Here is my take after a night on the new patch.
1) I like most of the fixes. Some of the guns are more accurate and stronger. The G3 is more useful and I am not sure, but the DAO-12 seems to be stronger as well(Maybe I was just getting rocked more than normal, but I seemed to kept getting one shot killed).
2) I like knifing people and kinda wish I could use the knife in the air. That'd probably open a whole new can of worms.
3) PKM OWNS everyone. I have never seen so many support players. I was shot down by a PKM (full health, assault pack) while he was standing about 40 feet away.
4) AA is fine by me. I was in the MEC transport chopper on Iron Gator and the pilot was able to drop what seemed to be 2-3 flares a second. That's a bit much I think.
5) Attack Choppers can still do a good amount of damage if properly used.
It'll take some getting used to. Hard to get used to not being able to blow C4 as fast (No not macro fast, just faster than it is). I kinda liked blowing up my own AT mines with a granade, but that's no longer possible. I was wondering if (before the patch) one could throw 5 AT mines at an enemy Arty and then blow it with a granade if it'd destroy it. Can't try it now.
Screenshots can no longer be taken. I love to take them and was unable to. I have 2 buttons mapped to Screenshot, but neither worked. This kinda blows.
Last edited by terrafirma (19 years, 1 month ago)