
Battlefield Conditions wrote:

Situation: Oooh! Juicy grasshopper-shaped helicopter waiting to be shot out of the sky.

ChopperPilot: Oh, no! Plane! Better pull up!
You: Oh, no! Chopper pulling up! Better veer off!--YAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!~~111121o2oentwo

You [J10] ChopperPilot
You [J10] ChopperGunner
You are no more.

ChopperPilot: Again?
ChopperGunner: Noob jet pilot, kamikaze.
ChopperPilot: Go after planes, noob jet pilot!
You: Uh, I pulled away. You veered into me.
ChopperGunner: You were going faster! Noob asshat!
You: Gives me less response time, doesn't it!
Needless to say, I laugh my ass off so hard when this happens that I'm almost unable to play for the rest of the round.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-08 22:58:54)

Get out of MY JET!!!
that happened to me too many times


now i just go beneth them or just veer off from loooong distance
Which ever who was going faster and in a more maneuverable vessel is at fault for rams.. 90% of the time it's a jet. You were just greedy bro.
speaking of rams i was in a chooper and a sergant major on my team is flying  jet and decides that he is too lasy to fly around me so he tries to fly through me hehe,

needless to say it didnt work too well
+60|6866|USA, Arizona
I don't like using jets cuz it makes me feel stupid when I crash... or accidentally ram into someone and then everyone who notices it, flames on you till there's no remorse left in the game and then a votekick is started. Ugh.
Over the line!
+70|6902|Mark it zero.
i was taking off on a runway and a chopper hit me and he blames me for ramming him... wtf. atleast i got the 2 kills
Mod Incarnate
I'm never at fault for any kind of ram/tk/accident. Clearly the blame lies with the other pilot's actions + the reflection of the sun off his canopy in my eyes + freak change in wind direction + commander distracting me with orders he knows I cant follow. It gets on my nerves when the pilot of the helicopter that just flew into me gets on my back about ramming. It's my airspace while I'm in it!

Yeah I hate it when the Essex doesn't yield. And those mountains! They think they can just sit there, hello? There's a war going on here? The nerve..
Mod Incarnate

Chillay-14 wrote:

Your wit knows no bounds.
+0|6805|Building Behind You
Happens a lot. Sometimes I have done it but always say sorry for it. What annoys me is pilots who crash into Blackhawks on purpose just to get all the kills. They dont have enough skill to shoot them down
I can get real close to choppers and missle/shoot them then veer off inches away killing them, while using my dads computer with his sweet joystick.. but my joystick is old and loose, and the reaction speed SUCKS so I always hit the chopper, then they call me a noob lol.

Ya, I need a new stick.
Destroy Noob Cannons
sometimes it IS the chopper's fault. too many times I've pulled up and the chopper goes insane and pulls his nose up or just lifts straight up and hits me.
the jet is attacking , the Jet see's him! the Jet knows the chopper wil manouver to keep alive
so i blame the jet yes

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

sometimes it IS the chopper's fault. too many times I've pulled up and the chopper goes insane and pulls his nose up or just lifts straight up and hits me.
Are you kidding me, you are in the jet and can always manouver away from a chopper, you know they are going to try and avoid your attack.

A bunch of people here wrote:

OMG the jet is faster and more manueverable! your fault! z0mg!
It doesn't stop crazy-assed helicopters from flipping out and moving themselves to a completely different place in the sky (often where you move to avoid them) in under half a second. Sure, you're faster and more manueverable, but you don't have alot of time to respond when the situation suddenly changes like that. Thus, you cannot always manuever away from something while in a plane. Too much forward momentum in some cases, and occasional fits of lag in others. Jet pilots could always play it safe and stay 300m away from their targets, but then they could also obey air traffic laws, land to repair, and never buzz troops and roadkill enemy soldiers by flying a foot off the ground. Honestly, where is the fun in that? Half of my plane on chopper kills have come from last minute missile releases in single passes, which unfortunately leads many chopper pilots to believe I've collided with them when I haven't. Ah, the kickvotes...

Now, I fly both planes and helicopters, so I am not biased either way. When I am flying in a helicopter, I know that a plane who waits to the last minute to veer off while strafing me is going to pull up. I also know that it is difficult to track a helicopter that suddenly moves to the side, rather than in a vertical direction. When a helicopter moves down, a plane will often have to point its nose downward to hit you, increasing their speed and thus increases their risk of colliding with buildings, terrain, or their target. Therefore, with this knowledge in mind, when being strafed I'll start spinning to the side and dropping altitude...even when I don't know where the plane is coming from. Presenting such an erratic and dropping target to jet pilots has consistantly saved me from being blown up in one pass, giving me time to go for repairs or hop out.

