
SharkyMcshark wrote:

"And then people say 'oh my god this is really bad, how could this happen?'... Well you've got a lot of guns lying around, and they do have a limited range of household applications..." - Dylan Moran

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
Prepare to be told that the answer is that EVERYONE should be carrying guns. EVERYONE.
Ya ya STFU you idiots. … -2,00.html,2933,308961,00.html
I'll take two
+132|6937|Perth, Western Australia
"... and they go 'He's got a gun and he's shooting people it's amazing, it's incredible, it's awful, it's terrible, how did this happen?'... Well you all have guns... and they do have a limited range of household applications" - Dylan Moran

That's the quote word for word.
Little BaBy JESUS

usmarine2005 wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

"And then people say 'oh my god this is really bad, how could this happen?'... Well you've got a lot of guns lying around, and they do have a limited range of household applications..." - Dylan Moran

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
Prepare to be told that the answer is that EVERYONE should be carrying guns. EVERYONE.
Ya ya STFU you idiots. … -2,00.html,2933,308961,00.html
im sorry usmarine but i dont have time to link every gun murder in america in the last year... would take me weeks

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

im sorry usmarine but i dont have time to link every gun murder in america in the last year... would take me weeks
Nor did I from around the world.  But when you say "we never" makes you look like a douchenozzle.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
First of all read all of my post regarding the Australian comment... maybe pay attention to the one that says " I have nothing but props for the Aussies". Secondly of course we have more shootings in terms of absolute numbers. You would have to multiply your population about 14 times to equal the numbers the United states has. The difference in homicide rates per capita isn't enough for me to give up my freedoms.

Murders (per capita) … per-capita
United States:: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
Australia::: 0.0150324 per 1,000 people
yes but that is talking about murders isnt it?? not specifically guns... sure we find otherways to kill each other in australia.. but id rather that then every phycotic person having access to a semi auto rifle (or something like that)

and even with ur numbers when were talking about GUN related deaths america takes the cake... all of europe combined does not have as many gun related deaths as america... and me thinks theres more ppl in europe than US of A
Shit, Europeans lost the right to bear arms when they nearly destroyed mankind... twice. We do alright for having the freedoms we have. When the stories stop making the news then you will know we have a real problem.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Little BaBy JESUS

usmarine2005 wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

im sorry usmarine but i dont have time to link every gun murder in america in the last year... would take me weeks
Nor did I from around the world.  But when you say "we never" makes you look like a douchenozzle.
please inform me when i EVER said the words "we never"

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

im sorry usmarine but i dont have time to link every gun murder in america in the last year... would take me weeks
Nor did I from around the world.  But when you say "we never" makes you look like a douchenozzle.
please inform me when i EVER said the words "we never"
"using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun."
Germans did 911
+427|6833|Disaster Free Zone

Kmarion wrote:

Murders (per capita) … per-capita
United States:: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
Australia::: 0.0150324 per 1,000 people
I don't see your point? It is still 3 times higher Per capita.

And that's nothing to be concerned about?

Or maybe I should quote a gun advocate.

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Blah. Per Capita stats dont mean shit.
The reasoning is undeniable.

Last edited by DrunkFace (2007-12-17 18:48:57)

Little BaBy JESUS

usmarine2005 wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Nor did I from around the world.  But when you say "we never" makes you look like a douchenozzle.
please inform me when i EVER said the words "we never"
"using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun."
and none of the stories had anything about a 16 year old shooter...

and i didnt say never ... by "u just dont see etcetc" i mean it is extremely uncommon. not impossible
I'll take two
+132|6937|Perth, Western Australia

usmarine2005 wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

"And then people say 'oh my god this is really bad, how could this happen?'... Well you've got a lot of guns lying around, and they do have a limited range of household applications..." - Dylan Moran

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
Prepare to be told that the answer is that EVERYONE should be carrying guns. EVERYONE.
Ya ya STFU you idiots. … -2,00.html,2933,308961,00.html
Hey look, you can find four whole stories.

Does the fact that every fortnight at least once I hear on the radio "Today in *insert American town here* a gunman opened fire in a school/shopping mall/busy street" not warrant some feeling that theres a problem?

Heres some figures for you:

     Gun deaths per 100,000 population (for the year indicated):

                  Homicide     Suicide     Other (inc Accident)

USA (2001)             3.98    5.92   0.36
Italy (1997)               0.81     1.1     0.07
Switzerland (1998)   0.50   5.8     0.10
Canada (2002)           0.4     2.0     0.04
Finland (2003)      0.35     4.45     0.10
Australia (2001)     0.24     1.34     0.10
France (2001)             0.21     3.4     0.49
England/Wales (2002)  0.15   0.2     0.03
Scotland (2002)     0.06     0.2     0.02
Japan (2002)              0.02     0.04     0

These figures clearly show that theres more gun violence per capita in the US than in the other countries listed (first world countries). AND more than 10 times than in Australia, and 25 more times than in england.

