
Do you think combining religion and video games is a good idea?????

Yes25%25% - 27
No74%74% - 79
Total: 106
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7089|Denver colorado

Not Entirely Sane wrote:

I recently read in the American version of PC Gamer that Evangelical groups have members who have started clans and play on BF2 among other games, and run servers. During the time they are in game they (and the server) try to convince other players to convert to the Christian faith and pray with them.    So what do you think?????

Personally I, don't have a problem with it but I can see how people might. I do think that its in bad taste since I've always been told that Christianity is a essentialy a peacefull religion and thus I think trying to convert people while they are in the middle of a video game that is about war, is not a good idea.
i went to a christian server once and i asked them
" are you guys really serious about your server message?"
and i got like 400 flames back about HELL YES and GOD GOD GOD!!! it was funny.
i realised that playing with them would be WAY hard and i dont wanna be around hard core christians as much as being around an extreemist muslim
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
If it's a christian server it's fine, if they pay there dues like anyone else. Also I don't see any reason why they shouldn't come out with christian video games. Everyone buys what they like or feel cofortable with. It's just really not for me, but I don't see anything wrong with it
Stop by our server anytime!

World Wide Ambassadors, we are a Christian gaming community, most of our members are old married guys, and ex-military. We dont try to force anything on anyone, just honor our rules like any other server!

The fact that people think a "Christian" clan is strange or whatever, just goes to show how much the world really knows about true Christian people, I'm nothing like Christian's portrayed on TV or the news, I don't look down on anyone, and I don't judge anyone.

I think for the most part people throw ALL "religious" people in one big group, and it's really not fair. I believe everyone has the right to believe whatever they want.

At any rate, you are all welcome to join our server anytime, and you will be treated fairly, and I hope you will have a diferent experience at our server.


God Bless,

Did you know that religion is ( Man's attempt at reaching God )? Religion is man-made. In fact, religion is what crucified Christ in the first place.  The head haunchos, in their religious ways, thought Jesus was a blasphemer and that his teaching was against their beliefs. There is a reason that Christ had to die the way he did. ( At the hand of religion ) To show that religion is wrong. People who keep lists and judge others by their standards are just people with issues. Believe it or not, there are freaks out there. Believe what you want to but do your research. When I say research, I don't mean to research religion. You would only limit yourself to a humanistic view on a man-made attempt at reaching God. Instead, try a personal relationship with God and find out what He has in store for YOU. It more-than-likely differs from what he layed out for others.

I encourage any of you to go to itunes podcast and type in (rockway). Listen to "Religion Bytes"

You can start your research there.

Last edited by Eldon-OK (2006-02-14 10:43:28)

Who gives a shit...
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Anyone what to join my new clan is WWJD, as in what would jesus do. hahahahah I thought it was funny
Why live your life worrying about how you'll be judged at the end of it?  Have fun! Fuck sluts, smoke weed, get pissed, covet thy neighbours' cow and nick your mates misses! 

You live to reproduce, have offspring, raise them in your own image then grow old and die.  That's the meaning of life!  What you do in between is up to you, as long as you don't get caught .  There is no afterlife, when you die that's it!  Game over!  Live life to the max because there's no point going with fun in the bank.
Member of Foamy's Card Cult
People can involve as much relgion in video games as they like as long as they dont start stuff like 'holy war between christians and islamists'... take a look around in europe atm - some newspapers published cartoons about mohammed and the whole islamic world is running amok because of this. now imagine you had a videogame, where your final goal is to kill the mohammed. I dont want to know what would happen then... I'm neither pro christian nor pro islam but I dont think it's a good idea to put more oil into the fire than neccessary.

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Why live your life worrying about how you'll be judged at the end of it?  Have fun! Fuck sluts, smoke weed, get pissed, covet thy neighbours' cow and nick your mates misses! 

You live to reproduce, have offspring, raise them in your own image then grow old and die.  That's the meaning of life!  What you do in between is up to you, as long as you don't get caught .  There is no afterlife, when you die that's it!  Game over!  Live life to the max because there's no point going with fun in the bank.
Why live my life worrying about how I'll be judged in the end? Cuz if you're wrong, the judgement is eternal.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6953|San Francisco

Eldon-OK wrote:

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Why live your life worrying about how you'll be judged at the end of it?  Have fun! Fuck sluts, smoke weed, get pissed, covet thy neighbours' cow and nick your mates misses! 

