0akleaves wrote:
I bought this game last night and managed to play it for a few hours, felt like a noob once more dieing over and over but ive never finished bottom yet or had a - KD after my first round, so does any 1 have anytips/things i should do or maps/ servers i should play on?
When I first started playing I was over-whelmed.
The game was lighting fast and i was getting pwnt.
What I'd reccomend . . .
Game type : Headquarters
Reason : the objective changes every minute and you always know "where to go"
Map: Overgrown
Reason : It's my favorite. j/k the map offers a lot - open space, buildings and it's easy to get to know.
Strategy: SLOW down. When the HQ changes look where it is. Instead of running right to it try to take a longer route and out-flank the opposition.
When entering a flag cap throw in a grenade or flash-bang first.
Take your time and move as stealthy as possible. UAVs aren't always up but footsteps can easily give away your position.
If you're free 7am-11am EST add me to X-fire and join me for a round of Overgrown - I'll show you how to get on some roof tops etc.