will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Just so we know where everyone stands, I thought I'd start a thread about everyone's political affiliation if any. I'll start.

I'm a liberterian. Socially, I'm fairly liberal, but economically, I'm very conservative. I'm also not a pure liberterian because I do not believe drugs should be legalized.

For all the skeptics out there, I'm not starting this thread to pick a fight. I'm starting it so that ppl better understand where everyone else is coming from. Because the fact is, no matter where you stand, everyone has a fair say and no one has the right to say that they are better or more correct than anyone else. I figure this might be a good guideline for future posts about political issues.
Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

Personally I have only been old enough to vote for 4 years now, but have never actually done so for a presidential election. I don't really care too much for politics because I have yet to find a politician with whom I can agree with to the point of being able to say that I would seriously want him to represent me and is worthy of my vote.

Frankly I find the number of legitimate options when choosing a president for our country to be laughable, I might as well just flip a coin. Other problems I have are finding someone who I can actually believe when he speaks. Most politicians simply tell everyon what they want to hear, unfortunately it has eroded my faith in these people when I see them on television or hear them on the radio. Bush makes me embarrased to be an American, he comes across as a bumbling idiot far too often in his speeches, which I find even more pathetic because surely he has a speech writer telling him exactly what to say. On the other hand I can't say that Kerry would have done a better job in office, though he didn't make up words quite as often as Bush.

As some of you might have figured out by now I claim no specific party because none of them truly represent who I am and the morals that I subscribe to. Perhaps one day that will change, although highly unlikely, and odds are if I ever intentionally did affiliate with a party it would most likely be so much of a minority that it would hardly even count.
Moving Target
I fall into the liberterian camp, but the modivation behind my reasoning is a little different than the official Liberterian line.  If nothing else, I'm just really bitter and cynical about any form of government.
+447|7161|Seattle, Washington, USA

I'm really not a certain party, although I tend to lean towards the Democratic side. I agree with voodoo-child on the Bush issue. I also agree with him somewhat on not voting sometimes. It seems like sometimes, there is no one even worth voting for.
Moving Target
Even if there doesn't seem to be anyone worth voting for in the presidential stuff, go vote anyway.  The popular vote (in the US) doesn't mean shit in the presidential race, but in local stuff your vote matters.  And local stuff is what is going to effect you the most.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

well, to add a little international ( in this case german ) flair to the topic, I consider myself a liberal in many ways. Parties here in germany are generally more divided. we actually had parliamentary elections on the 18.09., and it turned out that 5 parties made the parliament ( there is a 5% bar to jump ).

I guess you could say I am a liberal democrat. but as voodoo has said, it is very difficult to find a political party where you can feel at home with every one of your opinions. people are just to diverse for that.
on some security issues I am more conservative though. this goes mainly for drug legalization and gun control ( I am against the first and for the latter ).

I had a couple of interesting discussions about gun control on the michael moore forums btw. americans feel very strongly on that particular issue..
Moving Target

B.Schuss wrote:

I had a couple of interesting discussions about gun control on the michael moore forums btw. americans feel very strongly on that particular issue..
I totally believe in gun control.  And proper sight alignment and breathing control is the key.
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
Good one Monkey.
will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
lol, nice monkey. sorry B, but you must understand that we americans feel it is our right to bear arms. it is the second greatest right according to our constitution (first in my mind) and keep in mind that our country was founded on violent revolution. basically, we are not peace makers typically. still, though i disagree with those who feel that america should not act as the 'world police.' i do feel we can be a bit heavy handed at times, but at least our intentions are generally good.
Moving Target
That phrase got me out of jury duty one time.  The look on the defense attorney's face was priceless.

I own 2 pistols.  And I use them both with great regularity.  I would like to get a shotgun for animal control and maybe a nice rifle, just for target shooting.  I have never used either pistol to commit a crime (well, that might be a stretch) and don't intend to ever use them in such a manner.  Why does every one want to take them away from me?  I just don't understand.

I tend to fall in the liberal camp myself. While I, like voodoo, have a general mistrust for politicians, I at least like the lies of democrats better than those of the republicans.

As for the other two topics in here...

Drugs: I would leaglize them. Guns: I'd appreciate a median of control and education.

