
What language will the Euro Force speak? A NEW POLL!

English41%41% - 63
German9%9% - 15
French14%14% - 22
Italian1%1% - 2
Spanish1%1% - 2
Swedish2%2% - 4
Dutch6%6% - 10
Latin4%4% - 7
Sign Language3%3% - 6
Those African cluck sounds13%13% - 21
Total: 152
+25|6804|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
if they give us french as the euro language i fucking kill them fucking hate the french and alot if british do to
+81|6922|LEEDS!!!!!, Yorkshire
well british is the standard langauge when you are communicating with a country that speaks english after that its up to them what they do.
Dear God please let my karma one day reach 100, whether it be tomorrow or 1000 years in the future i want it to happen.
+557|6886|Oslo, Norway
i'd like scottish or norwegian
and I'm not a raincoat...
im dutch but i hope it wont be dutch

there is this game, something with building in the middle age, and they speak dutch and it sounds stupid.

cant put it else. its stupid. it doesnt sound nice.

im just used to english or strange chinees or middle east talk stuff which sounds funny.

War Man wrote:

Lol  sign  language,  doubt  that,  how  can  you  see  if  you  are  so  far  away  from  the  guy  that  did  that.
smoke works great on huge distances

but seriously, europe has his own language, it's named esperanto, no one speaks it, excepts some wikigeeks, but  putting that language into a videogame would increase its popularity. maybe some european teenage would soon take esperanto lessons at school, if it happens....
ok, i doubt, it will be esperanto, but it would be cool!

Last edited by doxy (2006-02-11 13:56:01)

+98|6891|netherlands, sweet lake city
wel if some dutch voice actors would do the trick it would sound better then if some american says it    couse that soesnt sound for shit...  i  hope that every kit has some other accent
YAwul!!! i gues it wil be english
+22|6816|England, UK
Yeah, it'll be english(british), and others with mixed accents, russian, german etc etc.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6866|Purplicious Wisconsin

raz wrote:

Yeah, it'll be english(british), and others with mixed accents, russian, german etc etc.
Russia is more towards asia than europe, so I really doubt it will be russian.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
How many people speak which language (as 1st language):
   3. 310 Mill. - English
  10. 101 Mill. - German
  18.  64,9 Mill. - French
  20.  61,0 Mill. - Italian
(according to wikipedia)

English wouldnt be...you know....."European" enough I think because many people outside europe speak it and Britain isnt really part of the continent . So I d say it would be fair to make it German.

German as an official language (at least in parts of it):
Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Italy, Denmark, Vatikan(Swiss guards)<-- most important

All of those are european countries....

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-02-11 11:53:39)

and I'm not a raincoat...
german would be fun

as in the old games. bf1942 if im correct.

maybe EA or DICE still has some of those german-"speakers" in the closet ...

...oh wait...or am i know confused with mohaa? "kameraad unter mit dir" ??

Last edited by Poncho (2006-02-11 12:10:14)

The Second Apostle Of Chuy
+78|6857|Flaming_Maniac = pwnd.


Tu es Stercus!!

Last edited by mr.widdim (2006-02-12 12:13:16)

The Buzz
Hired to kill... you... and you...and you
+8|6884|Québec, Canada
J'aimerais que le français serait choisi!
Sans aucun doute... Vous allez adorez le francais.. Merde Alors !!

"J'ai un tireur d'élite dans le cul"
When i heard that it was another expantion coming, I hoped that there would be different teams from all the bigest countrys in europe! Is it really gonna be just one single new army?

Hmm, would be cool if they spoke swe or how about some angry dutch?
lol, i bet its gonna be some boring english again cus of thats the main languidge in europe.
Otherwise, I pray.... please.... dont let it be french or spanish!! french and spanish sounds like cozy talking, it sounds like theyr always talking to a baby with a cozy voice! :s (people from spain and france, dont take this personally! I bet u think norwegian sounds gay, lol)

Umm, would have been funny if they spoke norwegian in EF, cus i havent heard anyone speak norwegian in any computer game ever! (just pretend u didnt hear that one lol)

Ok, then after all.... GO Dutch! it sounds cool! aye!

Spank you!
as good as me you never will be

Poncho wrote:

im dutch but i hope it wont be dutch

there is this game, something with building in the middle age, and they speak dutch and it sounds stupid.

cant put it else. its stupid. it doesnt sound nice.

im just used to english or strange chinees or middle east talk stuff which sounds funny.
i'm dutch too and i too hope it won't be dutch because just the normal bf2 (if u installed it in dutch) is translated like by a gay or someting. i don't think u normally say on the battlefield : "eerste hulp, hier!" or "kom me helpen maatje!". it just sounds too gay
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|6908|The Netherlands
Just to show how bad Dutch would be in this game.

enemy tank spotted: Vijandelijke tank in zicht
UAV online and transmitting: UAV is in de lucht en verzend nu data
Clear! you live buddy now get back to the fight: Vrij!  je leeft maat. ga nu weer terug naar het gevecht
We got company overhead: we hebben gezelschap boven ons
enemy sniper spotted: Vijandelijke sluipschutter gesignaleerd
Artillery your area: Artillerie in jullie gebied!
Get ammo here!: hier liggen kogels voor je

this is just too sad i dont hate my language but it does not sound cool maybe just because I understand it

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

latin would be sick
but funny sick
I cant stand French,Chinese,German Languages are so annoying.
fire at will!!!
+76|6866|Leiden, Holland for the n00bs
LATIN FOR LIFE , but I dont think that most of the soldiers in the army can speak/read/understand Latin, but it will give some funny shit
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6866|Purplicious Wisconsin
They are going to sound like the british sas in special forces, get over it.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
WCR official whiner
+6|6880|Madrid, Spain
It would be fair for the european players to have a language in EF coming from that good old latin stuff. And as I mentioned before, it should be French. We have anglo saxon, arab and asian language in BF2, now it's time for the mother of all living tongues to feature in our game

Last edited by Stratocaster (2006-02-11 15:41:20)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
Doesn't Germany have the best economy in Europe?  I really thought it'd be German/English
WCR official whiner
+6|6880|Madrid, Spain
as long as it's not english again I will be happy, german is ok for me too!!
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6847|San Francisco

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

I cant stand French,Chinese,German Languages are so annoying.
Why does that TOTALLY not surprise me...

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