GunSlinger OIF II
bad touch

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6652|Menlo Park, CA

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

legionair wrote:

Are you inspiring by Bush? Pity
Inspired by Bush?? LOL no I am not. . . .

I am furious at the lack of action he has taken towards them actually (or lack thereof).  British troops were taken hostage 7 months ago, and nobody did shit about it!! Shia militias are actively acting against coalition forces directly trained and supported by Tehran and nothing has been done.  Iranian weapons have been found ALL OVER southern Iraq killing British and American troops through IEDs etc, and nothing retaliatory has been done. . . . NOT TOO MENTION Tehrans furious pursuit of nuclear weapons!!!!

I think Bush hasnt done a goddamn thing to stop those ignorant fucks!! So I am not inspired or thrilled in ANYWAY at Bush or his administration in regards to his dealings with Iran!  Iran should be bombed from the air and attacked by Special Forces teams targeting military targets in and around their major nuke facilities and military hubs.  The more we wait the more these fuckers buy their time. . . . This is not a regime that has any plans on being a productive member to the international community in any shape, way, or form.
You could say the exact same thing about North Korea, why not attack North Korea? They are also even more oppresive and even closer to nuclear weapons than Iran is.
You obviously need to catch up with current events. . . . no offense

We should have attacked North Korea!!! If anything we should have attacked North Korea and NOT Iraq!! Now those pricks HAVE nuclear weapons cause Bill Clinton tried to place nice and engage in "diplomacy". . . . Diplomacy DOESNT work with coutries like Iran and NK!! All they are going to do is their own thing until someone has the balls to stop them!

Iran is gonna continue pursuing nukes until they have them!! They arent gonna stop cause some ball less liberal threatens economic sanctions!!

Both countries are oppressive, criminal, intollerant regimes that need to be removed for the sake of global security. . . .

Negotiating with them does NOT deter them from anything, only direct military action will ultimately deter/outright stop these regimes activities.  Did negotiating with Nazi Germany help stability?? Did Colonial America benefit from negotiating with King George?? Did the Mujahideen benefit from trying to negotiate with the Soviet Union?? Did Kuwait benefit from negotiating with Saddam Hussein??? Nope they ALL had to resort to violence to stop oppression and world instability. . .  its just a sad truth that violence IS necessary for the benefit of stabalizing the world.
its just my flaming please.
Americas gonno get owned.
All great nations always fall at one point.

GunSlinger OIF II

{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

its just my flaming please.
Americas gonno get owned.
All great nations always fall at one point.

I disagree with your opinion.
bad touch

{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

its just my flaming please.
Americas gonno get owned.
All great nations always fall at one point.

They always fall from the inside

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

{B-T}<babacanosh> wrote:

its just my flaming please.
Americas gonno get owned.
All great nations always fall at one point.

I disagree with your opinion.

If it ever got that bad, Im sure the nukes would launch. RED BUTTON TIME!
damn ain't it great to be a laxer
if ww3 happens i'm guessing the french will surrender promptly

clogar wrote:

if ww3 happens i'm guessing the french will surrender promptly
They have some nukes to. May as well launch them before the white flag.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7003|Cologne, Germany

fadedsteve wrote:

We should have attacked North Korea!!! If anything we should have attacked North Korea and NOT Iraq!! Now those pricks HAVE nuclear weapons cause Bill Clinton tried to place nice and engage in "diplomacy". . . . Diplomacy DOESNT work with coutries like Iran and NK!! All they are going to do is their own thing until someone has the balls to stop them!

Iran is gonna continue pursuing nukes until they have them!! They arent gonna stop cause some ball less liberal threatens economic sanctions!!

Both countries are oppressive, criminal, intollerant regimes that need to be removed for the sake of global security. . . .

Negotiating with them does NOT deter them from anything, only direct military action will ultimately deter/outright stop these regimes activities.  Did negotiating with Nazi Germany help stability?? Did Colonial America benefit from negotiating with King George?? Did the Mujahideen benefit from trying to negotiate with the Soviet Union?? Did Kuwait benefit from negotiating with Saddam Hussein??? Nope they ALL had to resort to violence to stop oppression and world instability. . .  its just a sad truth that violence IS necessary for the benefit of stabalizing the world.
well, contrary to germany in 1939, or Iraq in 1990, Iran has not invaded any other country recently, and the same is true for NK.
And I think we both know that neither Iran nor North Korea have the military, financial or economic means to fund a war against anyone, let alone the US or one of your allies.
All they do is try to secure their strategic interests in their region of the world. Much like the US does on the american continent.

