Bloody Sky
Yeah, that's what I used to like about AVP 2 (Aliens Versus Predator 2 AKA my 3rd most played game according to my Xfire profile atm) Some servers had a mod where if you tried to spawn kill someone, you would die. It lasted for about 2 seconds after you moved from the point you spawned at. But then again it got kind of annoying. Because if anyone here has played that game you can pounce as an Alien (I was always Alien or Predator) and you would do around jumping and pouncing to make you move faster then accidently pounce into a spawned person that hasn't moved yet and died. :S

But yeah I agree that spawn killing is stupid. But I also agree that at a cap-able flag you are an open taget (and plus the chances are you can probably spawn somewhere else). But I completely agree with non cap-able spawn protection.
Fair phis180, but i would like to make a note why I never ever drive past the first flag until we have taken it. Going for a flag, in any kind of vehicle will surely attract arty from the commander. I think playing as a team means that you will stick with them and since I am convinced that I am most helpfull fighting in the line in stead of abandoning it, I will stick with them. I see it as my primary objective to neutralize the enemy armor and APC's. As it should be their primary objective to hunt me. This is unfortunaly not the case in the most games. Why? I don't know? But suggesting that I should hunt for them as soon as they are spotted, especially when they are behind their own lines would be BS, since I wont be capable of repairing my tank near friendlies.

And yes it may be usefull to drive past their first front line for a flag but never in a tank because you can only support one team member.

phis180 wrote:
Everytime i have said spawn CAMPING, not spawn killing.  There is a BIG difference.

What is the differnce between them, one leads to the other.

Last edited by [SWAM]RobbieE (2005-09-28 06:27:03)

Yes, it possible one could lead to the other, if you enjoy it...  I still dont see how that is enjoyable. 

Spawn camping is having the intention of going to a common spawn point to kill them. 

Spawn killing is just by pure considence, your on the move and them bam right in front of you, and then you waste him.  Mabye your waiting for you team to catch up and another spawns... bam you smoke checked him too.   finally your squad gets to you and then another pops up... bam another down. 

See where this is going?  I will NEVER be the guy that sits in the hall way killing more then 3 people.  I feel bad doing it!!  I feel lausy, like a n00b, that has to kill them when they spawn just to get points.  Generally i move at least around another corner, if they peek around out of curiosity... then i waste them, but NEVER right when they spawn, at least not intentionally!!

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-28 07:07:15)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7127|Cologne, Germany

well, I guess everyone has a different approach to playing the game, and as long as you are not cheating, everything goes, at least for me. call me a noob or a stats whore, but I am going to do anything I possibly can to help my team win. that will include using the "noob tube" and it will include killing retards that spawn in a base that is under immense pressure. You gotta play the game along the lines that it offers, if you want to be successful, that's how I see it.

for further study, I kindly refer you to this thread ,
where our good friend bluehavoc8686 has posted the following:

"This is interesting... is it possible that the majority of us are actually not whores, but instead just good players who are branded as such? Maybe we have been so brainwashed by the constant complaining that in fear of being the object of ridicule, we will soon do nothing and just stand around waiting to get shot because as we all know, if you shoot someone, you're a dirty stats whore and if you attempt to cap an enemy flag, you're a dirty stats whore and of course, if you go anywhere near a helicopter you are a super, ultra, mega, uber, stupid, **** sucking, mother ****ing, **** licking, ****faced STATS WHORE!!! So basically, I don't care anymore. That's right. I'm gonna keep on doing what I've always done or whatever I feel like. I'm gonna use the APC to spawn rape the shit outta some poor little bastards that are dumb enough to keep respawning in the same place. I don't care anymore. This is my conclusion and furthermore, I think that the terms and emphasis on whoring, raping, padding, farming were started in the first place by noobers who just needed a good cry about the fact that their K/D ratio is lower than my defibrillator K/D ratio. SO THERE!!! Anyone who agrees with me, VIA LA REVOLUTION and for those who don't, well goody fuckin good for you!"
-End quote-

