+1|7073|DeLand, FL
To you psych buffs out there, explain to me this:

This guy on my team is standing near me and watching my every move. He watches me place a claymore next to a enemy-heavy passageway (Karkand, left side gate entrance. American side near the left-side uncap near where the wrecked APC smolders). He follows me back to my hideout and stands over me like a dumbass throwing medkits at me (I am not wounded). He then runs over to the passageway and STARES AT THE CLAYMORE FOR FIVE SECONDS, and then idiotically runs in front of it. He then has the nerve to punish me for a teamkill. I go back and place my second clay, as the radar is showing heavy enemy activity. The fucker comes back and throws more medkits at me, then runs into the same damn passageway, blows himself up and blames me. I am really incensed now. He comes BACK and throws even more medkits at me (while I'm in the middle of a sniper duel no less with a guy up on the hill nearby [who would have tasted the wrath of my claymore if fucktard hadn't interfered]) He is running around in front of me while this sniper is capping off round after round at me. I get a clear shot and fire. Unfortunately, the dumb med asshole darts in front of me as I fire, and I kill him. What a surprise, he punishes, then the sniper kills me. Think it's over? No way. I give up sniping and turn to SF. Later in the round, I sneak up onto an APC with my C4. What a surprise: fucktard shows up lobbing grenades at the APC and shooting at it with his pistol. He almost kills me with a grenade and I run off and detonate the C4, killing him and the APC (punished, no surprise). Unfortunately, his grenade has hurt me so bad that this Anti-tank guy rushes me with a handgun and kills me with one shot. Still think it's over? Nope. I respawn to the main uncap hoping to get a tank to blast with. So has fucktard. I am closer to the tank than he is, so he shoots me and takes the tank. I respawn at the other uncap and purposely rig the road with all of my C4. I wait for fucktard to drive over it, and blow his ass to hell. I get kicked for teamkilling, but not without a little justice.

Now, psych buffs, analyze fucktard.
obviously he loves u.
just nothing

yonghsiang wrote:

obviously he loves u.
Another German Mod
+6|7094|Lake Constanze, Germany
Hehe can't analyze him: but im sure i know him....
play with him very often.....awarded with 'moron ribbon'....

Silent but deadly...
+1|7102|Nellis AFB (Las Vegas, NV)
Only two profiles fit this.

A) A child is playing. Does not comprehend thier actions and does only what they know how to do.

B) A complete moron. Thinks it is funny to screw with people or just lacks common sense.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Nono i rather analyse you please, get on my couch.

Now look at your actions closely. You're an impulsive, aggressive, extrovert, your favourite coloiur is red, your favourite animals include dogs and donkeys. You have a rough exterior but it can't disguise the angel of mercy you have inside. See:

You love blowing things up: that used to be a nono in the world of psychology, but now its a good thing! Blowing things up gets adrenaline flowing from the adrenal gland, which keeps you alive. It also gets you a badge, or kicked.

You're also impulsive and an extrovert to boot. Without saying please may I put my C4/Claymore here (you didn't even bother using the 'Request to Commander to allow me to put Explosives' command), you went ahead and acted. In all the spirit of gamesmanship and sportsmanship, your teammate tried hard to

1: Save the enemy by bravely sacrificing his own life
2: Teaching you the value of crime and punishment (Which you seem to be sorely missing)

Yet you turn on him? Please, calm down, take a cookie and examine your own actions. To show the extent of his wonderful actions, he even threw medikits around in the attempt to save himself before he died in the resulting explosion of him sacrificing himself on an explosive ordiance (in order to help you). What a perfect, wonderful man.

He even attempted using himself as a human shield in order to keep you alive, but oh you unworthy one, you shot him and even though he was not spared any emotional trauma , you still roundly bereted for him.

Go to special forces you say? I don't think you have the aptitude for that, it requires you to make cool, calm decisions under the heat of fire. You said you went to the APC to C4 it? Tsk tsk. You violated rule #01 of gamesmanship as usual:

#1 Saying 'Please may i C4 you' over VOIP

and for future reference to prevent mistakes:

#2 Please inform yor commander

#3: Please inform each and everyone of your teammates, no matter commander, SL, SM, whatever kit,
whatever rank, Please inform them till you get a response. It is only polite to do so. They shouldn't be below this basic dignity. What if the C4 explodes and the resulting sound causes them trauma, causing them to hit their kids and turn them into social delinquents?

