Find your center.

Its a well known fact A LOT of biotech engineered foods and produce are already well rooted (no pun intended) in our society. BUT the scary fact is not EVERYBODY is aware of it, and they eat whatever foods that are sold not knowing where or how it was produced, or from what...They just TRUST in our system, our government, too "know whats best for them"...

GE (Genetically Engineered) foods is just another one of those bastard child's from corporation's who are JUST looking to make a profit off of YOU.

This Valentine’s Day, as you open up that heart-shaped box of candy and taste those chocolate covered crèmes, nougats and truffles, enjoy them.  And unless you’re one of the few who doesn’t eat chocolate, there’s no denying that sugar is the taste of Valentine’s Day.

Sadly, biotech companies want to take the sweets we know and love away from us.

Sugar in our Valentine’s candy (and our cereal, granola bars, crackers, bread – anything that contains sugar) comes from several sources, including sugar beets. In fact, about half of the sugar used in the U.S. is beet sugar (the other half is cane sugar). In the next few weeks, sugar beet seed farmers throughout the U.S. will be considering what type of sugar beets to plant, and food companies will have to decide what types of sugar they will accept.

A new option available this year is Monsanto’s Roundup Ready sugar beet, genetically engineered to survive direct application of the weed killer, Roundup. Unlike traditional breeding, genetic engineering creates new life forms that would never occur in nature, creating new and unpredictable health and environmental risks. To create GE crops, genes from bacteria, viruses, plants, animals, and even humans, have already been inserted into our common food crops, like corn, soy, and canola. Now the biotech industry has taken aim at our sugar.

At the request of Monsanto, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency increased the allowable amount of glyphosate residues on sugar beetroots by a whopping 5000%.  Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, sugar is extracted from the beet’s root.  The inevitable result is more glyphosate pesticide in our sugar.  This is not good news for those who want to enjoy their sweet treats without the threat of ingesting toxic weed killer.

In 2001, Hershey’s, M&M Mars, and American Crystal Sugar told consumers they would not use genetically engineered sugar. But now that sugar beets are close to being planted commercially, they have made no such assurances.

Tell Hershey’s, Mars, and American Crystal to show us the love, and keep our sweets GE-Free!
There is a petition you can sign and send to the various candy companies so you can speak out against this, just follow the source link.

Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
has joined the GOP
you know, i wouldn't mind this if it weren't for that move by the EPA.
+429|6463|Chicago, IL
Whats wrong with GE foods?
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6146|North Tonawanda, NY

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
Nothing.  It seems that this issue is more about raising the quota for pesticides in the chocolate, but tossing in anti GE food spin.

Edit: Spelling

Last edited by SenorToenails (2008-02-15 10:06:14)


Forget industrial processed sugar and eat an apple instead.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6583|NYC / Hamburg

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
nothing. Just people protesting because they don't understand it
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+429|6463|Chicago, IL

max wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
nothing. Just people protesting because they don't understand it
sounds like the nuclear power thread...
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6146|North Tonawanda, NY

S.Lythberg wrote:

max wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
nothing. Just people protesting because they don't understand it
sounds like the nuclear power thread...
Vela Incident
+1,652|6583|NYC / Hamburg

S.Lythberg wrote:

max wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
nothing. Just people protesting because they don't understand it
sounds like the nuclear power thread...
it is rather similar in regards to why people oppose it
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
I am all that is MOD!

Nice scary article.  "Creates new life forms that would never occur in nature."  Waahh, run for the hills!

There is a modicum of thought provoking material from that article though - the role of corporations in GM foods.

Refer to this thread for further information/opinions

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2008-02-15 11:25:59)

I've got lovely bunch of coconuts!!
+27|6371|England - Kent

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Forget industrial processed sugar and eat an apple instead.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6656|Your moms bedroom
wait wait wait.... depending on the apple it could easily be GE
+877|5977|Washington DC

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Forget industrial processed sugar and eat an apple instead.
I'm sure you always went for the apple basket instead of the candy bin when you were a kid...
as for GE foods, I'm against AT THE MOMENT. why? 2 main reasons: 1. pesticide etc levels in food increasing. pesticides, at least, are bioaccumulative. what does that mean? it stays in the body, levels actually increasing over time. similar to how arsenic kills. sorry, but I'd ratehr not be dead/impotent like ahs ahppene dto eagles due to GE/GM foods. 2. effect of the genes on the safety of the produce. not to put too fine a point on it, but some genes need to be left alone. like with potatos. you know what happens if you try to create new varieties in almost all cases? the potatoes become deadly.

all in all, I'd rather have the burden of proof be on the companies to prove it is safe. if so, I'd happily eat it. but not unless it is proved safe.
+488|6586|Portland, OR, USA
That's what you get for having too many babies.  Gotta feed all of these mouths somehow.  GMing foods increase production.
Find your center.

SenorToenails wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
You're SO fucking wrong. Keep reading below...


