will frag for food
+11|7126|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
So today I was playing Karkand as USMC; real uncommon I know. But I spawned in the back and thought "hmm why not take the tank. I never use it on Karkand." And so I did and got about 10 kills before the first 60 seconds had passed. At that point, I became addicted. I found myself respawning, taking the tank, respawning, taking the tank and so on. After a while, I thought "OMG I've become a freaking tank whore!" I was sickened. And yet, I kept right on jumping in the tank and killing people. Granted, I know that I did help the team because while I was killing people and destroying the MEC tank and vehicles, my team was capping flags. Despite that fact, I felt pretty bad about what I had done and I got a Bronze for it. O well, I guess we're not all perfect. In the next rounds, I controlled my problem somewhat by taking the tank sometimes and other times just playing on foot or in another vehicle. It was hard since no one else on my team was properly utilizing the tank, but I resisted. So, who else has a closet whoring story?
+66|7127|Missoula, MT
I once rode on a BH for an entire round on Mastuur and it was great.  I got three medals I needed and a new personal high score for that board.  We must have capped each flag 3 or 4 times each.  This was before I had read about how wrong this is and all.  But wow, what a rush it was at the time.  Haven't done it since and don't miss it either.  I can see why people have such high scores now.  It just seems boring to me now.  Glad to hear about the changes in the patch.  It'll help that situation out, if only a little.
purple sticky punch
+0|7100|englewood FL.
well i have this one whoring storie...starts out ina hot tub with 3 blondes......Whoops wrong forum....lmao hahah good suff
Artillery catcher
+5|7124|Munich, Germany
hi im mort4u and i used to tank whore

yeah taking the tank on  karkand is tempting and i admit i did it. i also whored with the BH but got over it.
now i just have to stop jumping in every plane i see and bomb the shit out of everything that moves below me and its not good for my points cause sometimes they are blue. i finished a round with -8 score a few days ago but that teach me a lesson.
will frag for food
+11|7126|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
i like the new sig mort.
It doesn't really matter what I do, people call me a whore. I play medic, they call me a medic whore, I play support, they call me a support whore, if I play in a tank for a while, or if I man the SAM launcher I become a whore. Needless to say if I even enter a chopper I'm a whore. It's probably that I try to play my best when I'm each kit or in a vehicle. The other team gets so pissed off with me they just call me a whore. Oh, well, they can think what they want, I don't care, I'll play whatever I want to play.
I know how you feel, any time I have sex with someone for money they call me a whore.  You just can't win
hahahaha, nice
Destroy Noob Cannons
Every game, whorewhorewhorewhore
Nah. I only take the tank when nobody is using it.. and if somebody is using it then I take the apc.. if someone is using that, no biggy.. I'll go on foot. some people think Tank whores suck at infantry. not always true.

anyways.. to you, bluehavoc, I think as long as you weren't trying to beat people to the tank or taking it right when somebody else was about to take it, then you're not a tank whore.. because if nobody is using the tank, that's an asset wasted. and tanks are a BIG part of winning. if your team doesnt touch the tank once, and the other team is using it... chances are your team is gonna lose.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7124|A Small Isle in the Tropics

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Every game, whorewhorewhorewhore
Nah. I only take the tank when nobody is using it.. and if somebody is using it then I take the apc.. if someone is using that, no biggy.. I'll go on foot. some people think Tank whores suck at infantry. not always true.

anyways.. to you, bluehavoc, I think as long as you weren't trying to beat people to the tank or taking it right when somebody else was about to take it, then you're not a tank whore.. because if nobody is using the tank, that's an asset wasted. and tanks are a BIG part of winning. if your team doesnt touch the tank once, and the other team is using it... chances are your team is gonna lose.
i agree with that.. these days, if i see someone approaching an asset, i'd wait and see if he wanted it, if not, i just get on board..or i ride in it. no great shakes, the game is so dynamic that it can be played in so many different ways. from my perspective, my agenda is not to get the badges, ribbons, stars, awards..just play it and improve my accuracy stats or have a good laff at some funny going-ons in-game. its entertainment, no?
Using the tank in the right way, to give support to your team it's not whoring. Tank whoring is when a tank watches a respawn point and kill everyone that respawn. So you usage of the tank in Karkand was not whoring if you ask me...
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7130|Bryan/College Station, TX
I indeed have whored myself to the BlackHawk bitch in the sky for nothing more than wink and a nod.

Alas it was Mantchur City (sp?) and I was part of the BH squad. I was a Spec Ops sitting in the rear open area and there was a medic, and engineer and a support. I took part in the massive whoring that is BH point gaining. The entire time I laughed maniacally as I dropped C4 down upon the ground blowing up unsuspecting enemy troops and vehicles and spammed grenades from the heavens as if blessed exploding rain drops were falling softly upon the heads of the poor land locked souls. Oh the blessed points did roll in and my eyes teared at the massive influx of positive nonblemished sweetness. Such a blessing the BH is, such a temptation this whore of the sky. Oh I cherished those 180 or so points I received that game and then I fell to the ground once again a infantry man bound to the killing fields of the Black Whore of the sky, the BH.