#4: Please inform each and everyone of your opponent players, starting with Commander and following the hierachy down. For the same reasons as #3, but the opponent should be as gracious as to reply 'Oh my goodness me, you caught me there'. And will proceed to stop the APC for you to C4. This will prevent unnessecary injury to any innocent bystanders (regardless of opponent or teammate)

Furthermore, your teammate managed to follow procedure: He already contacted the opponent, and decided that grenade throwing would be the safest way to settle their minor dispute, thus his starting throwing grenades. He wasn't trying to even hurt you with a grenade, perhaps he tried to reprimand you by rapping you on the head with a grenade and the pin fell out: totally understandable and forgettable. Also, your teammate should be greatly commended for his accurate pitching, for all you know he may have been a MAjor League pitcher for the Sox before he joined the army.

At this point, I do not like my psychological sessions to get personal, but your placement of C4 requires much more practice. Just like in any good organisation, you need the agreement of a majority, thus you could:

1. Set up a committee
2. Vote Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary (3 of the 100000 useless... Oops did I say useless? I meant important and irreplacable positions).
3. Come up with a paper on 'C4 Placement'
4. Have the paper vetted then debated by the committee.
5. Implement the paper
6. Halt implementation and check for cost savings (would 2 C4s be better than 3? Is there a better way of taking down the APC? Can we come to a peaceful conclusion: The APC driver exits the APC and we all leave it untouched)

Life would be so much easier that way.

Onto your final point now, the fighting over tanks. What a childish childish squabble. Your opponent has rights to the tank. Obviously. Did you consult your commander? Squad leader? Every other player in the map? I'm sure you didnt't, and they would agree with me that no ONE person has dibs on any vehicle. Your opponent must have went through the committee actions to make such a decision. you should apologize.

When you C4-ed Mr Fucktard's transportation, it truly showed how impulsive you are. Please do not skip the committee stage next time!

Wait! Wait calm down!

Thank You for coming into polarbear's couch, to truly try to control this unhelpful, unsociable nature of your's, please, come back for more sessions, priced reasonably at $40 a minute. Payable by cash ONLY.

Thank You once again.
My analyzation of fucktard is that his mother did not hold him enough, his father beat and molested him, and he was often stuffed into lockers as a child; your name somehow reminded him of all that and he was overcome with anger
as for fucktard #2 (polar) he was dropped on his head, over, and over, and over again; now he thinks that he is a great comedian and must therefore perform for you (please excuse him, it's all dillusional)

Last edited by [LFX]angus (2005-09-27 18:40:57)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Shhh. Don't disturb the master psychologist @ work. Read my post.
+1|7073|DeLand, FL

polarbearz wrote:

Nono i rather analyse you please, get on my couch.

Now look at your actions closely. You're an impulsive, aggressive, extrovert, your favourite coloiur is red, your favourite animals include dogs and donkeys. You have a rough exterior but it can't disguise the angel of mercy you have inside. See:

You love blowing things up: that used to be a nono in the world of psychology, but now its a good thing! Blowing things up gets adrenaline flowing from the adrenal gland, which keeps you alive. It also gets you a badge, or kicked.

You're also impulsive and an extrovert to boot. Without saying please may I put my C4/Claymore here (you didn't even bother using the 'Request to Commander to allow me to put Explosives' command), you went ahead and acted. In all the spirit of gamesmanship and sportsmanship, your teammate tried hard to

1: Save the enemy by bravely sacrificing his own life
2: Teaching you the value of crime and punishment (Which you seem to be sorely missing)

Yet you turn on him? Please, calm down, take a cookie and examine your own actions. To show the extent of his wonderful actions, he even threw medikits around in the attempt to save himself before he died in the resulting explosion of him sacrificing himself on an explosive ordiance (in order to help you). What a perfect, wonderful man.

He even attempted using himself as a human shield in order to keep you alive, but oh you unworthy one, you shot him and even though he was not spared any emotional trauma , you still roundly bereted for him.