I couldn't agree more...

this has been very intensely discussed ( as has the noob tube issue ) and we could probably go on for days, while merely exchanging opinions. that will change nothing, as any changes are solely up to EA.
People feel strongly about these issues ( some more than others, obviously ), and I respect that, but we are not going to solve anything here anytime soon.

remember guys, this is still just a game after all.

btw, I am not suggesting that you should stop argueing. I simply don't know if it will lead you anywhere..
Correct me when I am wrong but I was under the firm impression that you wanted it too stop, be improved or prevented somehow. Now I see that you think 3 is acceptable. Let me see, three is more then enough to give ymy team the edge in that battle. Furthermore I can tell you that I am convinced now that you only percieve it as "Spawn" camping because I never ever can stand in front of a spawn point for more then 3 seconds. That would be suicidal and yes, if I would do that you probably would kill me 15 times in a round. I could also say that when some one is on foot he is capable of "Spawn" camping. It is al a matter op positioning yourself, just like positioning yourself is choosing where to spawn.

I was merely trying to point out to you that there is no "Spawn" camping in this game! Accept that and you will notice that BF2 is half realistic and half arcade like!

And why shouldn't I enjoy an easy kill? Should I feel guilty for blowing that enemy's head of? And on the other hand, why do you keep suggestting that I would enjoy it at all? To be honost, it is kind of boring, just like sniping, I think that is extremely boring. I do like a good armor kill, I'll rather have one good opponent in a tank then 100 easy kills!

But al this still doesn't change the fact that there are numeral options as a dead player to spawn at safe places! And why do you keep talking about n00bs? Like I said before, there is no such thing as a n00b. A n00b is a four letterword peoples use to camoflage their own faults and because of this are not obliged to find themselves at fault. Guess you also call pplz whom walk in front of your vehicles n00b? Or TK-ing you in a battle by stepping on a grenade that just has been thrown by that n00b on your team. On both occassions I end up excusing myself for the fact that I just cost someone -2 and will never ever press page up (unless a n00b TK me for a vehicle).

Just to "justify" my behavior I would like to quote a piece from a famous and one of the best tank generals in the world:

Never a war has been won by dying for your country, it has been won by making the other poor bastard die for his country! (gen. G.Patton)

Last edited by [SWAM]RobbieE (2005-09-28 07:36:45)

And i do understand what you people are saying about the flag being "hot", and you are going to kill everyone you see, and everyone is fair game.  - ABSOLUTLY! -  But again, do not understand the spawn CAMPING...  Unless your team is RIGHT there moving in.  and your clearing a path for them.  I dont see how you help your team out by going assault?????  so you kill 3 people with one m203.  mean while a person on the other team just killed 3 of your squad memebers with their gp30..  Well you just broke even, as say you were a medic, and to took them all out.  Well now you can res your buddy and not lose any points.   Assault has NO teamwork feature!  Only support, Medic, Engineer do.  The fact of the matter is, If you are going Assault you dont have helping your team as first prioity, you have yourself.  Thats fine but DONT say you are going to do everything for you team when you go Assault!  Also AT and spec ops are also helpfull classes, to take out armor, and what not.  But Assault and sniper r worthless, when it comes to teamwork. Those are classes for lonewolf's.  At least it seems that way to me.  There is nothing in the game that I would rather use a GL'er for that I cannot do with a frag grenade or with my gun!!

B.Schuss it is funny say that, because my initinal feelings were to post it in the "Improvemtents" section hoping to, not get the people to provide negative feedback to the topic (in a sence).  I did not want this thread to come out the way it did... I would have rather not known that I associate with spawn campers in this forum.  Or have even heard that anyone likes to do it.  IT baffles my mind everything i think about it!! 

