Person, place, thing, event, whatever. Positive or negative.


12 years old. I was an All-Star pitcher for the Freeway National Youth Baseball League and we were in the playoffs. Our starting pitcher sucked ass in the semifinals, so I was brought in even though I only had 7 innings left to pitch (there was a rule that no kid could pitch more than 7 innings in a 3 day stretch, and no more than 14 in a week). We were behind and I had to come in at the start of the 5th inning. I pitched us out of a jam, shut them down, and ended up winning the game in dramatic fashion, striking a kid out with the bases loaded, up by one in the bottom of the last inning. Man the crowd went wild and I was on top of the world. Still, we had the Championship to win. I knew I would pitch it.

It was a 7 inning game so I used three of my innings. There's the rub.

I started the championship the following day. We were ahead 12-2 through 4 innings when I ran out of innings and had to move to center field. We had played a regularly scheduled game (season finale) and make-up game earlier in the week so our #2 pitcher was out of innings as well. We had to bring in our left fielder who was our #3 pitcher, and a scrub if the truth be known. Even so, we KNEW we were going to close out that game and be Champions.

He got shelled. I mean shelled. He walked 4 batters in a row at one point. We ended up losing 15-14 and I got a shitty Second Place trophy.

I will never forget how fucking bitter I was about that. I still am today, 28 years later.

I still have that 2nd place trophy, and I keep it to remind me of how I never want to be 2nd at anything again.

Changed me forever.

1. I can't fucking stand losing at anything.
2. I don't rely on anyone else to get the job done if I can do it myself.
3. I never let myself celebrate until the deal is 100% DONE.

Strange that such a minor event in the life of a 12 year old kid could have such long-lasting implications, but it did. I would be a COMPLETELY different person had we finished that game and won. I sometimes wonder how much less driven I'd be, or less bitter, or more able to let go and rely on others. I wonder if I would have been a better or worse person, and where I'd be now. I just refuse to be 2nd. Maybe it's not such a good thing, I don't know.

Anyway, you? Person, place, or event. Just interested to know...
+2,187|6888|Mountains of NC

Marine Corps .................. changed me forever
+127|6878|Dublin, Ireland
my first computer, turned me into a nerd...
Money, alcohol, and pussy.
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Money, alcohol, and cheating pussy.
I can haz titanium paancakez?
This site.Seriously.Changed my opinion in many things.
+127|6978|WPB, FL. USA
At first I was going to say getting my little soldier to stand at attention at 13, however, he just can't do the things he used too anymore.

Actually - Joining the Air Force when I turned 17.  Grew-up in a bad situation and needed to get out before being carried out.  I got a chance to travel the world, meet some great people, got to see so many different cultures - helped me to not become biased or prejudiced, got a great education, learned how great my country really was - as well as others, got a chance to make a positive impact on others...
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6765|The Land of Scott Walker
The love of a woman ...
+127|6978|WPB, FL. USA

Stingray24 wrote:

The love of a woman ...
Oh! hell no, he didn't expose his femanine side on BF2 forums 
Cool member
Failing the Economics module in my 1st/2nd year at University.

As a result, I got "Locked" out of uni for 6 months, then had to do a introductory French Module to get the points which I needed to get into 3rd year. However I could not get back into the course which I was previously on as they had changed the system the year after I joined. So my options were either Internet Software Development, or Networking. Chose the Internet course, loved it, and now I am a Pro web developer and loving my career.

If I had not failed, I would have possibly gone a slightly different route and ended up like a lot of the people on that course who are still out of a job and working in dead end jobs.
+226|7062|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Witnessed my first Punishment shooting (for anti-social behaviour - the irony) by a hooded gunman aged 11 - that was the end of my innocence..
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6982|Groningen, The Netherlands

Jackabo wrote:

my first computer, turned me into a nerd...
Sounds familiar
+3,611|6941|London, England
I injured my foot when I was about 13. Kinda fucked up life up until I was about 15.


Girl problems, age 18 (now) - I've turned much more sinister and I don't really like alot of things anymore, turned my back on alot of old friends and I don't really talk to alot of people now tbh. I only have my immediate circle of friends, before I used to talk to loads of people.

Last edited by Mek-Izzle (2008-01-29 09:34:31)


IG-Calibre wrote:

Witnessed my first Punishment shooting (for anti-social behaviour - the irony) by a hooded gunman aged 11 - that was the end of my innocence..
Holy shit. We have a winner.
Sharing what I thought were bad problems I had with someone in my clan over msn.

Him explaining his problem that is his wife died last year in a car crash, and he has to raise his two young girls by himself. He explained how hard it is. But how he fights through it everyday.