Go to special forces you say? I don't think you have the aptitude for that, it requires you to make cool, calm decisions under the heat of fire. You said you went to the APC to C4 it? Tsk tsk. You violated rule #01 of gamesmanship as usual:

#1 Saying 'Please may i C4 you' over VOIP

and for future reference to prevent mistakes:

#2 Please inform yor commander

#3: Please inform each and everyone of your teammates, no matter commander, SL, SM, whatever kit,
whatever rank, Please inform them till you get a response. It is only polite to do so. They shouldn't be below this basic dignity. What if the C4 explodes and the resulting sound causes them trauma, causing them to hit their kids and turn them into social delinquents?

#4: Please inform each and everyone of your opponent players, starting with Commander and following the hierachy down. For the same reasons as #3, but the opponent should be as gracious as to reply 'Oh my goodness me, you caught me there'. And will proceed to stop the APC for you to C4. This will prevent unnessecary injury to any innocent bystanders (regardless of opponent or teammate)

Furthermore, your teammate managed to follow procedure: He already contacted the opponent, and decided that grenade throwing would be the safest way to settle their minor dispute, thus his starting throwing grenades. He wasn't trying to even hurt you with a grenade, perhaps he tried to reprimand you by rapping you on the head with a grenade and the pin fell out: totally understandable and forgettable. Also, your teammate should be greatly commended for his accurate pitching, for all you know he may have been a MAjor League pitcher for the Sox before he joined the army.

At this point, I do not like my psychological sessions to get personal, but your placement of C4 requires much more practice. Just like in any good organisation, you need the agreement of a majority, thus you could:

1. Set up a committee
2. Vote Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary (3 of the 100000 useless... Oops did I say useless? I meant important and irreplacable positions).
3. Come up with a paper on 'C4 Placement'
4. Have the paper vetted then debated by the committee.
5. Implement the paper
6. Halt implementation and check for cost savings (would 2 C4s be better than 3? Is there a better way of taking down the APC? Can we come to a peaceful conclusion: The APC driver exits the APC and we all leave it untouched)

Life would be so much easier that way.

Onto your final point now, the fighting over tanks. What a childish childish squabble. Your opponent has rights to the tank. Obviously. Did you consult your commander? Squad leader? Every other player in the map? I'm sure you didnt't, and they would agree with me that no ONE person has dibs on any vehicle. Your opponent must have went through the committee actions to make such a decision. you should apologize.

When you C4-ed Mr Fucktard's transportation, it truly showed how impulsive you are. Please do not skip the committee stage next time!

Wait! Wait calm down!

Thank You for coming into polarbear's couch, to truly try to control this unhelpful, unsociable nature of your's, please, come back for more sessions, priced reasonably at $40 a minute. Payable by cash ONLY.

Thank You once again.
LMAO! Quite inspired!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Thank you *takes a bow* any other patients?
mista sinista
i havnt read "noob" anywhere in this post yet, wtf
+1|7073|DeLand, FL

07>sin wrote:

i havnt read "noob" anywhere in this post yet, wtf
I am above such petty comments. This guy was beyond a noob. This guy was a fucktard.
PKM Assasin
+0|7095|USA, IL
Very nice assesment polar bear,

*Me sits down*  I was flying a chopper from the beggining of the round today and everytime i'd go for repairs on the helipad I was put down with "suck ass pilot" and then the guy would jump on my wing so when I took off I would team kill him... and of course he would punish .  Any suggestions for me to furter prevent such misunderstandings?
Raiders of the Lost Bear

MurrayP wrote:

Very nice assesment polar bear,

*Me sits down*  I was flying a chopper from the beggining of the round today and everytime i'd go for repairs on the helipad I was put down with "suck ass pilot" and then the guy would jump on my wing so when I took off I would team kill him... and of course he would punish .  Any suggestions for me to furter prevent such misunderstandings?
As usual, you jump to conclusions and immediate assume that your teammate is a jackass, and he's punishing you because he's a total n00blar. Well, to be brutally honest, you suffer from the Polar-Seal-Fish syndrome Murray. As a child, you watched a polar bear hunt a seal which was hunting a fish, which resulted in you growing up with such sadistic, Masochistic and aggressive tendencies, such as making mincemeat of teammates who can't wait to help you. By watching nature's brutal cycle, you in turn release this pent-up aggression onto your poor-suffering teammates that have to bear the brunt of your aggression.

