+41|7057|200m out and smiling at you.

no air problems anymore!
+34|7069|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!
i now OWN in air to air combat the AA lock is SO GOOD
the AA vechils OWN choppers and jets
+19|6969|Behind that RPK-74
Ok. Where or what has happend to Prt Scrn ????
I got some really cool shots and there not in my screen shots folder. I am well pi$$ed off.
WHERE ARE THEY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The k1ll3r
WCR official whiner
+6|7049|Madrid, Spain
I love the patch...simply great... Thank you EA, you had it right. You have fulfilled my expectations, not only this game is the best I have ever played, but with this patch it has come to the point to reach almost perfection. I am happy, yes I am. Thanks.

Last edited by Stratocaster (2006-02-14 22:27:07)

Press 1 to Kill
+81|6975|Westminster, Colorado
Here is my take after a night on the new patch.

1) I like most of the fixes.  Some of the guns are more accurate and stronger.  The G3 is more useful and I am not sure, but the DAO-12 seems to be stronger as well(Maybe I was just getting rocked more than normal, but I seemed to kept getting one shot killed).

2) I like knifing people and kinda wish I could use the knife in the air.  That'd probably open a whole new can of worms. 

3) PKM OWNS everyone.  I have never seen so many support players.  I was shot down by a PKM (full health, assault pack) while he was standing about 40 feet away.

4) AA is fine by me.  I was in the MEC transport chopper on Iron Gator and the pilot was able to drop what seemed to be 2-3 flares a second.  That's a bit much I think.

5) Attack Choppers can still do a good amount of damage if properly used.

It'll take some getting used to.  Hard to get used to not being able to blow C4 as fast (No not macro fast, just faster than it is).  I kinda liked blowing up my own AT mines with a granade, but that's no longer possible.  I was wondering if (before the patch) one could throw 5 AT mines at an enemy Arty and then blow it with a granade if it'd destroy it.  Can't try it now.

Screenshots can no longer be taken.  I love to take them and was unable to.  I have 2 buttons mapped to Screenshot, but neither worked.  This kinda blows.

Last edited by terrafirma (2006-02-14 23:17:30)

I personally love the patch i think the adjustments they made were ALL very well thought out, they made the game even more of a TEAMWORK game. Although i am very disappointed in the p90 i really think it should have the same rof as the mp7 but overall the patch works for me....No more Jet whore NOW!!! AA can actually take out jets WOOHOO.
+31|7010|Phoenix, AZ
i was called an AA whore today!!! An "AA WHORE"...by an ex-plane whore. Muhahahaaaa!!!
p.s. if you dont get me with your TV missile, get ready to respawn! if your sloppy with the bombs, get ready to respawn. if you think you will ever reach the USS Essex, get ready to disconnect in anger.
but dont think you will ever EVER be whoring the planes or choppers again.

The most useless weapon, the AA and Linebacker and Tangushka, are now one of the key weapons of this game. I love it!
Note that the "hate it" -thread has over 10 pages and this has only 3 IMO, this clearly indicates that the patch is so good that the lovers can't stop playing, so they're not spamming the forums about it.
THe only down part is not being able to jump and shoot. That is how i used to kill people who were hiding behind the sandbags caping the flags. Oh well, ill live. I like the P90, but its not what i expected. I was expecting a higher rate of fire. Along the lines of MP7 fire.
Overall, I like the changes.

1) UAV - Cool Idea, I love being albe to shoot it down with jets/helos to help the ground troops.

2) AA - Hmm, seems a bit overdone, but the changes were definatley needed.  Will be fun to try flying with some danger.

3) Gun Accuracy Changes - Yea, my M95 can hit something, and the new unlocks are cool.  Tad dissapointed by the P90.

4) Assault GL - Seems a bit buggy, managed to shoot my feet with it...

5) Tossing Packs/Mines - Ugh, I cant jump toss my AT mines onto the road from cover anymore...  Seems you can get a half glitchy workaround by initiating the throw then trying to jump and release... (no jump just further toss..)

6) Mines mines - Mm, Like the AT mines now, claymores might be trouble.  You should still be able to nade claymores...

