That was a given~Smokey~ wrote:
Deagle with scroll wheel is funnererTimmmmaaaaH wrote:
yet eternally pessimistic...TheEternalPessimist wrote:
I'm always happy
Deagle in HC is awesome fun.
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The pretty thing of HC mode, is that lone wolfs have a better chance of getting their 10 second wait. Squadding up makes it so much more fun, covering each other. Covering fire with a m249 forces the enemy down on the ground for cover, unlike BF2.
Did a test with a clan mate, took me 16 shots with an M16 at around 40ft to kill him on regular. Now im sorry but that is just shit.james@alienware wrote:
How is getting headshots luck? That is defiantly a skill - aiming.Mek-Izzle wrote:
No.nukchebi0 wrote:
Tis true.
I was playing regular CoD the other day, and it was lame to say the least. 90% of the time I was shooting first and getting first hits but they jumped around/turned around and killed me. Or went behind cover and then popped out and killed me. [highlight]In regular mode it's all about getting headshots, which is just random luck.[/highlight] In hardcore mode you don't need that. I pretty much only ever play Hardcore mode. Infact my first ever round of CoD4 was hardcore (unintentional, but still)
And also, if they jump around a kill you or go behind cover then kill, doesn't that just make them a better player?
And also, you make out that in regular you need a huge amount of bullets to kill someone, which simply isn't true.
You don't need to get a headshot, sure, it kills them in one shot (as it does in hardcore), but, it only takes serveral body shots to kill someone which is 1 or 2 short bursts (both on target) - not just 1 or 2 shots on target in hardcore.
If you look at it that way ^ ....regular takes more skill as it were.
Rofl, iMPaCt ownedJET_G raidensen wrote:
Sorry we cant devote our lives to a game that isnt terribly amazing.iMPaCT.uK wrote:
lol @ public cod4 plz just play scrims.
public = terrrrrrrraaaaaabad
Standard sucks balls. Bunch of tube and nade spamming that takes NO skill. All you need is 2 or more people and tube them with sonic boom. Next thing you know you're near the top of the scores. Doesn't mean you're a better player.
I prefer playing tactical realism. The idea being it's an attempt to achieve real life kind of combat. So there is camping, and very little nading/tubing. No RNG and most of the really good players know tactics over spamming. That, imo, makes them far superior gamers than those running around in standard servers with no real clue of what tactics are.
tactics > spammin'
my $.02
I prefer playing tactical realism. The idea being it's an attempt to achieve real life kind of combat. So there is camping, and very little nading/tubing. No RNG and most of the really good players know tactics over spamming. That, imo, makes them far superior gamers than those running around in standard servers with no real clue of what tactics are.
tactics > spammin'
my $.02
No, I'm sorry that's wrong. 16 shots is bullshit, with an M16 even without stopping power two bursts to the chest should have taken him down. Since you attempted at range, the shots probably missed due to recoil and that's just a bad test.Vilham wrote:
Did a test with a clan mate, took me 16 shots with an M16 at around 40ft to kill him on regular. Now im sorry but that is just shit.
I've shot many people in the head with G3/M14 with SPower and it didn't kill them in one shot (reg mode).
I haven't tried hardcore yet, I hope it's all it lives up to be, I want a few more blue tigers before giving up noob tube nade spam keyboard smash ville.
Hardcore SD = owns every other one to shit. TBH, after you play a few hours of SD in general, the entire game is full of noobs compared to it. I dont know how some of you expect to like the game after 2 weeks of playing TDM.
Scrims are fun, but if you only play scrims you're not getting any real amount of playtime unless you've got good consecutive scrims going.iMPaCT.uK wrote:
Rofl, iMPaCt ownedJET_G raidensen wrote:
Sorry we cant devote our lives to a game that isnt terribly amazing.iMPaCT.uK wrote:
lol @ public cod4 plz just play scrims.
public = terrrrrrrraaaaaabad
I'm not going to spend $40-50 on a game to only play it an hour every once and a while.
hardcore is the best part about this game. Noob tube should be abolished.
I've just bought the game and I've been playing both normal and hardcore and I can really see the difference. I can see why a lot of people think it's great because it forces you to make very, very quick accurate shots. At the same time I can see why some dislike it. A lot of the weapons become so powerful they just undermine other guns and simply kill in one chest shot like the G3.
why do people keep fighting over this? people who like the bouncing game of standard will play it, people who like sprinting from cover and using cover/tactics will play hardcore... just the way it is
I have no love for hardcore.
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- Hardcore Mode: Making Call of Duty a luck-based game since 2007