Well said, +1.da_schmitty wrote:
Wow, you said it all. 360 gets the vote because it has better games atm. But if I'm voting which is the better SYSTEM (not which system has better GAMES) then PS3 all the way. CONSISTENTLY, Sony has won the console wars.... Sega would always kick ass in the numbers because they would rush and get out thier system before Sony, but six months down the line, Sony would crush them. Same with Microsoft. They push the XBOX 360 out early, with inferior technology, get all the money from the tech-heads who can't wait to get the newest gadget, then Sony crushes them in the long run with better technology.kptk92 wrote:
360 has Halo 3 on it.
Halo 3!!!
Agreed, Microsoft has some great games for their system, but those games almost max out the consoles technology gfx-wise. Sony on the other hand, just like always, has a crappy first year. They have a weird new engine that makes game companies have to learn some crazy proprietary game engine and code. But as they go the games get better and better AND BETTER. First year games on the PS1 and PS2 SUCKED. But look at what they became after that. They blew the other consoles away.
Thats why the PS3 wins. And will continue to win. And thats what the XBOX fanbois cling to.....OMG HALO XXX!!!
I will take Sony over Microsoft any day.
360 or PS3
Xbox 360 | 47% | 47% - 96 | ||||
Playstation 3 | 52% | 52% - 108 | ||||
Total: 204 |
i agreeBf2-GeneralArnott wrote:
Well said, +1.da_schmitty wrote:
Wow, you said it all. 360 gets the vote because it has better games atm. But if I'm voting which is the better SYSTEM (not which system has better GAMES) then PS3 all the way. CONSISTENTLY, Sony has won the console wars.... Sega would always kick ass in the numbers because they would rush and get out thier system before Sony, but six months down the line, Sony would crush them. Same with Microsoft. They push the XBOX 360 out early, with inferior technology, get all the money from the tech-heads who can't wait to get the newest gadget, then Sony crushes them in the long run with better technology.kptk92 wrote:
360 has Halo 3 on it.
Halo 3!!!
Agreed, Microsoft has some great games for their system, but those games almost max out the consoles technology gfx-wise. Sony on the other hand, just like always, has a crappy first year. They have a weird new engine that makes game companies have to learn some crazy proprietary game engine and code. But as they go the games get better and better AND BETTER. First year games on the PS1 and PS2 SUCKED. But look at what they became after that. They blew the other consoles away.
Thats why the PS3 wins. And will continue to win. And thats what the XBOX fanbois cling to.....OMG HALO XXX!!!
I will take Sony over Microsoft any day.
says it all.
Last edited by delta4bravo*nl* (17 years, 1 month ago)
360 or PS3
Xbox 360 49% 49% - 74
Playstation 3 50% 50% - 75
Total: 149
Xbox 360 49% 49% - 74
Playstation 3 50% 50% - 75
Total: 149
nice, the PS3 is leading
/end thread
we need as many votes as possible to settle this.
I think its already settled....50/50 split.
I know fucking karate
lol-nah-the PS3 has more votesjustice wrote:
I think its already settled....50/50 split.
we need more votes for the respect of:
little big planet.
mgs 4.
gran turismo.
tekken 6
eight days
god of war 3
ratchet and clank
resistance 2
time crisis
final fantasy 13
the getaway
heavy rain
heavenly sword
killzone 2
Last edited by stef10 (17 years, 1 month ago)
stef got it in one.
Not to metion the 360 has a cut down version of GTA IV
Not to metion the 360 has a cut down version of GTA IV
qftSamTheMan:D wrote:
stef got it in one.
Not to metion the 360 has a cut down version of GTA IV
ps3 ftw
Having owned both consoles, I can say, without a doubt, that the ps3 is the better of the two consoles. I purchased a 360 about 3 months after its release. 3 months later, I started getting the red ring of doom. I returned the console for another. Another two months and I was experiencing the exact same problem. It was quite remarkable, because the system would freeze about 50 minutes into play every time. I took steps to avoid this, such as never playing the unit for more than 2 hours in a stretch, keeping the 360 in an open area under 70 degrees, and even buying a fan to blow on it during game play. I kept the system dusted daily and loved it more than my family.
I returned this system to exchange it yet again, but this time steaming with anger. I could not get my money back on the unit, so I took the unopened xbox straight to my local game store to exchange it for store credit. I paid $500 bucks for the 360 and its accessories, and owned 18 games at the time of the return. I received about $480 bucks in store credit, for a very hefty loss upon my investment.
I then spent about $400 more to get a PS3 and a couple of games, and I have never been happier with a console. The controlers are better, the visuals slightly better, and the system just plain works. I will never buy another Microsoft console as long as I live because of the hassle and disapointment that I experienced with the 360.