All in all, I like!
Member of Foamy's Card Cult

McBondi wrote:

Note that the "hate it" -thread has over 10 pages and this has only 3 :) IMO, this clearly indicates that the patch is so good that the lovers can't stop playing, so they're not spamming the forums about it.
word! I was about to say that too :P The more people scream about the new patch, the more balance-isues seem to have been adressed..

and even if people still complaing about bunny hopping and dolphin diving... at least not everyone and their dog can do it now :D

I also like the new mines! OMG cant destroy! OMG got killed! my stats got messed up! *whine whine*... seeesh it's a combat game and combat does involve shooting or being shot by someone or something. All those stat whores should just start to live with the knowledge that even they can be shot down :D

And after all a new patch means that people need to readjust their gameplay which makes it more interesting again.

Oh and yes... of course there are bugs! But so what? Every single god damn game has bugs and the more popular a game is, the more people will find those bugs... I even think that many people just complain about bugs and glitches just to complain about something!

In short: patch-hooray!
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
Do you get a point when you shoot down an enemy UAV??
i gotta say after playin the game for an hour or so last night how chuffed i am with wot ive seen so far(which isnt much tbh lol)

one thing people haven't mentioned is the support MG's.

i was playin with "Shirley" last night (my name for my m249).  damn she rocks now!!!!!  alot less bullet spread which in the first place was well out.

the sound of the new sniper rifle is pure class, shame i dont play that kit very ofter

P90 is pretty cool, will have  ablast with that tonight me thinks.

all i gotta do now is check out the helis and AA (AA didnt need fixin anyway, only the peopple usin it did).

anyway for once im impressed with EA's effort.
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7066|I'm worldwide, beotch
I don't know where you guys are getting this idea that you'll be invulnerable to jets now.... jets are still gonna be frickin' deadly in the hands of a good pilot.
That's how it should be - and helos should never be strong enough to take on AA head to head and win!

We're what, a few hours into the 1.2 patch? Expect skilled pilots to adapt and overcome with new tactics.


Last edited by Aegis (2006-02-15 06:19:59)

+89|7035|Sheffield, England
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7165|Bryan/College Station, TX
Having now played BF2 v1.2 I can say that I like it.

Improved AA:

I have found no issue with the improved AA. I feel that they are not over powered. In fact all it requires is a more intelligent and skilled pilot and an equally intelligent and skilled gunner. For the attack chopper you should know where they are your gunner should be taking them out first on the way in. Then after that take out all vehicles. Take notice of where cover is and where you can get behind terrain or warehouses if you can't avoid the lock. Then once you orient yourself to face it, you pop up and your Gunner fires the TV Guided missle at it and takes it out. So everyone who is bitching about it is simply either not flying well enough or they don't have a decent gunner. I see nothing wrong at all with the AA and I like it. The BH is harder to get in without being hit with AA however it does in fact drop more flares than the normal attack chopper. The only issue I found is where there is more than one AA locked on you. Then your dead most of the time. However after some "thought" (you know that thing you do using your brain) I was able to pilot around to make certain that only one AA could grab you. Sometimes I was able to avoid it entirely coming from a direction that the AA isn't normally pointed. Then if you have good gunners you can turn and have them take it out. Essentially you can't do base captures like you did before. You must drop your squad or infantry in the BH and then immediately dustoff and come back later to pick them up. Just sitting there will either get you blown up by passing jets or attract attack choppers. The pilot needs to bug out and present a target away from the infantry taking the flag. You don't have an option now on a server with good players. noob player servers you can still get away with old tactics.

New Unlocks (Sniper/AT):

I have unlocked both the P90 and the L96A1 and have used both. I can say without a doubt that both are worth the unlock. The ability to have a decent medium ranged weapon for the AT class is an asset. I enjoy the zoom dot aiming and I also like that 4 shots mid mass take out most infantry. The accuracy isn't the best but I can't say it's any worse than most guns out there. I say it's on par with the F2000 as far as accuracy and even though it says it has the same damg. as the MP5 I seem to take down people faster. As for the L95A1 Sniper Rifle, it is indeed a Godlike weapon. While I didn't try the other sniper rifles to see how they compared after the patch, I can say that I've gotten more kills with this new unlock than any other sniper rifle. Amazing shots, great distance and great damg. It even seems to have a quicker reload. And the sound of it.. very cool.

Other things

The new grenade Launcher min. arming distance is fantastic. I've never been more happy with the nerfing of noobtubers in my BF2 career. The sweet satisfaction of mowing down these obviously idiot players still attempting to use the GL at point blank range is so sweet.. so satisfying. I don't think I could smile anymore when I take these assholes out. 

The delay in prone and standing positions does not seem to effect me as much as some other think it does them. I have learned to crouch and shoot more often when quickly on the go and only go prone when I need to for distance shots and covert moving. So the delay doesn't effect me. It did seem to mess up and glitch things a little when I was zoomed in with the sniper rifle and stood up but that's a small thing really.

