My server list is now screwed up dosent update properly and searching doesnt work.
Angry Player
+0|6965|A house...

rhodri_d wrote:

My server list is now screwed up dosent update properly and searching doesnt work.
Can EA reverse the bad things about the patch or will they!?

Last edited by Angry Player (2006-02-15 15:51:17)


1SFG-Hawk wrote:

1SFG-LD50 wrote:

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

LOL. Well funny. Which member's have disgraced your outfit?
Well, I fail to see the humor in any of it, but their conduct here was certainly disgraceful. This kind of conduct is not the standard 1SFG holds itself to. Apologies are extended.
Im 22 yrs old LD i dont need you to apologize for me...but whatever.  This is where we came to complain about the patch and we did so...we got flamed for it and defended our opinions and positions in the manner in which we saw fit.  Although some of the actions we took were childish they were no less childish than the people we engaged with.  This patch has ruined a great deal of fun for me...something i looked forward to everyday.  Now what do we do go back to JO?  cause i sure as hell aint playin this piece of junk they destroyed.  and i aint no WoW nerd.
Your position is noted for the record. You require no excuse when it comes to filing a complaint as it pertains to the 1.2 patch. Indeed, this thread's topic is for just that, and your right to defend your opinion and position is legitimate. Your adminssion of behaving "childishly" is at least that, an admission. In the future, please present your grievance in our forums. We'll continue the discussion there as necessary.
I'm very dissapointed in this patch.  I didn't think it would be this bad.   I mean come on, they used the same action as sprinting as when you jump.   It looks upserd!!  No one jiggles like that when they jump.  This is one of the signs of lazyiness I found.  They could've at least made a new action, for exapmple he pulls the gun to his hip instead of swinging it back and forth like a fool.   Other crappy things.  The UAV overflight is cheezy looking.  Its a cool idea but the its an uneccesary clutterance of the battlefield.  SOmetimes you'll catch both planes flying side by side and it just has a lame feel to it.  The planes could carry on a conversation they're so close.
USMC- "So how are you MEC plane" 
MEC-" Ya know just taking reconnasance again"
USMC- "Crazy me too!!" 
MEC- " Well my times about up so I'm just going to explode and come back in like 2 seconds and we can     
          cary on this consersation some more"
USMC- "Alright catch you later"
   Some other problems are the slower going to prone thing.  Its not smooth, it feels they just slowed down the animation of the character model and it feels jumpy.   Next are the guns.  I saved some unlocks and unlocked both the p90 and the lL96.  They look sooooo crapy!  They look like someone craped in a gun mold and let it dry and said "there you got it, the P90".  More like the Poop90.  Oh and the bouncing of the grenades from the grenade launcher well..... they bounce but the velocity at which they are shot is so much greater than which they are reflected off of the wall.  I'm standing 10 feet from a wall and the grenade barily bounces back.  Its like they had a set distance at which it bounces or something stupid like that.  Next, you know how much "dolphin divers"  were hated.  Well guess what you can still "dolphin dive" just double tap your prone button and volla!  you have yourself a jumpier version of the "dophin dive" but still possible.  The whole mines thing not being exploded by other explosive and the ability to turn off friendly fire on mines makes a strategy that would be impossible to beat.  First in karkand cover the main entrances with mines and keep snipers there to guide them from being picked up from engineer and there you go, no tanks can pass.  And you can in a way lead a jeep or a tank over a mine of yours as you safely drive over it and the enemy tank blows to pieces.  Other problems Hmmm...... well I've only played a few maps with the patch but so far its a big dissapointment!  EA/Dice is a monster and all they want is your money in which they already have so as long as they seem they care by graciously giving us unlocks when we notice something they don't want us to notice that gives the game a bad appearance.  Get it through your head, EA/Dice is like ever other company, they don't care.  Say it with me they don't care about you.  They have you locked in this hope that battlefield 2 is an awesome game and it is, but this hope keeps you hoping that they will fixed the problems it has.  EA/Dice rushed this patch just to keep you thinking that they're nice guys so you will still buy their products later down the road.  HEAR THIS EA/Dice I DON"T WANT ANYMORE FREAKIN UNLOCKS, I HAVE LOST TOTAL RESPECT IN YOU AND I WILL TRY MY BEST TO NOT SUPPORT YOU ANYMORE.  There you go I said it.  This patch destroyed a good game, gameplay should never be messed with unless you are willing to take it back to the drawing board instead of putting a bandaid on a wound that we've come to accept.  Yep so that all my complaining and I guess it might be I'm not having the best day but I said it and I meant it.  EA/Dice you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Disclamer: I'm not sure if its EA that allowed such a crapy patch and I have nothing personal against them, same with Dice but they did make it right?)
dude stop whining. first of all, the P90 isn't something EA pulled out of its ass, it's been out there for several years so deal with it. Second of all clutterance of the battlefield? maybe we should take the clouds and trees out for you. its not a dissappointment, its only dissappointing to those that expect too much.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7009|Tampa Bay Florida
Not to mention there are quite a lot of us hangin out in the BF2-Help section down there wondering if we're even going to be able to run the patched game in the first place.... hmmph
Hard Case
+11|7000|S.E. United States
atleast you can test it
two trys
two patch failed
going for three,then...fuck it

