+50|6841|Southern California

rombaft wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

rombaft wrote:

there is something not right on it, all top players are still colonel, and even some guys have all expert badges for infantry incl knife and pistel, still they are colonel
From NM's post:

Rank: Brigadier General         
Point Requirements: 180,000     
Other Requirements: Colonel W/EXPERT Armor, Transport, Helicopter, Aviator, Air Defense, Ground Defense
for the other general rank you "just" need the expert badges of infantry and knife + pistol , some guys have those requirements but are still colonel
yes.. but as with all other promtions where you are moving up in grade (as opposed to master sergeant/first sergeant which are equal grade) the basic prerequisite for promotion is that you have the rank directly below the rank. So because other general ranks don't have the same harsh requirements doesn't mean you can skip up to them. You have to meet the vehicle requirements of the first general rank to move up to the higher general ranks. Look at the information on this forum - the prerequisites for major general include being brigadier general, the prerequisites for lieutenant general include being major general, etc.
The H4xor Mod
+161|6993|North Texas

rombaft wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

From NM's post:

Rank: Brigadier General         
Point Requirements: 180,000     
Other Requirements: Colonel W/EXPERT Armor, Transport, Helicopter, Aviator, Air Defense, Ground Defense
for the other general rank you "just" need the expert badges of infantry and knife + pistol , some guys have those requirements but are still colonel
You don't understand.

You cannot skip Brigadier General to Major General. (from Colonel)

Brigadier General is a requirement for Major General.

17 Colonel                    150,000 (Lieutenant Colonel)

18 Brigadier General          180,000 (Colonel W/EXPERT Armor, Transport, Helicopter, Aviator, Air Defense, Ground Defense)
19 Major General              180,000 (Brigadier General W/EXPERT Knife, Pistol, Assault, AT, Sniper, Specop, Support, Eng, Medic)
The Cereal Killer
+201|6804| United States of America
Brigadier General          180,000 (Colonel
                                       W/EXPERT Armor, Transport, Helicopter,
                                       Aviator, Air Defense, Ground Defense)
ok am i the only person that thinks that thiese badges are ludicris req. for a rank?
+1|6872|Savannah GA
i think thats fucked and the fact that it jumps from 20 to 50 then 60,75,90 they could of fixed that
+0|6870|Sidney BC Canada
So much for STAT PADDERS
So many points left to gain.*cries*
So did they fix it so that you can still gain a badge requisite rank even if you surpass the point requirements for it? It used to be if you got 50k and didnt have the badges for SMaj you couldn't get it. Would the same thing happen for Brig Gen or is it fixed so that if you have 190k points and then expert up all your badges you still get it?
Well I hope they change some of the hourly requirements for the expert badges. 100h is too much. It's enough trying to get this much points.

Oh and did they change any of the award criteria?

Last edited by killingyouguy (2006-02-14 21:04:49)

Well I hope they change some of the hourly requirements for the expert badges. 100h is too much. It's enough trying to get this much points.
I'm assuming this as well.

...As for people inquiring about the Sgt Major of the Corps rank. You might not get it until I reach my next rank, who knows.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6867|Sydney, Australia
Master Sgt. to Sgt Major is 30000 points, but sgt major to 2nd lut is 15000?

What a load of BS.
+98|6804|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
i am on 45,000 points and still sgt major.

Sparkysrevenge wrote:

So much for STAT PADDERS
so much for everybody, you need to have these requirements before you reach 180.000 points, and there is no single living soul that will have all expert vehicle badges before reaching 180.000 points , DICE was realy thinking about this (sarcastic) , and if there would be be a person who has this it must be the biggest whore of them all, thx for screwing this up dice

rombaft wrote:

Sparkysrevenge wrote:

So much for STAT PADDERS
so much for everybody, you need to have these requirements before you reach 180.000 points, and there is no single living soul that will have all expert vehicle badges before reaching 180.000 points , DICE was realy thinking about this (sarcastic) , and if there would be be a person who has this it must be the biggest whore of them all, thx for screwing this up dice
thats what i thought would happen, and its gonna suck if it ends up this way.
If they bring it down to 50h or 60h for Expert it would be acheivable. I mean originally some of the Awards were impossible and they changed a lot of them, just like they have the ranks. And they have to change those damn SF medals. 4,500h as a certain army... ahahaha-haha-hahaha, very funny.

