Which is a better medic unlock? The L85A1? Or the G36-E how do they compare? Which should i use?
Cheeseburger Connoisseur
G36-E. easy.
G36E is much better!!!
I could not care less

I'll take the G36-E any day.
G36e is better, but you need to unlock the l85 before the g36.
I prefer the L85 for longer range. It is very lethal on one shot with the scope. The scope is so far precise. If the G-36E had that scope....omg....
+60|7031|USA, Arizona
I dunno, did the 1.2 patch fix the accuracy issue with the L85? Otherwise it's G36E for the win. Why else would medics get more kudos on the battlefield, God... so much -=Randomdude=- [G36E] (S) Aardcore

I'ss horrible! But yeah, G36E
:]-[: El_Shiznit

I'm not that big a fan of the G36E, but I really dislike the L85A1.

Aardcore wrote:

I dunno, did the 1.2 patch fix the accuracy issue with the L85? Otherwise it's G36E for the win. Why else would medics get more kudos on the battlefield, God... so much -=Randomdude=- [G36E] (S) Aardcore

I'ss horrible! But yeah, G36E
What was wrong with the accuracy? I think the L85 was very accurate in 1.12. I was sniping snipers with it..
:]-[: El_Shiznit
It is/was horrible on full auto.  I haven't tried it after the patch, but before it was pretty bad.
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6992|Houston, Texas
The L85A1 still has accuracy problems since the latest patch. I have began to think that they do it on purpose since in real life this gun has major problems. Lots of jams etc. Even on semi mode its either hit or miss, and miss 65% of the time. I'm sorry but the bullet deviation regardless of what the write ups might say seems to change. One minute that gun is unstopable, the next I can't hit a damn thing and 2 clips are wasted.
The Last Man Standing
The L85A1 after the patch is much better now, and you can hit targets quite well at long ranges.  The only advantage over the G36E is that is has full auto for when you get up close.  Otherwise I stick the G36E, more accurate and powerful at medium to long ranges.

G36e by far, although it's Ironsight is far more dificult over far distances, but you just have to get used to it. And once you have, you'll own with it.

     *Boom* Headshot!

Last edited by Bernadictus (2006-02-16 01:03:15)

+85|7070|good old CA

CrazeD wrote:

Aardcore wrote:

I dunno, did the 1.2 patch fix the accuracy issue with the L85? Otherwise it's G36E for the win. Why else would medics get more kudos on the battlefield, God... so much -=Randomdude=- [G36E] (S) Aardcore

I'ss horrible! But yeah, G36E
What was wrong with the accuracy? I think the L85 was very accurate in 1.12. I was sniping snipers with it..
yea i thought it was a great good before 1.12, just get used to alot of bursting
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|7001|Stillwater, Ok
Ill take my G36E. Im so used to the scope now i can kill snipers before they even spot me. And the 3 round burst is very nice to limit recoil. I love that gun.
Same here, G36E. I actually prefer the iron sights. I cant stand scopes on anything but the longest ranged of rifles. As far as those sights are conserned though, I think theres a problem in them. The bullet is supposed to hit right ontop of the front bar, but it seems to be shooting lower. When placing the forsight on the forehead of a target, the bullets landing at the chin or upper throat between 20-50 meters. Anyone else noticing this?
I've gotten many 1 shot kills with the L85. I don't know what you guys are talking about, I find it very accurate and powerful.
Camp Freddie
The L85 had its damage increased and can now do a 1-headshot kill.  Accuracy is the same as v1.12.
The G36E hasn't been changed at all so it's still significantly more accurate than the L85 but can't kill in a single shot.
I'll take two
+132|7104|Perth, Western Australia
L85 and G36E are pretty balanced now in my books, and Im currently going with the L85 a majority of the time because I ahvent used ti in ages
It is/was horrible on full auto.  I haven't tried it after the patch, but before it was pretty bad.
The l85 still isnt so hot on the accuracy front, but the slight damage boost they gave it means the difference between killing on a 3 round burst and a 4 round one.
So now, a l85 kills in one 4 round burst on an armored target, and the g36 takes 2x 3-round bursts.

If you have good fire discipline, the l85 potentially has a slight edge on the g36, but the g36 is still a grim weapon. But sometimes, its just good to be able to open up at full auto.
L85a1 for the countryside (Wake), G-36E for the cities. Though L85a1 is a good choice if you team up with a sniper. Sometimes a real compettion evolves on who can shoot better at long ranges - and the sniper doesn't always win! :-)

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