
Marinejuana wrote:

lowing wrote:

The inheritants of "old money" owe no one anything. 200 years from now are you going to apply YOUR logic that Bill Gates' family "OWES" society for what he has built?
what did bill gates steal? who did he enslave? make ur point if u want, but it sounds like an irrelevant question. bottom line, u think that history is a legitimate rationale for claiming ownership of assets for the rich and powerful but you do not extend this right to claim ownership to other people like the descendants of slaves. its a double standard, you still fail to explain why you feel its acceptable.

lowing wrote:

Sorry, the excuses are long dead, and no one that has money owes an explaination and an apology for having it to ANYONE. You were not a slave, you are JUST as free as any other person born in this country, if you choose to exercise your freedom by bitching, whinning and complaining instead of getting proactive in YOUR OWN FUCKING LIFE, then tough shit
okay so lets pose a scenario, black guy jacks slave owner's son for a lifetime worth of wages. now the black guy is rich. now do you stand by your statement that "no one that has money owes an explanation and an apology for having it to ANYONE?" notice how you arent actually making rational points that can be applied to other scenarios? your arguments arent really going any further than being blatant identifications of your personal opinions and biases about people you dont know a thing about. i suggest you learn a little bit about the way the global economy functions before you spout on and on about how everything magically comes down to reaping what you sow. this isnt remotely true. its about as crazy as claiming the earth is the center of the universe, or better yet, that YOU are the center of the universe.

lowing wrote:

stay the course and show "whitey" you mean business by wearing your fucking clothes 10 sizes too big and looking like a complete dipshit. You will continue to be left behind and continue to wonder why.
okay thats just some sloppy racism.

lowing wrote:

By the way, I am an average middle class citizen as well, I am not rich and I do not think the rich owe me a damn thing. How bout you?
im an average citizen such as yourself. it would be in your best interests to protect the middle and working class, rather than the elite which offers you nothing and will tax you your entire life far beyond anything devised for a welfare program in history. just accept it and move on. quit bitching about people that already have it bad enough.
1. Explain who the Rockerellers Carnages or Duponts enslaved, these were all tycoons that came to power in the 1880's and 90's. THey had no slaves, they built their empires doing business, sometimes ruthless busliness, just like Gates. Your family, nor any other family was ever slaves to them. They owe you DICK.




No slavery mentioned from what I read.

2...Yes, I stand by my statement. Honestly. I am not owed a god damned thing for shit that happened 200 years ago and has no bearing on my choices today.

3...Why is it racism, I never mentioned a race......What race do YOU assume I am speaking of and why??

4...The rich offer you NOTHING??!!.........I do not know about you, but personally it is the rich business owners that I have always asked for a job, and been employed by. I have never asked a poor person for one. How, bout you??

Last edited by lowing (2008-01-09 17:34:02)

prince of insufficient light

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

lowing wrote:

Really, I can cite Jesse, Sharpton etc. for the spokesman for black oppression who is speaking for the white trash against "the man"? Try doing it without GOGGLE, I did.

Remember you can not use Democrat politicians becaue believe it or not, THEY are "the man" as well. Rich white people getting richer "on the backs of the poor"
You don't think a single white person has ever blamed the government for their shortfalls?
I never said that, individually absolutely, I am talking about as a society. I have cited my proof. Cite yours, without GOGGLE. Who is the oppressed white trash spokesmen?
But that's not my point, I'm talking about the individual. You can't force me to argue on your terms.

All of these racial analyses are based on a lot of individual cases looked at broadly, not as groups looking to further their own cause as is the case with these spokesmen you talk of.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

You don't think a single white person has ever blamed the government for their shortfalls?
I never said that, individually absolutely, I am talking about as a society. I have cited my proof. Cite yours, without GOGGLE. Who is the oppressed white trash spokesmen?
But that's not my point, I'm talking about the individual. You can't force me to argue on your terms.

All of these racial analyses are based on a lot of individual cases looked at broadly, not as groups looking to further their own cause as is the case with these spokesmen you talk of.
You ca nnot speak on an individual basis when dealing with this issue. You can only really deal with accepted attitudes generally speaking for obvious reasons.

It is an accepted social attitude that the black community thinks they are owed something, it is an acceptable social attitude that minorities feel "oppressed". There are always exceptions to every argument, but I think you know this. Those exceptions do not nullify an argument.