I really can't understand why you won't allow anyone else to do what you have done for decades yourselves.

No wait, I do understand why, but I fail to accept the underlying double standard.
Small boats v.s. big ships works (taking advantage of manoueverability)! Done before e.g. at Salamis.

clogar wrote:

if ww3 happens i'm guessing the french will surrender promptly
Nope, the age of chivalry has come again; this time the Valois, Bonaparte's, Sarkozians, and Bruni's will reestablish France's former glory!
back to i-life

If you look at political map you can clearly see the last "antiamerican camps". It was Iraq- done, it was Saudi- now its ally, Turkey- ally, the rest of Arabic world- too weak or ally, only Iran, Afghanistan is pain in the ass. Invasion? Why not, problem solved, Close East and Medium region under American influence and control, Israel may rest in peace now.

Why Russia gives military equipment to Iran? Not that they support them so much, but at least it is the way how to keep Americans a bit farther from their borders. Look at Georgia, how many American instructors are there training their troops. Do you think that is because they are so saint? Wrong!

I may have repeat but still... imagine yourself in their situation. Then just take a look at Koran. Islam as a religion isn't aggressive, not at all, but Arabian language is so rich that you may interpret some things as you wish. Muslims believe only in that. If their leaders say that West is evil and USA is Satan, they do believe and government have a lot of facts how to convince them.

The problem is that Cold War is over and while Russia couldn't handle reorganization so fast, US expanded their influence. I doubt that some 30 years ago Americans would even dare to think about being so close to Russia's borders.

The truth is that Islamic world will be the biggest problem of 21. century, but don't forget how many Muslims are in France, Sweden, UK etc... and if Turkey become part of EU- we are screwed.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6652|Menlo Park, CA

B.Schuss wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

We should have attacked North Korea!!! If anything we should have attacked North Korea and NOT Iraq!! Now those pricks HAVE nuclear weapons cause Bill Clinton tried to place nice and engage in "diplomacy". . . . Diplomacy DOESNT work with coutries like Iran and NK!! All they are going to do is their own thing until someone has the balls to stop them!

Iran is gonna continue pursuing nukes until they have them!! They arent gonna stop cause some ball less liberal threatens economic sanctions!!

Both countries are oppressive, criminal, intollerant regimes that need to be removed for the sake of global security. . . .

Negotiating with them does NOT deter them from anything, only direct military action will ultimately deter/outright stop these regimes activities.  Did negotiating with Nazi Germany help stability?? Did Colonial America benefit from negotiating with King George?? Did the Mujahideen benefit from trying to negotiate with the Soviet Union?? Did Kuwait benefit from negotiating with Saddam Hussein??? Nope they ALL had to resort to violence to stop oppression and world instability. . .  its just a sad truth that violence IS necessary for the benefit of stabalizing the world.
well, contrary to germany in 1939, or Iraq in 1990, Iran has not invaded any other country recently, and the same is true for NK.
And I think we both know that neither Iran nor North Korea have the military, financial or economic means to fund a war against anyone, let alone the US or one of your allies.
All they do is try to secure their strategic interests in their region of the world. Much like the US does on the american continent.

I really can't understand why you won't allow anyone else to do what you have done for decades yourselves.

No wait, I do understand why, but I fail to accept the underlying double standard.
Wont allow anyone else what we have done over the past decades. . . . . . . ?????????????????????????????????

What have we done?? Secured world peace, economic prosperity, harmonious relations with our various allies across the world. . . .

What has Iran and North Korea contributed to the world in the last 60 years. . . . . . . .  (crickets chirping)? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iran HAS attacked Israel through Lebanon!! Iran has attacked the USA through Iraq!! Iran has attacked Great Britain through hostage taking!!!! What the hell are you talking about!!!??? Both countries have the funds and the means to attack the USA and its allies!!!

NK and Iran have aquired MILLINONS if not BILLIONS of dollars to attack the USA and Europe through subversive means!! Are you that ignorant towards this voilatile situation??
back to i-life

man, wake up! You still think that situation in the world is ruled by militarists? NO no no, it is all through economical aspects! You may think that US helped alot and fought the evil and rides on a white horse, but hasn't it got something in return? Alot! So stop this BS about USA being saint and the rest of world being piece of evil shit. White is black and black is white or whatever. Cant remember a date when UN granted all the rights to White House regulating world peace.

fadedsteve wrote:

Wont allow anyone else what we have done over the past decades. . . . . . . ?????????????????????????????????

