just nothing
This thread is intended for you all to express your hatred for the new patch. Please try and keep things civilized... we know where you sleep...
I see an possible exploit(?) with AT mines. The servers now got an option to turn off friendly fires for AT mines separately. I.e. all engineers will throw mines as crazy while being on the enemy side it's not possible to blow them up anymore with a tank/APC. As it isn't hard enough to see them, now you can't destroy them even if you see them.

And mark my word for it, there will be A LOT of AT mines on the ground from now on.

The red bug is still there, and the GL (GRENADE!!!) got a smaller blast raduis as if it wasn't small enough before. Also there is a rumor that says that the new sniper rifle kills with one shot i the chest also.

A lot of unbalance to a pretty well balanced game as it is (except for those crappy stingers/AA-vehicles)

[edit]I must be a pro complainer, 1st post here [/edit]

Last edited by MrBrain (2006-02-13 23:40:37)

game sucks on the ground now i gotta say...  All this is gonna do is promote armor whoring...  and about the helo limiting, as if it isnt already limited enough.... AA kills you instantly now.... GL helo pilots...  as if AA wasnt bad enough against helos...  fuck this...
Awesome, I get to whine first!

Basically, I hate this patch.  So much. Like, the hate is beyond words.  IMO, being able to jump and prone and fire really fast was such a big part of the game.  I need action. If the option of hopping around is available to some people who want to do it.. why not let them?  its just another tool in a players arsenal, and excuse me if some people happened to get really good at it.  Now, its way to random.  Both players dive and stay prone till the fight ends, usually with a random headshot.  Its like.. Old style Gun Dueling from the West.  Boring as hell.

Oh, and now, choppers get spanked, which also annoys me greatly.  I dont know how much of this game I will be able to stand now.  Sucks because it was my favorite game too.

Im just expressing an opinion, please dont flame me, just post your own.
+3|7041|Berea, OH
I think the Helos are going to be underpowered now.  IGLA's kill me enough as it is.  The red skull and crossbones never leaves my screen when I'm in Ghost Town, anywhere.  Yes, a real tank shell would kill a real Helo, but this isn't real - it's a game.  Now the only way to survive in a helo is by luck cuz if you get hit by ANYTHING you're dead.

MrBrain wrote:

I see an possible exploit(?) with AT mines. The servers now got an option to turn off friendly fires for AT mines separately. I.e. all engineers will throw mines as crazy while being on the enemy side it's not possible to blow them up anymore with a tank/APC. As it isn't hard enough to see them, now you can't destroy them even if you see them.

And mark my word for it, there will be A LOT of AT mines on the ground from now on.

The red bug is still there, and the GL (GRENADE!!!) got a smaller blast raduis as if it wasn't small enough before. Also there is a rumor that says that the new sniper rifle kills with one shot i the chest also.

A lot of unbalance to a pretty well balanced game as it is (except for those crappy stingers/AA-vehicles)

[edit]I must be a pro complainer, 1st post here [/edit]
You can only throw a maximum amount, until the oldest ones start disappearing.

You can turn off friendly fire for AT mines, but does that go for claymores aswell?

=SA=VaSSiLi wrote:

Basically, I hate this patch.  So much. Like, the hate is beyond words.  IMO, being able to jump and prone and fire really fast was such a big part of the game.
muhuahahahahahhahaahahahhaah, IMO, the patch must work then, cuz cockmasters like u are now hobbled!
suck it dude.
The patch is great, no more nub jumping and fireing there little M203's, stingers work, jets are better, no more dumb shits fucking the ground as they go along, sure, suppot is a little over powered.

But hey, we have to get use to stuff, the games better.

I like
+1|7021|Canada, Eh.
Sorry, had to get rid of the SS cause fucktards like sparklet

Besides the red name bug I think the patch is GREAT! Although I'm nto a fan of not being able to fly anymore without being shot down quickly, i love how all the dolphin divers/bunny hoppers/noob tubers are taking a big hit. I've never done any of these in my 325 hours and now I won't have to watch other do it either.

So, complaints: Aircraft + AA and the red name bug.

Last edited by AdamEcks (2006-02-15 11:14:43)

too bad they ruined choppers just to make sure planes arent invincible

a blind no armed retarded baby can kill with these stingers .. why didnt they just implement some sort of skill based stinger system instead of just automaic free kills if you get in stinger/aa

other than that its great
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

All of you chopper pilots have flown for about an hour tops today with the new patch and already dooming yourselves because of AA... Yes the AA is deadly now, we just need to figure out it's new weaknesses and work on eliminating them often. I used to not worry about an AA site targeting me, opting to just strafe midiar.... now I only have the lockon time plus the flare release time to find that AA and take it out. Finally a real challenge.