Totally made me re-think my life and now I just battle through problems.
+385|6811|Northern California
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6995|Florida, United States

I was gonna make a thread like this but I never got around to it.  Since I'm only 16, I haven't had many life changing events yet, but I have a few stories.

Around September 2006 (just turned 15 then), there was a girl in a bunch of my classes that I started getting to know.  Her name was Devin, she's pretty short, but really cute.  Anyways, she was always really flirtatious around me but I didn't think she actually liked me because the previous summer I had a similar instance where a different girl named Melissa was just being nice to me but I misunderstood her and thought she liked me, and I didn't want to repeat that mess.  I found out much later that this girl actually did like me, but I'll get to that.  Around November, I started dating some other chick named Erika, which really upset Devin because she liked me too, but she was friends with Erika so she wasn't too upset.  But of course I didn't know that Devin was upset because I didn't think she liked me.

Moving on, during winter break, I had a lot of online chats with Devin, and somehow our conversations always got on the topic of sex or something  awkward and she told me a bunch of really personal secrets about her past relationships (how far she went and such (she was still a virgin though)) which kinda freaked me out because I thought it was way too in depth for someone to tell their friend.  It never really hit me she liked me until February after me and Erika broke up.  Around that time, she told me that she "might" like me and that she was "interested" back when we met.  I was kinda shocked because quite frankly, I'd never had a pretty girl like me.  Unfortuanately for me, Devin now had a boyfriend, so I decided to wait and see what happened.

Fast forward to May, school lets out, I'm still single, and Devin is still taken.  I invite her over to my house to go swimming and hang out and while we were in the pool, she flashed me.  Honestly, I was more freaked out than happy because my mom was perpetually walking out to the pool to see if we needed anything, and I knew I'd be dead if she saw Devin.  So after about 5 minutes of figuring out how I should tell her this was going to end badly, I told her and she casually adjusted her top and laughed, not embarrassed at all.  This baffled the hell out of me because I thought that she didn't like me anymore because she had a boyfriend.  This event reinvigorated my desire to date her.  This is also around the time another key figure enters the story: Beca.  I will define this woman as the bitch beyond all bitches, a whore beyond all whores, and a liar beyond all liars.  Well, at least I thought she was a liar.  Retrospect shows me it wasn't so much as Beca lying as not having the right info.

One of Beca's flaws was her over-protectiveness of Devin with no regard for anybody else...meaning me.  Beca found out I liked her around this time and confronted me saying I was tearing Devin's relationship apart.  I didn't mention the flashing thing to Beca because I knew she wouldn't believe me and because I didn't want it to spread around (Beca also has a huge mouth).  At this point though, I was crazily infatuated with Devin.

Fast forward again to August 3rd.  A bunch of friends (including Melissa, Erika, and Beca) were all hanging out at my friend Amy's house.  Now I'm not spiritual at all, and if you've ever read any of my posts on religious threads, you'll agree, but I couldn't help but feel something wasn't right when I was at that party.  I found out a few days later that night Devin and her boyfriend were on a date on August 3rd, and they got arrested having sex on the beach.  I was crushed.  My best friend, arrested, and no longer a virgin.  I lost a lot of trust and respect for her when I found out.

Time for the finale climax of this story: September 2007 (now I'm 16).  Homecoming dance was going to be on September 29th, and around September 10th, I began wondering whether or not I should ask Devin to go with me as a friend.  I decided against it because at the time, Beca and Devin's boyfriend were relentlessly looking for ways to show I was trying to doom Devin's relationship, and I didn't want to start trouble.  So on September 18th, I was walking to the parking lot to go home from school, and my cell phone rings and it's Devin.  She invited me to go with her to Homecoming dance, so I told her about why I didn't ask her and she said not to worry about it.  Just to be safe, I went home that night and asked Devin's boyfriend if he cared if I took Devin to the dance.  His exact words were, "You can take her so long as she has a good time."  For me, that was an epic win, because now I could go to the dance with Devin, and if Beca bitched about me trying to separate Devin and her boyfriend, I could tell her that it was Devin's idea to go to the dance because she invited me.  Things were good.  But Beca was pissed when she found out I was going with Devin, and she decided to do something about it.

So, that weekend, I got an outfit (cost me $200 ) and I was jovial all week long in my excitment for that Saturday, Homecoming.  But life is never that easy.  On the Thursday before the dance (which was on Saturday), my friend Alex whom I rarely spoke with anymore got on AIM and we started chatting.  He said that I should talk to Devin about homecoming (I didn't even know he knew Devin at that point, but I found out they had the same AP Government class).  I asked why and he said he couldn't tell me, which confused me.  He said that he promised not to tell me but he couldn't tell me what he promised not to tell.  So he signed off, I printed the conversation, and brought it to school on Friday.  Stupid me, I forgot to ask Devin about it.  So Friday night was the Homecoming football game, and I decided I would go and invite Devin so I could show her the conversation.  So I did, and when I showed her the printed copy, she said she had no idea what he was talking about.  Now, at that point I had a decision to make.  Alex had never given me any reason to doubt his honesty, but Devin had frequently lied to me about silly things.  In my stupidity, I trusted Devin because I assumed that if it was something seriously important, she would tell me.  I assumed wrong.

