Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6824|Groningen, The Netherlands
Oeh big american boat, let's swarm it with 5 mini ones!

Yeah good thinking -.-
+51|6936|North Hollywood

PluggedValve wrote:

dayarath wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

Is it an everyday occurance to have an unfriendly country's carrier group sitting off your coastline. In Irans case, yes it is. If Iran decided to stick a bunch of missiles on a boat and send them to sit a few miles off the US coast do you think that would be classes as aggressive? Think 'the Cuban missile crisis'.

All we have is an unnamed US official's word about the radio messages stuff, and by now surely we've all learned just how far that bollocks can be trusted. If something even vaguely resembling proof turns up I may believe it, until then I'm assuming it's more crap.
You know that Iran has being doing a whole load of shady things the past few years which considerably give me more trust in the American pentagon rather than ahmoudinejad&friends.
Of course thats the info you got from Fox and CNN.  They say its Iran doing shady things but they dont report the shady activities of the US.  Dont believe everything your told because inevitably some is just BS.
You know, you guys have some valid points about the sources, but considering the brits who got nabbed for questionable reasons, i'll go with the pentagons line on this one.
+51|6936|North Hollywood

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

The New York Times wrote:

The Hopper had trained an M240 machine gun — which fires upward of 10 armor-piercing slugs per second — on one of the Iranian boats that had pulled to within 200 yards of the American vessel, well within the gun’s range, Pentagon officials said. But before the order to fire was issued, the Iranian boat suddenly steered away from the Hopper.
Dangerous to let them get even that close.  I would have given them a warning shot from the deck gun much farther off.  Maybe it's a good thing I'm not a captain of a Ship then.
lol. $20 says the cap wanted to open fire as soon as they were within weapons range but had orders to play nice. Dropping crap in the water? Seems like that woulda qualified for sending them to the bottom... those crazy surface guys.
back to i-life

At least Hitler was true agressor. USA now plays the same role, but in a word of liberty and peace lol

Iraq was a mistake and a grave for many soldiers but gives prosperity for US economics. Would Iran be something else? Doubt. Oh well, politicians do make decisions, soldiers have to carry it out and die. Will they ever stop?

I dont believe any bullshit from White House anymore, too much lies from this administration.

Will there be WWIII? Most likely yes, but US wont be on a winning side...
Make Love and War
+303|6640|Communist Republic of CA, USA

legionair wrote:

At least Hitler was true agressor. USA now plays the same role, but in a word of liberty and peace lol

Iraq was a mistake and a grave for many soldiers but gives prosperity for US economics. Would Iran be something else? Doubt. Oh well, politicians do make decisions, soldiers have to carry it out and die. Will they ever stop?

I dont believe any bullshit from White House anymore, too much lies from this administration.

Will there be WWIII? Most likely yes, but US wont be on a winning side...
Think what you want, but regardless of the war in Iraq, approaching US Warships in International Waters is just a dumb idea.

legionair wrote:

At least Hitler was true agressor. USA now plays the same role, but in a word of liberty and peace lol

Iraq was a mistake and a grave for many soldiers but gives prosperity for US economics. Would Iran be something else? Doubt. Oh well, politicians do make decisions, soldiers have to carry it out and die. Will they ever stop?

I dont believe any bullshit from White House anymore, too much lies from this administration.

Will there be WWIII? Most likely yes, but US wont be on a winning side...
Old news. Lies come from every administration, it's just a little more delicate in this situation with Iraq, but not any more sensitive than the Vietnam war I don't think.
back to i-life

Im just saying that someone asks for trouble...
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6652|Menlo Park, CA

Its time to put these ignorant muther fuckers in their place!!!

Fortunately its only a matter of time till the bombs start to drop on these pricks!!! I personally cannot wait to see this rogue criminal regime meet its deserved fate!
back to i-life

fadedsteve wrote:


Its time to put these ignorant muther fuckers in their place!!!

