Xaat wrote:
Cant switch teams for war college ribbon?
And how the hell can you tell if somebody has team-switched for it????
I think it’s a total joke all the people who were reset for doing this before it was even an official rule. What are you supposed to do if you have increased your win/loose ratio like this already? Now you have made this rule I guess you are fucked.
I’m sorry but I think you should reconsider this one, or change the requirements for this award.
There's a bigger issue with this, and I would REALLY appreciate a RESPONSE about it: in what manner can it be determined whether someone switched to get a better W/L ratio, or switched to be with their clan mates / friends? Given that people who play with a good team get wins more often, then their W/L will go up substantially. So how can one determine whether they switched team to 'artificially boost their points', or just to play alongside their friends?
Or is the suggestion that you
cannot decide to play with your friends/clan because autoswitch switched you? If that is the case, then I have to protest this as terribly unjustified! I think it's fair to assume that playing with friends/clan is one of the main reasons people play this particular game, with its squad dynamic and VOIP!
Indian, I would really appreciate hearing your thoughts on this.
Last edited by oberst_enzian (2006-02-08 18:40:53)