Last edited by SharkyMcshark (2007-12-17 18:50:00)


Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

please inform me when i EVER said the words "we never"
"using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun."
and none of the stories had anything about a 16 year old shooter...

and i didnt say never ... by "u just dont see etcetc" i mean it is extremely uncommon. not impossible
Oh so now it has to be 16.  Roger.

SharkyMcshark wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

"And then people say 'oh my god this is really bad, how could this happen?'... Well you've got a lot of guns lying around, and they do have a limited range of household applications..." - Dylan Moran

Prepare to be told that the answer is that EVERYONE should be carrying guns. EVERYONE.
Ya ya STFU you idiots. … -2,00.html,2933,308961,00.html
Hey look, you can find four whole stories.

Does the fact that every fortnight at least once I hear on the radio "Today in *insert American town here* a gunman opened fire in a school/shopping mall/busy street" not warrant some feeling that theres a problem?

Heres some figures for you:

     Gun deaths per 100,000 population (for the year indicated):

                  Homicide     Suicide     Other (inc Accident)

USA (2001)             3.98    5.92   0.36
Italy (1997)               0.81     1.1     0.07
Switzerland (1998)   0.50   5.8     0.10
Canada (2002)           0.4     2.0     0.04
Finland (2003)      0.35     4.45     0.10
Australia (2001)     0.24     1.34     0.10
France (2001)             0.21     3.4     0.49
England/Wales (2002)  0.15   0.2     0.03
Scotland (2002)     0.06     0.2     0.02
Japan (2002)              0.02     0.04     0
gtfo with wiki stats
I'll take two
+132|6937|Perth, Western Australia

usmarine2005 wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Hey look, you can find four whole stories.

Does the fact that every fortnight at least once I hear on the radio "Today in *insert American town here* a gunman opened fire in a school/shopping mall/busy street" not warrant some feeling that theres a problem?

Heres some figures for you:

     Gun deaths per 100,000 population (for the year indicated):

                  Homicide     Suicide     Other (inc Accident)

USA (2001)             3.98    5.92   0.36
Italy (1997)               0.81     1.1     0.07
Switzerland (1998)   0.50   5.8     0.10
Canada (2002)           0.4     2.0     0.04
Finland (2003)      0.35     4.45     0.10
Australia (2001)     0.24     1.34     0.10
France (2001)             0.21     3.4     0.49
England/Wales (2002)  0.15   0.2     0.03
Scotland (2002)     0.06     0.2     0.02
Japan (2002)              0.02     0.04     0
gtfo with wiki stats
1. They're not wiki stats.

2. You can't dismiss them because you don;t like what they show (that there IS a problem).

Just because you had fun playing with guns in the army marine it doesn't mean that they're not part of the problem here.
Little BaBy JESUS

usmarine2005 wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

"using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun."
and none of the stories had anything about a 16 year old shooter...

and i didnt say never ... by "u just dont see etcetc" i mean it is extremely uncommon. not impossible
Oh so now it has to be 16.  Roger.
well thats what i was refering to so dont take it out of context.. if i say something about 16 yr okld shooters dont give me all this crap about 19 year old shooter... shooting at house in sydney blah blah.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

DrunkFace wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Murders (per capita) … per-capita
United States:: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
Australia::: 0.0150324 per 1,000 people
I don't see your point? It is still 3 times higher Per capita.

And that's nothing to be concerned about?
Context. The difference in concern between someone who gets out of bed and faces a 0.042 chance of getting shot and someone who must face odds of 0.015 isn't terrifying to me. The government creeping into my life to tell me what I can and can't own is worrisome though.

It might in a country that seems incredibly eager to break the laws though.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6626|Foothills of S. Carolina

The first place that anyone should look at for why kids these days are as messed up as they are is the parents. There are parents out there that are too busy reliving their own childhoods, or trying to, that they can't or won't spend an ounce of energy or time on their own kids. Thus leaving them to be watched over by the television nanny. Not to mention those same kids upbringing is left to the school system (who can't appropriately punish them for misbehavior ), ie. instead of a paddle to the rear or ruler across the hand, they get detention or suspension. Sure send them to the home where their parents are too damned busy to even notice them, that will teach them.