Fortunately its only a matter of time till the bombs start to drop on these pricks!!! I personally cannot wait to see this rogue criminal regime meet its deserved fate!
How old are you? You are that part of society I hate because you dont have any clue what is happening and it is much more easy to say " FUCK them all!!! " Yea, until it cames to your door and you understand that you are in a real shit.
Unless a person knows the intimate history between Iran and America, they really have no platform to stand on here.

We supplied the mujahideen with arms to protect them from Russian invasion, which they promptly use to combat the US all the while allowing their neighbors to be conquered by the USSR before they hid under the Warsaw pact.

And they have not stopped fucking with us ever since.

A carrier group stationed off their shores?  Shit, they are lucky to not have been occupied by now.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6292|North Tonawanda, NY

basetballjones wrote:

We supplied the mujahideen with arms to protect them from Russian invasion, which they promptly use to combat the US all the while allowing their neighbors to be conquered by the USSR before they hid under the Warsaw pact.

And they have not stopped fucking with us ever since.
Uhh, are you confusing Iran with Afghanistan?
back to i-life

SenorToenails wrote:

basetballjones wrote:

We supplied the mujahideen with arms to protect them from Russian invasion, which they promptly use to combat the US all the while allowing their neighbors to be conquered by the USSR before they hid under the Warsaw pact.

And they have not stopped fucking with us ever since.
Uhh, are you confusing Iran with Afghanistan?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7003|Cologne, Germany

eaglecorps wrote:

yeah. I feel much safer already.

and as far as the incident is concerned, as long as I don't see independent reports, and we only have the "official" statements of the two governments, I chose to believe that nothing serious really happened. No one was hurt or killed, no shot was fired, no vessel sunk or damaged.
So what's the big deal ?

5 iranian speedboats "maneuvered aggressively" ? A little bit of trash talk over the radio ? come on...

They were obviously testing the US reaction, and you should be glad that the US captain chose not to fire at the speedboats. That would have been a PR desaster
+3,611|6783|London, England

fadedsteve wrote:


Its time to put these ignorant muther fuckers in their place!!!

Fortunately its only a matter of time till the bombs start to drop on these pricks!!! I personally cannot wait to see this rogue criminal regime meet its deserved fate!
You sound like a five year old, no offence.
+151|6391|NSW, Australia

any nukes to be fired do you think?
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6439|Mo Val, Cali
What I thought was funny was when Iran commented on it something like "it's just another usual day/event."
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6652|Menlo Park, CA

legionair wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:


Its time to put these ignorant muther fuckers in their place!!!

Fortunately its only a matter of time till the bombs start to drop on these pricks!!! I personally cannot wait to see this rogue criminal regime meet its deserved fate!
How old are you? You are that part of society I hate because you dont have any clue what is happening and it is much more easy to say " FUCK them all!!! " Yea, until it cames to your door and you understand that you are in a real shit.
I am 28 years old. . .

I know EXACTLY what the fuck is going on! I know the players who are involved, whats at stake, and the ramifications of various courses of actions regarding Iran.  If anything I am more knowledgeable on the subject than MOST!

Comes to my door and I will be in a real shit. . . . . What the fuck are you talking about?  If anything THE LAST thing we need is Iran projecting its will here at home in the USA!!! By sending Hezbollah, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, or flat out terrorist activities. You do realize Iran is a terrorist criminal regime that is ACTIVELY in pursuit of obtaining a nuclear weapon AND fully funds and harbors terrorist organizations.  We need to tell Iran to go fuck itself before they go into full scale nuke production (which may or may not already be underway).  They are THE ONLY power that continues to want to isolate themselves and threaten their neighbors with annihilation (i.e. Israel).  They are a racist, criminal, intolerant, terrorist regime that needs to be DEALT with not bargained/capitulated with/to!! PERIOD
back to i-life

fadedsteve wrote:

legionair wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:


Its time to put these ignorant muther fuckers in their place!!!

Fortunately its only a matter of time till the bombs start to drop on these pricks!!! I personally cannot wait to see this rogue criminal regime meet its deserved fate!
How old are you? You are that part of society I hate because you dont have any clue what is happening and it is much more easy to say " FUCK them all!!! " Yea, until it cames to your door and you understand that you are in a real shit.
I am 28 years old. . .