The increased throwing range of grenades and all packs (medic/supply) is Aok with me. I like the ability and I quickly got used to it.

The increased accuracy of the PKM makes it a decent weapon again. It's not godlike but at least you can use it on the move with decent K ratios.

The hardest thing to get used to has to be the inability to jump and throw C4. It is much harder now to get C4 on the vehicles and then to get away and blow them up without getting killed. Very difficult and I will need to practice more to get myself back to the skill level I was before. It's not impossible, just harder.

I had no issues installing the Patch 1.2. I downloaded and installed the full 380+ Mb patch and it installed fine. I made certain my movies were renamed back to their original names. I then logged in (twice because the first time it said I had incorrect password. Don't fret just log in again and it will take it no prob.). Then I went to the Community Tab -> Custom Games and activated BF2 v1.2.  It restarts. Now don't be alarmed as it will still show 1.12 version in the top right.


I enjoyed this new patch quite a bit. All the ones that are bitching just don't have the patience or the skill to actually play with this new patch yet. The ones that bitch the most will probably stop playing and you will not have to worry about it. Those that are stubborn enough to relearn how to fight will hopefully strive and become better players because of it. Today playing on Dalian Plant I was over joyed when I took out 3 attack choppers via tank without dying, simply because they flew too low and I saw them coming in for a missle run. Many chopper pilots aren't accurate enough with the missles and they seem to not hit very often so I survive. They then fly over and I turn and shot the main cannon. Boom. One main gun shot and MG fire after that they go down. I like that. It separates the men from the boys when it comes to chopper skill. I love this patch and I see nothing wrong with it so far.

And that's my personal opinion.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Whooo! Im on fire with the Linebacker and Tunguska and that Chinese thingie Ph34r AA planes and helo-boys!
I like the new patch.only thing i dont like ,the C4 dont kill ur own dudes.Every weapon should ALWAYS kill team or not.a team could put a bunch of C4 around eash flag and asign a sniper to watch each one.the only way in would be to sacrefice one of your team members.I do like the fact that you cant blow up the mines,they are normally buryed so you wouldnt even see them to blow them up.I LIKE THE PATCH
+8|6982|The Barbary Coast
I used the EA downloader (as I'd already purchased BF2:SF like that).  It, rather stupidly though,  couldn't find the executable to install it after it had downloaded it to the default location.  Had to install it manually in the end!

Oh yeah, parthian1000 5 - bunnyhoppers 0.
I was a bit sceptical about the patch (I am a plane/chopper whore or whatever the name u come up with).

But still the same thing: score on chopper 52-0, stupid AAs are better, but ppl cant use them (same as before patch), and that follows by kick/ban for cheating or stat padding, etc. I was raking up the points last night, my gunner was getting gold medals every game/round we played, so its just more challenging and more interesting now.

What the patch did is make plane whoring easier: I mean fighter jets have almost the same number of rockets as choppers, only those get locked on a target. plus bombs are way more powerful now.

Tried PKM, well it is as accurate as it was before, I loved it before. It used to take some skill to get kills before, now any n00b will get into AA and start shooting and get kills because missiles lock onto the target, not because they are so good.

Anyways after playing for 6-7 hours last night, I got hit many times with AA, but was shot down only once by it.
+0|7065|Vienna- Austria
love the L96A1.. (man that sound) ^^, hate th p90 thou.. would rather change it for the mp7..
two words, PATCH SUCKS
+0|6989|Richmond VA
Haven't Installed It Yet But From What I'm Reading, Sounds Great.  You Guys Should Read The "hate It" Thread, And Hear All Of Those Whinny Bitches Cry About Not Being  Able To Hop Around Like Fucking Morons.     Love It.  Hahaha Babies.

Last edited by cullenjackcullen (2006-02-15 12:50:43)

+5|7062|Clinton, MD, USA
I love it. Nothing is wrong with it, EA and DICE did right with this patch. I especially love the new accurate AA. I remember pre-1.2 BF2, there was a Cobra right in front of the AA I fired and both missles missed it completely one went up the other went down. Now the AA rocks!
New sniper unlock = absolutely lovely! Finally I can play sniper on MEC/China too.
New AT unlock = Well.. DAO for close range and SRAW/Eryx for long range is perfectly OK with me. But I won´t complain, always fun with more to chose from.

AA = Sweet, I actually managed to hit a jet today. It didn´t die though but whatever. It felt good.

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