Simply, you can not argue on acceptable attitudes because by doing so you can not deny what I have said.
prince of insufficient light

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

lowing wrote:

I never said that, individually absolutely, I am talking about as a society. I have cited my proof. Cite yours, without GOGGLE. Who is the oppressed white trash spokesmen?
But that's not my point, I'm talking about the individual. You can't force me to argue on your terms.

All of these racial analyses are based on a lot of individual cases looked at broadly, not as groups looking to further their own cause as is the case with these spokesmen you talk of.
You ca nnot speak on an individual basis when dealing with this issue. You can only really deal with accepted attitudes generally speaking for obvious reasons.

It is an accepted social attitude that the black community thinks they are owed something, it is an acceptable social attitude that minorities feel "oppressed". There are always exceptions to every argument, but I think you know this. Those exceptions do not nullify an argument.

Simply, you can not argue on acceptable attitudes because by doing so you can not deny what I have said.
I agree, but what do you deem the accepted social attitude toward white people?
Find your center.

Even after all this, should we be referring to black people as 'African-Americans' any longer? Shouldn't we just call them all or at least the majority of them 'Black-Americans' by this time?
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


One of the most coddled races by far. In many cases after generations of financial success, they believe that the world is geared toward them and that other races are out to get them and their shallow cultural identity. They have very few trends and traditions solely their own, so either fear other cultures ways or try to assimilate bastardized versions into their own culture.
"Whites", if you wish to group the many white cultures together, have, for better or worse, the strongest culture in the world.  Long ago "white" culture became so successful that it has merged with the other cultures of the world.  "White" culture (Habits, clothing, food, words, art) has been so ingrained in the civilized world that it has become unrecognizable.  The reasons for this are, of coure, the success of early Europe, and the subsequent colonization of the world by Europeans.  Your description of the white "race" reveals an absurd and extremely shallow train of thought.  I do not see why everybody is always trying to force this segregationist mentality.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

But that's not my point, I'm talking about the individual. You can't force me to argue on your terms.

All of these racial analyses are based on a lot of individual cases looked at broadly, not as groups looking to further their own cause as is the case with these spokesmen you talk of.
You ca nnot speak on an individual basis when dealing with this issue. You can only really deal with accepted attitudes generally speaking for obvious reasons.

It is an accepted social attitude that the black community thinks they are owed something, it is an acceptable social attitude that minorities feel "oppressed". There are always exceptions to every argument, but I think you know this. Those exceptions do not nullify an argument.

Simply, you can not argue on acceptable attitudes because by doing so you can not deny what I have said.
I agree, but what do you deem the accepted social attitude toward white people?
Now that is an excellent point. but honestly the truth is, what can you say about white people today GENERALLY SPEAKING,  is going to work, dressing acceptably, striving for the American dream a negative attribute now?
GunSlinger OIF II
lowing, thats pretty damn offensive right there. you could just as easily say that white people are oppressive, demeaning and above all racist as well.
Jizz in my pants
+54|6736|Vancouver, USA
Im not going to read all 3 pages of this topic, but I did read the original post.   Good stuff, couldnt really agree with you more (I know it may seem like I cant think for myself, but this is pretty much how I feel)


Im_Dooomed wrote:

Even after all this, should we be referring to black people as 'African-Americans' any longer? Shouldn't we just call them all or at least the majority of them 'Black-Americans' by this time?
The ideal America is one that does not even have use for a word to distinguish between different ethnicities, but as long as it exists, we might as well just referr to a "race" by the color of their skin.  Since the human race originated in Africa it seems very silly to call a small percentage "African Americans".

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

lowing, thats pretty damn offensive right there. you could just as easily say that white people are oppressive, demeaning and above all racist as well.
Really, how is has the average everyday white person oppressed anyone? Demeaned anyone,  or been racist on a daily basis? GENERALLY SPEAKING. Whites and blacks work side by side everyday in all aspects of society without issue. It is the have nots that are offended or oppressed.

Remember it is the black community that throws around nigger and whoes in their music and slang far more than white people. But they are not racists right?

bottom line, I speak of EQUAL RIGHTS and TREATMENT FOR ALL PEOPLE.