dave,do you really think ea/dice is reading this?

Last edited by KillerYaNk (2006-02-14 18:49:36)

Yeah I was being a little extreme but it was kinda fun. I guess that was just my way of writing criticism, blow things out of proportion.  Oh of course I knew the P90 was a gun before it was on BF2, and thats something really cool that battlefield does.  Everything exists and you can google search it for proof.  But hey whats that supposed to mean?  That quote you threw at me.  I think you guys just took me a little too seriously.  So settle down I'm not attacking anyone personally just a patch that was dissapointing.  Well if you guys like the patch then reply with some positive things it does well.  Don't get me wrong I loved BF2, it was a massively awesome game, but sometimes one must move on.
What do you mean do I think EA/Dice are reading this?  I stated my opinion and I'm entitled to it.  I was just trying to make a point nothing more.  I don't really dislike them, maybe I should have added I'm a very sarcastic person so people don't think I'm so serious.  And the UAV thing I just thought it was unneccisary, the trees and the clouds are part of the battlefield, UAV isn't or wasn't until recently.  Why fix something that really doesn't need it.   Just my thoughts.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6984|NT, like Mick Dundee

Arty clears mines, found out the hard way... (I'm pretty sure it does)

You would need a team full of engineers and snipers to mine Karks entrance properly, because snipers can have at max (I think) four claymores deployed and engineers get away with about seven AT mines.

All this from personal experience with the patch so far...


Dave stick with BF2, once the community gets used to it and you find servers that aren't full of idiots it will be better. I suspect that many servers will limit mines in the ways/numbers that they can be deployed in...

Oh, I was one of two snipers on the server messing with claymores, and the only Engie dropping AT mines... Not a big point scorer and not particullarly fun either...

Last edited by Flecco (2006-02-14 19:12:42)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
This 1.2 patch sucks.  EA/Dice said that the red/blue tag coloring bug was fixed and that we'd never see it again, but it happens MORE now than it ever did.  I'm sick of being punished for TK's when the game TOLD ME to kill them.  (The ''enemies'' show up on the UAV, my team's commander spots them and then I get punished for a TK...) 

And this 1.2 patch slowed the game WAY down.  I may just stop playing.

Last edited by iandaemon (2006-02-14 20:09:55)

Say Hello to My 11-87
Im disappointed int he following:

Cannot blow up mines or claymores
Medic Refreshing is slower, albeit it can be done while recharging
Snipers taking over the game on servers
UAV thing is cheesy
Their bunny hop fix - I dont mind the idea of it, but it just sucks in certain circumstances when the patch affects something it shouldnt.

My Loves:
11-87 seems to be more powerful.  I was getting one shot one kills at crazy distances all day.  One map I pulled a 4:1 ratio with a shotty
+101|6995|Southern California
EA/Dice said they "addressed it" (red/blue glitch)

last I knew in military and corporate lingo to "address" means to talk about something, including troubleshooting perhaps, some problem solving procedures and make a determination - it doesn't always mean implement a solution or to "fix" the problem.

I wonder how many new additions to the ROE for mine padding will be added? That's what really sux

I do like the change to paper airplanes and upgrading rock class AA missiles to scissor class - the jets will have a slightly harder time in the air.