A lot of the medals are ridiculous.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
Ok so now we need all expert badges to get best rank. But if it's still as it was with old ranks you won't get new rank if you get those badges after global score requirement. You needed to get all badges before global score requirement. So if it's still so no one of top ranked players can't get general ranks and that's kinda stupid. And when you need 400 hrs in chopper, 400 hrs in tank, 400 hrs in Jet etc it mean that you will get that global score allways before expert badges and that's stupid too. Hopefully EA is changed this thing in rank system because if they aren't we won't see any general in this game.

And by the way. To get Lieutnant General rank you should need to get only (?!) 200.000 points and no badges or anything else, so why all of this top players aren't Lieutnant Generals then? As I said this requirement's can't be real.

Last edited by BlueScreen (2006-02-14 21:40:05)


BlueScreen wrote:

And by the way. To get Lieutnant General rank you should need to get only (?!) 200.000 points and no badges or anything else, so why all of this top players aren't Lieutnant Generals then? As I said this requirement's can't be real.
Because to get Lt. General you need either Brig. General or Maj. General. And THEY require the badges.
The H4xor Mod
+161|6993|North Texas

killingyouguy wrote:

BlueScreen wrote:

And by the way. To get Lieutnant General rank you should need to get only (?!) 200.000 points and no badges or anything else, so why all of this top players aren't Lieutnant Generals then? As I said this requirement's can't be real.
Because to get Lt. General you need either Brig. General or Maj. General. And THEY require the badges.
If he hasn't gotten it by now.. ahh just forget it.

Chuy has updated the UBAR ranks
Sgt.s are 40,000 Sgt. Major of the core is 45,000
The H4xor Mod
+161|6993|North Texas

Uber:Jagermeiter wrote:

Sgt.s are 40,000 Sgt. Major of the core is 45,000
Good luck! Don't come bitching here when you can't get it! (ffs)

tvmissleman wrote:

Brigadier General          180,000 (Colonel
                                       W/EXPERT Armor, Transport, Helicopter,
                                       Aviator, Air Defense, Ground Defense)
ok am i the only person that thinks that thiese badges are ludicris req. for a rank?
No you are not

I will be stuck at colonel forever.
Don't Flame
+20|6890|St. Paul, MN
Making huge time requirements (in the form of expert awards) for ranks.
Why is it a mistake?: because it forces people to play a certain way eg. use every single vehicle (including Ground D and Air D)
so unless you intend to get capped off for rank at colonel, you better use every single vehicle and kit, even if you don't like to fly choppers or aren't any good at flying a jet. and as for all of you who have diligently strived for excellence in a particular vehicle and have played for 800 hours--you have 'wasted' your time and are now on the same level of progress towards brig gen as most other people. or have you spent most of your time on foot? you have 175,000 points huh? well, you have about as much progress towards brig gen as a gunnery seargent at 8500--at least in terms of time requirements.
now doesn't that sound a little bit shitty and unfair?
I have faith they will change the requirements in the future for the expert badges and the medals. They're ridiculous.

Although I would have thought they'd make it you needed the veteran badges and not the expert, but oh well.
+42|6990|Waikato, Aotearoa
Yay full officer ranks. i was starting to wonder when (or if) they would make an appearance

Using information posted earlier on this page, I Photoshopped a quick rank sheet with relevant badge requirements. It's too wide to just fit on this page, so I'll just link to it. Enjoy!

Players who rank up at the same rate as normal people, and put some effort into stat-padding (there's no nicer way to say it) vehicle hours over a period of a couple of years will probably have 1200 or so total hours distributed into the needed vehicle categories before they even come close to approaching a score of 180k.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-14 22:59:06)

bad touch

i would prefer to be a warrant officer, they need skill to obtain

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