All achievers compare..........All non-achievers compare.....NO racism here

Last edited by lowing (2008-01-09 19:30:29)

I seem to have the gift of killing threads.  The moment I post, everybody leaves.....
prince of insufficient light

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


One of the most coddled races by far. In many cases after generations of financial success, they believe that the world is geared toward them and that other races are out to get them and their shallow cultural identity. They have very few trends and traditions solely their own, so either fear other cultures ways or try to assimilate bastardized versions into their own culture.
"Whites", if you wish to group the many white cultures together, have, for better or worse, the strongest culture in the world.  Long ago "white" culture became so successful that it has merged with the other cultures of the world.  "White" culture (Habits, clothing, food, words, art) has been so ingrained in the civilized world that it has become unrecognizable.  The reasons for this are, of coure, the success of early Europe, and the subsequent colonization of the world by Europeans.  Your description of the white "race" reveals an absurd and extremely shallow train of thought. I do not see why everybody is always trying to force this segregationist mentality.
Kinda ironic, and especially if you are white.

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

lowing wrote:

You ca nnot speak on an individual basis when dealing with this issue. You can only really deal with accepted attitudes generally speaking for obvious reasons.

It is an accepted social attitude that the black community thinks they are owed something, it is an acceptable social attitude that minorities feel "oppressed". There are always exceptions to every argument, but I think you know this. Those exceptions do not nullify an argument.

Simply, you can not argue on acceptable attitudes because by doing so you can not deny what I have said.
I agree, but what do you deem the accepted social attitude toward white people?
Now that is an excellent point. but honestly the truth is, what can you say about white people today GENERALLY SPEAKING,  is going to work, dressing acceptably, striving for the American dream a negative attribute now?
It certainly isn't, but the fact that you think that the stereotypical white guy dresses acceptably, strives for the American Dream, and goes to work is technically racist. Do you really know that a larger percentage of whites lead more productive lives than those of minorities?

This was the kind of thing I intended my original post to bring out. It's easy to look at minorities and rant about what is wrong with them, but we don't look at our own race often enough to realize that all races have their problems, and most of the time our problems are the same. We share more common enemies than we are willing to admit.
Flamesuit essential

Note the lack of referral to asians in this thread.   I guess that's a good thing, though.


lowing wrote:

1. Explain who the Rockerellers Carnages or Duponts enslaved, these were all tycoons that came to power in the 1880's and 90's. THey had no slaves, they built their empires doing business, sometimes ruthless busliness, just like Gates. Your family, nor any other family was ever slaves to them. They owe you DICK.




No slavery mentioned from what I read.
and where did i call those people slave owners? tho it is true that those tycoons put the federal reserve into place with nelson aldrich and the investments of the rothschilds. the central banks are probably the greatest leech on the free world and their spoils are quite exclusive (and utterly discrete), not least racially. It is hard to say how much was stolen from the working class when these frauds began printing their fortunes and using them to buy most of the worlds tangible wealth. it would be perfectly reasonable for almost any of us to demand something in return.

lowing wrote:

2...Yes, I stand by my statement. Honestly. I am not owed a god damned thing for shit that happened 200 years ago and has no bearing on my choices today.
well people that have inherited great historical titles and assets feel quite entitled to the events of centuries past, whether or not you would grant this to the average person and their family's heritage might be your own (probably second-hand) double standard.

lowing wrote:

3...Why is it racism, I never mentioned a race......What race do YOU assume I am speaking of and why??
lol, lowing, u stated your prejudices. whether u discriminate based on skin color or clothes or lifestyle, etc, i dont really care, it doesnt make much difference to me.

lowing wrote:

4...The rich offer you NOTHING??!!.........I do not know about you, but personally it is the rich business owners that I have always asked for a job, and been employed by. I have never asked a poor person for one. How, bout you??
lol lowing, all of this has been answered in my previous posts. people print up a bunch of money and then you worship them as if they are contributing something other than their own freedom to consume almost without limit. real wealth for society is created by people working and producing, not by people that claim ownership of the products after they are produced. and its not so much just that the rich offer us NOTHING, its that they actually tax us to an incredible degree. once again, a tiny sliver of our population owns the lions share of whats available for all of us. that means we all get by sharing less of whats available because so much of the world's resources are reserved by little clubs of rich people.

if u have such a problem with the guy that asks for a free lunch now and then, then you should probably also be more critical of the rich elite that eats a free lunch of caviar every day while flying on a private jet that burns gallons of fuel per second. Al Gore or Dick Cheney are easily far greater leeches than any welfare recipient ever, quote me on that.

