think the gun debate is irrelevant, you need to be looking at why kids feel the need to exact some sort of punishment on their schools / classmates, if its bullying that provokes it ala private pile then its at least an understandable motive, but again the question, why do they feel so isolated or unsupported that they cant go to mates/teachers to resolve it.

It has become more widespread in the younger generation, and I suspect it will get worse before it gets better (certainly the UK is on the cusp of a youth shit storm - gang culture and the new-found importance of "respekt"seem to be a justification for anything nowadays)

Perhaps the pressure and focus put on testing at schools does not help either, i remember when i was a kid they sold it to you like the scores you got determined the rest of your life, people need to get perspective that there is more to life than education. I remember "bowling for columbine" and there were a few interesting points in there, i think it was the south park creators that said they did crap at school but that it was not the end of the world for them....

Longer than i thought....

+3,611|6665|London, England
I think a little extra security on Valentines day wouldn't have hurt. Let's stop kidding ourselves here, Valentines Day makes alot of people angry at the world. Shit is simple.

And if you're gonna make a gun-free-zone in a country full of gun-nuts, than you better make sure you have a proper dose of armed reliable security to enforce that.

GR34 wrote:

Stupid Americans with your guns you should be more like the English and Use billy clubs and drive-by arguments to solve things

Last edited by Mek-Izzle (2008-02-15 06:35:51)

+1,452|6438|The Gem Saloon

zeidmaan wrote:

I would like to know (honestly no BS) where all the illegal guns the criminals get come from. Is it imported illegally from other countries or were they once legal than stolen or something like that. If anyone has any statistics on it I would appreciate it.

Also, without insulting anyone, I have to say that I think its ludacris to think that arming students would solve the problem. I mean its not the movies where every Joe is highly calm and train professionals. Imagine 100 students shitting their pants and blindly shooting at anything that moves.   Would there be more casualties or less?
more or less?
no way to truly tell, but check this out.....
the guy that did the shooting was dressed in all black and started with a shotgun.....that really makes a motherfucker stand out.
so A, anyone that was carrying would have been able to plainly see the threat and deal with it accordingly (one in the head, two in the chest).
and B, you have to get training to carry a firearm in this country...granted, others have better training, but it is a requirement. so, no people wouldnt be just randomly wondering what this trigger does.....HOLY SHIT!!!! i can kill people with this crazy thing....
no, training FTW!!!!!!

ill say it again......someone like me may have saved a whole lot of bullshit......
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
truth is:

it´s not the free men, who bear arms - it´s the psychos.

Nappy wrote:

lol @ the dumb fucks that say "bans on guns arent going to do shit, look at australia"

when was the last time we had a shooting?

the last one i know of wasnt a gun, it was a crossbow. and that was like 7 years ago, and it was in the leg
At what cost.. GG … E_ID=15304
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+244|6732|arica harbour
man what is the world comming too. hell i might bring an mp5 with a reflex scope and a couple nades just to protect myself from these sick bastards.

this shows that people got issues. now the politicians are going to blame the media, movies and of course videogames. i mean look at the Columbine shooting a few years ago. Eric Harris and that Klebold punk were just morons who play DOOM until there blue in the face. and the news back then were bashing gamers because of that
+2,187|6612|Mountains of NC

B.Schuss wrote:


not downplaying anything here but these shootings happen in " Gun Free Zones " ie lawfull CWP holders can not carry - I would bet some serious money that these (some maybe not all) shootings woudl not happen if they killer thought they were in a area with people carrying
well, since 99% of all spray killers / school shooters do not intend to live through their experience anyway ( most kill themselves before they can be apprehended ) I don't think more people with guns is gonna help much in deterring them.

I know we have discussed the gun control issue ad nauseum here, so I won't try to start it again. You know, US internal affair and stuff.

Still, I have one question that maybe some of the US guys here can answer. Where do you think those high numbers of school shootings come from ? I mean, this is the fourth or fifth shooting in a month or so. Wouldn't you agree that the high number of guns in circulation and the easy availability play a role here ?

I mean, we have our share of crazy teenagers in germany, too, but a lot less school shootings.

Someone here said that an armed society is a polite society. Personally, I find it ironic that one would think that adding more guns to an already violent society would help make that society less violent.
they do intend to end their lives but they want to take as many as they can with them but if the areas they plan on hitting are not " Gun Free Zones " that might keep them away
I'm not saying arm every indiviual but I as a lawful CWP holder can not take my legal firearm into certain areas ie The Mall, The Post Office, Schools including Colleges, any place that you have to pay admission to get into like Movie Theaters

Now make these areas legal for us that are CWP holders and make an annoucement that legal CWP holders can carry in these areas, we might not hear of these situations again
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6644|132 and Bush

Nappy wrote:

lol @ the dumb fucks that say "bans on guns arent going to do shit, look at australia"

when was the last time we had a shooting?

the last one i know of wasnt a gun, it was a crossbow. and that was like 7 years ago, and it was in the leg … 1130796263 … -1hjy.html

well... you asked.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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