The 1.12 patch made me quit for a couple weeks but I came back  -
+8|7023|South Australia
They have totally screwed the choppers. And the funny thing is it was the introduction of the choppers into this game that made it what it is to a large degree. IMO everyone wanted to find out what its really like to fly a chopper. Now no-one will want to fly one & hey if YOU do I will shoot you into a thousand pieces with my AA because its EASY points.

Just dumb. And whats annoying is they prolly did it cos of all the little whingers out there who dont know how to do anything other than run around on the ground as infantry.

I personally loved flying the jet as well as playing as ground infantry & the chopper was the one thing I never got to quite master. Looks like I never will now because I wont be able to stay in the air more than 5 seconds. And it seems even flying the jet now will be a waste of time.

Last edited by Flyboy63 (2006-02-15 00:02:19)

What really sucks about the 1.2 patch is that now, all the so-called "ground pounders" are constantly saying ´get  on the ground` and `stop bitching` "Plane-whores" just because DICE removed the aspect of the game they never learned to master..It was never easy hitting a tank with the bombs or taking out the enemy jet.. I think its great that they made the Essex guns magical all hitting killing machines because it was just to easy to "rape" the carrier before... With that said, I think its a major error from dice´s side to make dogfighting and stinger action just point clik kill.. I just started flying the jet a few months ago, and I was getting pretty good at in.. and in general I just enjoyed myself when I was flying.. Guess its back to playing Karkand and mashtur now..

So thanks DICE for making bf2 a Tank/Infantry simulator..
this patch is gay...it has ruined a good map because of its new exploits...karkand has become a mine/claymore/armor server...ground tactics are now down the drain because of the ridiculous amount of claymores being set and not on FF AND not being able to be destroyed by explosives......so much for realism...karkand will never be the same again...the chopper HP i guess are OK but now stingers are ridiculously accurate in relation to the choppers...they are now like paper airplanes they are that weak in armor...Support weapons have also become ridiculously accurate...they were fine before!!!...u just need to kno how to use them...every1 keeps on complaining about shit that is useless to complain about...my turn...again i say...NEW ADJUSTMENTS TO CLAYMORES AND MINES ARE RIDICULOUS...
1.12 was close to perfect apart from the bunnyhop-prone exploit (dolphin diving was ok...the continuous pressing of 'z' and 'space bar' was wat gave me the shits) and i guess the shooting while jumping was also a problem...

thank you EA and DICE for making BF2 noobier than ever...worst patch to date
+69|6965|Nova Scotia
The fact that the same class that deployed the mine/claymore can retrieve it with G is supposed to be being utilized, but it will probably take a while.  The only problem with the game is lack of teamwork.  Bunny hoppers are annoying, but calm down, stand there, shoot them in the head..or rush 'em with a knife when they don't expect you to.  Nothing worse than getting punked with a knife   I didn't think helis were overpowered, I think the problem is the people who fit the aircraft-whorin category.  Myself? I only recently started being able to pilot one without nose-diving into the ground in a second and a half after liftoff, but that's ok...I've killed many a chopper with the anti-tank kit easily and often enough, so I had no probs with the guy hovering around the spawn point for 20 minutes.
Even now that they're easily destroyed the answer is teamwork!  I have the most fun playing the game when my squad plays to help the squad.  I suck at the game but I have fun, so that's the main thing as far as I'm concerned.
Anyway, all the above mumbo jumbo is only my personal opinion, I'm not preaching the BF2 gospel here.

Flyboy63 wrote:

They have totally screwed the choppers. And the funny thing is it was the introduction of the choppers into this game that made it what it is to a large degree. IMO everyone wanted to find out what its really like to fly a chopper.

Just dumb. And whats annoying is they prolly did it cos of all the little whingers out there who dont know how to do anything other than run around on the ground as infantry.
90% of players just used choppers to just spawn camp.  Chopper pilots would just fly back and forth over enemy flags.  They'd make no attempt to take the flag or aid their teammates, they'd just kill enemies 1-3 seconds after they've spawned.

Realistic?  No.

Honorable?  No.