You live to reproduce, have offspring, raise them in your own image then grow old and die.  That's the meaning of life!  What you do in between is up to you, as long as you don't get caught .  There is no afterlife, when you die that's it!  Game over!  Live life to the max because there's no point going with fun in the bank.
Why live my life worrying about how I'll be judged in the end? Cuz if you're wrong, the judgement is eternal.
Then just become a Catholic at the last minute and repent on your death bed so you can feel better!  Loopholes, loopholes...

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Why live your life worrying about how you'll be judged at the end of it?  Have fun! Fuck sluts, smoke weed, get pissed, covet thy neighbours' cow and nick your mates misses! 

You live to reproduce, have offspring, raise them in your own image then grow old and die.  That's the meaning of life!  What you do in between is up to you, as long as you don't get caught .
So... become a junkie, get AIDS, transfer aids to your neighbors wife, who will have bastard kids with AIDS?

Then, raise those kids to be just like you?

Step away from the weed, as you sir, have obviously smoked yourself retarded.
well for one thing it diesent even matter at the end of the day you still have a choice....

Erkut.hv wrote:

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Why live your life worrying about how you'll be judged at the end of it?  Have fun! Fuck sluts, smoke weed, get pissed, covet thy neighbours' cow and nick your mates misses! 

You live to reproduce, have offspring, raise them in your own image then grow old and die.  That's the meaning of life!  What you do in between is up to you, as long as you don't get caught .
So... become a junkie, get AIDS, transfer aids to your neighbors wife, who will have bastard kids with AIDS?

Then, raise those kids to be just like you?

Step away from the weed, as you sir, have obviously smoked yourself retarded.
Hey!  Chill out dude!  I smoked my way to a 2:1 BSc in Chemistry too!  And just because I smoke weed doesn't mean I'm gonna start jacking up on smack!  Jesus!  Can't a man have a smoke without someone getting on his case!?  Everyone has their vice, mine's cannabis, others smoke tobacco or drink alcohol.  We all pump ourselves full of shit whether it's to our knowledge or not.  Let's face it you might get hit by a bus tomorrow, go on, have a spliff! 
And another thing

I realise the bible provides essential lessons on how to live your life, which is great, and I DO try not to lessen the quality of others lives with my actions.  But you just can't take the bible too seriously.  After all, they're only stories.  Religion was an early form of policing, don't misbehave or you'll be judged in the afterlife, which worked for a while but with everything science has taught us over the years, it's obvious there is no greater being.
Christian and muslim religions are about anger, violence and hatred.  Buddhism's a lot more realistic.  There's no science fiction, no men with beards sitting up in the clouds.

And back onto the issue of marijuana:
"Genesis 1:12.  The earth brought forth vegetation: seed-bearing plants of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that this was good."
+302|6995|Salt Lake City

I recant my previous post...I know for a fact that mixing religion and anything is bad!

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Christian and muslim religions are about anger, violence and hatred.  Buddhism's a lot more realistic.  There's no science fiction, no men with beards sitting up in the clouds.
Do you not realize that the teachings of Christ are that of peace and loving thy neighbor???? Christianity does not support violence and is not about anger.
Member of Foamy's Card Cult
there are certain parts in the bible where god or prophets or whoever told the people to smash the enemies of christ with their foot... well if thats not violent? but thats the point - you cant, shouldnt, mustnt take the bible 100% serious - if you do so, than you'd still believe that the supid earth is flat!

the problem is because many know that religion can not be taken 100% serious does not mean that everyone else does.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6953|San Francisco

Dynasty(KIP) wrote:

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Christian and muslim religions are about anger, violence and hatred.  Buddhism's a lot more realistic.  There's no science fiction, no men with beards sitting up in the clouds.
Do you not realize that the teachings of Christ are that of peace and loving thy neighbor???? Christianity does not support violence and is not about anger.
*sigh* yeah...tell that to the Crusaders, the people who carried out the Inquisition, and realize that the era when christianity was directly in power was called the Dark Ages.  Tell that to Bush who believes that his god told him to become president, and personally believes that we are in a Crusade against "terrorists."  Think about the concept of Original Sin.  Think about the christian god in the Old Testament.  Have you read the OT?  Think about all of the things that jesus did, rather than only focusing on the minor amount of teachings held in the NT...plus, the mere fact that people in power can use and have used christianity as a device to fuel their hatred and anger (no matter What jesus says) shows that it very much isn't a religion of peace.
I know you cannot take the Bible 100% serious. If you did you would go insane, because there are many metaphors. Do not judge a religion based on the people in it. The few give the many a bad name.
+0|6955|Elyria OH
Well lets see since the beginings of Christianity there has been war. So I don't see an issue with it in BF2. I mean its like any server if you dont like dont play in it.

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Why live your life worrying about how you'll be judged at the end of it?  Have fun! Fuck sluts, smoke weed, get pissed, covet thy neighbours' cow and nick your mates misses! 

You live to reproduce, have offspring, raise them in your own image then grow old and die.  That's the meaning of life!  What you do in between is up to you, as long as you don't get caught .  There is no afterlife, when you die that's it!  Game over!  Live life to the max because there's no point going with fun in the bank.
What you do is between you and GOD. He sees what you're doing. You will be judged at the end of your life, no matter how much you dont want to. Hell may not even be a fiery place with demons and all that typical stuff. Its called the 'second death'. The first death is a separation from your body, although the second is a separation from God.

When you sin, you rebel against God. Hell is like God saying, "Ok. You do not need me anymore, so i grant you your wish."
Aspiring Objectivist
Religion told you that, not God.
God Religion all fairy tales all fictional and made up and created by man just like videogames.

Marconius wrote:

Dynasty(KIP) wrote:

Herbmaster007 wrote:

Christian and muslim religions are about anger, violence and hatred.  Buddhism's a lot more realistic.  There's no science fiction, no men with beards sitting up in the clouds.
Do you not realize that the teachings of Christ are that of peace and loving thy neighbor???? Christianity does not support violence and is not about anger.
*sigh* yeah...tell that to the Crusaders, the people who carried out the Inquisition, and realize that the era when christianity was directly in power was called the Dark Ages.  Tell that to Bush who believes that his god told him to become president, and personally believes that we are in a Crusade against "terrorists."  Think about the concept of Original Sin.  Think about the christian god in the Old Testament.  Have you read the OT?  Think about all of the things that jesus did, rather than only focusing on the minor amount of teachings held in the NT...plus, the mere fact that people in power can use and have used christianity as a device to fuel their hatred and anger (no matter What jesus says) shows that it very much isn't a religion of peace.
The Dark Ages was God toilet break. And are you seriously going to judge Christianity on what happened centuries ago??
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6953|San Francisco

AuSFinN wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Dynasty(KIP) wrote:

Do you not realize that the teachings of Christ are that of peace and loving thy neighbor???? Christianity does not support violence and is not about anger.
*sigh* yeah...tell that to the Crusaders, the people who carried out the Inquisition, and realize that the era when christianity was directly in power was called the Dark Ages.  Tell that to Bush who believes that his god told him to become president, and personally believes that we are in a Crusade against "terrorists."  Think about the concept of Original Sin.  Think about the christian god in the Old Testament.  Have you read the OT?  Think about all of the things that jesus did, rather than only focusing on the minor amount of teachings held in the NT...plus, the mere fact that people in power can use and have used christianity as a device to fuel their hatred and anger (no matter What jesus says) shows that it very much isn't a religion of peace.
The Dark Ages was God toilet break. And are you seriously going to judge Christianity on what happened centuries ago??
Sure, why not?  It just goes to show how twisted and corrupt it can become, just like any religion.  It is in check today, obviously, but the potential danger still lies within it.  I'm looking at Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell and the shit they stir up by constantly badmouthing the rest of the world(plus how they are supported by the christian coalition), Bush believing he's on a Crusade from his god, etc etc.  And nice explanation there... "god on a toilet break"  Rightyo...just as plausible as the Flying Spaghetti Monster being angered at how no one was accepting His Noodly Appendage in the 1500s and let humanity deal with itself for a while...

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