Having said this I will say that I am not a Sony "fanboy". I have always owned all the current consoles in the past, and in truth I would probably rather own a working 360 just because of the quantity of software available. However, because of the grief caused by Microsoft, they can lick my sweaty sack.
To top it off, a friend of mine who purchased a 360 had his power supply burst into flames and ruin his console. He is currently trying to resolve his issue with the window lickers who Microsoft employs in thier customer service division. I wish him luck, as he has an uphill battle ahead of him.
PS3 ftw.
I returned this system to exchange it yet again, but this time steaming with anger. I could not get my money back on the unit, so I took the unopened xbox straight to my local game store to exchange it for store credit. I paid $500 bucks for the 360 and its accessories, and owned 18 games at the time of the return. I received about $480 bucks in store credit, for a very hefty loss upon my investment.
I then spent about $400 more to get a PS3 and a couple of games, and I have never been happier with a console. The controlers are better, the visuals slightly better, and the system just plain works. I will never buy another Microsoft console as long as I live because of the hassle and disapointment that I experienced with the 360.
Having said this I will say that I am not a Sony "fanboy". I have always owned all the current consoles in the past, and in truth I would probably rather own a working 360 just because of the quantity of software available. However, because of the grief caused by Microsoft, they can lick my sweaty sack.
To top it off, a friend of mine who purchased a 360 had his power supply burst into flames and ruin his console. He is currently trying to resolve his issue with the window lickers who Microsoft employs in thier customer service division. I wish him luck, as he has an uphill battle ahead of him.
PS3 ftw.
Last edited by GravyDan (17 years, 1 month ago)
For now, the 360. As a long term purchase, the PS3.
End of story.
End of story.
nah, dont think so-Bertster7 wrote:
For now, the 360. As a long term purchase, the PS3.
End of story.
He is right tbhstef10 wrote:
nah, dont think so-Bertster7 wrote:
For now, the 360. As a long term purchase, the PS3.
End of story.
Even though I would prefer microsoft, I know that he is right
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
PS3 is dominating now and will dominate the future.
Not really, the Xbox currently has far more (and some better) games...stef10 wrote:
PS3 is dominating now and will dominate the future.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
its not about who has the most games but best games. And I really cant see too many great games from xbox 360. Even user-reviews say that major games like rainbow and graw are better on PS3.FloppY_ wrote:
Not really, the Xbox currently has far more (and some better) games...stef10 wrote:
PS3 is dominating now and will dominate the future.
So you think shoot-em-ups are the only "games" ?stef10 wrote:
its not about who has the most games but best games. And I really cant see too many great games from xbox 360. Even user-reviews say that major games like rainbow and graw are better on PS3.FloppY_ wrote:
Not really, the Xbox currently has far more (and some better) games...stef10 wrote:
PS3 is dominating now and will dominate the future.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Leme add this:
Saints Row = possibly one of the worst game I have ever played (Half Life being the worst), it is utter shit I would not play it again if someone paid me.
Halo = PC Game
GoW = Only good game
MGS/GTA/Fight Night/GT = win win win win
Saints Row = possibly one of the worst game I have ever played (Half Life being the worst), it is utter shit I would not play it again if someone paid me.
Halo = PC Game
GoW = Only good game
MGS/GTA/Fight Night/GT = win win win win
Halo is an Xbox game.SamTheMan:D wrote:
Leme add this:
Saints Row = possibly one of the worst game I have ever played (Half Life being the worst), it is utter shit I would not play it again if someone paid me.
Halo = PC Game
GoW = Only good game
MGS/GTA/Fight Night/GT = win win win win
Half life is good, it's just you're too retarded to get into it. You want fact simplistic shooting, go back to TF2, nobite.
WTF is fight night... PC game. burnt like your mums cooking last night.
I think half life is a nice game but I hate Gabe Newell that fat person always eating donuts. SOB.
No idea who you mean.stef10 wrote:
I think half life is a nice game but I hate Gabe Newell that fat person always eating donuts. SOB.
Halo = PC Game.jord wrote:
Halo is an Xbox game.SamTheMan:D wrote:
Leme add this:
Saints Row = possibly one of the worst game I have ever played (Half Life being the worst), it is utter shit I would not play it again if someone paid me.
Halo = PC Game
GoW = Only good game
MGS/GTA/Fight Night/GT = win win win win
Half life is good, it's just you're too retarded to get into it. You want fact simplistic shooting, go back to TF2, nobite.
WTF is fight night... PC game. burnt like your mums cooking last night.
Half Life is slow and boring
Find me a copy of Fight Night Round 3 on the PC and I'll give you £20