So Saturday rolls around, and I'm ecstatic.  Finally, I went to pick up Devin, and things were going good.  We got to the dance, met up with a bunch of people we were planning to meet, and went to the dance room.  Not even 10 minutes after we get there, I see somebody walking towards me.  Beca.  I had no idea how she got a ticket because she didn't even go to the same high school as me.  I figured she would try to steal some dances with Devin from me but I wasn't too concerned.  Yet.  Beca dragged away Devin to talk to her, and Amy (the same girl whose house we were at on August 3rd) went with them.  So I was left with Melissa, her boyfriend, and Erika.  I decided to go look for Devin, and the rest of my group did too.  We got to our table and Devin, Beca, and Amy were talking, but as soon as they saw me, they all walked away.  Thinking it was a girl issue, Melissa and Erika went to go find out what was wrong.  About two minutes later, Devin walks back to me with tears in her eyes and when I asked what was wrong, she pointed behind her.  It was her boyfriend, who also didn't go to the same high school as me, meaning I was clueless as to how he got a ticket.

I was pissed.  I was confused.  And I wanted answers.  But I didn't want to make a fuss in front of everybody, just Beca because I figured this was probably all her fault.  So we all went off to dance, and when I say we, I mean Devin and her boyfriend danced, and I was left on the sideline.  I went back to the snack room to get a drink, and on my way there, I saw Alex.  He says, "How's the dance?" to which I reply, "I'll tell you later."  He repeated himself, so I repeated myself.  He then said that he knew what was going on.  Then I thought of the conversation we had.  As I was just about to ask about the conversation, Devin came out and tried to drag me back into the dance room.  I struggled free and went with Alex, but not before giving Devin a really sad look.  Turns out Alex overheard Devin telling her friend that her boyfriend was going to be at Homecoming, and I was going to be her ride there and back.  Alex knew I would never agree to that, so he stopped eavesdropping and spoke up.  Devin apparently freaked out and swore him to secrecy.  Thus explaining why he couldn't tell me.

I was shocked.  I couldn't believe my best friend would do that to me.  So instead of going to Devin next, I went to Beca.  Ironically, the first thing she says to me is "What the hell do you think you're doing inviting Devin to a dance?"  When I told her that it was the other way around, she said that Devin told her I invited her, but I figured Beca was lying.  Turns out that's exactly what Devin told Beca.  But I didn't know that yet.  We got into a huge argument about Devin and how I'm the devil because I'm trying to ruin Devin's life and that I'm evil because I don't think having sex at age 16 is ok.  Then Devin walks in, and Beca drags her aside.  Beca told Devin that I was mad because I apparently thought Devin was a "dirty slut" in Beca's words.  Devin came out irate and I quickly told her that wasn't what was said.  When I told her what Alex had told me, she said he made it up, which prompted me to ask how he could make up such an elaborate story and have it all come true.  She began crying, and her boyfriend gave me a look of extreme hate.  It was then when all the pieces fell into place.

Here's how it all happened.  Devin invited me to Homecoming.  Beca found out, but was told by Devin that I invited her because Devin didn't want Beca to know that she liked me.  So this pissed Beca off.  Beca's ex-boyfriend goes to my high school, and she ordered two tickets from him: one for her, and one for Devin's boyfriend.  When Beca got the tickets, she began hinting to Devin that a "surprise" would be waiting for Devin at homecoming.  This explained how Devin knew about her boyfriend being there.  Once Devin knew, she told her friends, and Alex overheard.  He warned me, and when I confronted Devin, she denied it because if I knew her boyfriend was going to be there, I wouldn't have gone.  And if I didn't go, Devin would have to go alone, which would make her parents suspect something because Devin's parents had hated her boyfriend since the sex-on-the-beach incident.  Also, Devin figured she could get a free ride to and from the dance with me.  Everybody is happy, except me, but since Beca schemed this up, she didn't care.  I have no idea why Devin was ok with this; I thought she really cared about me.