Sure, I suppose some accusation of greed can be assigned to the plane pilot, but you can't assign sole blame of a collision to him when a chopper (sometimes knowingly) veers up into him. Suprisingly, I don't see half as many people complaining about kamikaze C4 strikes that take out two to ten enemy flaggers as I do about accidental mid-air collisions.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-09 18:37:37)

I like it best when jets dont turn on their AA and they dont shoot a single bullet while flying head on to you, then claim it was my fault "i cant fly a chopper", lmfao, idiots.. some people just stare at choppers head on and wait it out... other try to AVOID choppers...

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

I like it best when jets dont turn on their AA and they dont shoot a single bullet while flying head on to you...
Now that's a case of dumbass kamikazeism. lol

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-09 18:39:36)

see that's why in real life we have air traffic control.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

A bunch of people here wrote:

OMG the jet is faster and more manueverable! your fault! z0mg!
Sure, you're faster and more manueverable, but you don't have alot of time to respond when the situation suddenly changes like that. Thus, you cannot always manuever away from something while in a plane.
Guess why? You put yourself in that situation! DUH. Choppers can only move at a certain speed, and you know that. No matter how hard the pilot is hitting that throttle! Choppers don't go out of their way to hunt jets. A few exceptions would be when I'm having a friend line a TV shot for me. This means most of the time, the chopper won't even know you are charging at him. So who has more control over the situation? Think about it. Being the faster one in the sky, it is ALWAYS the option for you to veer off early, where as a chopper won't always have that option when a greedy jet is strafing at you at dangerously close range. Who said you need to veer off at 300m from taget? Quit playin dumb, all you gotta do is to pull up a split second earlier than you usually do when making passes. It's that simple. Jet's complaining about getting rammed by choppers is the stupidest complain I hear in the game. Cracks me up each time.
another retard pilot who tried to blame his ramming on the chopper ..

maybe its too complex for you, but if you cant kill the chopper with a plane (which has a huge inherant advantage) in sufficient time before you get into a ramming scenario it is allways your fault
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg thats soo tragic i mourne your loss.........
hey whos up for some bf2 i call shotgun
If im in a chopper i just open the door so the jet can go threw me.
bad touch

that just happened to me. i was on wake, 52 for 0 when i veer up too steep into a BH, people start bitchiing, like "geez stryyker cant hit shit so you have to ram? noob"

i made it all better by making sure they never got the BH again tho

tF-afrojap wrote:

Guess why? You put yourself in that situation! DUH. Choppers can only move at a certain speed, and you know that. No matter how hard the pilot is hitting that throttle! Choppers don't go out of their way to hunt jets. A few exceptions would be when I'm having a friend line a TV shot for me. This means most of the time, the chopper won't even know you are charging at him. So who has more control over the situation? Think about it. Being the faster one in the sky, it is ALWAYS the option for you to veer off early, where as a chopper won't always have that option when a greedy jet is strafing at you at dangerously close range. Who said you need to veer off at 300m from taget? Quit playin dumb, all you gotta do is to pull up a split second earlier than you usually do when making passes. It's that simple. Jet's complaining about getting rammed by choppers is the stupidest complain I hear in the game. Cracks me up each time.
Tsk. Everybody puts themselves into that situation the moment they hop into a chopper or plane.

A chopper will usually know a jet is charging by the lockon warning, or the sudden drop in health. If you're in a jet map, it's usually a jet and not some rogue FAV peppering you with bullets, but evasive manuevers remain unchanged. And no, while you're doing spur of the moment chopper strafing, "pulling up a split second earlier than you usually do" will not always work, if the chopper jinks suddenly up and forward into your path. It's just BF physics combined with bizarre way the game can sometimes handle fast-moving hitboxes with its netcode. And yes, I agree that if you don't laugh at tons of angry expletives and friendly bumblebee kickvotes after mid-air collisions, you need a sense of humor.

And who says choppers don't go out of their way to hunt jets? Mine do. And they succeed sometimes, at that. All it takes are a few well placed rockets against that jet flying in a straight line, or a solid TV hit.

chitlin wrote:

another retard pilot who tried to blame his ramming on the chopper ..

maybe its too complex for you, but if you cant kill the chopper with a plane (which has a huge inherant advantage) in sufficient time before you get into a ramming scenario it is allways your fault
Uh huh...

Maybe it's too complex for you, but many jet pilots strafe multiple targets of opportunity before veering off for another pass. Get a cobra and a pair of blackhawk kills under your J-10 belt in one strafing, then come back with 'retard' insults. Call it greed, but I call it gaming. If I felt like really tossing blame about, I'd have filed it under BF2 - Complaints.

I can get 70 and 0 without dying, but the one time a mid air collision occurs with me in it, it's all OMG NOOB RAMMING WHORE JET PILOT! VOTEKICK! WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!`1on211oentwo~

And I wouldn't have it any other way. It's what makes Battlefield 2 so fun!

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-02-10 05:57:20)

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