Toast to the BH and the memorable whore that she is.


Edit Add: May I add that this wonderful blessing of points never counted as they never appeared in my highest points scoring best round stat. Alas it still remains in the farthest reaches of my subconcious.

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2005-09-21 00:41:37)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Playing Mastuur City as MEC. Me and my clan mate DG got the T-90.

At the end of the round, I had 31 Teamwork points and 30 Combat points, so 91 in total, my best ever.

And no deaths.

Thanks to Commander BB for all the supply crates.

God I love tank rampages.

Last edited by Zveroboy (2005-09-21 00:15:18)

+0|7133|San Francisco, California
I used to whore around in a Blackhawk mostly because I enjoyed using the Chaingun or Flying. I didn't give a shit about points. But just to avoid hypocrites whining to me about something they've never done, is enough for me not to do it. However, 2 friends of mine and myself found a much safer way to whore, on Daqing Oilfields. Instead of using a Chopper, 1 Good driver, 1 Engineer, and 1 Medic. Find a FAV/DPV. Capture each flag. Again it wasn't about the points. It's just one of those many things you can do in BF2. Capture a Flag, avoid getting killed by Helicopters, Tanks, and Jets. Rofl this one time on Fushe Pass 32, we drove throug the American base (we were Chinese) and no one was there, when we got out on the North exit near the Concrete Building, we drove up to an enemy Tank and Mobile AA. So instead of driving passed, my friend stayed behind them, basically to hide. He told us on TeamSpeak "Don't shoot" And my other friend in the #1 gunner seat started freaking and yelled "Shoot Shoot!" And started gunning at the AA (which is futile since it does no damage). So my friend sped up passed the AA, both AA and Tank were trying to kill us. My friend drove passed the first flag, and was driving up the hill. At about Half-way the FAV was close to blowing up see he made a sharp right down the hill. Hell we stopped for 5 seconds because we thought we died but we were still alive. This is fun shit though I tell ya.
will frag for food
+11|7126|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
This is interesting... is it possible that the majority of us are actually not whores, but instead just good players who are branded as such? Maybe we have been so brainwashed by the constant complaining that in fear of being the object of ridicule, we will soon do nothing and just stand around waiting to get shot because as we all know, if you shoot someone, you're a dirty stats whore and if you attempt to cap an enemy flag, you're a dirty stats whore and of course, if you go anywhere near a helicopter you are a super, ultra, mega, uber, stupid, **** sucking, mother ****ing, **** licking, ****faced STATS WHORE!!! So basically, I don't care anymore. That's right. I'm gonna keep on doing what I've always done or whatever I feel like. I'm gonna use the APC to spawn rape the shit outta some poor little bastards that are dumb enough to keep respawning in the same place. I don't care anymore. This is my conclusion and furthermore, I think that the terms and emphasis on whoring, raping, padding, farming were started in the first place by noobers who just needed a good cry about the fact that their K/D ratio is lower than my defibrillator K/D ratio. SO THERE!!! Anyone who agrees with me, VIA LA REVOLUTION and for those who don't, well goody fuckin good for you!

BTW: asterisks above only for effect.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7127|Cologne, Germany

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

This is interesting... is it possible that the majority of us are actually not whores, but instead just good players who are branded as such? Maybe we have been so brainwashed by the constant complaining that in fear of being the object of ridicule, we will soon do nothing and just stand around waiting to get shot because as we all know, if you shoot someone, you're a dirty stats whore and if you attempt to cap an enemy flag, you're a dirty stats whore and of course, if you go anywhere near a helicopter you are a super, ultra, mega, uber, stupid, **** sucking, mother ****ing, **** licking, ****faced STATS WHORE!!! So basically, I don't care anymore. That's right. I'm gonna keep on doing what I've always done or whatever I feel like. I'm gonna use the APC to spawn rape the shit outta some poor little bastards that are dumb enough to keep respawning in the same place. I don't care anymore. This is my conclusion and furthermore, I think that the terms and emphasis on whoring, raping, padding, farming were started in the first place by noobers who just needed a good cry about the fact that their K/D ratio is lower than my defibrillator K/D ratio. SO THERE!!! Anyone who agrees with me, VIA LA REVOLUTION and for those who don't, well goody fuckin good for you!

BTW: asterisks above only for effect.

whatever, I agree totally....
will frag for food
+11|7126|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
OMG!!! That might be my best typo yet. We will have victory by means of.... revolution?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7127|Cologne, Germany

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

OMG!!! That might be my best typo yet. We will have victory by means of.... revolution?
good one, blue.

sorry for pointing that typo out. As a former english language major at CU, maybe I am too picky about those things.
+66|7127|Missoula, MT
I got my basic knife and feel a little guilty about it.  I was in an enemy base, about to cap the flag and found a guy just standing there.  I knife him...he respawns, still just stands there.  I knife him again.  I already had a few knife kills and only killed him about 3 or 4 times and got the award.  Then the round ended.  I must admit, I feel a little guilty.  I shot him a couple of times before already too, so now he's on my favorite victim's list. 