All i wanted to to is suggest something that would Improve the gameplay of BF2.  Even after hearing all your "opinions" i think the game needs spawn protection even more then i did before. (I have been trying to keep an open mind, really hard to do when no one else seems to think war or games have no ethics or morals).
+0|7086|Dallas, Texas
I don't mind getting spawn killed if the person is activly trying to take the flag. It is when the a$$hole is staying just far enough away from the flag as to not change it and just wantonly spawn killing.

Laby wrote:

I don't mind getting spawn killed if the person is activly trying to take the flag. It is when the a$$hole is staying just far enough away from the flag as to not change it and just wantonly spawn killing.
There's two sides to that point. When capturing a flag you're vulnerable, you have to stay near the flag to get it to change, hence you can be a sitting duck. When I go to a flag (enemy), I look around for the REDS, I also wait for back up, it's coming, it just takes a little time to arrive, so if I see you spawn when I want to take the flag, you're damn right I'm gonna try and take you out..... If you respawn to the same point, you're a legit target, after all, I want that flag.

I've been on the end of my own tactics, they're fair, it's war, it's hell. If it gets to a point where I feel I can't cope at that spawn point, I'll go elsewhere, then drive/walk/run/fly to the original point to see if I can get it back.... all's fair in war and war

Spawn protection could be a problem if everyone spawned at the same point..... there's no way of winning a flag in a legit way... I'm probably wrong, but unless they're 'spawn killers' for the hell of it, spawn protection could add to more frustration to a CP.
And why shouldn't I enjoy an easy kill?
Not sure about you, but peronally I enjoy kills that take skill, creativity, and/or witts.  And that classifies as "none of the above".

But al this still doesn't change the fact that there are numeral options as a dead player to spawn at safe places! And why do you keep talking about n00bs? Like I said before, there is no such thing as a n00b. A n00b is a four letterword peoples use to camoflage their own faults and because of this are not obliged to find themselves at fault. Guess you also call pplz whom walk in front of your vehicles n00b? Or TK-ing you in a battle by stepping on a grenade that just has been thrown by that n00b on your team. On both occassions I end up excusing myself for the fact that I just cost someone -2 and will never ever press page up (unless a n00b TK me for a vehicle).
Correct me if i am wrong.  To me the spawn point is safe until you take the flag to neutral (isant that why the made the flag neutral and not just instantly your flag????) (think about it, it works 2 ways) I beleive that is why they put the sub-spawn pts away from the flag, instead of having everyone spawn right next to the flag.

If you have ever played with me, you would know... i NEVER punish people unelss it was blatant!!

And the n00b thing... you may need some gamer etiquette.  here is a link. … tnG=Search
Make sure you read this part
a player who does something stupid, often repeatedly
This would classify GL'er n00bs bc they run around with it out all the time, and kill people even if it means killing yourself.   As well as MANY other things! I accept my actions!  There have been times when i have done n00bish actions. But it doesnt happen often... most of the time it is either when I bomb a spawn pt with a jet that had our own peps at it, or the hand grenade glitch... where he makes no action of thowing the grenade it just flies out of his chest... (gotta love that one)

Never a war has been won by dying for your country, it has been won by making the other poor bastard die for his country! (gen. G.Patton)
Could you explain this, for i dont understand how this justifies spawn camping or how it has anything to do with spawn protection?  Do re-enfocemtns instantly show up on the battlefield in real life??? (do you know something i dont??? teleport troops??)

Just a note do you think Becasue Gen Patton said that, that they did not have ethics??  You only know 1/2 of the story, Military has a Code of Conduct, Rules of Engagement and a UCMJ.  You all say you know so much about war, and anything goes at war... THERE ARE MANY UPON MANY RULES TO WAR!! Obviously just like the game, and real life the rules can be broken, but unlike real life you get punished Via Courts Martial... Trust me... Your AFU once that happens!!! My point is dont keep using you real life military analogies as a copout, for you wanted to buff your stats.  Just admit it... Denial is 1/2 the problem. 