PLEASE NOTE: Try to keep to some general statements and beliefs in this thread. You can use it to spin off other topics. (A good one to spin right now would be "Should Drugs Be Legalized")
will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Thank you for the note Chuy. I did intend this thread as a simple basis for all of our other political discussions. I apologize for Monkey and me getting off topic, but damn it was funny. lol
Moving Target
Yeah, sorry.  I got off on a tangent that I don't often get to talk about because it is nigh on impossible to defend yourself as a gun owner with out sounding like some psychotic maniac.  I'll try to contain myself next time.
77th|1st Lt. Werstein
+1|7124|Virginia, USA
will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
i'm with him
Extra Green Please!
+53|7143|USA! USA! USA!
Why is it that it always turns back around to politics?  The next thread will be: "What religeon are you? (Just so I can tell you that my God is better.)
Aussie Outlaw
Far left, but i mostly have my own opinions on things (of course that aint possible.. but close enough for me to say it ).
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

Burning_Monkey wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

I had a couple of interesting discussions about gun control on the michael moore forums btw. americans feel very strongly on that particular issue..
I totally believe in gun control.  And proper sight alignment and breathing control is the key.
well, I guess I was begging for that one...
will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Krauser98 wrote:

Why is it that it always turns back around to politics?  The next thread will be: "What religeon are you? (Just so I can tell you that my God is better.)
Too true Krauser. Religeon: the opiate of the masses. Now everyone flame me! FLAME ME I SAY!
just nothing

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

Krauser98 wrote:

Why is it that it always turns back around to politics?  The next thread will be: "What religeon are you? (Just so I can tell you that my God is better.)
Too true Krauser. Religeon: the opiate of the masses. Now everyone flame me! FLAME ME I SAY!
Here ya go

Last edited by TriggerHappy998 (2005-09-29 13:57:52)

will frag for food
+11|7153|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
HEY! My uncle is a pine tree! I take offense to that! *wink wink.
Aussie Outlaw

Damn, those are some nice flames.
+31|7137|St. Louis, MO
I would call myself an independant'I guess.We need a balance of democrats and republicans to obtain a balance.When that balance is offset there are problems.Right now to much republican in my opinion.
Both side have valid points but its like they have to disagree to agree.
The republicans are the party with bad ideas and the democrats will come along and find a way to make it a worse idea.It's like having to choose between burning and drowning every election.

Last edited by YoBabysDaddy (2005-09-30 22:48:50)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
I am a Liberal Moderate.  Which basically says that I am moderate or conservative in some aspects and then liberal in other aspects. But I am middle of the road but on the liberal side of the middle line.

Liberal Nut ------------------------------------^----- | ----------------------------------------- Conservative Asshole

Last election I voted Democratic simply because I recognized that Bush was an idiot and a absolutely horrible representation of our country and I believe the Republican party is driving this country into the ground. I voted Democratic in the 2000 Election also because I wanted alot of projects and bills done in Clinton's presidency to continue.  So actually I think I've voted Democratic for the last 3 elections. Which I suppose makes me a Democrat but I don't like many of the democrats in office within the Senate or House but I also dislike many of the Republicans in office as well.

There is a group within the Republican party "centrists" that are very much the moderate of the GOP. The are the sane ones that are conservative but not overly so. They have this link:

I tend to feel the same as they do currently though not on all stances. I believe that both the Democrats and the Republicans are simply too far gone to recover and that it would take a major movement within each to bring them back to a more neutral stance. I kind of wish those Democrats and Republicans would simply split off and form their own party call "Moderates" simply because I believe a rather large portion of the citizens of the US are in fact moderate and  only vote Democrat or Republican because they have no other choice and so they pick the lesser of two evils.

This coming election in 2008 is going to a rather big one because we will be dealing with two completely new candidates. Hopefully more than 2. I would prefer 3 or 4. But I don't think that is going to happen.

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2005-10-01 22:53:37)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
I keed :P
Thanks for the posting rights

I'm a marxist-leninist (aka communist - although that term has become pretty vague today).
I think the democracy we so enjoy, is mainly a sham.
The current system has selfpreservation as priority no. 1, so actually changing it attracts invasions like moths to a flame. Hence, anything but an armed revolution is playing to loose.

That was the headline version

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