
should the AT kit have granades?

yes51%51% - 63
no, it would be overpowered4%4% - 5
no, make it flash bangs instead3%3% - 4
smoke granade, for sake of balance11%11% - 14
insendiary granades would rock8%8% - 11
water balloons14%14% - 18
wtf, granades? the dao owns6%6% - 8
Total: 123
Umbra Acciptris
yes give them grenades and make the AT rocket do 0 damage to infantry.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6805|NT, like Mick Dundee

I agree with Warco, I recently unlocked the DAO-12, pure fuckin bliss in close combat and not many ranged firefights last long with an Eryx/SRAW around. At the moment the AT kit seems to be Anti Infantry not anti tank and just about everything that Warco mentioned would help (I want more smokies for Assault and some for AT).

I prefer the RPG-7 to the two because of personal experience (Surge, in 30 secs at a bottle neck me and another AT took out a tank, BMP and a Hind). Long distance shots with it are also particularly satisfying because of the drop on the rocket.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+1|6869|Orlando, FL
Wow Flecco, more smoke nades would be awesome for assault! But that's for another thread altogether. I'm glad someone agrees with me though, because DC rocked in that no one vehicle/kit had a supreme advantage over another. No matter how good a jet pilot was, you could bring his ass down with a well placed stringer shot. Choppers were even easier to take out. I also loved that instead of a static stinger launcher like BF2, DC had a static AA gun and that was a hell of alot more effective than the AA guns on the Linebacker or Tunguska. I also LOVED the SA-2 guided missle launcher. It was so much fun guiding that thing right into the ass of a jet. Ah the good ol days.
the spec ops have c4(which people uses more for killing infantry, than vehicules), granades,silence pistol and a really good weapon that is efective in any range, and if the AT guys had granades it wouldn't affect in anything, so quit the "why not give him ammo bags,med packs and support gun" $h!T
the defaul weapons for the AT kit are weak and had low accuracy and  needs a lot of practice to get decent with them, then the at missiles only can kill one trooper at the time and luckyly 2 and for destroying a tank you need to hit it couple of times in spesific spot to make more dammage, so in what would afect that the AT guy had granades to defend him self agains infantry that is hiden behind wall or in rooftops?
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Give em smoke nades or something, that would help vs armor.
Don't Flame
+20|6884|St. Paul, MN
hex nah! no grenades foo, grenades are fo fruits!

and plus, they already have guided explosives, grenades would be too much.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6906|Cambridge (UK)

Superior Mind wrote:

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

Yes, and better guns. The AT class has to be the weakest of them all.
...hmmm....yet an AT guy is in your sig......
Yeah, I play AT more than anything else. That doesn't mean I like the kit.

Cyberwolf wrote:

DAO is excellent at close range
MP5 is decent if you know how to use it...
I've not unlocked the MP5 yet, so I can't comment on it. Yes, the DAO's very good close range. But I don't have problem with the kit at close range - it's in the medium to long range that I find it weak.

Havazn wrote:

...anything at a distance can be worked with a SRAW/ERYX....
And therein lies my problem - I don't use the SRAW/ERYX as anti-personel - it's not what they're designed for and the ammo's too limited, 'specially when it takes half your stock of rockets to take out a tank...

I'm not asking for the AT kit to be really good a everything, I just find it annoyingly weak when having to defend at medium to long range against infantry - which is most of the time...
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
We need one rambo class. That class have bazooko of course and few c4 in hip-pocket, then that kit have also AK-101 with GL in use (or you can select any other weapon with GL that you want). That AK-101 is also scoped edition so you can snipe with it to long range. And there's also double pistols and double knifes in use. Oh and don't forget hand grenades and AT mines. Of course this rambo need unlimited ammo so it also have support feature. Even there's tons of stuff this class is able to run long time because it's RAMBO class. Or maybe not IMO all this current classes with new unlocks (damn I hate most of unlocks) are in good balance but yes I'm some times hoping hand grenades for AT but AT kit is meaned to destroy tanks and jeeps, not to kill infantry.
+4|6968|Berlin, Germany
Nades would be cool...
SRAW/Eryx are enough efficient against infantry, so Frag grenades would overpowered AT class, then AT soldiers needs SMOKE grenades

Sheggalism, in a previous post, wrote:

but AT kit lacks something very useful in real-life anti-armor combat : smoke grenades. Since stealth is a part of AT job, why they haven't them ? example : you throw a smoke in front of an enemy tank, then you shoot it and due to smoke he can't see where the shot comes from.
Or maybe Flash grenades from SF would be cool.
Just one question : Why do the RPG-7 reload so fast ? in real-life it takes about 14 secs to reload it, so why ?
the MP5 is not a unlock, is the defaul submachine gun of the usmc at kit.

quit with the bull crap of the AT is for destroying tanks only and no infantry (for that matter, the medic shouldn't have weapons at all, because he is suposte to heal and revive people and nothing more)<ridiculous
its true that the AT kit's main activity is destroy tanks, but he also need something extra to defend himself or just simply to scape, (because reload an empty dao takes forever,also the eryx/sraw take too long) so having granades or smoke granades gives and oportunity for aliminate the remaining thread or scape from it
yes, shoulder mounted stinger would be great...that would mean new kit
    AA anti-air kit:
    Shoulder mounted stinger
    Submachine gun

Last edited by FrEaK (2006-02-08 08:38:30)

AT need granades.

AT needs everyting it cant get, because ists hard zu get some points when playing AT. You shot 3 missels on a tank - all hit. you fire the last, the guy jumpes out of the thank, the tank explodes, the guy shots you in the heads. Points for you for one minute work: 0. Sure, the tank is gone, but no points for you. Bad. Therefore: granades.
Got milk?