It'll definatelly take a while to get used to, but it will separate those that really had chopper skills to begin with.
+1|7021|Canada, Eh.

GotMex? wrote:

All of you chopper pilots have flown for about an hour tops today with the new patch and already dooming yourselves because of AA... Yes the AA is deadly now, we just need to figure out it's new weaknesses and work on eliminating them often. I used to not worry about an AA site targeting me, opting to just strafe midiar.... now I only have the lockon time plus the flare release time to find that AA and take it out. Finally a real challenge.

It'll definatelly take a while to get used to, but it will separate those that really had chopper skills to begin with.
I think (which it may have, not sure) that the AA respawn time should be increased after it is destroyed. After taking out an AA you should have more than a few seconds before you have to worry about it again.
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6991|Houston, Texas
Why did the G3 not get the increased amount of ammo like it was said it would?

Why does the blackhawk dump so many flares that even at close range you have to time it so precise at times its STUPID.

Why is the P90's rate of fire slower then the MP7 when in reality - real life - its an insane gun with a RAPID rate of fire? Being outguned by a single 3 round burst from a G36E after getting 4 hit indicators is a JOKE.

Why is the new sniper rifle claimed to be "the best sniper rifle all around" when its not accurate beyond ~ 100-125 yards? I wasted so many bullets sniping from construction to TV station roof on Sharqi that the m24 would of proven way better of a choice. Yet on the same token suddenly i'll get one shot kills for a body shot on a guy who just spawned.. seems buggy.

Operation Clean Sweep has a bug on Mec on the 16 player. Spawn at the airfield (near the water) and you'll see an indicator in the water to a target that is nothing but water. Obviously a left around item that they didnt clean up out of the map. I forget but I think from the dock it was approx 400 meters out into nothing. It simply looks like [400m] like it was something of importance....

Red tag bug still exists but is better. Problem is autobalance - if they switch right as they spawn and happen to spawn right before it switches back - you still get red tags. Autobalance is gay anyways, they should switch to the SmartBalance style of play anyways. Who the hell wants to go into an autobalance server with their clanmates and not be able to play - but the guy who just joined gets to play on the same team as your friends.

Punkbuster is somewhat buggy and will work ok on EA offical servers, but not all others.. weird. Some servers will even give you out of date punkbuster warnings if you run the punksbusted PB script - yet those are the ones who dont kick.

Why is the NERF noob tube still able to blow your self up 2/10 times if you shoot at your feet? Try it a few times in an empty server, I sure was DISAPPOINTED. They might as well of made it simply not able to shoot while jumping, becuase the stupid thing will bounce off the air like there is a wall and come back and kill you every few times. There is apparently a problem with item detection or how it bounces... if it was somewhat near a wall or vehicle te thing will bounce backwards. Took me about 20 shots but I saw the problem.. maybe EA should hire me for beta testing..

Also the commander has the same bug which was back in 1.02. You can mark a vehicle then it will disappear off your spinmaps. You can respot it 50 times but the icon will NOT reappear. I found this to happen most of the time if a UAV was near by.

That is it so far.. Ashame the list is so big since I barely got to play on the patch.

Last edited by alien-DSW-Gen (2006-02-14 01:45:38)

Thankyou whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game.  Too bad EA didnt ask the expierienced players opinions...  The whole thing sucks...almost ruins my will to play.  I swear if flares are not effective anymore itll be over for me.  I gotta be able to stay up in a plane or its just pointless.
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6991|Houston, Texas
The key to AA is distance. A jet for example at 200m you can see on screen and spot with Q, but not get a heat signature. Just go high above a base and you have no worries. Silly EA. TV bomb and chaos!!! just move around so something as silly as a PKM doesn't take you down like a VODNIK used to in 1.12 & previous
to make it real simple....   IM NOT PLAYING THIS GAME ANYMORE   EVER.

fuck this. the only thing this community has ever done is whine about things they couldnt get good at themselves.
they still havent fixed noobtubes but they nerfed all other aspects of the game.  BYE BYE have alot of fucking fun with your noobfest.
+4|6978|Australia, Adelaide

TheGreatTykos wrote:

I think the Helos are going to be underpowered now.  IGLA's kill me enough as it is.  The red skull and crossbones never leaves my screen when I'm in Ghost Town, anywhere.  Yes, a real tank shell would kill a real Helo, but this isn't real - it's a game.  Now the only way to survive in a helo is by luck cuz if you get hit by ANYTHING you're dead.
I did not see the problem in the first place- a full temperature clip of vodnik of hummvee OWNS choppers, My friend and I engineer up and get two vehicals- no response to us except snipers and tv guides, even that is at a stretch.
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6991|Houston, Texas

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Thankyou whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game.  Too bad EA didnt ask the expierienced players opinions...  The whole thing sucks...almost ruins my will to play.  I swear if flares are not effective anymore itll be over for me.  I gotta be able to stay up in a plane or its just pointless.
Since I have more points I sir, can call you a noob. You are a noob for you statement and from it, you haven't played on the patch. Why the hell are you posting without anything to back it up with? Guess you another jackass who uses the word noob like you know what the hell you are talking about... typical. Most noobs use the word like they have a clue.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Thankyou whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game.  Too bad EA didnt ask the expierienced players opinions...  The whole thing sucks...almost ruins my will to play.  I swear if flares are not effective anymore itll be over for me.  I gotta be able to stay up in a plane or its just pointless.
And by experienced you mean base-raping plane-whoring skilled players? Like someone said before, this patch is meant to stop you from staying in the air forever and it seems to be working. Woot.

alien-DSW-Gen wrote:

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Thankyou whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game.  Too bad EA didnt ask the expierienced players opinions...  The whole thing sucks...almost ruins my will to play.  I swear if flares are not effective anymore itll be over for me.  I gotta be able to stay up in a plane or its just pointless.
Since I have more points I sir, can call you a noob. You are a noob for you statement and from it, you haven't played on the patch. Why the hell are you posting without anything to back it up with? Guess you another jackass who uses the word noob like you know what the hell you are talking about... typical. Most noobs use the word like they have a clue.
I have played the patch and was very disappointed...and why are you making this a personal attack on you!!?? You dont gotta be a dick dude..  BTW how does having almost 110000 make me a noob...I play a lot dude.  NOOB=NEW and THAT I AM NOT!!

Last edited by 1SFG-Hawk (2006-02-14 01:56:19)

theyre not dicks,   theyre ASSHOLES,  and they deserve to be fucked by all the rest of the dicks in this game.

go right ahead, have fun with your pathetic little pussy game.   GO RIGHT AHEAD
+1|7021|Canada, Eh.
The worst thing I have seen about this patch so far is the amount of complaints from people who bunny hopped/plan whored/dolphin dove/etc for their entire time playing BF2. Now they are left with no skill and nothing left to do. There are more compalints from the people that do all these things already than there ever were from people complaing about these things.

In 2 weeks, after all these guys clear out, BF2 will be a MUCH better place.

Last edited by AdamEcks (2006-02-14 01:59:59)

$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

AdamEcks wrote:

The worst thing I have seen about this patch so far is the amount of complaints from people who bunny hopped/plan whored/dolphin dove/etc for their entire time playing BF2. Now they are left with no skill and nothing left to do. There are more compalints from the people that do all these things already than there ever were from people complaing about these things.

In 2 weeks, after all these guys clear out, BF2 will be a MUCH better place.

AdamEcks wrote:

The worst thing I have seen about this patch so far is the amount of complaints from people who bunny hopped/plan whored/dolphin dove/etc for their entire time playing BF2. Now they are left with no skill and nothing left to do. There are more compalints from the people that do all these things already than there ever were from people complaing about these things.

In 2 weeks, after all these guys clear out, BF2 will be a MUCH better place.
I've never seen a problem with these except for in the forums during my 200h of game play... I do it sometimes when taking flags or in other waiting situations just because it looks fun and silly. To bad it's not allowed to have fun anymore. So thanx to all whining bitching little noobs for fucking up a perfectly good game as 1SFG-Hawk said

The game was pretty well balanced as before, not overpowered sniper rifle. Only AA sucked but the lowering the damage that Air/Heli can take was unneccessary.
Extrmely dissapointing patch so far.

Attack choppers are now totally useless, when all that was needed was improved AA.

Noobtoobing is still alive and well, DICE didnt have the balls to go through with the changes seen in the aplha video. The only good fix is the bunnyhopping one, even though they should have made the player unable to jump after a few jumps.

Its pretty clear from the choices DICE made in this patch (such as the director arbitrarily deciding the helicopters only need 8 rockets, a super short range TV missile, and zero armour) that they are a bunch of bunny hopping noobtoobers themselves.

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