But isn't it partly his fault for not participating in the game?  It's obvious the guy must have stepped away from his PC for a bit, he shouldn't have let his character respawn.  As I see it, I helped our team win because I was decreasing the enemy tickets. 

Still so guilt-ridden...
will frag for food
+11|7126|Pittsburgh, PA, USA

CMDR_Dave wrote:

I got my basic knife and feel a little guilty about it.  I was in an enemy base, about to cap the flag and found a guy just standing there.  I knife him...he respawns, still just stands there.  I knife him again.  I already had a few knife kills and only killed him about 3 or 4 times and got the award.  Then the round ended.  I must admit, I feel a little guilty.  I shot him a couple of times before already too, so now he's on my favorite victim's list. 

But isn't it partly his fault for not participating in the game?  It's obvious the guy must have stepped away from his PC for a bit, he shouldn't have let his character respawn.  As I see it, I helped our team win because I was decreasing the enemy tickets. 

Still so guilt-ridden...
AFK kills: my favorite kind. In association with the other thread about moving victims, it is a beautiful thing when you can teabag a guy before you frag him and always use the knife, always.

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

So today I was playing Karkand as USMC; real uncommon I know. But I spawned in the back and thought "hmm why not take the tank. I never use it on Karkand." And so I did and got about 10 kills before the first 60 seconds had passed. At that point, I became addicted. I found myself respawning, taking the tank, respawning, taking the tank and so on. After a while, I thought "OMG I've become a freaking tank whore!" I was sickened. And yet, I kept right on jumping in the tank and killing people. Granted, I know that I did help the team because while I was killing people and destroying the MEC tank and vehicles, my team was capping flags. Despite that fact, I felt pretty bad about what I had done and I got a Bronze for it. O well, I guess we're not all perfect. In the next rounds, I controlled my problem somewhat by taking the tank sometimes and other times just playing on foot or in another vehicle. It was hard since no one else on my team was properly utilizing the tank, but I resisted. So, who else has a closet whoring story?
ok? your points is
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6961|Canberra, AUS


bluehavoc8686 wrote:

So today I was playing Karkand as USMC; real uncommon I know. But I spawned in the back and thought "hmm why not take the tank. I never use it on Karkand." And so I did and got about 10 kills before the first 60 seconds had passed. At that point, I became addicted. I found myself respawning, taking the tank, respawning, taking the tank and so on. After a while, I thought "OMG I've become a freaking tank whore!" I was sickened. And yet, I kept right on jumping in the tank and killing people. Granted, I know that I did help the team because while I was killing people and destroying the MEC tank and vehicles, my team was capping flags. Despite that fact, I felt pretty bad about what I had done and I got a Bronze for it. O well, I guess we're not all perfect. In the next rounds, I controlled my problem somewhat by taking the tank sometimes and other times just playing on foot or in another vehicle. It was hard since no one else on my team was properly utilizing the tank, but I resisted. So, who else has a closet whoring story?
ok? your points is
WTF? Are you just some 7 year old kid looking for kicks by digging up the VERY LAST POST?

I don't doubt it.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Israfael wrote:

I know how you feel, any time I have sex with someone for money they call me a whore.  You just can't win
Canada's French Frog
+123|6912|Quebec city, Canada
Im a chopper whore on sf. Its so easy to get kills with their rockets, their splash damage is much more effective than on vanilla. for example im on ghost town, Im spetznas, I spawm at our heli, I see the Hind, then I tell myself... "no lets go play some ground... but the chopper is so tempting... noooo ive to resist, its fun to shoot ppl with ak's... but this chopper... no lets go on foot..."

10 seconds later : 4-5 snipers burnt by hind rockets on the central buildings... by me.

Last edited by -=raska=- (2006-05-05 22:36:21)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Spark wrote:


bluehavoc8686 wrote:

So today I was playing Karkand as USMC; real uncommon I know. But I spawned in the back and thought "hmm why not take the tank. I never use it on Karkand." And so I did and got about 10 kills before the first 60 seconds had passed. At that point, I became addicted. I found myself respawning, taking the tank, respawning, taking the tank and so on. After a while, I thought "OMG I've become a freaking tank whore!" I was sickened. And yet, I kept right on jumping in the tank and killing people. Granted, I know that I did help the team because while I was killing people and destroying the MEC tank and vehicles, my team was capping flags. Despite that fact, I felt pretty bad about what I had done and I got a Bronze for it. O well, I guess we're not all perfect. In the next rounds, I controlled my problem somewhat by taking the tank sometimes and other times just playing on foot or in another vehicle. It was hard since no one else on my team was properly utilizing the tank, but I resisted. So, who else has a closet whoring story?
ok? your points is
WTF? Are you just some 7 year old kid looking for kicks by digging up the VERY LAST POST?

I don't doubt it.

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