Rygar wrote:

The fact that the same class that deployed the mine/claymore can retrieve it with G is supposed to be being utilized, but it will probably take a while.
I've never gotten it to work...  Didn't EA/Dice say that was NOT being included?
+69|6965|Nova Scotia

iandaemon wrote:

Flyboy63 wrote:

They have totally screwed the choppers. And the funny thing is it was the introduction of the choppers into this game that made it what it is to a large degree. IMO everyone wanted to find out what its really like to fly a chopper.

Just dumb. And whats annoying is they prolly did it cos of all the little whingers out there who dont know how to do anything other than run around on the ground as infantry.
90% of players just used choppers to just spawn camp.  Chopper pilots would just fly back and forth over enemy flags.  They'd make no attempt to take the flag or aid their teammates, they'd just kill enemies 1-3 seconds after they've spawned.

Realistic?  No.

Honorable?  No.
I agree.  The people that used choppers only for kills is what made people whine about chopper whores.  To be fair, though, I only whined after I got killed 8 or 9 times in a row by the same guy in the same chopper/plane.  I can fly, and I can take one down, so I didn't whine so much as curse my head off, and, eventually, get revenge.  They could have kept doing it and I wouldn't have cared.
+69|6965|Nova Scotia

iandaemon wrote:

Rygar wrote:

The fact that the same class that deployed the mine/claymore can retrieve it with G is supposed to be being utilized, but it will probably take a while.
I've never gotten it to work...  Didn't EA/Dice say that was NOT being included?
Oh, my bad.  I hadn't tried it, and I didn't see that it wasn't being included.  Sorry.
That sucks that it isn't implemented.  Would have been entertaining to run ahead of your squad collecting mines

Last edited by Rygar (2006-02-15 09:15:38)


Feh...what's with the red-tag bug? IT'S STILL THERE!!

This is what happens:

UAV transmitting on this mark.
UAV low on fuel, transmission ending.
(hmm, where is this guy...)
*turns around corner*
(oh, there he is)
*blam* *blam* *blam*
k30dxedle [G36C] john_doe
(yay I got a kill)
You have been punished for a teamkill!
(what the fuck?)
+69|6965|Nova Scotia

k30dxedle wrote:

Feh...what's with the red-tag bug? IT'S STILL THERE!!

This is what happens:

UAV transmitting on this mark.
UAV low on fuel, transmission ending.
(hmm, where is this guy...)
*turns around corner*
(oh, there he is)
*blam* *blam* *blam*
k30dxedle [G36C] john_doe
(yay I got a kill)
You have been punished for a teamkill!
(what the fuck?)
I like it when I (apparently) get TKs and don't notice till I look at my score later on.  I assume that's when I run into a red tag bug.  And should I start being an ass and punish tkers, when I've forgiven every one so far, and I'm getting punished almost every time (not that I kill my own teammates A LOT)....
Got milk?
I like the patch, but I feel sorry for pilots. I dont fly, but I didnt really care about choppers and jets, especially if your pilots are raping the other team. It was the part of the game for me, sure I h8 being spawn raped by USMC chopper on Sharqi. LOL tks for Stationary AA are so funny
Got milk?

Rygar wrote:

k30dxedle wrote:

Feh...what's with the red-tag bug? IT'S STILL THERE!!

This is what happens:

UAV transmitting on this mark.
UAV low on fuel, transmission ending.
(hmm, where is this guy...)
*turns around corner*
(oh, there he is)
*blam* *blam* *blam*
k30dxedle [G36C] john_doe
(yay I got a kill)
You have been punished for a teamkill!
(what the fuck?)
I like it when I (apparently) get TKs and don't notice till I look at my score later on.  I assume that's when I run into a red tag bug.  And should I start being an ass and punish tkers, when I've forgiven every one so far, and I'm getting punished almost every time (not that I kill my own teammates A LOT)....
Umm I dont know why people pissed so much because of the red tag. Sure its stupid, but I dont look at the tags only. what about uniform? If I see mec with a blue tag and I'm USMC I will shoot him. Even tho it says [teamkill] I will get positive points for it. Only maps where red tags pisses me off are dark chinese maps, because on these maps teams have kinda same uniform. So all I have to say, this bug isnt because EA didnt fix it. Its because of the new autobalance system, which sucks.

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