Aspiring Objectivist
Looks like she's already made her decision, it's up to you now. Tell her how you feel, then fuck like bunnies. Use protection so you don't get bogged down with a kid. Never stress about it man, the chances you will end up together forever are unlikely, so just have fun & love the one you're with.
Well butter my buscuit
Get her a teddy bear from a build-a-bear workshop
Champion of Dueling Rectums
+26|6631|South Jersey

JET_G raidensen wrote:

mcjagdflieger wrote:

alright, 1- dont ruin the suprise by getting her something that shes gonna read on here, that would um, you know, ruin the surprise. thats half the fun for chicks. 2- as for the actual gift giving, there is a way to bypass the ex being there...just tell her you will give her her gift after the party, when you two are alone. and its not the actual gift, its the thought of it, or some bullshit like that, that should make her swoon over you.
The gift is cock, thats no surprise TBQF.
so that means, um, the thought of the cock that she will get will make her swoon? holllller. shes in for a treat.
+1,175|6883|British Columbia, Canada
Well, I hung out with her tonight..

The last few days shes like "Aww, I'm so excited to see you.. etc etc.." stuff like that.. And then at her house, shes like.. "listen to this song, its like from my dad to you.. You have to hear it, I play it for anyone I date..."   but.. we aren't dating? .. wait what the fuck?  But then shes just like.. just shutup and listen.. but like, in a cute kinda way, not a mean..

So then like.. all this.. shes currently taking a "break" from her BF.. wouldn't this be the perfect time to try and kiss her?
We are lying on her couch together just kuddling and stuff.. and I'm like.. nice, its like 12:30.. I'll wait till 12:34  .. 1234 for anyone who doesn't get it.. its like our thing, whenever I look at the clock with here its always like 1:11, 11:11 or 1:23 or something.. So I'm like, yes.. this will be soo cute and everything.. So the clock hits 12:34, and I go in to kiss her, but she moves outta the way and says "Just watch the movie".. in the same tone that she used before with the song.. Even though she didn't say it in a mean way.. it was just like.. ouch.. that hurt.. I'm like trying to make this special and everything for you, but I just got shot down.. Like.. why won't you kiss me, you're massivly leading me on then the last week or so.. Is it because like, your B-day party is tomorrow, and you don't want to start anything until its over?? Like, I understand if thats what you want, but then if thats what you want, then just tell me.. I asked you why, but then you just give me the classical women response of.. "because..." and then don't finish talking.. Like, even though it may be hard to say something, its better that you do, because then I'm not left wondering what the fuck is going on.

So I leave her house after being there for a few hours.. Text my friend to see if he is still up.. he just got home, so we meet up at a park.. I do some donuts in my truck to blow off some steam... We talk for a hour or so, then I go home.. and now I'm writing this..

But like honestly, when I'm with her, its soo awesome.. it feels soo right just like laying next to her...

I fucking hate when I have nothing to do like right now, cause then I just get thinking.. And then I usually over-think things.. I need to keep myself occupied to stop thinking about her..
+3,611|6941|London, England
At least she's letting you hang out with her like that and shit, your time will probably come. Just be patient even though she's clearly being a bitch. That's all I can say anymore.

Just be glad you got this far because for me things went downhill really fast and it got bad (for me)

Last edited by Mek-Izzle (2008-01-26 04:12:23)


LT.Victim wrote:

Well, I hung out with her tonight..

The last few days shes like "Aww, I'm so excited to see you.. etc etc.." stuff like that.. And then at her house, shes like.. "listen to this song, its like from my dad to you.. You have to hear it, I play it for anyone I date..."   but.. we aren't dating? .. wait what the fuck?  But then shes just like.. just shutup and listen.. but like, in a cute kinda way, not a mean..

So then like.. all this.. shes currently taking a "break" from her BF.. wouldn't this be the perfect time to try and kiss her?
We are lying on her couch together just kuddling and stuff.. and I'm like.. nice, its like 12:30.. I'll wait till 12:34  .. 1234 for anyone who doesn't get it.. its like our thing, whenever I look at the clock with here its always like 1:11, 11:11 or 1:23 or something.. So I'm like, yes.. this will be soo cute and everything.. So the clock hits 12:34, and I go in to kiss her, but she moves outta the way and says "Just watch the movie".. in the same tone that she used before with the song.. Even though she didn't say it in a mean way.. it was just like.. ouch.. that hurt.. I'm like trying to make this special and everything for you, but I just got shot down.. Like.. why won't you kiss me, you're massivly leading me on then the last week or so.. Is it because like, your B-day party is tomorrow, and you don't want to start anything until its over?? Like, I understand if thats what you want, but then if thats what you want, then just tell me.. I asked you why, but then you just give me the classical women response of.. "because..." and then don't finish talking.. Like, even though it may be hard to say something, its better that you do, because then I'm not left wondering what the fuck is going on.

