(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:
1,000 hours and 200,000 points, my god.... now if i had no balls i would jet it also, to bad im a ground pounder and dont need vehicles to kick ass, case in point, I want to see someone with 200,000 points and Has ground infantry stats, not a 20-1 K/D with the jet and a 3.41 SPM from whoring jets etc. thank you and good bye.
Well my overall infantry ratio is 1.94 with over 25000 kills... I'd like to think I'm not too bad at it. Personally I think my stats are fairly well-rounded.
(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:
Congrats Slidero! What are your machine's specs if you don't mind me asking? I truly believe that my stats would in crease if I had better hardware, maybe I'm in denial but I don't think I suck to bad. I play for fun and wish I found more teamwork driven players, that I run into so infrequently.
2.2ghz athlon 64/2GB ram/6600gt/36GB raptor hard drive. Mostly on medium, lighting is on low and the dynamic crap is off. Geometry is on high. I'll take 60+ fps any time over pretty graphics
[-DER- wrote:
Omega]Says you're from Illinois, what part of IL?
I'm from a little suburb town of Oak Lawn near Chicago.
Wauconda, IL. pop ~10,000 or so.