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


One of the most coddled races by far. In many cases after generations of financial success, they believe that the world is geared toward them and that other races are out to get them and their shallow cultural identity. They have very few trends and traditions solely their own, so either fear other cultures ways or try to assimilate bastardized versions into their own culture.
"Whites", if you wish to group the many white cultures together, have, for better or worse, the strongest culture in the world.  Long ago "white" culture became so successful that it has merged with the other cultures of the world.  "White" culture (Habits, clothing, food, words, art) has been so ingrained in the civilized world that it has become unrecognizable.  The reasons for this are, of coure, the success of early Europe, and the subsequent colonization of the world by Europeans.  Your description of the white "race" reveals an absurd and extremely shallow train of thought.  I do not see why everybody is always trying to force this segregationist mentality.
i suggest u research the term "ethnocentrism." it more or less describes the content of your post.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

lowing, thats pretty damn offensive right there. you could just as easily say that white people are oppressive, demeaning and above all racist as well.
thank you.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2008-01-09 21:17:01)


Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


One of the most coddled races by far. In many cases after generations of financial success, they believe that the world is geared toward them and that other races are out to get them and their shallow cultural identity. They have very few trends and traditions solely their own, so either fear other cultures ways or try to assimilate bastardized versions into their own culture.
"Whites", if you wish to group the many white cultures together, have, for better or worse, the strongest culture in the world.  Long ago "white" culture became so successful that it has merged with the other cultures of the world.  "White" culture (Habits, clothing, food, words, art) has been so ingrained in the civilized world that it has become unrecognizable.  The reasons for this are, of coure, the success of early Europe, and the subsequent colonization of the world by Europeans.  Your description of the white "race" reveals an absurd and extremely shallow train of thought. I do not see why everybody is always trying to force this segregationist mentality.
Kinda ironic, and especially if you are white.
How is it ironic?  And what does my skin color have anything to do with my post?  I disagreed with several of your other steriotypes, but at least those were addressed by other people.  Your description of whites, I am surprised to find, seems generally accepted.
prince of insufficient light

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

"Whites", if you wish to group the many white cultures together, have, for better or worse, the strongest culture in the world.  Long ago "white" culture became so successful that it has merged with the other cultures of the world.  "White" culture (Habits, clothing, food, words, art) has been so ingrained in the civilized world that it has become unrecognizable.  The reasons for this are, of coure, the success of early Europe, and the subsequent colonization of the world by Europeans.  Your description of the white "race" reveals an absurd and extremely shallow train of thought. I do not see why everybody is always trying to force this segregationist mentality.
Kinda ironic, and especially if you are white.
How is it ironic?  And what does my skin color have anything to do with my post?  I disagreed with several of your other steriotypes, but at least those were addressed by other people.  Your description of whites, I am surprised to find, seems generally accepted.
It's ironic because if you are white, you fit into the "coddled race unaware of racism when it's right in front of him". The post was not serious, I don't believe in any of those stereotypes, (or at least, believe they are all just that, stereotypes) I was only drawing attention to how the other racial descriptions are in most cases wide of their mark.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


One of the most coddled races by far. In many cases after generations of financial success, they believe that the world is geared toward them and that other races are out to get them and their shallow cultural identity. They have very few trends and traditions solely their own, so either fear other cultures ways or try to assimilate bastardized versions into their own culture.
"Whites", if you wish to group the many white cultures together, have, for better or worse, the strongest culture in the world.  Long ago "white" culture became so successful that it has merged with the other cultures of the world.  "White" culture (Habits, clothing, food, words, art) has been so ingrained in the civilized world that it has become unrecognizable.  The reasons for this are, of coure, the success of early Europe, and the subsequent colonization of the world by Europeans.  Your description of the white "race" reveals an absurd and extremely shallow train of thought. I do not see why everybody is always trying to force this segregationist mentality.
Kinda ironic, and especially if you are white.

