shit my awards doesnt want 2 show up in my awards thingy and i dunno why (sad face)
It takes time. Just take it easy and drink a coke and see some ....
my name's johnny utah!
the thing is that when i win them i check back at bfhq , do not show the ones i just win, thats the thing
You have to wait more than 10 seconds for them to show up. And sometimes they don't even show up at all. I've played rounds and gotten awards but they never showed up (not even 3 months later). Are you sure the servers are ranked? Even though the ones I played in said they were ranked, those rounds still never counted. Sometimes you just have bad luck and you've got to move on.
Yea EA has a stats problem again, I am getting Veteran Pistol over and over... so I hope that they will restore it, someone in my clan had 10 times the good conduct ribbon, he went in 2 days 8 ranks up...
i gess cause i know i got the expert knife or dog tag collector and i got bunch of pins and my suqad beacon thingy . my unlocks are the only thing that shows up but no my awards
yah my socr eis gpoing up but none of my kills r registering to ahy of the weopans