Nice scary article.  "Creates new life forms that would never occur in nature."  Waahh, run for the hills!
I agree that comment sounds like your typical 'scare-tactic'. Its actually a pretty stupid quote. NEW LIFE FORM? Are they retarded? Ya aliens are in your food now...j/k.

Anyway, what the author of that paper MEANT to say was new bacteria's (foreign) start to GROW in GE foods that were never present in an organic, naturally growing version of the plant they are altering. They alter the SEED by the way. They mutate the seed and let it grow, THEN test to see if they accomplished what their goal was. So back to the bacteria, it does exist of course, but because of the genetic alterations to the fruit or vegetable seed-new, weird, and strange varieties become present in the GE seeds. SO, do you REALLY thing there is nothing bad about this??

ALOT of foods on the market use GE products (Corn oils in various products, soy nuts, soy oil, soy milks, milk products and numerous other things consumed by the masses...WITHOUT them even knowing it!!)

samfink wrote:

all in all, I'd rather have the burden of proof be on the companies to prove it is safe. if so, I'd happily eat it. but not unless it is proved safe.
Please get this thought out of your head. Just because a GE food is passed as safe, does NOT mean it is safe. There are many MANY side affects to eating GE foods.

Here is somehing to punder:

The corporation that CREATES, markets and sells their GE crops to farmers, Monsanto Corp, actually PAY, they PAY for the scientific research on the safety of their products...

These are my sources:
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Goodbye :)
+399|6496|Somewhere else

It's nice to see companies fight the good fight.  But realistically.  It's over.  All our other foods are packed with chemicals, growth hormones, etc.  Sugar might as well join in.

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
Alot of things.

RoosterCantrell wrote:

It's nice to see companies fight the good fight.  But realistically.  It's over.  All our other foods are packed with chemicals, growth hormones, etc.  Sugar might as well join in.
Solution: Eat organic food. That way you dont eat tomatoes with pig DNA in them and sugar with horse semen.

Last edited by Dragonclaw (2008-02-16 05:36:52)

+60|6652|miami FL
Sugar is as bad as Salt and we all love it and take it in like crazy.

I work for 7UP and I learned that one can of soda has 7 table spoons of sugar. thats deadly yet I keep selling it and making money
Germans did 911
+427|6697|Disaster Free Zone

Dragonclaw wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
Alot of things.
Such as? Name one verified serious thing wrong with GE foods in general.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

The corporation that CREATES, markets and sells their GE crops to farmers, Monsanto Corp, actually PAY, they PAY for the scientific research on the safety of their products...
Research isn't going to pay for it self.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

Please get this thought out of your head. Just because a GE food is passed as safe, does NOT mean it is safe. There are many MANY side affects to eating GE foods.
Name one. I haven't had any side effects and I know no one who has.

Humans have been engineering plants and animals to suit our differing needs and situations for millennia. Be it threw cross breeding, splicing or other means, we have created countless new species and variations of the original species to better suit our desires. Just because we are now going into moleculare and DNA levels of plants and animal engineering, makes no difference to the possible out comes, just the time it takes to get there. Saying things like, they can possibly kill some people is a ludercrus argument because totally naturally grown products can also kill people who have an allergic reaction.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

ALOT of foods on the market use GE products (Corn oils in various products, soy nuts, soy oil, soy milks, milk products and numerous other things consumed by the masses...WITHOUT them even knowing it!!)
With so much wrong with these products an so many people using them, shouldn't we have seen some major side effects yet?

Anyway, what the author of that paper MEANT to say was new bacteria's (foreign) start to GROW in GE foods that were never present in an organic, naturally growing version of the plant they are altering. They alter the SEED by the way. They mutate the seed and let it grow, THEN test to see if they accomplished what their goal was. So back to the bacteria, it does exist of course, but because of the genetic alterations to the fruit or vegetable seed-new, weird, and strange varieties become present in the GE seeds. SO, do you REALLY thing there is nothing bad about this??
Firstly, how would you know what the author meant?
Secondly, bacteria is everywhere, they're on you, in you and in fact without them you would not be able to live. They help you digest food, utilise and break down vitamins, carbohydrates and help defend the body from disease and viruses. There are countless types of bacteria and most are harmless, there is no scientific evidence that GE foods creates new deadly bacteria. Not to mention bacteria mutates on its own faster then any other organises on earth, so claiming we are producing "new, weird, and strange varieties" is beyond ignorant.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6146|North Tonawanda, NY

Im_Dooomed wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Whats wrong with GE foods?
You're SO fucking wrong. Keep reading below...
So I read your post, and all I see is stuff about bacteria and a vague implication that GE foods are "unsafe".  I encounter new bacteria every day of my life.  Do I die?  Obviously not.  Am I sick all the time?  Nope.  Have I had any side effects from GE foods?  Nope.  Do I care that all my vegetables might be GE because there is nothing on the label?  No.  Humans have been selectively breeding plants and animals for thousands of years. 

If GE foods will allow the world to produce more food per acre for less money, then what is the problem?

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