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

I agree, but what do you deem the accepted social attitude toward white people?
Now that is an excellent point. but honestly the truth is, what can you say about white people today GENERALLY SPEAKING,  is going to work, dressing acceptably, striving for the American dream a negative attribute now?
It certainly isn't, but the fact that you think that the stereotypical white guy dresses acceptably, strives for the American Dream, and goes to work is technically racist. Do you really know that a larger percentage of whites lead more productive lives than those of minorities?

This was the kind of thing I intended my original post to bring out. It's easy to look at minorities and rant about what is wrong with them, but we don't look at our own race often enough to realize that all races have their problems, and most of the time our problems are the same. We share more common enemies than we are willing to admit.
If dressing in a short sleeve short, and wearing a tie, with a pocket protector fulla pens,  can't dance worth a fuck, and always doing the right thing and being geeky about it, is not the stereotypical white guy how exactly are we perceived? And this is not racist?? WHite people do not dwell on this  as racist. You do not see us always in am uproar when a black guy says racial shit on tv. Really we don't give a shit. It only is mentioned by us to prove a double standard.

I have no idea who leads a more productive life style, but it is abundantly clear that the black community thinks we are all spoon fed opportunity and breaks in life, that we do not work for it or strive to achieve or goals. It is handed to us because we are white.

Marinejuana wrote:

lowing wrote:

1. Explain who the Rockerellers Carnages or Duponts enslaved, these were all tycoons that came to power in the 1880's and 90's. THey had no slaves, they built their empires doing business, sometimes ruthless busliness, just like Gates. Your family, nor any other family was ever slaves to them. They owe you DICK.




No slavery mentioned from what I read.
and where did i call those people slave owners? tho it is true that those tycoons put the federal reserve into place with nelson aldrich and the investments of the rothschilds. the central banks are probably the greatest leech on the free world and their spoils are quite exclusive (and utterly discrete), not least racially. It is hard to say how much was stolen from the working class when these frauds began printing their fortunes and using them to buy most of the worlds tangible wealth. it would be perfectly reasonable for almost any of us to demand something in return.

lowing wrote:

2...Yes, I stand by my statement. Honestly. I am not owed a god damned thing for shit that happened 200 years ago and has no bearing on my choices today.
well people that have inherited great historical titles and assets feel quite entitled to the events of centuries past, whether or not you would grant this to the average person and their family's heritage might be your own (probably second-hand) double standard.

lowing wrote:

3...Why is it racism, I never mentioned a race......What race do YOU assume I am speaking of and why??
lol, lowing, u stated your prejudices. whether u discriminate based on skin color or clothes or lifestyle, etc, i dont really care, it doesnt make much difference to me.

lowing wrote:

4...The rich offer you NOTHING??!!.........I do not know about you, but personally it is the rich business owners that I have always asked for a job, and been employed by. I have never asked a poor person for one. How, bout you??
lol lowing, all of this has been answered in my previous posts. people print up a bunch of money and then you worship them as if they are contributing something other than their own freedom to consume almost without limit. real wealth for society is created by people working and producing, not by people that claim ownership of the products after they are produced. and its not so much just that the rich offer us NOTHING, its that they actually tax us to an incredible degree. once again, a tiny sliver of our population owns the lions share of whats available for all of us. that means we all get by sharing less of whats available because so much of the world's resources are reserved by little clubs of rich people.

if u have such a problem with the guy that asks for a free lunch now and then, then you should probably also be more critical of the rich elite that eats a free lunch of caviar every day while flying on a private jet that burns gallons of fuel per second. Al Gore or Dick Cheney are easily far greater leeches than any welfare recipient ever.

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


One of the most coddled races by far. In many cases after generations of financial success, they believe that the world is geared toward them and that other races are out to get them and their shallow cultural identity. They have very few trends and traditions solely their own, so either fear other cultures ways or try to assimilate bastardized versions into their own culture.
"Whites", if you wish to group the many white cultures together, have, for better or worse, the strongest culture in the world.  Long ago "white" culture became so successful that it has merged with the other cultures of the world.  "White" culture (Habits, clothing, food, words, art) has been so ingrained in the civilized world that it has become unrecognizable.  The reasons for this are, of coure, the success of early Europe, and the subsequent colonization of the world by Europeans.  Your description of the white "race" reveals an absurd and extremely shallow train of thought.  I do not see why everybody is always trying to force this segregationist mentality.
i suggest u research the term "ethnocentrism." it more or less describes the content of your post.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

lowing, thats pretty damn offensive right there. you could just as easily say that white people are oppressive, demeaning and above all racist as well.
thank you.
Ok enough of your bullshit, get to the point: What exactly do you think I owe you as a member of the white race? How much do all WHITE tax payers owe to ALL black taxpayers?