So I leave her house after being there for a few hours.. Text my friend to see if he is still up.. he just got home, so we meet up at a park.. I do some donuts in my truck to blow off some steam... We talk for a hour or so, then I go home.. and now I'm writing this..

But like honestly, when I'm with her, its soo awesome.. it feels soo right just like laying next to her...

I fucking hate when I have nothing to do like right now, cause then I just get thinking.. And then I usually over-think things.. I need to keep myself occupied to stop thinking about her..
Ah mate, that sucks. TBH, i think she jus needs to stop fucking you around, and tell you whats going on, one way or another. Even if its that she doesnt want something to happen, at least you'll know. Cos atm, she's jus being madly unfair.

Also maybe she doesnt have a reason for not kissing you, but jus doesnt think she should cos she's still not sure what she wants. That would explain the "because", but she needs to fuckin well tell you

LT.Victim wrote:

Well, I hung out with her tonight..

The last few days shes like "Aww, I'm so excited to see you.. etc etc.." stuff like that.. And then at her house, shes like.. "listen to this song, its like from my dad to you.. You have to hear it, I play it for anyone I date..."   but.. we aren't dating? .. wait what the fuck?  But then shes just like.. just shutup and listen.. but like, in a cute kinda way, not a mean..

So then like.. all this.. shes currently taking a "break" from her BF.. wouldn't this be the perfect time to try and kiss her?
We are lying on her couch together just kuddling and stuff.. and I'm like.. nice, its like 12:30.. I'll wait till 12:34  .. 1234 for anyone who doesn't get it.. its like our thing, whenever I look at the clock with here its always like 1:11, 11:11 or 1:23 or something.. So I'm like, yes.. this will be soo cute and everything.. So the clock hits 12:34, and I go in to kiss her, but she moves outta the way and says "Just watch the movie".. in the same tone that she used before with the song.. Even though she didn't say it in a mean way.. it was just like.. ouch.. that hurt.. I'm like trying to make this special and everything for you, but I just got shot down.. Like.. why won't you kiss me, you're massivly leading me on then the last week or so.. Is it because like, your B-day party is tomorrow, and you don't want to start anything until its over?? Like, I understand if thats what you want, but then if thats what you want, then just tell me.. I asked you why, but then you just give me the classical women response of.. "because..." and then don't finish talking.. Like, even though it may be hard to say something, its better that you do, because then I'm not left wondering what the fuck is going on.

So I leave her house after being there for a few hours.. Text my friend to see if he is still up.. he just got home, so we meet up at a park.. I do some donuts in my truck to blow off some steam... We talk for a hour or so, then I go home.. and now I'm writing this..

But like honestly, when I'm with her, its soo awesome.. it feels soo right just like laying next to her...

I fucking hate when I have nothing to do like right now, cause then I just get thinking.. And then I usually over-think things.. I need to keep myself occupied to stop thinking about her..
Have a cup of tea Lt. it'll calm you down. Honestly you sound a bit,.. stressed and it's kinda hard to follow.

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Just be glad you got this far because for me things went downhill really fast and it got bad (for me)
I concur, you're one lucky bastard!
+1,175|6883|British Columbia, Canada
Ya.. I this whole situation is stressing me out a bit.. I should go for a rip on my dirtbike or something, cause that usually calms me down.. I'm just looking forward to get this whole day over with to be honest..

I think I may know why she wouldn't let me kiss her though..

She probably thinks that if I kiss her, then thats going to lead to Making out, and then thats going to move to other things.. and she doesn't want that right now..

I understand, but I would be happy with just a quick peck on the lips and nothing more..  I guess I just have to be more patient..
I just don't know. might be true, or she may be playing hard-to-get. I just can't tell.
Un Moderador

Tell her that that hurt you and you would like to know why. Girls will never shoot you down if you ask sincerely why and tell them that it hurt your feelings.

samfink wrote:

or she may be playing hard-to-get
Could be, but I think they're already a little beyond that

Zimmer wrote:

Girls will never shoot you down
Damnit, sometimes I wish they just bloody did and get the shit over with.
Say wat!?
You have been in this situation for 5 weeks you realise? I think its time to get her to give you a straight answer.
+1,175|6883|British Columbia, Canada

Vilham wrote:

You have been in this situation for 5 weeks you realise? I think its time to get her to give you a straight answer.
Ya... but things are changing.. slowly, but they are still changing..