So after a night of being ignored, it came time to give Devin a ride home.  When I walked outside, I sat on a bench and Devin then sat on my lap.  This made me a bit mad because it kinda said "Haha I just used you and ignored you all night long, now I'm going to play on your masculine sexual drive to make you forget about it".  When we got in the car, we were in the back seats together, and she grabbed my hand and moved it to her crotch, but I didn't even notice because I was lost in thought at the time.  So I dropped her off, and made the first great mistake of my life: I told my mom what happened.  Bad move.  Very bad move.  If I had a time machine and could only use it to undo one thing, it would be to undo this.  My mom is the type of mom who is very overprotective to the point where I could murder and rape somebody and my mom would still look for ways to prove my innocence.  But anyway, she got pissed.  And I told her not to get involved because I knew she would only make things worse.  So she did.  For one day.

So now it's Tuesday after Homecoming.  Devin is still really shy around my, probably guilt, but at the time, I was still willing to forgive her (I didn't know all that I know now, and even now, the facts I have might not be correct.  They're just the only ones that make sense).  After school, me and my twin sister went to the mall because I had to get a birthday gift for Erika and she needed something.  On the way there she said that she saw Devin's dad talking to her friend Tracey, her other friend Catherine, Devin's friend Angelina, and was waiting for me.  But I didn't know that and even if I had I wouldn't have gone.  Devin's dad is freaky.  Freakier than Devin.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Turns out he was interrogating them on whether or not Devin's boyfriend was at the dance.  I instantly knew my mom had something to do with this, because there was no way he would have known anything went wrong at the dance.  So we got home and my mom was sitting at her chair crying.  I want to note this is the only time in my entire life that I've seen my mom cry.

Here's what she did.  Even though I told her not to get involved, she said she hated to see me sad (I was fine at home, I wasn't sad) so she called Devin's mom and told her what happened.  The beautiful thing, is that Devin's mom didn't believe my mom.  My mom told Devin's mom not to tell me because she knew I would kill her.  Haha, Devin's mom lied too.  Once again, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Devin's mom called her husband, and he told Devin.  He then interrogated some people who knew Devin and were at the dance to find out if it was true, and although all 3 of them knew Devin's boyfriend was there, they all denied seeing him.  After he interrogated our friends, he brought Devin to my mom's work (she's a teacher at a school attached to the high school I go to) and he and Devin went to see my mom.  Devin said to my mom's face that her boyfriend was never at the dance and that if he was she never saw him.  My mom also mentioned a lot of things Devin had told me that were literally unbelievable and she denied saying them all.  This was the final straw.

Final paragraph, I promise.  I plotted with my friends to get revenge.  Note: I have never been as angry as I was then in my life.  Ever.  Up until then, I had never done anything to intentionally hurt anybody.  But I was crazy, literally, thanks to my mom's continual bashing of Devin at home.  So I plotted with my friends (mainly Melissa boyfriend) to follow Devin to her parent's car after school and tell them everything that happened, because they didn't believe my mom because she never actually saw him.  I had this planned perfectly.  I had my sister and Tracey off to the soda machines nearby on standby in case I needed more proof.  I had phone numbers of 10 people who all saw her boyfriend.  I even had a crowd of people following me because they all hated Devin for one reason or another and wanted to see her suffer.  So after school, I went to her locker while everybody got set up.  Instead of going to her car though, Devin went a different direction.  We decided to improvise and get to Devin's car before she did.  I went up and knocked on the door, and both of Devin's parents stepped out.  I was just about to spill everything, when I turned around and saw Devin standing there with a look of "OMG WTF R U DOIN".  I loved that look, which proves to me I was crazy when I did this.  Devin was ushered into her car, and I told her parents everything bad that Devin had ever done that was illegal or against her parents' wishes.  If that didn't cut off any friendship between us, I didn't know what would.  I was so proud of myself that I actually stood up for what I thought was right.  Turns out what I thought was right was wrong.

Sorry, I lied, one more paragraph.  When I went home, Beca was online and I sent an IM saying that I officially screwed over Devin's life.  Beca blocked me from AIM and I didn't speak to her until December 3rd, which is when I found out what truly happened.  Prior to then, I had believed it was Devin's idea to manipulate me, not Beca's.  That was wrong.  I had also believed that Devin had never truly liked me.  I was shocked to hear Beca, the one who hated the idea of me being anywhere near Devin, say I was wrong.  Beca admitted that I was right on every argument we ever had about if Devin liked me or not.  A lot of things got said, and by the end of that conversation, I felt like the biggest asshole on the planet for what I had done.  The next day, I spoke to Devin for the first time in 3 months and apologized.  She apologized too, but she didn't sound like she meant it.  Every so often, I would try to talk to her to not get her to hate me, because I didn't want this epic fail on my conscience.  She still acted like she hated me, so I made her a Christmas card and put it in her locker.  She didn't mention anything about it to me until I asked if she got it.  She said she did and walked away.  I pretty much realize I'll never be friends with her again, but thats life.