I know EXACTLY what the fuck is going on! I know the players who are involved, whats at stake, and the ramifications of various courses of actions regarding Iran.  If anything I am more knowledgeable on the subject than MOST!

Comes to my door and I will be in a real shit. . . . . What the fuck are you talking about?  If anything THE LAST thing we need is Iran projecting its will here at home in the USA!!! By sending Hezbollah, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, or flat out terrorist activities. You do realize Iran is a terrorist criminal regime that is ACTIVELY in pursuit of obtaining a nuclear weapon AND fully funds and harbors terrorist organizations.  We need to tell Iran to go fuck itself before they go into full scale nuke production (which may or may not already be underway).  They are THE ONLY power that continues to want to isolate themselves and threaten their neighbors with annihilation (i.e. Israel).  They are a racist, criminal, intolerant, terrorist regime that needs to be DEALT with not bargained/capitulated with/to!! PERIOD
Are you inspiring by Bush? Pity
back to i-life

I just see repetition of Iraq campaign, something like preparing soil so Americans are the good ones.

Maybe you see it as dealing with terrorists and bla bla bla, but imo its just increasing the sphere of influence and economical profits. Just imagine yourself in a skin of Iran's government- wouldn't you push the button, call to arms if your state would be in danger? Its just human instinct of self protection. I'm not defending Iran as it might look like, there are things to be improved, but... Since when some main power on earth has to judge others and do what it likes? Iraq operation didn't even get UN resolution, so it was illegal intervention. Statistics show how many milliards of dollars US army spends in that country to remain, but have you seen how many dollars USA gained from that war and keeps profiting? Enormous!

You say fuck them, ok braver, go and fuck them, i wanna see your success! But don't push there soldiers from other countries to die for nothing! If you wanna make worlds policy, then die for it. Aprox. 3970 American soldiers have been lost in Iraq, how many you are ready to sacrifice more?
Will you join the army now and make it easier? meh...

I hope that UN will handle it with a help of rest of Arabic states and a bit of influence from Russia.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush
They released the video today.

At the tactical level, the Revolutionary Guards' naval arm was testing our responses: How soon do the American weapons radars activate? At what range do the lasers begin to track targets? How close can a small vessel get to a major American warship? How do the Americans respond to possible mines? Can we use phony mines to steer them into real ones? How long does it take an American commander to make a decision?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6652|Menlo Park, CA

legionair wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

legionair wrote:

How old are you? You are that part of society I hate because you dont have any clue what is happening and it is much more easy to say " FUCK them all!!! " Yea, until it cames to your door and you understand that you are in a real shit.
I am 28 years old. . .

I know EXACTLY what the fuck is going on! I know the players who are involved, whats at stake, and the ramifications of various courses of actions regarding Iran.  If anything I am more knowledgeable on the subject than MOST!

Comes to my door and I will be in a real shit. . . . . What the fuck are you talking about?  If anything THE LAST thing we need is Iran projecting its will here at home in the USA!!! By sending Hezbollah, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, or flat out terrorist activities. You do realize Iran is a terrorist criminal regime that is ACTIVELY in pursuit of obtaining a nuclear weapon AND fully funds and harbors terrorist organizations.  We need to tell Iran to go fuck itself before they go into full scale nuke production (which may or may not already be underway).  They are THE ONLY power that continues to want to isolate themselves and threaten their neighbors with annihilation (i.e. Israel).  They are a racist, criminal, intolerant, terrorist regime that needs to be DEALT with not bargained/capitulated with/to!! PERIOD
Are you inspiring by Bush? Pity
Inspired by Bush?? LOL no I am not. . . .

I am furious at the lack of action he has taken towards them actually (or lack thereof).  British troops were taken hostage 7 months ago, and nobody did shit about it!! Shia militias are actively acting against coalition forces directly trained and supported by Tehran and nothing has been done.  Iranian weapons have been found ALL OVER southern Iraq killing British and American troops through IEDs etc, and nothing retaliatory has been done. . . . NOT TOO MENTION Tehrans furious pursuit of nuclear weapons!!!!