By the way, my ancestors migrated here from England as indenture servants, how much do I have coming to me?

So instead of you going out and earning a fuckin living just tell me what I owe you and I will cut you a fuckin check.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kinda ironic, and especially if you are white.
How is it ironic?  And what does my skin color have anything to do with my post?  I disagreed with several of your other steriotypes, but at least those were addressed by other people.  Your description of whites, I am surprised to find, seems generally accepted.
It's ironic because if you are white, you fit into the "coddled race unaware of racism when it's right in front of him". The post was not serious, I don't believe in any of those stereotypes, (or at least, believe they are all just that, stereotypes) I was only drawing attention to how the other racial descriptions are in most cases wide of their mark.
I already told you, I don't agree with most of the steriotypes there, however, I do not see the need for you to elaborate on the thread.  You are basically lending your support to his racist comments and giving them more creedence.  You obviously believe in your steriotypes, otherwise you wouldn't have accused me of being a member of a race that is "unaware of racism when it's right in front of him".

Marinejuana wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:


One of the most coddled races by far. In many cases after generations of financial success, they believe that the world is geared toward them and that other races are out to get them and their shallow cultural identity. They have very few trends and traditions solely their own, so either fear other cultures ways or try to assimilate bastardized versions into their own culture.
"Whites", if you wish to group the many white cultures together, have, for better or worse, the strongest culture in the world.  Long ago "white" culture became so successful that it has merged with the other cultures of the world.  "White" culture (Habits, clothing, food, words, art) has been so ingrained in the civilized world that it has become unrecognizable.  The reasons for this are, of coure, the success of early Europe, and the subsequent colonization of the world by Europeans.  Your description of the white "race" reveals an absurd and extremely shallow train of thought.  I do not see why everybody is always trying to force this segregationist mentality.
i suggest u research the term "ethnocentrism." it more or less describes the content of your post.
How the is that ethnocentric?  Segregationalist mentality is a worldwide problem.
Asians just watch black and white people hurt each other while we stand by the sidelines making money off selling weapons. ASIAN PRIDE FTW.
Not everyone has the same advantages coming out of the gate... but everyone has the ability to make their situation as good as possible...
You can be born into a family that gives you everything and still be a drunk and a drug addict... Or you can be born dirt poor and decide to change your situation... by studying and not getting caught up in having to have 200 dollar sneakers and 22 inch rims and staying out all night...

To make a long story short... we can't choose who we are born to... but we all have the ability to make changes in our lives... if thats what we choose...

And the thing about racism isn't some white dude who calls someone the N word... or a black dude making fun of white people...
its the hush hush racism that people use behind closed doors... all races do it...  the best hope we have is to kill everyone over the age of 5...
That way all the kids that play together black..white...asian...middle eastern... wouldn't know to hate each other... I find it so heartening to see my nephew playing with kids from all different backgrounds and just laughing... thats innocence... i wish i was 5

Last edited by [TUF]Catbox (2008-01-09 21:56:14)

Love is the answer
+240|6922|Austin, TX

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

lowing wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

But that's not my point, I'm talking about the individual. You can't force me to argue on your terms.

All of these racial analyses are based on a lot of individual cases looked at broadly, not as groups looking to further their own cause as is the case with these spokesmen you talk of.
You ca nnot speak on an individual basis when dealing with this issue. You can only really deal with accepted attitudes generally speaking for obvious reasons.

It is an accepted social attitude that the black community thinks they are owed something, it is an acceptable social attitude that minorities feel "oppressed". There are always exceptions to every argument, but I think you know this. Those exceptions do not nullify an argument.

Simply, you can not argue on acceptable attitudes because by doing so you can not deny what I have said.
I agree, but what do you deem the accepted social attitude toward white people?
How about an accepted social attitude toward PEOPLE?  When you constantly use race as a defining characteristic, then you continue to group them that way, and search for differences based on race.
Here's a question that should give a pretty telling insight into the attitudes of respondents:

Why do white people generally earn a lot more than black people (FACT) in the modern western world?

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