ZOMG Maybe I set a record for longest hand-typed BF2S post ever!  Yea, that's my most life changing event.  Going from not knowing somebody, to being her friend, to being her best friend, to being crazily in love with her, to hating her very being.  Teenage

PS: Devin still won't speak normally to me.  Whenever I say hi, she speaks hastily and walks away quickly.  I found out from Beca (who now hates Devin more than I ever did, which is a total change from a few months before) that Devin now sees a psychiatrist because everybody found out that Devin has been lying about many things (like she said her parents beat her, starved her, and had her exorcised (which meant she said that she was tied naked to a cross and doused with boiling holy water...yea... totally plausable)).

Last edited by Havok (2008-01-29 12:12:43)

+127|6878|Dublin, Ireland

Havok wrote:

I was gonna make a thread like this but I never got around to it.  Since I'm only 16, I haven't had many life changing events yet, but I have a few stories.

Around September 2006 (just turned 15 then), there was a girl in a bunch of my classes that I started getting to know.  Her name was Devin, she's pretty short, but really cute.  Anyways, she was always really flirtatious around me but I didn't think she actually liked me because the previous summer I had a similar instance where a different girl named Melissa was just being nice to me but I misunderstood her and thought she liked me, and I didn't want to repeat that mess.  I found out much later that this girl actually did like me, but I'll get to that.  Around November, I started dating some other chick named Erika, which really upset Devin because she liked me too, but she was friends with Erika so she wasn't too upset.  But of course I didn't know that Devin was upset because I didn't think she liked me.

Moving on, during winter break, I had a lot of online chats with Devin, and somehow our conversations always got on the topic of sex or something  awkward and she told me a bunch of really personal secrets about her past relationships (how far she went and such (she was still a virgin though)) which kinda freaked me out because I thought it was way too in depth for someone to tell their friend.  It never really hit me she liked me until February after me and Erika broke up.  Around that time, she told me that she "might" like me and that she was "interested" back when we met.  I was kinda shocked because quite frankly, I'd never had a pretty girl like me.  Unfortuanately for me, Devin now had a boyfriend, so I decided to wait and see what happened.

Fast forward to May, school lets out, I'm still single, and Devin is still taken.  I invite her over to my house to go swimming and hang out and while we were in the pool, she flashed me.  Honestly, I was more freaked out than happy because my mom was perpetually walking out to the pool to see if we needed anything, and I knew I'd be dead if she saw Devin.  So after about 5 minutes of figuring out how I should tell her this was going to end badly, I told her and she casually adjusted her top and laughed, not embarrassed at all.  This baffled the hell out of me because I thought that she didn't like me anymore because she had a boyfriend.  This event reinvigorated my desire to date her.  This is also around the time another key figure enters the story: Beca.  I will define this woman as the bitch beyond all bitches, a whore beyond all whores, and a liar beyond all liars.  Well, at least I thought she was a liar.  Retrospect shows me it wasn't so much as Beca lying as not having the right info.

One of Beca's flaws was her over-protectiveness of Devin with no regard for anybody else...meaning me.  Beca found out I liked her around this time and confronted me saying I was tearing Devin's relationship apart.  I didn't mention the flashing thing to Beca because I knew she wouldn't believe me and because I didn't want it to spread around (Beca also has a huge mouth).  At this point though, I was crazily infatuated with Devin.

Fast forward again to August 3rd.  A bunch of friends (including Melissa, Erika, and Beca) were all hanging out at my friend Amy's house.  Now I'm not spiritual at all, and if you've ever read any of my posts on religious threads, you'll agree, but I couldn't help but feel something wasn't right when I was at that party.  I found out a few days later that night Devin and her boyfriend were on a date on August 3rd, and they got arrested having sex on the beach.  I was crushed.  My best friend, arrested, and no longer a virgin.  I lost a lot of trust and respect for her when I found out.

Time for the finale climax of this story: September 2007 (now I'm 16).  Homecoming dance was going to be on September 29th, and around September 10th, I began wondering whether or not I should ask Devin to go with me as a friend.  I decided against it because at the time, Beca and Devin's boyfriend were relentlessly looking for ways to show I was trying to doom Devin's relationship, and I didn't want to start trouble.  So on September 18th, I was walking to the parking lot to go home from school, and my cell phone rings and it's Devin.  She invited me to go with her to Homecoming dance, so I told her about why I didn't ask her and she said not to worry about it.  Just to be safe, I went home that night and asked Devin's boyfriend if he cared if I took Devin to the dance.  His exact words were, "You can take her so long as she has a good time."  For me, that was an epic win, because now I could go to the dance with Devin, and if Beca bitched about me trying to separate Devin and her boyfriend, I could tell her that it was Devin's idea to go to the dance because she invited me.  Things were good.  But Beca was pissed when she found out I was going with Devin, and she decided to do something about it.