Spawn protection could be a problem if everyone spawned at the same point..... there's no way of winning a flag in a legit way... I'm probably wrong, but unless they're 'spawn killers' for the hell of it, spawn protection could add to more frustration to a CP.
How could it cause more problems then there already is????????????
thinner44 think here....  Next time you play a map and spawn... count out 2 seconds.  You cannot even pull the GL'er out in 2 seconds, unless you are hitting the button before you spawn.  Then i want you to spawn and run imeditally after spawning, while counting to two. Tell me how far you got.  I have already tested it.  If you had been killed spawning in that same spot a second ago, then it probably wont happen again, because you will be able to sprint out of there.  2 seconds is enough to give an aware player the chance to get away from the spawn camper, and the unaware player enough time for a meaningful flashback.  But thats about it. 2 seconds does no more for you then that!

btw Laby thx for some re enforcement on this topic, This Thread is getting overwhelmed by people who think spawn camping is helping their team... The only thing it is helping is your stats PERIOD!

Everyone knows how it goes... get one preson to f' it up and everyone suffers, for better or for worse.  These are the reasons why people put in rules for servers, and "spawn protection" in games is implimented.

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-28 11:52:10)

Pish180, sorry, it was just too much to quote.

I'm not sure what you're on about, if you already have spwan protection, are you looking for more? 2 seconds is a long time.

A spawn point isn't a safe place 'if' it's being taken by the enemy, I still maintain, if I want that flag and I'm about to be assisted, if you pop your head around the corner, I'll try and shoot it off, but I won't camp there to 'spawn kill', that's totally different.

As for other comments on 'noobs', I personally already knew the meaning, it's being used in many guises, but it is a 'derogatory' term and that surely isn't a good thing. If you see someone crash a car in real life, do you go up to him/her and say 'noob', probably not..... 'new to a game' doesn't mean noob.

I agree with all the rules and regulations, I understand people's frustrations, but after all, it's a game and many rules are being broken. For instance, yesterday I saw my first stat padders in action...... a totally pointless procedure becuase everyone can tell, when looking at stats, that that's how they got so many points.

To end, I'm with you 100% on spawn (camper) killers, it has a negative impact on the game and can be very very frustrating... but it is just a game
So I have gathered that timed spawn protection nobody wants... now what about subspawn points?  Then it is completly 100% your fault, because you can choose to spawn away from the camper, meanwhile still trying to protect the spawn point? Sounds pretty fair to me!  To pick a completly differ spawn point is just stupid, espeically in urban maps, when you play support!!  The guy can only run about 8 steps before he about passes-out!  By the time you get back to the 1st spawn point, they are already takin the one you just came from.   So personally i think subspawn points would be a good addition.  Altho, it will probably never happen, just thinking about EA, that would probably be to much work for them, Plus they have already soooo MANY balancing issues!!!

I have seen firsthand when it gets really bad, they had a humvee, tank and apc all spawn camping different spots!! That REALLY pissed me off!!! Maybe it was the fact that they had no intention on taking the flag. Just to get tons of kills.  Generally speaking i like to stay on foot in urban maps!  But when this happens, i try to jump in a tank.  When i am in a tank, look out, i am hunting vehicles, spawn campers, and tube noobs.

As for other comments on 'noobs', I personally already knew the meaning, it's being used in many guises, but it is a 'derogatory' term and that surely isn't a good thing. If you see someone crash a car in real life, do you go up to him/her and say 'noob', probably not..... 'new to a game' doesn't mean noob.
I was not reffering to you when i said this.   And to go further into this it is a name give to a group of people in bf2.  It is the spawn campers with vehicles that get called tank n00bs, or apc n00bs.  It is the people who run around with the GL'er out all the time that brings the name "tube n00bs".  It only take 1 person to ruin the reputation by doing stupid things.  And you absolutly right, it is not a good thing, to be called.  And acutally if someone has got in several accidents, i would call them a noob.  Doing something 1 or 2 times is not noob, doing it repeaditly is.  Spawn camping= repeaditly killing new spawns, and understood by the other team as stupid! put 2 and 2 together... now you have tank/spawn/apc noob.  Get it??