You wanna lay the blame of kids getting guns and going on shooting sprees at the feet of video games, music, and movies, go ahead. Just remember that if the parents of those children were properly involved, the children wouldn't get their hands on the games, music, or movies.

Sure, now you are gonna say that if the kid wants to see the movie, hear the music, or play the game, they will do it regardless of the parents involvement, right?  Wrong, they may do it, but if the parent is involved it will only happen once. And even more importantly, the parent would be able to explain right and wrong to the kid, explain whats real and what is imaginary.

As far as the "Oh no, lets rape the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and rid the USA of its right to defend itself from threats both foreign and domestic." crowd goes. You don't live in the USA, you don't get a vote. If you live in the USA and are under 18, you don't get a vote. If you are voting age and you want it abolished, call your Congressman, start a petition, get off your can and do something about it.

SharkyMcshark wrote:

1. They're not wiki stats.

2. You can't dismiss them because you don;t like what they show (that there IS a problem).

Just because you had fun playing with guns in the army marine it doesn't mean that they're not part of the problem here.
1.  Source next time

2.  I did not dismiss anything

3.  The problem is not guns
+4|6613|Montreal, Quebec

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

cmon u cant deny the fact that america has a massive number of shooting compared to other developed countries... i mean is it possible ur lax gun laws have something to do with it??
any deranged kid in the USA can get his hands on a gun..

using Australia as an example (yer were all convicts blah blah) u just dont see a 16 yr old in the city getting his hands on a gun.
and u know wat... we have tighter gun laws... and we have ALOT less gun related deaths.

(in fact really the only gun related deaths in australia are accidents and the new wave of depressed farmers commiting suicide)
Have to agree with you on that one...sure if everyone would be a responsible gun owner and all then sure gunz for everyone but the fact of the matter is that we all know that a LOT of people are fucking stupid. You see it when you work...when you walk down the streets or even online on a game....idiots are everywhere so the option of guns for everyone for me is closed. In my opinion the reason you have more kids shooting each other in America (statistcally speaking) is because they have an easy access to guns. Yeah I know that it can be accessible in other countries like mine (Canada) for example but see theres a diffrence about a kid wanting to shoot people because they bully him and he cant take anymore in countries where its banned and that difference is that its gonna take him some effort to get it (in most cases) so that might discourage him from going trough with it compared to a country where (in most cases) guns are more accessible and acting on a tought could be much easier.

My 2 cents
Little BaBy JESUS

usmarine2005 wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

1. They're not wiki stats.

2. You can't dismiss them because you don;t like what they show (that there IS a problem).

Just because you had fun playing with guns in the army marine it doesn't mean that they're not part of the problem here.
1.  Source next time

2.  I did not dismiss anything

3.  The problem is not guns
yer the problem isnt guns... its every nutjob in america having access to guns

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

yer the problem isnt guns... its every nutjob in america having access to guns
I take it you are young??

When I was young, we had MUCH easier access to guns as there were far less restrictions, and stuff like this did not happen.  So tell me guns is the problem again.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6752|132 and Bush

The Vast majority of gun related crimes are not committed by legal registered gun owners... we are all aware of this.. right?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6626|Foothills of S. Carolina

Kmarion wrote:

The Vast majority of gun related crimes are not committed by legal registered gun owners... we are all aware of this.. right?
I would have to say no to this question. I seriously doubt that most people are aware of this.
Little BaBy JESUS

usmarine2005 wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

yer the problem isnt guns... its every nutjob in america having access to guns
I take it you are young??

When I was young, we had MUCH easier access to guns as there were far less restrictions, and stuff like this did not happen.  So tell me guns is the problem again.
so u think ur helping the problem by making guns accessable... sure theres factors that makes ppl crazy. but giving them a gun to express there anger doesnt seem wise
Little BaBy JESUS

Canin wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

The Vast majority of gun related crimes are not committed by legal registered gun owners... we are all aware of this.. right?
I would have to say no to this question. I seriously doubt that most people are aware of this.
ppl are saying its the "crazy youth of today" so obviously there not registered gun owners if their to young.. but if daddy or uncle bob has one... it would be that hard to get

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

yer the problem isnt guns... its every nutjob in america having access to guns
I take it you are young??

When I was young, we had MUCH easier access to guns as there were far less restrictions, and stuff like this did not happen.  So tell me guns is the problem again.
so u think ur helping the problem by making guns accessable... sure theres factors that makes ppl crazy. but giving them a gun to express there anger doesnt seem wise
Like I said, did not happen back when I was in school.  If not guns, people will use knives.  If no knives, people will use bats.  The tools used is not the problem IMO.

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