She broke up with her "BF" of 2 years just last week.. thats a pretty big step.. don't you think?
Un Moderador

Lai wrote:

samfink wrote:

or she may be playing hard-to-get
Could be, but I think they're already a little beyond that

Zimmer wrote:

Girls will never shoot you down
Damnit, sometimes I wish they just bloody did and get the shit over with.
I guess you refer to the infamous
"Can we just be friends?"
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6711|fÄking denmark

Zimmer wrote:

Lai wrote:

samfink wrote:

or she may be playing hard-to-get
Could be, but I think they're already a little beyond that

Zimmer wrote:

Girls will never shoot you down
Damnit, sometimes I wish they just bloody did and get the shit over with.
I guess you refer to the infamous
"Can we just be friends?"
I hate that sentence.
Un Moderador

It's awesome. Especially if it's followed by the reply
"Go fuck yourself. You are pathetic."
+2|6288|Washington, USA
The worst one though is. "we should just be friends for now, but maybe later on we can be more.."
Get her jealous.
+1,175|6883|British Columbia, Canada

phonephreak wrote:

The worst one though is. "we should just be friends for now, but maybe later on we can be more.."
Been there..

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Get her jealous.
Been there too.. New Years Eve I did stuff with 2 other girls and she got mad..

Plus, theres this girl at my school who keeps flirting with me infront of her, I don't flirt back, but at the same time I can't just be like "FUCK OFF" to her.. ya know? And shes told me that she doesn't like it when she does that..

But uh ya, it was really bugging me, so i talked to her about it.. I probably should have waited till tomorrow, but I didn't..

Apparently nothing is "official" so she doesn't want to do anything that would upset... whatever you call him, the person shes taking a "break" from.. She just wants to have a good time at her party.. and she said she'll talk to me about it tomorrow...
Say wat!?

LT.Victim wrote:

Vilham wrote:

You have been in this situation for 5 weeks you realise? I think its time to get her to give you a straight answer.
Ya... but things are changing.. slowly, but they are still changing..

She broke up with her "BF" of 2 years just last week.. thats a pretty big step.. don't you think?
A big step? That depends, is it a big step towards you? If not then she is just fucking you around, I had a girl like that for a few months who just wouldnt say what she wanted and wouldnt make decisions, sorry but im too young to be spending months on a girl I like when there are other girls I like out there who already say they like me.
+1,175|6883|British Columbia, Canada

Vilham wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Vilham wrote:

You have been in this situation for 5 weeks you realise? I think its time to get her to give you a straight answer.
Ya... but things are changing.. slowly, but they are still changing..

She broke up with her "BF" of 2 years just last week.. thats a pretty big step.. don't you think?
A big step? That depends, is it a big step towards you? If not then she is just fucking you around, I had a girl like that for a few months who just wouldnt say what she wanted and wouldnt make decisions...
Well, I hope its a step towards me, because if it isn't, then why did she do it..

I dunno.. this shit is complicated..

Lets just hope this night goes well, I'm suspose to be leaving in like 2 hours.. Its snowing like mad out right now though.. So I can't drive there.. But hopefully my dad can come home and give me a ride in his truck.. since mines only 2x4 rear wheel drive, and his is 4x4.. If he can't, I'll just end up walking, its only like.. 30 minute walk away.. 5 - 10 minute drive though.. lol
Say wat!?
Well good luck.
Yeah good luck, n f ll else fais jus get severel piseed n mak her mad by gettin som oter gash!!! Wooo even if it doesnt work its h=fun as hekl, even if yiou gas football in teh morein
+877|6281|Washington DC

bennisboy wrote:

Yeah good luck, n f ll else fais jus get severel piseed n mak her mad by gettin som oter gash!!! Wooo even if it doesnt work its h=fun as hekl, even if yiou gas football in teh morein
fcku yhea!
Little BaBy JESUS

bennisboy wrote:

Yeah good luck, n f ll else fais jus get severel piseed n mak her mad by gettin som oter gash!!! Wooo even if it doesnt work its h=fun as hekl, even if yiou gas football in teh morein
lol?? did ur cat type that ur something?

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