So, that weekend, I got an outfit (cost me $200 ) and I was jovial all week long in my excitment for that Saturday, Homecoming.  But life is never that easy.  On the Thursday before the dance (which was on Saturday), my friend Alex whom I rarely spoke with anymore got on AIM and we started chatting.  He said that I should talk to Devin about homecoming (I didn't even know he knew Devin at that point, but I found out they had the same AP Government class).  I asked why and he said he couldn't tell me, which confused me.  He said that he promised not to tell me but he couldn't tell me what he promised not to tell.  So he signed off, I printed the conversation, and brought it to school on Friday.  Stupid me, I forgot to ask Devin about it.  So Friday night was the Homecoming football game, and I decided I would go and invite Devin so I could show her the conversation.  So I did, and when I showed her the printed copy, she said she had no idea what he was talking about.  Now, at that point I had a decision to make.  Alex had never given me any reason to doubt his honesty, but Devin had frequently lied to me about silly things.  In my stupidity, I trusted Devin because I assumed that if it was something seriously important, she would tell me.  I assumed wrong.

So Saturday rolls around, and I'm ecstatic.  Finally, I went to pick up Devin, and things were going good.  We got to the dance, met up with a bunch of people we were planning to meet, and went to the dance room.  Not even 10 minutes after we get there, I see somebody walking towards me.  Beca.  I had no idea how she got a ticket because she didn't even go to the same high school as me.  I figured she would try to steal some dances with Devin from me but I wasn't too concerned.  Yet.  Beca dragged away Devin to talk to her, and Amy (the same girl whose house we were at on August 3rd) went with them.  So I was left with Melissa, her boyfriend, and Erika.  I decided to go look for Devin, and the rest of my group did too.  We got to our table and Devin, Beca, and Amy were talking, but as soon as they saw me, they all walked away.  Thinking it was a girl issue, Melissa and Erika went to go find out what was wrong.  About two minutes later, Devin walks back to me with tears in her eyes and when I asked what was wrong, she pointed behind her.  It was her boyfriend, who also didn't go to the same high school as me, meaning I was clueless as to how he got a ticket.

I was pissed.  I was confused.  And I wanted answers.  But I didn't want to make a fuss in front of everybody, just Beca because I figured this was probably all her fault.  So we all went off to dance, and when I say we, I mean Devin and her boyfriend danced, and I was left on the sideline.  I went back to the snack room to get a drink, and on my way there, I saw Alex.  He says, "How's the dance?" to which I reply, "I'll tell you later."  He repeated himself, so I repeated myself.  He then said that he knew what was going on.  Then I thought of the conversation we had.  As I was just about to ask about the conversation, Devin came out and tried to drag me back into the dance room.  I struggled free and went with Alex, but not before giving Devin a really sad look.  Turns out Alex overheard Devin telling her friend that her boyfriend was going to be at Homecoming, and I was going to be her ride there and back.  Alex knew I would never agree to that, so he stopped eavesdropping and spoke up.  Devin apparently freaked out and swore him to secrecy.  Thus explaining why he couldn't tell me.

I was shocked.  I couldn't believe my best friend would do that to me.  So instead of going to Devin next, I went to Beca.  Ironically, the first thing she says to me is "What the hell do you think you're doing inviting Devin to a dance?"  When I told her that it was the other way around, she said that Devin told her I invited her, but I figured Beca was lying.  Turns out that's exactly what Devin told Beca.  But I didn't know that yet.  We got into a huge argument about Devin and how I'm the devil because I'm trying to ruin Devin's life and that I'm evil because I don't think having sex at age 16 is ok.  Then Devin walks in, and Beca drags her aside.  Beca told Devin that I was mad because I apparently thought Devin was a "dirty slut" in Beca's words.  Devin came out irate and I quickly told her that wasn't what was said.  When I told her what Alex had told me, she said he made it up, which prompted me to ask how he could make up such an elaborate story and have it all come true.  She began crying, and her boyfriend gave me a look of extreme hate.  It was then when all the pieces fell into place.