What have we done?? Secured world peace, economic prosperity, harmonious relations with our various allies across the world. . . .

What has Iran and North Korea contributed to the world in the last 60 years. . . . . . . .  (crickets chirping)? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iran HAS attacked Israel through Lebanon!! Iran has attacked the USA through Iraq!! Iran has attacked Great Britain through hostage taking!!!! What the hell are you talking about!!!??? Both countries have the funds and the means to attack the USA and its allies!!!

NK and Iran have aquired MILLINONS if not BILLIONS of dollars to attack the USA and Europe through subversive means!! Are you that ignorant towards this voilatile situation??
1. You didn't secure world peace. The USSR economy collapsed. And I don't exactly think the world is that peaceful.

2. Economic prosperity... for Americans.

3. Harmonious relations? Have you got your head in the sand? The US hasn't had worse relations with the rest of the world in its near 300 year history!

4. Nobody asked Iran and North Korea to contribute anything and there is no duty obliging anyone to contibute anything. Why you might expect a closed state like North Korea to contribute anything is beyond me. And next time you go to a petrol station just remember to thank Iran and the good fellows at OPEC.

5. Iran has provided support to the Lebanese oprganisation Hisb'allah.  It's kind of similar to when the US armed Iraq in its attempted invasion of Iran. Do you see the similarity? It's funny, isn't it?

6. Last I heard the 'Great British hostages' (lol) were returned unconditionally and they even got some naff suits out of their 'ordeal'.

7. Iran aren't interested in attacking the US or Great Britain. Why? Because it would be a stupid and counterproductive thing to do. What Iran do want is for the west to stop undermining its sovereignty, which it has done since the Qajar dynasty. Try reading up on the history. Start with Mohammed Mossadeq.
back to i-life

Qft ^^
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7003|Cologne, Germany

fadedsteve wrote:

Wont allow anyone else what we have done over the past decades. . . . . . . ?????????????????????????????????
I was refering to making your own security considerations your top priority, above everyone else's. Why are you denying Iran that same right ?

fadedsteve wrote:

What have we done?? Secured world peace, economic prosperity, harmonious relations with our various allies across the world. . . .

What has Iran and North Korea contributed to the world in the last 60 years. . . . . . . .  (crickets chirping)? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, so know it's the old "we are better than you" game ? I am not meaning to offend anyone or downplay the contributions tha US has made in the past, but that doesn't mean you get a free shot at the middle eastern nation of your choice. Your accomplishments in the past are just that, history. That doesn't mean you are free from error today, or excempt from criticism about what you do now.

fadedsteve wrote:

Iran HAS attacked Israel through Lebanon!! Iran has attacked the USA through Iraq!! Iran has attacked Great Britain through hostage taking!!!! What the hell are you talking about!!!??? Both countries have the funds and the means to attack the USA and its allies!!!

NK and Iran have aquired MILLINONS if not BILLIONS of dollars to attack the USA and Europe through subversive means!! Are you that ignorant towards this voilatile situation??
when I last checked, NK didn't even have the funds to feed its own people. They are still relying on the WFP, and have just recently even agreed to discontinue and destroy their nuclear facilities in exchange for economic support and rice.
source: … _relations

I don't think they are a threat to anybody but themselves, tbh.

And as far as Iran is concerned, when one looks at how the western nations have messed with that nations internal affairs ever since WWII, is it any wonder the Iran government doesn't have a favorable view of the west ? Remember Operation Ajax ? The iranian government has every reason to believe that any US influence in their region will not be to their advantage ( that of the iranians ). So why should they give in to
US foreign policy pressure ?

In fact, one might even get the impression that the development of nuclear technology may be the only way for Iran to insure that the US stay out of their affairs in the future. If the cold war has taught us anything, it would be that, I guess.

As cam has said, a war would be counterproductive to their interests, and they know it. Apart from the fact that they could never win it, and they know that, too.

SenorToenails wrote:

basetballjones wrote:

We supplied the mujahideen with arms to protect them from Russian invasion, which they promptly use to combat the US all the while allowing their neighbors to be conquered by the USSR before they hid under the Warsaw pact.

