Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6646|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+550|6683|Amsterdam, NY
+1,010|6332|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

HurricaИe wrote:

stef10 wrote:

no need to worry. We will just gather all the fat people from America and Europe and make a big pile of fat which will make it bounce back right into space
I say we nuke the asteroid, then nuke the fragments it breaks into
So Armageddon was on last night huh?
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me

HurricaИe wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

You want know what hit ya anyway.  So no need to worry.
What if I'm unlucky enough to be the last man alive, like I Am Legend?!
You have to black im sry
Moo? Si!
Tall, Dark, Antlered
I've seen scarier.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6646|132 and Bush

As of 17 January 2008 there are 167 NEAs on Impact Risk page of NASA website. But none of those NEAs is placed even in 'yellow zone' (Torino Scale 2) meaning that none of those asteroids warrant attention of general public. Only two asteroids, 2007 VK184 and 2008 AF4, have received Torino Scale.

A routine discovery in which a pass near the Earth is predicted that poses no unusual level of danger. Current calculations show the chance of collision is extremely unlikely with no cause for public attention or public concern. New telescopic observations very likely will lead to re-assignment to Level 0.

They are running solutions with different inputs and the results are so close to direct impact that NASA has decided not to update the online simulator with these results.
How gullible do you have to be to actually buy this? Obviously the guy who wrote this with his "friend, who I cannot identify" doesn't want anyone to do any sort of investigation to verify the validity of his scare. NASA took it off it's risk list because the chances of this object actually hitting the Earth are about 1 in 25,000,000. … edule.html

2007 VK184 has a higher rating and it's probability: 99.96600000% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+877|6007|Washington DC

Kmarion wrote:

As of 17 January 2008 there are 167 NEAs on Impact Risk page of NASA website. But none of those NEAs is placed even in 'yellow zone' (Torino Scale 2) meaning that none of those asteroids warrant attention of general public. Only two asteroids, 2007 VK184 and 2008 AF4, have received Torino Scale.

A routine discovery in which a pass near the Earth is predicted that poses no unusual level of danger. Current calculations show the chance of collision is extremely unlikely with no cause for public attention or public concern. New telescopic observations very likely will lead to re-assignment to Level 0.

They are running solutions with different inputs and the results are so close to direct impact that NASA has decided not to update the online simulator with these results.
How gullible do you have to be to actually buy this? Obviously the guy who wrote this with his "friend, who I cannot identify" doesn't want anyone to do any sort of investigation to verify the validity of his scare. NASA took it off it's risk list because the chances of this object actually hitting the Earth are about 1 in 25,000,000. … edule.html

2007 VK184 has a higher rating and it's probability: 99.96600000% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth
Kmarion - the BF2s asteroid and alien expert
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6720|Canberra, AUS
There have been closer calls.

A few years ago. 150 000 miles... That's too close for comfort. Much closer and you'd think the gravitational field would start dragging it inexorably towards us.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6646|132 and Bush

Lol@the PaulBots and their "theories".
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6646|132 and Bush

Spark wrote:

There have been closer calls.

A few years ago. 150 000 miles... That's too close for comfort. Much closer and you'd think the gravitational field would start dragging it inexorably towards us.
Are you talking about 2004 FU162?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
sorry you feel that way

Kmarion wrote:

As of 17 January 2008 there are 167 NEAs on Impact Risk page of NASA website. But none of those NEAs is placed even in 'yellow zone' (Torino Scale 2) meaning that none of those asteroids warrant attention of general public. Only two asteroids, 2007 VK184 and 2008 AF4, have received Torino Scale.

A routine discovery in which a pass near the Earth is predicted that poses no unusual level of danger. Current calculations show the chance of collision is extremely unlikely with no cause for public attention or public concern. New telescopic observations very likely will lead to re-assignment to Level 0.

They are running solutions with different inputs and the results are so close to direct impact that NASA has decided not to update the online simulator with these results.
How gullible do you have to be to actually buy this? Obviously the guy who wrote this with his "friend, who I cannot identify" doesn't want anyone to do any sort of investigation to verify the validity of his scare. NASA took it off it's risk list because the chances of this object actually hitting the Earth are about 1 in 25,000,000. … edule.html

2007 VK184 has a higher rating and it's probability: 99.96600000% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth
Btw what about the plasma discharge if you know anything about that? been reading about that all over the thread linked here. Seems unlikely 99.99% but what it do xD?
inane little opines
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6519|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Liar wrote:

My friend, who I cannot identify, because of security issues told...
But ofcourse.