Here's how it all happened.  Devin invited me to Homecoming.  Beca found out, but was told by Devin that I invited her because Devin didn't want Beca to know that she liked me.  So this pissed Beca off.  Beca's ex-boyfriend goes to my high school, and she ordered two tickets from him: one for her, and one for Devin's boyfriend.  When Beca got the tickets, she began hinting to Devin that a "surprise" would be waiting for Devin at homecoming.  This explained how Devin knew about her boyfriend being there.  Once Devin knew, she told her friends, and Alex overheard.  He warned me, and when I confronted Devin, she denied it because if I knew her boyfriend was going to be there, I wouldn't have gone.  And if I didn't go, Devin would have to go alone, which would make her parents suspect something because Devin's parents had hated her boyfriend since the sex-on-the-beach incident.  Also, Devin figured she could get a free ride to and from the dance with me.  Everybody is happy, except me, but since Beca schemed this up, she didn't care.  I have no idea why Devin was ok with this; I thought she really cared about me.

So after a night of being ignored, it came time to give Devin a ride home.  When I walked outside, I sat on a bench and Devin then sat on my lap.  This made me a bit mad because it kinda said "Haha I just used you and ignored you all night long, now I'm going to play on your masculine sexual drive to make you forget about it".  When we got in the car, we were in the back seats together, and she grabbed my hand and moved it to her crotch, but I didn't even notice because I was lost in thought at the time.  So I dropped her off, and made the first great mistake of my life: I told my mom what happened.  Bad move.  Very bad move.  If I had a time machine and could only use it to undo one thing, it would be to undo this.  My mom is the type of mom who is very overprotective to the point where I could murder and rape somebody and my mom would still look for ways to prove my innocence.  But anyway, she got pissed.  And I told her not to get involved because I knew she would only make things worse.  So she did.  For one day.

So now it's Tuesday after Homecoming.  Devin is still really shy around my, probably guilt, but at the time, I was still willing to forgive her (I didn't know all that I know now, and even now, the facts I have might not be correct.  They're just the only ones that make sense).  After school, me and my twin sister went to the mall because I had to get a birthday gift for Erika and she needed something.  On the way there she said that she was Devin's dad talking to her friend Tracey, her other friend Catherine, Devin's friend Angelina, and was waiting for me.  But I didn't know that and even if I had I wouldn't have gone.  Devin's dad is freaky.  Freakier than Devin.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Turns out he was interrogating them on whether or not Devin's boyfriend was at the dance.  I instantly knew my mom had something to do with this, because there was no way he would have known anything went wrong at the dance.  So we got home and my mom was sitting at her chair crying.  I want to note this is the only time in my entire life that I've seen my mom cry.

Here's what she did.  Even though I told her not to get involved, she said she hated to see me sad (I was fine at home, I wasn't sad) so she called Devin's mom and told her what happened.  The beautiful thing, is that Devin's mom didn't believe my mom.  My mom told Devin's mom not to tell me because she knew I would kill her.  Haha, Devin's mom lied too.  Once again, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Devin's mom called her husband, and he told Devin.  He then interrogated some people who knew Devin and were at the dance to find out if it was true, and although all 3 of them knew Devin's boyfriend was there, they all denied seeing him.  After he interrogated our friends, he brought Devin to my mom's work (she's a teacher at a school attached to the high school I go to) and he and Devin went to see my mom.  Devin said to my mom's face that her boyfriend was never at the dance and that if he was she never saw him.  My mom also mentioned a lot of things Devin had told me that were literally unbelievable and she denied saying them all.  This was the final straw.

Final paragraph, I promise.  I plotted with my friends to get revenge.  Note: I have never been as angry as I was then in my life.  Ever.  Up until then, I had never done anything to intentionally hurt anybody.  But I was crazy, literally, thanks to my mom's continual bashing of Devin at home.  So I plotted with my friends (mainly Melissa boyfriend) to follow Devin to her parent's car after school and tell them everything that happened, because they didn't believe my mom because she never actually saw him.  I had this planned perfectly.  I had my sister and Tracey off to the soda machines nearby on standby in case I needed more proof.  I had phone numbers of 10 people who all saw her boyfriend.  I even had a crowd of people following me because they all hated Devin for one reason or another and wanted to see her suffer.  So after school, I went to her locker while everybody got set up.  Instead of going to her car though, Devin went a different direction.  We decided to improvise and get to Devin's car before she did.  I went up and knocked on the door, and both of Devin's parents stepped out.  I was just about to spill everything, when I turned around and saw Devin standing there with a look of "OMG WTF R U DOIN".  I loved that look, which proves to me I was crazy when I did this.  Devin was ushered into her car, and I told her parents everything bad that Devin had ever done that was illegal or against her parents' wishes.  If that didn't cut off any friendship between us, I didn't know what would.  I was so proud of myself that I actually stood up for what I thought was right.  Turns out what I thought was right was wrong.

