+456|6284|Carnoustie, Scotland
Not drunk, didn't get to kiss anyone for the third year running, didn't get to set off fireworks, etc etc.
2007 was SHIT. I've had a shit computer up untill Christmas, I got reset on BF2, my COD4 fucked up a few days after I got it. Been shot down by sooo many girls, Fucked up school, fucked up soo many friendships.

How was your year/new year?

+2,382|6829|The North, beyond the wall.
Usmarine please.

+1,175|6714|British Columbia, Canada
The last few weeks have been really shitty...

So fuck it, I'm getting smashed tonight.. I don't want this to be a New Years I remember.
I blew up fireworks for 2 hours, it was great

Last edited by suomalainen_äijä (2007-12-31 17:48:25)


Funky_Finny wrote:

didn't get to kiss anyone for the third year running,

At least you've kissed someone at some point
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6682|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
07 for me was awsm, new job, new truck, moar heinken.
Wow you always complain - lighten up, its time to turn over a new leaf
+456|6284|Carnoustie, Scotland

stkhoplite wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:

didn't get to kiss anyone for the third year running,

At least you've kissed someone at some point
Srry, wut?

kptk92 wrote:

Wow you always complain - lighten up, its time to turn over a new leaf
When do I complain? And this is what I'm trying to do; get 2007 outta my system.

Last edited by Funky_Finny (2007-12-31 17:48:04)


Funky_Finny wrote:

stkhoplite wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:

didn't get to kiss anyone for the third year running,

At least you've kissed someone at some point
Srry, wut?
In 3 years. So before 3 years ago you've kissed someone.
international welder....Douchebag Dude, <3 ur mom
+257|6678|Milkystania, yurop
Wow my year ive had relatives die , ppl around me have gotten terminal sicknesses stroke you name it.

but yea getting reset on bf2 is uber hard

When you get older you will not belive how much shittier your year/life can be

Last edited by Magpie (2007-12-31 17:49:49)


Funky_Finny wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

Wow you always complain - lighten up, its time to turn over a new leaf
When do I complain? And this is what I'm trying to do; get 2007 outta my system.
Ok, I might of over-exaggerated there...

But get it all out now, because its a new year now, and 2007 is so old.
+456|6284|Carnoustie, Scotland

Magpie wrote:

Wow my year ive had relatives die , ppl around me have gotten terminal sicknesses stroke you name it.

but yea getting reset on bf2 is uber hard

When you get older you will not belive how much shittier your year/life can be
My grandad died, too, and my grandmother got diagnosed with terminal cancer, but I left that out the op, too personal.

Your link in sig slightly cheered me up

kptk92 wrote:

But get it all out now, because its a new year now, and 2007 is so old.
It's so last year.

Last edited by Funky_Finny (2007-12-31 17:51:46)

I'll take two
+132|6937|Perth, Western Australia
Sounds exactly like my year except I pwnt school and CoD4 didnt fuck up (oh and my bf2 didnt get reset)
there's laughter in slaughter
I have a friend who is desperate for kids.... She and her partner (male) have spent £1200 on IVF and have had to borrow that against all they have. She didn't get pregnant and so is working every day for the next 12 years to pay that back.

I have a friend who 11 years ago gave birth to a kid she didn't want... she still doesn't want the kid and does little for him... She lives her life like a single mum... and yet the other girl has given all for such luxury.

I'm not preaching but sometimes life is a fuckin lot deeper than any of us give it credit..

the right time will come for you man.... but there are no guarantees... just live it . best of luck.

remember people who wanted to live died today
+456|6284|Carnoustie, Scotland

slaata wrote:

I have a friend who is desperate for kids.... She and her partner (male) have spent £1200 on IVF and have had to borrow that against all they have. She didn't get pregnant and so is working every day for the next 12 years to pay that back.

I have a friend who 11 years ago gave birth to a kid she didn't want... she still doesn't want the kid and does little for him... She lives her life like a single mum... and yet the other girl has given all for such luxury.

I'm not preaching but sometimes life is a fuckin lot deeper than any of us give it credit..

the right time will come for you man.... but there are no guarantees... just live it . best of luck.

remember people who wanted to live died today


Scratching my back
This year was spot on, got my awesome new job, met loads of new people there (Half of them are console noobs tho lol, i almost converted them to pc when i showed them Crysis ), i became a uncle, bought and built my pride and PC

So yea, bring on 08!!!
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6814|Groningen, The Netherlands
2007 was a great year for me.

Moved to a new city, met new friends, still see the ol' gang every now and then.
School worked out, barely passed but hey that's all you need
uni is cool to

Only thing I've been missing this year is a gf, but the hopes are up for 2008 ^^
there's laughter in slaughter
nice one man....
GunSlinger OIF II
Tell ya dude, I didn't kiss a girl until I was 16. Life does get better as you get older. At least for me it did :-)
+108|6894|In the hills
Oddly enough, I had a great year, other than some severe depression, I had a great year.  I got laid, but I also got dumped in a shitty way, but ya know what, I don't look back on the shit and I look back at the gold.  If you want to think this year sucked, then you are only fooling yourself, you probably had a great year.
I play at night... mostly
+47|6698|the best galaxy
Life sucks. And then You die.

or worse:

Life is brilliant. And then You die.
Meow :3 :3
how old are you? i'll assume somewhere in highschool.  girls in highschool are too [couldn't find the word, use your imagination] to waste time on.  someone special will come your way in the years to come, maybe even 2008.  Focus on getting good grades, get into a good college, and live a happy life.  there is no garuntee there is heaven so just live life as happy as you can.  you have an awesome life compared to a lot of people.  think of the people that live everyday in poverty, or have no family, or live on the street.  just chin up, new year, new opportunities, be happy.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6961|Marathon, Florida Keys

jord wrote:

Usmarine please.

usmarine2005 wrote:


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