And they have not stopped fucking with us ever since.
Uhh, are you confusing Iran with Afghanistan?
No, I am not confused, I am quite educated and well read on the subject;

During the Reagan administration and under orders from the newly departmentalized NSC, we were to protect Iran, previously our allies, against communism insurgency from the USSR and the other Eastern bloc countries that were encroaching on their borders/

What ended as the Iran-Contra Affair, started as our aid to Iran against the Soviets.

Albeit illegal aid, and with further disgraces made by the funneling of money to the Nicaraguan Contras.

In short, we were pretty happy with Iran until this event which sadly replayed itself in Afghanistan a couple of years later.

What some foreigners to America, and even some Americans may not realize, is that before these two events; the Mujahideen where seen as freedom fighters by the American public and Government.  Trying to rise up through oppression and coercion by their soviet neighbors who relentlessly dogged them at every step.  It was not until they turned on us the second time in Afghanistan that their status was relegated from Freedom Fighter to Insurgent.

Consider that Iran and later, Usama Bin Laden was among our top allies in the middle east at one time.  Much of the anti-American sentiment comes from the fact that while we would supply these countries with arms and training- we did not fight their battles for them.  It was not our fault that the people of these countries can't keep their shit together long enough to accomplish anything- they fight amongst themselves more fervently than they fight their enemies.

Consequently, somehow, America is blamed for their own failures as sovereign nations.  We send Iran 1200 TOW missiles and launcher as well as a squadron of f-14 (if I remember correctly) and they used them against each other (and eventually the U.S.), rather than their true aggressors.

Veritas et Scientia
+444|6292|North Tonawanda, NY

basetballjones wrote:

No, I am not confused, I am quite educated and well read on the subject;
Pre-1979: Iran is US ally.
1979: Iran turns fundamentalist, storms US embassy.
1980-1988: Iran at war with Iraq, US sells weapons to both sides.
1979-1989: USSR invades Afghanistan, US supplies Osama and Afghani mujahideen with weapons to repel the Soviets.

While it is true that the USSR invaded Iran, it was done in 1941.  It has not been done since.

Your post implies that Iran has been something other than an enemy since 1979.  It also really sounds like you are confusing People's Mujahedin of Iran and the Mujahideen of Afghanistan.  They are two different organizations.
GunSlinger OIF II

basetballjones wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

basetballjones wrote:

We supplied the mujahideen with arms to protect them from Russian invasion, which they promptly use to combat the US all the while allowing their neighbors to be conquered by the USSR before they hid under the Warsaw pact.

And they have not stopped fucking with us ever since.
Uhh, are you confusing Iran with Afghanistan?
No, I am not confused, I am quite educated and well read on the subject;

During the Reagan administration and under orders from the newly departmentalized NSC, we were to protect Iran, previously our allies, against communism insurgency from the USSR and the other Eastern bloc countries that were encroaching on their borders/

What ended as the Iran-Contra Affair, started as our aid to Iran against the Soviets.

Albeit illegal aid, and with further disgraces made by the funneling of money to the Nicaraguan Contras.

In short, we were pretty happy with Iran until this event which sadly replayed itself in Afghanistan a couple of years later.

What some foreigners to America, and even some Americans may not realize, is that before these two events; the Mujahideen where seen as freedom fighters by the American public and Government.  Trying to rise up through oppression and coercion by their soviet neighbors who relentlessly dogged them at every step.  It was not until they turned on us the second time in Afghanistan that their status was relegated from Freedom Fighter to Insurgent.

Consider that Iran and later, Usama Bin Laden was among our top allies in the middle east at one time.  Much of the anti-American sentiment comes from the fact that while we would supply these countries with arms and training- we did not fight their battles for them.  It was not our fault that the people of these countries can't keep their shit together long enough to accomplish anything- they fight amongst themselves more fervently than they fight their enemies.

Consequently, somehow, America is blamed for their own failures as sovereign nations.  We send Iran 1200 TOW missiles and launcher as well as a squadron of f-14 (if I remember correctly) and they used them against each other (and eventually the U.S.), rather than their true aggressors.

fuckin WRONG
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6292|North Tonawanda, NY

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

fuckin WRONG
I'm glad someone else sees that too.
back to i-life

Me has fun.. really
GunSlinger OIF II

SenorToenails wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

fuckin WRONG
I'm glad someone else sees that too.
so many god damn holes in that.  posts like those always remind that this is video game forum.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

fuckin WRONG
"No, I am not confused, I am quite educated and well read on the subject"


I wonder what exactly it was he was reading...

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