Sorry, I lied, one more paragraph.  When I went home, Beca was online and I sent an IM saying that I officially screwed over Devin's life.  Beca blocked me from AIM and I didn't speak to her until December 3rd, which is when I found out what truly happened.  Prior to then, I had believed it was Devin's idea to manipulate me, not Beca's.  That was wrong.  I had also believed that Devin had never truly liked me.  I was shocked to hear Beca, the one who hated the idea of me being anywhere near Devin, say I was wrong.  Beca admitted that I was right on every argument we ever had about if Devin liked me or not.  A lot of things got said, and by the end of that conversation, I felt like the biggest asshole on the planet for what I had done.  The next day, I spoke to Devin for the first time in 3 months and apologized.  She apologized too, but she didn't sound like she meant it.  Every so often, I would try to talk to her to not get her to hate me, because I didn't want this epic fail on my conscience.  She still acted like she hated me, so I made her a Christmas card and put it in her locker.  She didn't mention anything about it to me until I asked if she got it.  She said she did and walked away.  I pretty much realize I'll never be friends with her again, but thats life.

ZOMG Maybe I set a record for longest hand-typed BF2S post ever!  Yea, that's my most life changing event.  Going from not knowing somebody, to being her friend, to being her best friend, to being crazily in love with her, to hating her very being.  Teenage

PS: Devin still won't speak normally to me.  Whenever I say hi, she speaks hastily and walks away quickly.  I found out from Beca (who now hates Devin more than I ever did, which is a total change from a few months before) that Devin now sees a psychiatrist because everybody found out that Devin has been lying about many things (like she said her parents beat her, starved her, and had her exorcised (which meant she said that she was tied naked to a cross and doused with boiling holy water...yea... totally plausable)).
Epic read!

Was first on the the scene when two police men were blown up in their car in the car park behind the garage I worked in when I was 15. I can still remember the flames shooting out of their eye sockets and mouths as they burned. A severed hand was was all that made it out of that car. It had a wedding ring on it.

The guy who blew them up turned out to be someone I knew well and was the last person who I thought would do such a thing.

Taught me allot about human nature, hatred and "the cause"
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6711|fåking denmark
Approx. 2 years ago.

My sister tried to kill herself, I could hear her screaming from my bed.

Changed my life, I'm not normal no more.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6946|Sea to globally-cooled sea
2 things, I'd say.  1st, the negative, then the positive.

In short: theater changed my life forever.

Reason:  if I hadn't been in theater, I wouldn't have jumped off the stage and torn my ACL.  Which means I wouldn't have had 3 operations on it.  Which means that I would have been involved in Athletics during college, which would probably lead to a me that weighs 60 pounds lighter.

In short:  Seminary changed my life forever.
Reason:  In high school I seriously discerned studying for the priesthood.  I decided to enter an undergraduate seminary at Seton Hall University.  It wasn't directly studying towards priesthood, but it was a house of discernment.  We had house rules, etc. that included prayers and other disciplines.

Even though I left after 1 semester (for a girl), the experience I had there changed my life.  The devotions that I was taught there I maintain, and without a doubt it has helped shape me into who I am more than anything else.  Certainly, (ironically) I would not be the husband I am had I not spent that one semester in the Seminary.

  Now you know two things about me you probably never knew.
sorry you feel that way
The divorce / fights (also physical) my parents were in / I was involved in when I was 11-13. Changed my views on alot of things, but I'm young still so I can't really say what will change me forever. I've been through way too much for my age but haven't seen enough to decide which will be the most life changing. I suppose that when I join the army I'll change / see alot of rough stuff.

Last edited by dayarath (2008-01-29 11:53:10)

inane little opines
Calmer than you are.
My mother was diagnosed with bone cancer last week. I guess that.
+165|6955|South Jersey
I lost one out of my two closest friends.  Let's call him John.  I've only known John for a little more than a year and a half, but we became friends fast from the beginning of 8th grade (now starting 2nd semester of 9th).  I knew his parents very well, and his mom was one of the nicest persons I'd ever met.  His step-dad was also a nice guy, it seemed there was something never quite right with him.  Weekend before mid-terms, I'm online chatting with another friend and he says "I guess you know by now".  I said no.  I had no idea what he was talking about.  "About John's parents".  No.  I didn't know anything. 

So he sends me a news link.  The details were cloudy then but are now clear.  John's step-dad murdered his wife, and then jumped off of a bridge, killing himself.  How could he fucking do this?  I've undergone so many different negative emotions, that I don't feel like filling up space with them.  So John has moved away.  Not extremely far, but this has definitely changed my life.  Some members may have seen this on the news.  I don't know how far it went.  Anyway.  It's been only eleven days since this happened.  School blows now.  Fuck.
Havok that was a good read. I have sent it to a few people who are reading it now.

Good luck with whatever happens.

She might come round in the end... if that is what you want.

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