Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

Less than a mile from my house. What the hell is wrong with kids? They have become pussified. When I was in school we just beat the hell out of each other.
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY (Bay News 9) -- The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office says two students have been shot after getting off a school bus in Gibsonton.

According to the sheriff's office, two students had exited the school bus and entered the Carriage Pointe subdivision when a passenger in a car shot at hem.

A witness said the first shot missed, but the shooter fired again and hit a female first, then a male. Both are 16 years old.

Both victims were taken by air to Tampa General Hospital. Reports are that one student is in critical condition.
More Information

Both students are in the 10th grade at East Bay High School. Their names have not yet been released.

Some witnesses said the shooting is the result of an ongoing fued between several students, including a fistfight that took place last week.

The incident happened about 3:30 p.m. on Carriage Pointe Drive near the intersection of Lilly Bay Court.

Law enforcement officers say they know who the shooter is, but they have not found him. … ng+off+bus
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+550|6790|Amsterdam, NY

Kmarion wrote:

Less than a mile from my house. What the hell is wrong with kids? They have become pussified. When I was in school we just beat the hell out of each other.
less than a mile
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

SgtSlauther wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Less than a mile from my house. What the hell is wrong with kids? They have become pussified. When I was in school we just beat the hell out of each other.
less than a mile
I heard two pops around that time. I live in a new neighborhood and there is construction going on around me so I didn't think much of it.

Last week I got sent home from work because of an Anthrax Scare.. lol , what the hell. I need to find a safer place to live, like maybe Baghdad.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Cowboy from Hell
Right to Bear Arms.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

Right to Bear Arms.
I'm betting they did not have the right to bear arms (legally)... just a guess.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+3,611|6774|London, England

sergeriver wrote:

Right to Bear Arms.
If those students had guns of their own....
+550|6790|Amsterdam, NY

sergeriver wrote:

Right to Bear Arms.
highly doubt they were registered 'legal' guns
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Right to Bear Arms.
I'm betting they did not have the right to bear arms (legally)... just a guess.
Do you really think it matters?  There are so many legal guns, that you can bet there are a lot of illegal too.
Latter Alcoholic
why would you kill another human being, especially if you're a teenager and you KNOW your hormones are crazy?

unless they buttraped your mum and left her to bleed to death or summat....

makes me sick.

Last edited by Airwolf (2007-12-17 15:33:47)

+385|6644|Northern California
It's the GUNS!!!  They're acting up again!!  Oh no!  Run from the guns before they self load, and go bouncing down the street looking for innocent people to shoot!  Hurry and write your representatives demanding they ban the gunzes!!

But seriously, kids are pussified.  Glad I'm a child of the 70's and had to repress all the sarcasm and hate thrown at me.  Now these pansy little kids just react to being called things like they have a right to!

I think all kids who are picked on should write notes to the newspapers saying they are going to come to school armed and kill all the bullies who've been picking on them...then do it.  THEN...Then these pricks who are picking on other kids will get a clue..or maybe the school teachers and administrators will get a clue.  If not, the cycle of violence will never end and the pussification of kids will continue until there's only private schools and the killings start there.

*note to self; home school my kids*
prince of insufficient light

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Right to Bear Arms.
I'm betting they did not have the right to bear arms (legally)... just a guess.
Do you really think it matters?  There are so many legal guns, that you can bet there are a lot of illegal too.
Your solution would be?
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

sergeriver wrote:

Right to Bear Arms.
Oh shut up. Just shut your f' ing liberal trap. I am willing to bet anything that it was some punks who 1) arent even legal to buy a firearm 2) it was an illegal handgun just like you could purchase illegally like any country that bans firearms and 3)responsible gun owners don't have faggy pussy little shootouts with kids.

We have the right to bear arms so we can protect ourselves from foreigners like you. Go find one of Cameron Poe's post so that you can repost the same thing with a different title. At least he thinks.
Malloy must go
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

I was way off.. 3 miles
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+550|6790|Amsterdam, NY

Kmarion wrote:

I was way off.. 3 miles
You still heard it though
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6730|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!
The fuck is wrong with kids these days...why cant they just do like in the old time....a good punch in the mouth and a beer after to settle things.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida

Kmarion wrote:

SgtSlauther wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Less than a mile from my house. What the hell is wrong with kids? They have become pussified. When I was in school we just beat the hell out of each other.
less than a mile
I heard two pops around that time. I live in a new neighborhood and there is construction going on around me so I didn't think much of it.

Last week I got sent home from work because of an Anthrax Scare.. lol , what the hell. I need to find a safer place to live, like maybe Baghdad.
St. Pete
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

SgtSlauther wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I was way off.. 3 miles
You still heard it though
Tis a quiet neighborhood otherwise... See all the dirt, google maps is a little slow to update. That was about 6 months ago when they were just finishing up developing the land.

Spearhead wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

SgtSlauther wrote:

less than a mile
I heard two pops around that time. I live in a new neighborhood and there is construction going on around me so I didn't think much of it.

Last week I got sent home from work because of an Anthrax Scare.. lol , what the hell. I need to find a safer place to live, like maybe Baghdad.
St. Pete
Can't afford it . At least not the size of house I can get out here.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Evil Overlord
This is really sick, no doubt there are many questions to be answered.
+100|6652|State of RETOXification


It's the GUNS!!!  They're acting up again!!  Oh no!  Run from the guns before they self load, and go bouncing down the street looking for innocent people to shoot!  Hurry and write your representatives demanding they ban the gunzes!!

But seriously, kids are pussified.  Glad I'm a child of the 70's and had to repress all the sarcasm and hate thrown at me.  Now these pansy little kids just react to being called things like they have a right to!

I think all kids who are picked on should write notes to the newspapers saying they are going to come to school armed and kill all the bullies who've been picking on them...then do it.  THEN...Then these pricks who are picking on other kids will get a clue..or maybe the school teachers and administrators will get a clue.  If not, the cycle of violence will never end and the pussification of kids will continue until there's only private schools and the killings start there.

*note to self; home school my kids*
What do you expect when their role models like teachers, police, and just about everyone else in authority they see over-reacts to every little situation.  Arresting a 10 year for cutting food... Tazer anyone who complains or even dares question a peace officer.  These kids are learning to have ridiculously thin skin.  Damn, when I was in school getting ribbed, fist fights, arguments, was all a part of growing up.

I can't say that having the bullied kill their bullies is the way to go but I understand the frustration.  Having the bullies get some serious discipline might not work either as it could just enrage them further.  Throw 'em to a shrink and make them volunteer at hospitals, old folks homes, etc.  Maybe some compassion would rub off.
+25|6292|BEHIND YOU!
Lets All Blame Rap Music!

hope they catch the just cant be allowed to go shoot around high school kids...just wrong

Last edited by CDK3Y (2007-12-17 15:56:46)


I am starting to blame video games or music.  We never did this as kids, and we had much easier access to guns.  I don't want to use that as an excuse, but I have no other answer.

And Serge.  Shut yur trap.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

CDK3Y wrote:

Lets All Blame Rap Music!

hope they catch the just cant be allowed to go shoot around high school kids...just wrong
I think they are nearly certain of who it is. He is a minor so they haven't released his name.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6932|Great Brown North
well, at least he/she went after the people that pissed him off and not a shopping mall full of people he didnt know :\

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