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

Dr. Battlefield,

Why do you want to replace an M-16A2 for a Kalashnikov?
Ummm, its not a real world thing... But sometimes I feel like auto mode for M16a2 will be great.
btw, M16a2 is a great weapon because of its accuracy.

khmer wrote:

Another situation is when you see a CP being taken control of especially ones that are high up like the hotel in karkand or the TV station in SharQi. There two entrances to these CPs if the enemy is smart they will have them covered. If anyone enters they will get mowed down. If you have grenades, just toss em up there to clear em out.
At a distance you could actually get a SRAW rocket up there to.

[A-A]Sgt.Sonner wrote:

khmer wrote:

Another situation is when you see a CP being taken control of especially ones that are high up like the hotel in karkand or the TV station in SharQi. There two entrances to these CPs if the enemy is smart they will have them covered. If anyone enters they will get mowed down. If you have grenades, just toss em up there to clear em out.
At a distance you could actually get a SRAW rocket up there to.
but you can do the job with single granade top 2, but with at missile you'll need one for each enemy and if the enemy is behind a wall you'll have to go aroun, wich make you loose the advantage
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6821|Dayton, Ohio
you all talk like the AA is a loan wolf position.  Snipers and Spec Ops get the extras because they are designed to work as loan wolf positions to infiltrate, hid, destroy behind enemy lines.  AA are ment to be in a squad with other kits that make up for its short commings.  I agree that Nades would be cool but that would defeat some of the reasons for the assault position.  if you are AA and running aroudn without a support guy with nades then you are crazy since you only have a couple shots.  If your support dies pick up thier kit and run with that.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6805|NT, like Mick Dundee

Once again, just so everybody knows, I dont know how many people here realise that nades would be useless for the AT class, smoke grenades on the other hand....

I WANT THE RPG-7 in vanilla BF2.

For the record, the dumbass Hind that I shot down... the Pilot was hovering really close to our position, no real skill in the shots to take it down... just lucky that the pilot was a dumbass.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Don't Flame
+20|6884|St. Paul, MN

FrEaK wrote:

yes, shoulder mounted stinger would be great...that would mean new kit
    AA anti-air kit:
    Shoulder mounted stinger
    Submachine gun
yeah! oh yeah!
that should be an unlock hex yeah!
not sure, what the primary gun should be...a Thompson! lol
Don't Flame
+20|6884|St. Paul, MN

BlueScreen wrote:

We need one rambo class. That class have bazooko of course and few c4 in hip-pocket, then that kit have also AK-101 with GL in use (or you can select any other weapon with GL that you want). That AK-101 is also scoped edition so you can snipe with it to long range. And there's also double pistols and double knifes in use. Oh and don't forget hand grenades and AT mines. Of course this rambo need unlimited ammo so it also have support feature. Even there's tons of stuff this class is able to run long time because it's RAMBO class. Or maybe not IMO all this current classes with new unlocks (damn I hate most of unlocks) are in good balance but yes I'm some times hoping hand grenades for AT but AT kit is meaned to destroy tanks and jeeps, not to kill infantry.
wurd to that too!
BF2 needs a rambo class!
bring your rpg. and your c4! and your one-hit-kill throwing knives! and a magnum! and some pineapples...
Don't Flame
+20|6884|St. Paul, MN
ooo oo ooo! the ultimate n00b kit: The Grenade Kit

Ammo Bag
Hand Grenades
SMG w/ GP95
G3 w/HK79
Pistol w/
and an AT-4!
the catch: you only get this unlock if you're a true n00b
+1|6869|Orlando, FL
Look, guys, if you beef the AT kit up from what it already is you will make it more powerful than the other kits. Who would bother being assault when AT can kill infantry from med/long distance and with nades? Then still be able to take out a tank? Everyone would play AT and it would be unbalanced.

Every kit has a weakness, and currently, the only weakness AT has is engaging troops from med to long range. If you "fix" that weakness, the kit will not have any cons making it UNBALANCED. I'll say it again for you morons that don't understand english. The AT kit has body armor which is designed for ANTI INFANTRY already. If you give them grenades or increase thier small arms range you make the kit UNBALANCED!

I personally want the body armor removed from AT but I doubt it will happen. And even now you can slightly make up for the range weakness by engaging with the SRAW/Eryx. The RPG-7 doesn't work well for that because you can't guide it. So keep bitching, noobs. I'm sure you'll get your UBER 1337 RAMBO KIT someday, when the game is no longer played by the masses.
Mod Incarnate

maton wrote:

the MP5 is not a unlock, is the defaul submachine gun of the usmc at kit.

quit with the bull crap of the AT is for destroying tanks only and no infantry (for that matter, the medic shouldn't have weapons at all, because he is suposte to heal and revive people and nothing more)<ridiculous
its true that the AT kit's main activity is destroy tanks, but he also need something extra to defend himself or just simply to scape, (because reload an empty dao takes forever,also the eryx/sraw take too long) so having granades or smoke granades gives and oportunity for aliminate the remaining thread or scape from it
According to the Geneva Convention, medical personnel that arent carrying weapons cannot be considered as hostile. So if the medics in game didnt carry weapons, the enemy wouldnt technically be allowed to shoot them. If you think medic whoring is bad now...
I say, force AT to have the MP5, and make the vanilla unlock an RPG-7 (good for 1942-style ATing) and SF unlock stingers
Perhaps to make the AT class a proper tank killer and not infantry would be to have the Javelin instead.

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