'Suck Ass Pilot' maybe a cruder way of putting it, but your teammate meant very well indeed. In fact, he was reminding you of the presence of airbags (which when blown up and when you have your head in the middle, look like a pair of ass cheeks). This is in order to prevent you from any further injury that would cause severe trauma to the emotional and mental states of your relatively peacable teammates.

I note that you said you were flying from the beginning of the round. And spelled beginning wrongly. I can see from this that you're a self-loving, non-conformist. You would rather people have trouble following what you are trying to say, then to conform to tradition and to give them a peace of mind. Also, you flew the helicopter from the beginning of the round without giving anyone a chance to fly at all. You selfish BS you.

Finally, you should not be playing BF2 if you do not understand military terms. Go listen to clay aiken or something (no offence here people i actually like some of his songs ). Don't you even understand the meaning of a wingman? Do you have any idea how important a wingman is?

I can conclude

#1: You are a lousy pilot. Your wings were obviously not parallel
#2: Disregard and little respect for the value of human life
#3: Non-team player / Non-team oriented. Would throw wingman off for personal glory.

Like my previous patient, you HAVE to understand the cycle of crime and punishment. Please come back next week with the chains and whips I will sell you at an exorbitant price, and I will try to break you out of your Polar-Seal-Fish cycle.

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7130|Bryan/College Station, TX
My analyse.

Waste of Carbon. Recycle him and get the $4 dollars the human body is worth so you can buy yourself a 6 pack.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Raiders of the Lost Bear

You need to be psycho-analysed kilroy... I can't do that until i take my module on abnormal psychology *gringrin*
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7130|Bryan/College Station, TX

polarbearz wrote:

You need to be psycho-analysed kilroy... I can't do that until i take my module on abnormal psychology *gringrin*
Well I am a firm believer in removing the dead weight from the world and adopting a complete human recycle method. Reuse their carbon, retrieve viable doner organs and even recycle the water in their body much like they do in the fictional novel "Dune".  Screw capital punishment. At least this way their needless life is actually put to use to help humanity at least once.

Yes I am psychologically deranged most likely and I also have a very callous part of my heart reserved for absolute leeches on the planet and for those who are simply too stupid to live.  Alas things like moral values and laws prevent me from leading a life as a hired gun or much like the character from Marvel, "Fool Killer".
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Raiders of the Lost Bear

You are now classified in my files as f00fighter. =P
+31|7110|St. Louis, MO

polarbearz wrote:

Nono i rather analyse you please, get on my couch.

Now look at your actions closely. You're an impulsive, aggressive, extrovert, your favourite coloiur is red, your favourite animals include dogs and donkeys. You have a rough exterior but it can't disguise the angel of mercy you have inside. See:

You love blowing things up: that used to be a nono in the world of psychology, but now its a good thing! Blowing things up gets adrenaline flowing from the adrenal gland, which keeps you alive. It also gets you a badge, or kicked.

You're also impulsive and an extrovert to boot. Without saying please may I put my C4/Claymore here (you didn't even bother using the 'Request to Commander to allow me to put Explosives' command), you went ahead and acted. In all the spirit of gamesmanship and sportsmanship, your teammate tried hard to

1: Save the enemy by bravely sacrificing his own life
2: Teaching you the value of crime and punishment (Which you seem to be sorely missing)

Yet you turn on him? Please, calm down, take a cookie and examine your own actions. To show the extent of his wonderful actions, he even threw medikits around in the attempt to save himself before he died in the resulting explosion of him sacrificing himself on an explosive ordiance (in order to help you). What a perfect, wonderful man.

He even attempted using himself as a human shield in order to keep you alive, but oh you unworthy one, you shot him and even though he was not spared any emotional trauma , you still roundly bereted for him.

Go to special forces you say? I don't think you have the aptitude for that, it requires you to make cool, calm decisions under the heat of fire. You said you went to the APC to C4 it? Tsk tsk. You violated rule #01 of gamesmanship as usual:

#1 Saying 'Please may i C4 you' over VOIP

and for future reference to prevent mistakes:

#2 Please inform yor commander

#3: Please inform each and everyone of your teammates, no matter commander, SL, SM, whatever kit,
whatever rank, Please inform them till you get a response. It is only polite to do so. They shouldn't be below this basic dignity. What if the C4 explodes and the resulting sound causes them trauma, causing them to hit their kids and turn them into social delinquents?