I think Bush hasnt done a goddamn thing to stop those ignorant fucks!! So I am not inspired or thrilled in ANYWAY at Bush or his administration in regards to his dealings with Iran!  Iran should be bombed from the air and attacked by Special Forces teams targeting military targets in and around their major nuke facilities and military hubs.  The more we wait the more these fuckers buy their time. . . . This is not a regime that has any plans on being a productive member to the international community in any shape, way, or form.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

fadedsteve wrote:

legionair wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

I am 28 years old. . .

I know EXACTLY what the fuck is going on! I know the players who are involved, whats at stake, and the ramifications of various courses of actions regarding Iran.  If anything I am more knowledgeable on the subject than MOST!

Comes to my door and I will be in a real shit. . . . . What the fuck are you talking about?  If anything THE LAST thing we need is Iran projecting its will here at home in the USA!!! By sending Hezbollah, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, or flat out terrorist activities. You do realize Iran is a terrorist criminal regime that is ACTIVELY in pursuit of obtaining a nuclear weapon AND fully funds and harbors terrorist organizations.  We need to tell Iran to go fuck itself before they go into full scale nuke production (which may or may not already be underway).  They are THE ONLY power that continues to want to isolate themselves and threaten their neighbors with annihilation (i.e. Israel).  They are a racist, criminal, intolerant, terrorist regime that needs to be DEALT with not bargained/capitulated with/to!! PERIOD
Are you inspiring by Bush? Pity
Inspired by Bush?? LOL no I am not. . . .

I am furious at the lack of action he has taken towards them actually (or lack thereof).  British troops were taken hostage 7 months ago, and nobody did shit about it!! Shia militias are actively acting against coalition forces directly trained and supported by Tehran and nothing has been done.  Iranian weapons have been found ALL OVER southern Iraq killing British and American troops through IEDs etc, and nothing retaliatory has been done. . . . NOT TOO MENTION Tehrans furious pursuit of nuclear weapons!!!!

I think Bush hasnt done a goddamn thing to stop those ignorant fucks!! So I am not inspired or thrilled in ANYWAY at Bush or his administration in regards to his dealings with Iran!  Iran should be bombed from the air and attacked by Special Forces teams targeting military targets in and around their major nuke facilities and military hubs.  The more we wait the more these fuckers buy their time. . . . This is not a regime that has any plans on being a productive member to the international community in any shape, way, or form.
You could say the exact same thing about North Korea, why not attack North Korea? They are also even more oppresive and even closer to nuclear weapons than Iran is.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6486|New Haven, CT

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

legionair wrote:

Are you inspiring by Bush? Pity
Inspired by Bush?? LOL no I am not. . . .

I am furious at the lack of action he has taken towards them actually (or lack thereof).  British troops were taken hostage 7 months ago, and nobody did shit about it!! Shia militias are actively acting against coalition forces directly trained and supported by Tehran and nothing has been done.  Iranian weapons have been found ALL OVER southern Iraq killing British and American troops through IEDs etc, and nothing retaliatory has been done. . . . NOT TOO MENTION Tehrans furious pursuit of nuclear weapons!!!!

I think Bush hasnt done a goddamn thing to stop those ignorant fucks!! So I am not inspired or thrilled in ANYWAY at Bush or his administration in regards to his dealings with Iran!  Iran should be bombed from the air and attacked by Special Forces teams targeting military targets in and around their major nuke facilities and military hubs.  The more we wait the more these fuckers buy their time. . . . This is not a regime that has any plans on being a productive member to the international community in any shape, way, or form.
You could say the exact same thing about North Korea, why not attack North Korea? They are also even more oppresive and even closer to nuclear weapons than Iran is.
They aren't actively trying to provoke us or helping kill our people. Iran is.
GunSlinger OIF II
squids better do their job
bad touch

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

squids better do their job
Its easier to nuke the water, then have the sailors shoot at it afterwards

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