
Is it wrong to give a homeless person alcohol?

Yes57%57% - 70
No31%31% - 38
Depends (specify)11%11% - 14
Total: 122
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+399|6626|Somewhere else

I kinda throw this thought around in my mind alot, I figured I would ask you guys what your answer is.

Is it wrong to give a homeless person alcohol?

I am not asking you if you would just drink it yourself,or if most of us wouldn't waste the money, or if you are charitable, buy them food instead.

I am asking, if, there you are, standing there, is it morally/ socially (etc.) correct to give a homeless person alcohol, knowing full well it won't help them out of the life they are in?
yes its wrong
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+387|6470|New Haven, CT
Yes, especially because you may be contributing towards a dependency on alcohol, which would help destroy any chance they have of ascending from their current conditions.
+429|6593|Chicago, IL
yes, he clearly specified crack on the wishlist.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6609|Tyne & Wear, England
Alcohol is a luxury.  A homeless person first needs the basics ... food, water and shelter.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
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+387|6470|New Haven, CT


Alcohol is a potentially addictive money pit.  A homeless person first needs the basics ... food, water and shelter.
+72|6868|Indianapolis, IN
lol, I forgot this was the serious section when I answered...

I agree that they need the basics, but it might be fun to hand out a bottle or two some day...
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6609|Tyne & Wear, England

nukchebi0 wrote:


Alcohol is a potentially addictive money pit.  A homeless person first needs the basics ... food, water and shelter.
Please refrain from 'fixing' my posts.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
pics or it didn't happen
i was in San Fransisco over Christmas, and no lie, a homeless guy asked me for four dollars because "c'mon man, i'm only four dollars short of buying some marijuana." 


also, i would like to go on record again saying that "fixing" what people say should be a banable offense.
Yes its wrong and that's why I don't give them change in which they can go buy more booze and cigs.  I give out food or sodas to them instead.
You know, any other day...  I would have said "Yes, completely immoral, it is reckless and irresponsible" etc.etc.

Yet, after recently watching a documentary based on Jack Kerouac's writings, presented by the rather idiosyncratic British comedian Russell Brand, my viewpoint on it has changed somewhat. For those who don't know, Russell Brand used to be a TV-presenter for MTV Networks... until he was fired. The guy was a trainwreck; yet he was a hilariously funny trainwreck to watch on TV. He was a drug addict, and his life was quite visibly going down the drain for all to see.

Anyway- enough context! Whilst travelling across America in homage to Kerouac's 'On The Road' (the book that practically carved way for the entire beat generation), Brand found himself in a certain hood that had a lot of homeless people. He approached them for their opinions on the lifestyle/views laid out in Kerouac's spiritualist book, and was astounded by their positive attitude and comradeship. You could tell that it reminded him of his own previous years when he was down and out. Russell and the rest of the crew generously dished out lots of Dolluh and moved on.

However, soon after an American council-worker approached and gave them the lecture that is basically emerging in all of the above posts. "What the hell are you doing? Those people are well-known crack addicts, and you just gave them money that will help them further their habit and destroy their lives" etc.etc.

It was funny seeing Russell Brand - very publicly known as being a turned-around addict - being lectured by some random civil service worker. His response is now what (partly) shapes my opinion on it today:

"When you're living freely like that on the streets, you take every day as it comes. These people have literally nothing in their lives, and today is all that matters to them in their addicted short-sighted mind. If I can give them happiness and joy right here and now, in the miserable existence that they have- then I will do that."

Touché I thought, touché. Was very in line with the focus of the documentary: living and deriving the greatest pleasures in life from the beautiful spontaneity of 'now', the present.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
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+387|6470|New Haven, CT


nukchebi0 wrote:


Alcohol is a potentially addictive money pit.  A homeless person first needs the basics ... food, water and shelter.
Please refrain from 'fixing' my posts.
Fine. But you understated it.
+72|6868|Indianapolis, IN
That is interesting but it makes sense.
I guess, I wouldn't personally give them alcohol because that is not what I feel is right.
I guess what it could come down to is the idea of, "to each his own."
If you are fine making the day for someone by giving them money or alcohol, more power to you.
If you don't like give them a basic need.

I don't see one way being morally wrong or right as long as you are giving them something.
O Canada
+1,596|6551|North Carolina
My personal rule is...  when in doubt, say "depends."  I guess if the person was truly homeless and did not have a car, then I probably wouldn't mind giving them some alcohol.  As long as the person isn't driving or isn't going to be driving, why not?
This topic seems to have no actual posts
they aren't going to change (for the most part) so why not. that is if you think they deserve it, which in most cases, they don't.
my sigs worse than yours
I remember in Seattle seeing a guy with a sign that said beer fund. He was getting alot of change. Another guy had a cup attached to a fishing rod and had something similiar. If someone is to the point their living on the streets due to an addiction, they're probably beyond help. I don't know. Alot of homeless people aren't alcoholics, just people who fell on rough times and were unlucky. I enjoy beer, and would be happy if someone bought me free beer, so why would it be any different to give a homeless person beer? I'm sure they'd be grateful, because yeah, it's a luxury, but it'd still be nice to get it.
I would only say it is wrong if he then gets drunk and crashes his BMW into his cardboard garage. His insurance will sky rocket.

Come on. How could it be wrong? He is down on his luck and basically has nothing. A little liquid Christmas is just what he needs.
+270|6691|Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Arcano-D.E.S wrote:

I would only say it is wrong if he then gets drunk and crashes his BMW into his cardboard garage. His insurance will sky rocket.

Come on. How could it be wrong? He is down on his luck and basically has nothing. A little liquid Christmas is just what he needs.
Fueling an addiction that has (most likely) lost him everything? Not really what i would call something he needs.
my sigs worse than yours

Madhadda1 wrote:

Arcano-D.E.S wrote:

I would only say it is wrong if he then gets drunk and crashes his BMW into his cardboard garage. His insurance will sky rocket.

Come on. How could it be wrong? He is down on his luck and basically has nothing. A little liquid Christmas is just what he needs.
Fueling an addiction that has (most likely) lost him everything? Not really what i would call something he needs.
Not every homeless person is a drunk.
+270|6691|Cedar Rapids, Iowa

NateWiese wrote:

Madhadda1 wrote:

Arcano-D.E.S wrote:

I would only say it is wrong if he then gets drunk and crashes his BMW into his cardboard garage. His insurance will sky rocket.

Come on. How could it be wrong? He is down on his luck and basically has nothing. A little liquid Christmas is just what he needs.
Fueling an addiction that has (most likely) lost him everything? Not really what i would call something he needs.
Not every homeless person is a drunk.
Hence the reason i put "most likely"
Serial Jay-Walker
+52|6130|Perth, indian ocean
The last thing a homeless person needs is alchohol.
mostly afk
+480|6696|CH/BR - in UK

Eh - not sure. Depends, I suppose. Choosing between the money to buy alcohol and alcohol istelf, I'd choose the money, because I would only be partially responsible for what he does with the money. He's less likely to hurts someone that way, so it's a benefit to society...

+354|6405|Basel, Switzerland
Better give him money, so he can decide himself if he's hungry or if he reaaally need the alcool.
No it is not wrong, there is nothing wrong with adding a little comfort to a persons life who is down and out to help lift their spirit even for a small moment. Thoughtfulness, in such cases will make you feel just as warm on a cold night, as that drink will to the homeless guy.
Yes it's wrong, it's not my fault if he couldnt work for himself, and screwed up his own life...you're getting nothing free from me buddy, be it alcohol or anything else.

(I realise that's not quite what you're asking, but hey)
I know fucking karate

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