Now he wouldn't happen to be a certain mr. Gordon F. now would he? The same man in the other thread who called a radio station about the mysterious g-man whom he can't catch?

Keep selling. I'm not buying this.
We're GOING to get hit sooner or later, it's just a question of when. Probably not in our lifetimes, but who knows? There's an asteroid coming within 1/4 of the distance to the moon in a few years. Between us and the moon is pretty friggin close. Too close for my taste.

Here's a true story about astronomical impossibilities and so forth: Sophomore year of college, maybe freshman, I forget, like 1986 or 87. I'm in a class called Astronomy 302, Bizarre Astronomy: Quasars, Pulsars, and Supernovae with a professor (Vizniak) who was a recognized expert in the field, and he went into a discussion about supernova and how we wouldn't see one in our lifetimes and blah, blah, blah, on a Monday and when we showed up for the Wednesday class (MWF class) he was gone. Turns out that there was a supernova that very Monday night (or actually 6,000 years ago or whatever the hell it was and we just SAW it that Monday) and he had flown to Brazil to observe it and we were taught by a graudate assistant the rest of the semester. He stayed in Brazil for months.

Whacky. You just never know.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6646|132 and Bush

This is interesting: an asteroid named 2007 TU24 will pass roughly 560,000 kilometers (330,000 miles) from the Earth on January 29, 2008. That’s close enough to be interesting, but far enough not to worry about it. Funny coincidence: that’s almost the same time 2007 WD5 will pass very close to Mars. The odds of a Mars impact are still not zero, but there is no chance at all of TU24 hitting us.

I don’t usually track such news, but I actually found out about this at, where some folks were digging up a misleading video about the asteroid. The video wasn’t hugely popular, but it’s had a few thousand viewings which isn’t bad. But I have some beefs with it, and I think they point to some misconceptions people have about asteroids.

First, though, the video is a bait-and-switch to talk about how Ron Paul isn’t getting press. OK, feh. My thoughts on Paul are pretty clear, and I’ve seen little to change my mind.

But the science too is misleading. The first thing the video author shows is the well-known asteroid Ida, claiming it’s TU24, which is incorrect.

Id, not 2007 TU24. Oops.

Then he shows how close it will pass, with a grossly misleading graphic of the Earth and Moon sitting right next to each other, making it look like this asteroid will just barely miss us. Make no mistake: this is a pretty close pass for an asteroid, but it has no chance at all of hitting us, so it’s no big deal. Looking at the list of recent and upcoming close approaches by asteroids, you can see this one is on the nearest for a while, but there are many other near misses… stress the word "miss".

In the description, he also says

    It will be 1.37 Lunar Distances from earth on January 29, 2008. Let’s hope they’re right. Gauging trajectory on something coming right at you isn’t easy.

Nope, it’s not heading right for us. It’s heading to a point in space where the Earth will be on January 29. Actually, it’s headed to a point in space more than half a million kilometers from where the Earth will be at that time. Either way, that spot in space is currently more than 60 million kilometers (40 million miles) away from us right now; a fair ways off. So actually, getting the orbit is just a matter of getting good observations, like it usually is.

Asteroids are a real threat, and need to be taken seriously. This video — and they way I see the media treat the threat in general — in my opinion, make matters somewhat worse. Perhaps I’m hammering this particular video a little hard, but to me it represents a whole class of misleading coverage of asteroids. And c’mon, if you want to make a point, just make it. (Mis)Using astronomy this way isn’t helping any.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
sorry you feel that way
explanation for that already, there are no pictures of TU24 so maybe he'd use a picture of Ida instead to make people visualize it better. The thing I'm wondering is wether this plasma discharge crap is believeable. (Judging that this thing won't hit earth anyway (and probably not the moon no) )
inane little opines
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6646|132 and Bush

Dersmikner wrote:

We're GOING to get hit sooner or later, it's just a question of when. Probably not in our lifetimes, but who knows? There's an asteroid coming within 1/4 of the distance to the moon in a few years. Between us and the moon is pretty friggin close. Too close for my taste.