Personally with this much conterversy over 1 topic (spawn protection), something should be implimented.
Pish180, I agree 100%, I sit and curse those that do nothing but spawn/kill camp, but it's very difficult for EA to be able to tell who's doing that on purpose as to those that are waiting back up. I wait for back up, it's no good me sat on a flag on my own where there's 6-7 REDS spawning ready to spill my guts. So if you see me, and it looks as if I'm doing 'spawn' killer, I'm not, I'm waiting for back up.

As for noobs, (I realsie you wern't referring to me, cheers), I'll quietly bow out of this one, it's a much used term, derogatory though it is, it's used by too many to be able to argue. When someone repeatedly messes up..... I just call them idiots ... As for the 'noob/tubes', I think that's on here somewhere.... I personally don't care what kit/armour people use against me, if I get killed, I spawn again, if I get killed again, I puts the kettle on

All the best..... Suggest the 'spawn protection' to EA. I hope you're successful, it is after all, a fair point. (if you do and you have their ear, can you ask if I can have double the body armour please)
would u like some cheese with ur whine pish? plz don't call ppl n00bs. u're probably one of the bigger n00bs as well. u're the exact same n00bs who complain about the awp in CS. if u really can't stand the spawn camping and spawn killing, join another server or just quit the game. i will admit, i WILL spawn CAMP and i will spawn KILL. i don't feel bad about it. y? because i'm doing my team a favor by doing it. by preventing U from getting any vehicles or attacking my team, i am helping them win. i am also the same kind of person who will fly planes around the enemy base and prevent any planes or helis leave the ground. i just don't see what's ur peeve about it. get better and prevent enemies from getting that far in the first place.
Another German Mod
+6|7094|Lake Constanze, Germany
PLZ stop that noobish flaming....everybody! Plz raise the level.....
Thank u very much!

Crazy has a mind of its own
Ok I notice there's a lot of hot tempers going on this post.
I definately see both sides of this issue, and I understand the "if your base is under attack, don't spawn there" concept. But I have to say, I think doing some kind of spawn protection is good in the name of fun. I think 3 seconds, no one can hurt you, and you can't hurt anyone else. Additionally, if during this time, an enemy is nearby and the flag goes neutral, you do not count towards the flag recapture untill the 3 seconds is up.

I think its fair to give someone 3 seconds to see which way they're facing and get an idea where the enemy is at. Base raping in this game, although of course is a successful tactic, I think really detracts from the fun of the game.

Keep in mind, what if this is the only base you can spawn to? Or what if the nearest base is 3 miles away with no vehicles? I mean isnt the point of capturing bases to give you an advantage, not a place where you spawn into only to die before you even got your screen to refresh? I've been in several games where there is only 1 base left, and the enemy never takes it over, just keeps bombing it over and over to get points.

All that being said, if you're on a server, and you don't like how people are behaving, go find a different one.
I only spawn kill with Claymore Mines when I am a sniper.  I place'em and I run off to another control point to fight.  It doesnt piss alot of people except when my guys recapture the flag and spawn where my mines are and it blows them up.  Then I get alot of punishment and sometimes kicked.
Raising the level   I love this game, it's great, and if I do get 'spawn killed' several times over, it's either through bad luck or judgement. When you get killed you get several seconds to see (presuming they're close by), who killed you, if you spawn back at the same base and he's still there.... run like hell!, creep back and do to him what he's done to you, i've done that a few times.
If it's your last base and everyone seems to be spawning at once, run every which way, because the enemy can't protect every base, so in theory, we have a chance of capturing one or two back.
@ phis180, @Dizazter
Do we need more subspawnpoints, there are 9 slots for squad leaders, there are usually several bases where you can spawn. And the squadleaders are mobile spawnpoints. The hard thing for a squadleader is to sacrifice himself bij NOT engaging in battle, he must keep safe. And the CAP flag spawnpoints must be secured before taking the flag, this will make it much easier to capture that flag. As for the oppostion it is vital to protect the spawnpoints, but that is generally also forgotten. But I guess teamwork is really underrated by most players. I do know that our Clan has a weekly meeting @ my place to evaluate the progress and to give feedback on playing styles.