#4: Please inform each and everyone of your opponent players, starting with Commander and following the hierachy down. For the same reasons as #3, but the opponent should be as gracious as to reply 'Oh my goodness me, you caught me there'. And will proceed to stop the APC for you to C4. This will prevent unnessecary injury to any innocent bystanders (regardless of opponent or teammate)

Furthermore, your teammate managed to follow procedure: He already contacted the opponent, and decided that grenade throwing would be the safest way to settle their minor dispute, thus his starting throwing grenades. He wasn't trying to even hurt you with a grenade, perhaps he tried to reprimand you by rapping you on the head with a grenade and the pin fell out: totally understandable and forgettable. Also, your teammate should be greatly commended for his accurate pitching, for all you know he may have been a MAjor League pitcher for the Sox before he joined the army.

At this point, I do not like my psychological sessions to get personal, but your placement of C4 requires much more practice. Just like in any good organisation, you need the agreement of a majority, thus you could:

1. Set up a committee
2. Vote Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary (3 of the 100000 useless... Oops did I say useless? I meant important and irreplacable positions).
3. Come up with a paper on 'C4 Placement'
4. Have the paper vetted then debated by the committee.
5. Implement the paper
6. Halt implementation and check for cost savings (would 2 C4s be better than 3? Is there a better way of taking down the APC? Can we come to a peaceful conclusion: The APC driver exits the APC and we all leave it untouched)

Life would be so much easier that way.

Onto your final point now, the fighting over tanks. What a childish childish squabble. Your opponent has rights to the tank. Obviously. Did you consult your commander? Squad leader? Every other player in the map? I'm sure you didnt't, and they would agree with me that no ONE person has dibs on any vehicle. Your opponent must have went through the committee actions to make such a decision. you should apologize.

When you C4-ed Mr Fucktard's transportation, it truly showed how impulsive you are. Please do not skip the committee stage next time!

Wait! Wait calm down!

Thank You for coming into polarbear's couch, to truly try to control this unhelpful, unsociable nature of your's, please, come back for more sessions, priced reasonably at $40 a minute. Payable by cash ONLY.

Thank You once again.
Truley Disturbing,I'm actually a little concerned about you my friend.
Aussie Outlaw
If polite remarks and cussing don't work i simply tard the tard.
The Last Man Standing
GoodfellaSnoop, out of curiosity, when you were playing were you by chance the top of the leaderboard?  I've had plenty of people make me teamkill them so I lose my points, maybe he was doing the same to you?  Unless he simply ws retarded like everyone else said and thought he might get something rewarding from the claymore.  Although in the end I did like your solution.  I would have told him to get into a jeep though that was lined with explosives before blasting him to oblivion
ok polar...i had a traumatic experience today; i was hoping you could help me as well

i was playing at karkand and was the commander of the US; this one player had severe problems with me being the commander, bc he kept starting mutiny votes against me, but never succeeded; the next round, i was commander again; this jackass came up with a better idea, he was going to run into the artillery on purpose everytime i dropped artillery; even when i tried to avoid him by dropping it practically on the other side of the map, he drove all the way across in a hummvee and managed to still get himself killed, of course, followed by a punish
please explain
Faith +1

[LFX]angus wrote:

ok polar...i had a traumatic experience today; i was hoping you could help me as well

i was playing at karkand and was the commander of the US; this one player had severe problems with me being the commander, bc he kept starting mutiny votes against me, but never succeeded; the next round, i was commander again; this jackass came up with a better idea, he was going to run into the artillery on purpose everytime i dropped artillery; even when i tried to avoid him by dropping it practically on the other side of the map, he drove all the way across in a hummvee and managed to still get himself killed, of course, followed by a punish
please explain
This one player is a glutton for pain and disappointment.  And you were nice enough to enable him to live his dream!! ha!
+1|7073|DeLand, FL

Paladus902 wrote:

GoodfellaSnoop, out of curiosity, when you were playing were you by chance the top of the leaderboard?
I'm flattered, but no. I'm but a lowly corporal.
I've done my share of TKs on smacktards. Usually if someone is dead because they KEEP runing into my mines, line of fire, arty, etc., then I may TK a couple more times to let of steam, then just disconnect from the server before it ends to avoid a horribly low (possibly negative) score.

The TK punish has it's uses. Unfortunately it has far more abuses.

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