+17|6768|Hanging in the Balance … index.html

Should quell the critics some.

Keep on it
+3,611|6767|London, England
Nice, but look at the size of it compared to normal helicopters.
How many insurgents did it kill? And can i have their organs?
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

David.P wrote:

How many insurgents did it kill? And can i have their organs?
With a rear mounted gun...?

+3,611|6767|London, England

David.P wrote:

How many insurgents did it kill? And can i have their organs?

It's a transport thing, even the article says (or was it wiki, I forgot) that it only has one rear mounted machine gun.

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Nice, but look at the size of it compared to normal helicopters.
I think it is going to replace the Chinook, a huge helicopter. I don't think it will be that different in size
+783|6989|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Wasn't the Osprey known to be constantly crashing?

Anyway, a helicopter-plane is cool.
+877|6107|Washington DC
That picture of it at night, with the green circles around the rotors... awesome.
+17|6768|Hanging in the Balance

HurricaИe wrote:

That picture of it at night, with the green circles around the rotors... awesome.

WRT Problems: Yeah it had a very tricky beginning because of the advances in aeronautical engineering it made. But so did the F14. Costs of development for many military machines unfortunately.

WRT Size, Ability V. Helos

Max Speed: 316 mph
Combat Radius: 420 miles
Ceiling: 26,00 feet
Carrying Capacity: 24 Seated Troops, 32 Floor Troops, or 15,000 lbs of Cargo

MH-60 Blackhawk
Never-Exceed Speed: 222 mph
Combat Radius: 368 miles
Cargo: 14 Troops, 6 Stretchers, or up to 10,000 lbs slingloaded cargo
Ceiling: 19,000 feet
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York

PBAsydney wrote:

Wasn't the Osprey known to be constantly crashing?

Anyway, a helicopter-plane is cool. had a crash which killed 9 people back in it's early stages, but they reshaped and reformed it and it performs excellently now.
+127|6491|Twyford, UK
It's about time.

The crashing issues were the cortex ring state kicking in. Happens with transverse rotors.
+55|6125|Portugal/United States

avman633 wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Nice, but look at the size of it compared to normal helicopters.
I think it is going to replace the Chinook, a huge helicopter. I don't think it will be that different in size
Not really, the Chinook is used by the Army, the Osprey by the Marines. Only the Marines have placed orders for the V-22. All other branches of the military have not shown any interest for it, so far anyway.
Typical white person.
+389|6906|San Antonio, Texas

Poseidon wrote:

PBAsydney wrote:

Wasn't the Osprey known to be constantly crashing?

Anyway, a helicopter-plane is cool. had a crash which killed 9 people back in it's early stages, but they reshaped and reformed it and it performs excellently now.
Just like the harrier, it takes awhile to perfect the newest technology.
Care [ ] - Don't care [x]
Well I think it's awesome, and who needs two miniguns if you fly to fast to be shot at anyway?

And as said before, the Osprey had problems in it's early stages because it was a new 'science' we're not used to yet.

Now with all the changes and things made to it, it flies like a beauty!

+1 Marines!
GunSlinger OIF II

avman633 wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Nice, but look at the size of it compared to normal helicopters.
I think it is going to replace the Chinook
no, its not.
I am all that is MOD!

There are so many systems within the Armed Forces that have undergone production errors, failed safety testing, etc.  The Osprey definitely is not alone.  Read about the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the amount of trouble/production errors involved with the introduction of that to the armored arsenal.  The IDF actually forced some of the changes from the initial project to its current form because they would not accept the weaker, more vulnerable early versions (speaking of the Bradley).

Read the book, "The Pentagon Wars: Reformers Challenge the Old Guard" by James Burton for more insight.  It really shows insight into ridiculous pet projects and bureaucracy sometimes sought inside the Armed Forces.  Or if you want a hollywood-esque comedic take on the book, rent "The Pentagon Wars" starring Kelsey Grammer and Cary Elwes.
GunSlinger OIF II
Im a Bradley expert.   he's right.

although, the modern Bradley is superior.  Saved my life plenty of times and ended many others.

fuck that lump of flying shit
sorry you feel that way

usmarine wrote:

fuck that lump of flying shit

it looks like a pretty decent way of transportation to me . Did it do something bad to you XD?
inane little opines
You with the face!
The USAF bought a few for special operations.  We call it the CV-22.

I almost got a ride on one...but they broke shortly beforehand...
+877|6107|Washington DC

dayarath wrote:

usmarine wrote:

fuck that lump of flying shit

it looks like a pretty decent way of transportation to me . Did it do something bad to you XD?
They have a pretty bad track record, at least with all the tests they did.
+17|6768|Hanging in the Balance

RAIMIUS wrote:

The USAF bought a few for special operations.  We call it the CV-22.

I almost got a ride on one...but they broke shortly beforehand...
Yeah I was gonna say. Sounds like the perfect CSAR vehicle
Commie Killer
I think its supposed to replace the H-53.
GunSlinger OIF II
the OH-58 Kiowa Warrior is the greatest helicopter ever fielded in combat.  Not a single word could change my mind.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Ghandi767 wrote:

RAIMIUS wrote:

The USAF bought a few for special operations.  We call it the CV-22.

I almost got a ride on one...but they broke shortly beforehand...
Yeah I was gonna say. Sounds like the perfect CSAR vehicle
Actually, the CSAR replacement (CSAR-X) is going to be announced (again) soon. Had to go back and re-compete it because of complaints from Sikorsky and others when my beloved AF picked a flying pig called the Chinook for the CSAR replacement helo.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

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