Here's a true story about astronomical impossibilities and so forth: Sophomore year of college, maybe freshman, I forget, like 1986 or 87. I'm in a class called Astronomy 302, Bizarre Astronomy: Quasars, Pulsars, and Supernovae with a professor (Vizniak) who was a recognized expert in the field, and he went into a discussion about supernova and how we wouldn't see one in our lifetimes and blah, blah, blah, on a Monday and when we showed up for the Wednesday class (MWF class) he was gone. Turns out that there was a supernova that very Monday night (or actually 6,000 years ago or whatever the hell it was and we just SAW it that Monday) and he had flown to Brazil to observe it and we were taught by a graudate assistant the rest of the semester. He stayed in Brazil for months.

Whacky. You just never know.
Some of these NEO's are not noticed until late because of their small size. The larger ones are continuously tracked and updated. March 16, 2880 might be a date to put on the calender.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6646|132 and Bush

dayarath wrote:

explanation for that already, there are no pictures of TU24 so maybe he'd use a picture of Ida instead to make people visualize it better. The thing I'm wondering is wether this plasma discharge crap is believeable. (Judging that this thing won't hit earth anyway (and probably not the moon no) )
It's called misdirection and it destroys credibility.

Edit: forgot the link up there. … anuary-29/
Xbone Stormsurgezz
A REAL Combat Engineer in the house
+187|6299|UK Bradford W,Yorks. Age 27
Looter's so much as look at my fuckin BF2 disc get their balls chopped off and fed to em!! Washed down with my big fat hairy fist!

Last edited by daddyofdeath (2008-01-21 13:42:39)

sorry you feel that way

Kmarion wrote:

dayarath wrote:

explanation for that already, there are no pictures of TU24 so maybe he'd use a picture of Ida instead to make people visualize it better. The thing I'm wondering is wether this plasma discharge crap is believeable. (Judging that this thing won't hit earth anyway (and probably not the moon no) )
It's called misdirection and it destroys credibility.

Edit: forgot the link up there. … anuary-29/
I know, the video is biased, the probability of Tu24 hitting earth is 1 in a few billion, but what I am wondering is wether plasma discharge is possible.

-never mind found my answer.

Unlikely as hell and conspiracy 100%. Gawd.

Last edited by dayarath (2008-01-21 13:48:07)

inane little opines
Served and Out
+642|6607|Southampton, UK

Was just going through that.

Very close.;orb=1
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6646|132 and Bush

dayarath wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

dayarath wrote:

explanation for that already, there are no pictures of TU24 so maybe he'd use a picture of Ida instead to make people visualize it better. The thing I'm wondering is wether this plasma discharge crap is believeable. (Judging that this thing won't hit earth anyway (and probably not the moon no) )
It's called misdirection and it destroys credibility.

Edit: forgot the link up there. … anuary-29/
I know, the video is biased, the probability of Tu24 hitting earth is 1 in a few billion, but what I am wondering is wether plasma discharge is possible.
We have had much closer passes than this rock without ill effect.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
sorry you feel that way

Kmarion wrote:

We have had much closer passes than this rock without ill effect.
Myea, edited the reply. Just searching through that site is painfull to your eyes.

I can't believe how easy people buy into this crap.

Hydrogen bombs used to flatten WTC lmao. Yeh right.
inane little opines
+383|6031|Aus, Qld
I would laugh if it hit earth, and then wierd things started coming out of it, and then it froze the whole island it was on.

But thats just my opinion.
+877|6007|Washington DC

bakinacake wrote:

I would laugh if it hit earth, and then wierd things started coming out of it, and then it froze the whole island it was on.

But thats just my opinion.
I'd laugh if it spread tiberium
+383|6031|Aus, Qld

HurricaИe wrote:

bakinacake wrote:

I would laugh if it hit earth, and then wierd things started coming out of it, and then it froze the whole island it was on.

But thats just my opinion.
I'd laugh if it spread tiberium
Nah aliens with freeze rays, Koreans, and super suits would be funnier.

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