I would like to make an example about this discussion in our clan. [SWAM]Lizzy is a person whom wants to get into action right away. He usually spawns @ the action and complains a lot about being spawn killed. He also suggested subspawnpoints that are save. But save spawnpoints would mean that you would spawn in Strike @ Karkand in the second base or the vincinity, because a safe spawnpoint would guarantee you that you can not get shot. Lets use this assumption and talk about the Strike @ Karkand.
1. The Americans will flood the first base, it is their only option.
2. The zone around the flag will be infested with Americans eventually. So the subspawnpoints would be farther and farther away everytime.
3. You would know when you spawn that there is no enemy around you! This I consider an unfair advantage when playing MEC because you would also know where to expect the enemy since you where not spawned at the nearer spawn points.

Therefore subspawnpoints would only give an unfair advantage @ maps like Mashtuur, Sharqi en Strike. Just accept it phis180, it is really good this way. The only thing that more players should know is that when a base is being overrun, spawn some where else, it is not that difficult.

Spawn protection would be completely useless, stupid and screw the gampeplay up, I already envission that there are two people staring @ each other holding the fire button and when the 2 seconds are gone the luckiest guy wins. Well that would be fun now would it? Would a spec ops still be capable of using C4? Would the handgrenades also stop working.

How would it work when I fire on a player and suddenly someone spawns in front of me, would that player be a shield then? And doesn't that place the assaulting team in a huge dissadvantage?

Plz try to have a little imigination pplz. Assume that it is implemented and then think about the situations that can and will occur.

Last edited by [SWAM]RobbieE (2005-09-30 00:44:45)


pish180 wrote:

Correct me if i am wrong.  To me the spawn point is safe until you take the flag to neutral (isant that why the made the flag neutral and not just instantly your flag????) (think about it, it works 2 ways) I beleive that is why they put the sub-spawn pts away from the flag, instead of having everyone spawn right next to the flag.
Yeah you are wrong, is like walking through a fire fight thinking nobody can hear, see you and kill you because you see your flag, I found that this is a mistake most players make. Never ever assume you are safe. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.

pish180 wrote:

And the n00b thing... you may need some gamer etiquette.  here is a link. … tnG=Search
So that makes you experienced enough to decide who is n00b and who is not? Get real and stop being arrogant, learn from your enemy and your own mistakes and improve yourself. Even you should know that since you have played an awfull lot (with my respect for that of course and the slightest envy for the time that I just cannot seem to find).

pish180 wrote:

a player who does something stupid, often repeatedly. This would classify GL'er n00bs bc they run around with it out all the time, and kill people even if it means killing yourself.   As well as MANY other things! I accept my actions!  There have been times when i have done n00bish actions. But it doesnt happen often... most of the time it is either when I bomb a spawn pt with a jet that had our own peps at it, or the hand grenade glitch... where he makes no action of thowing the grenade it just flies out of his chest... (gotta love that one)
Euh, so? When I read this correctly and put one and two together you are actually saying: "hey pplz I am a n00b whom gets killed a lot at the spawn points and usually like to bounce undersling fired grenades back with my head and I can't stand it dying like that so I start complaining about my own playing style!! ROFLOL. Well to press on the point, I am the only one whom is allowd to call me a n00b, how do you know if someone is a n00b? You can not look into someones brain can you?

pish180 wrote:

Never a war has been won by dying for your country, it has been won by making the other poor bastard die for his country! (gen. G.Patton)
Could you explain this, for i dont understand how this justifies spawn camping or how it has anything to do with spawn protection?  Do re-enfocemtns instantly show up on the battlefield in real life??? (do you know something i dont??? teleport troops??)
So are you reffering to the game or real life? In BF2 you could say that the reinforcements are being teleported in. No reinforcements do not come in by teleporter in real war, they get there on foot, train, car, truck, boat, airoplane, chopper and so on. But you asked for the justification, okay. It is kind of realistic since moving reserves in suggests that movement takes place, during al action of movement one is more vunerable then in a dug in place, like having position on a roof top instead of getting there. Oh and this saying of Patton also goes for BF2, you still lose tickets when one respawns. So making the other poor bastard die for his team is winning with your own.

pish180 wrote:

Just a note do you think Becasue Gen Patton said that, that they did not have ethics??  You only know 1/2 of the story, Military has a Code of Conduct, Rules of Engagement and a UCMJ.  You all say you know so much about war, and anything goes at war... THERE ARE MANY UPON MANY RULES TO WAR!! Obviously just like the game, and real life the rules can be broken, but unlike real life you get punished Via Courts Martial... Trust me... Your AFU once that happens!!! My point is dont keep using you real life military analogies as a copout, for you wanted to buff your stats.  Just admit it... Denial is 1/2 the problem.
Ethics in war? Damn I must have woken up in a different world today. Or are you just being naieve? Stop watching the TV so much, these institutions are there but when a war starts they stop when the first bullet is being fired at once. And plz do explain to me since these ethics are so important to you (you brought it up, I did not!) why it is possible that the U.S. Congress has signed a law to invade the Netherlands when a soldier of the U.S. is being trailed in The Hague for war crimes (almost al other countries in this world have agreed upon that the War Tribunal in The Hague is the appointed place(even the Russian an Chinees if I am not mistaken)). Hmmm ethics? No, they are nothing but an illusion to keep the simple people from becoming affraid of war.

Ethics in war examples.
WWI: gas warfare
WWII: Flamethrowing tanks, 2 Nukes on Japan while Japan was fighting on its last breath. Is like killing you in BF2 with a tube launcher while you have one health bar!
Korea: US marines got surrounded (nasty fight, only fighting for your own survival and killing al prisoners and wounded (bye bye ethics)
Vietnam: Special Forces, Agent Orange
Iraq: War II, blowing up your own country men?

And not mentioning the fact that wars are always fought by politicians whom stay at home!! Ethics? Let me see a G.W. Bush in Iraq fighting the so called rebels. That would be a first!

Last edited by [SWAM]RobbieE (2005-09-30 06:18:23)

Just for [SWAM]RobbieE .... wow. I think you took the words out of most people's mouths damn impressive.
i agree with robbie. stop complaining and get better. prevent them from getting to ur base in the first place.
After skimming this thread just had to add my $.02.

I think that RtCW:ET had it right with a limited spawn protection of a few seconds that was also actually out of the direct line of fire.

1)  This prevented most people from ever camping the spawn.  If you were in an enemy spawn point when people spawned, you were toast.  This greatly detracts from people accruing very easy points and not trying to help the team out.  Basically you are making it more easy to die while trying to spawn camp than it is to make points.

2)  Regarding the whole "Well spawn at another point" issue.  Not always a great idea.  I have played on maps where the only available spawn point is being camped with armor and people trying to rack up their kill score.  No one can move, including squad leaders.

3)  I do want to say that I am not condoning having spawnpoints on top of a flag.  As a matter of fact I do believe that the flag needs to be seperate from spawn points.

4)  Two seconds is actually enough time to protect yourself and yet not give an advantage in abusign the system.

5)  "Quit and find another server."  - I think that really its a problem with gameplay that needs to be fixed.  Why is it that almost every other FPS has some kind of Spawn protection except for BF2?


1)  I will actually persue people that are intentionally trying to spawncamp, to try and reinforce the idea that this isnt going to be an easy kill zone.

2)  I do think there is a delay inbetween when an opponent sees you spawn and when you can actually do something.  My question is whether you spawn prior to you seeing the change (ie your able to move, thus why you dont have a chance to react before you die again).

Suggested fix:

1)  Make the spawn points inside "bunkers" where there are at least 2 exits that are 90 degrees to the actual spawn in addition to a 2 second invulnerability.  This will prevent: a)  Instantly dieing where you spawn as artillery begins to drop.  b)  Prevents people from standing on one side of the bunker and shooting through the entire spawn (both infantry and vehicles).  c)  Prevent the invulnerability from being abused, as you will actually have to leave the bunker to kill.
The spawn points in BF2, especially the urban maps and some of the others are set up really poorly. First off, the guys that sit down alleys in tanks/apcs or continuelly frag them for kills from the spawners on Karkand, are noobs because they aren't trying to help their team out but rather better their own score. You really believe the guys in the top 100 got there though teamwork and dedication? No, they just camped down alleys on a karkand 24/7 server with a tank for their own gain.

Now on to the point of the spawn raping. On Karkand, especially, the spawn points are set up horrible. You spawn in the middle of a opening or some vulnerable spot making for an easy kill. This is most evident in the first alley, where all the U.S. go down to get to the flag. No, when you spawn, you are basically like reinforcements. Reinforcements don't automatically show up front, they come from the rear of the line. So after you die, you should really spawn behind the flag rather than infront because that is most likely where an enemy will be. Spawning behind the first flag or in a more closed area would be better than spawning as a sitting duck. This is suppose to be based on war in a way, so why am I spawning at the most likely place I will die in a matter of seconds. I wouldn't be good reinforcements then because I would just get killed the second I spawn., rather than supporting my team.

On another issue, those that saying spawn at another point are saying it totally out of their own self gain. Yea it is easy for you to say there are other spawn points to spawn at, especially on Karkand, but that is just handing the flag over to the enemy on a silver platter. If most of use spawn somewhere else, who is going to hold the flag? By the time we got there, the flag would already be the enemies. The only exception to that would be if the flag is uncappable, and then you could spawn somewhere else possible and would be considered your fault if you got killed there. But an enemy camping an uncapturable flag is just a noob looking for points anyway, so I find it no big deal because it usually won't turn the tide of the game. It isn't like on Karkand though were someone actually spawns AT, only to end up spawning in the alley and being killed by the tank whore.

In general, the spawn points in BF2 are pretty poorly plotted. The spawn point can go red though if you are trying to spawn it, but I don't know if it always has enemies though. It would be much better if they spawned you behind the flag which is a less vulnerable place to be killed, but we are linned up for the enemies pickings sometimes and not just on Karkand. The spawn points are put on mostly choke points or places of conflict rather than a little away from the flag.

I don't think the 2-3 second invulnerability thing would work very well either because usually tanks or infantry shoot until you are down, so they would just sit there unloading on you.

I am not really taking sides on this conflict with anyone of you, but I think the guys that have to camp alleys and use lame excuses for their own gain should get some real skill and balls because the points you get won't make you a better player at all, and most of these tactics only work on Karkand or a few of the other levels. The tank whores need to stop making excuses for what they do because there is no excuse for it. You are basically like the Blackhawk on Karkand. You and others sit there alley camping because you can get alot of points for it, and just end the game quickly. I don't have a problem with the tanks staying up front, but alley camping is just low and noobish. You guys don't cap flags either, so if the enemy had a decent game plan, then they could just wait and you would hide in a tank rather than get out and cap flags for your team.

I would like to see some of you last outside of Karkand 24/7 servers because without a tank or noobtube to camp an alley with while people come by, you would have to actually go and find someone to kill or wait awhile. I don't think most of you would pull off a half decent score either, but maybe against other sorry players.
U have to live with that!
U get spawnkilled and u do spawnkills, but mostly u even dont know that u spawnkilled ur enemy!!!

So, what do I have to do when im in an apc/tank, whatever, thats nearly destroyed!? Should I wait till the one who spawned (e.g. an anti-tank guy) goes around the corner!? NO! Cause then i'm cannonfodder.

So I don't understand why u are challenging the answers/examples/arguments that many users had given to u.

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