
Z-Day, good thing or bad thing?

Good thing30%30% - 9
Bad thing23%23% - 7
Possibly good depending on a few points26%26% - 8
Unsure20%20% - 6
Total: 30
Mass Media Casualty

I was talking to a mate today about OSH; that's "Occupational Safety and Health", a public watchdog who makes sure we're all safe at work. We registered our hate for them and agreed that the world needed to be more dangerous. We settled on the best idea for getting rid of the need for OSH would be a Zombie Apocalypse and agreed that it'd be "totally bad-ass awesome." During the day we formulated the best plan for survival which included barricading Somes Island in Wellington Harbour and raiding the military base at Trentham for weapons and ammuniton, it even went as far as to suggest that a trip up to Auckland to the Armoured batallion to nick some APCs was a good idea. Once the bases, weapons and supplies issues were sorted there'd be nothing to do but shoot Zombies and drink beer.

After asking a few mates we encountered during the day the score was approximatly nine for and four against a Zombie Apocalypse, including my mate Rob who reckoned it'd be bad because inflation and house prices would go through the roof, (never ask an accountant an easy question.)

I mean for me having an island that used to be a prison camp just offshore and knowing where to get decent Zombie-slaughtering weapons etc. a Z-Day would be awesome as, but I'm wondering what the rest of you think.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

It's way to early for me.

I'll come back and think later
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
Make Love and War
+303|6797|Communist Republic of CA, USA
Good Luck Raiding a Military Base.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Good Luck Raiding a Military Base.
Well the guards would either be friendly or zombified and thus unable to use their weapons.
Did someone say tea?
+112|6553|S.A. Australia
Well, provided you know what you have to do when the apocalypse comes around, it could actually be good.  Living in a smaller town, there is plenty of room to run around shooting and yahooing, plus some good places to take shelter in when it becomes hectic.  Luckily the nearest gun dealer is about 800m away, and deals from his backyard Bring on the zombies i say, should be a good few weeks/months/years.
Serious Flex
Mass Media Casualty

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Good Luck Raiding a Military Base.
Well the guards would either be friendly or zombified and thus unable to use their weapons.
Aye that, in a Z-Day scenario if the members of said military base weren't zombified they'd be happy to offer protection or at least shell out a few weapons to help fellow survivors. However I'm running the scenario that at least 90% of the world's population is Zombified and said military base at Trentham, (which I might add is a shithole,) is completely vacant. See other survivors will be twiddling their thumbs going "Do, do doot doot doo dum de dee dah doo doo doot doot doo dee doo dee doo" and I'll be ready.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
What if these zombies are smart?
as in able to use tanks, weapons, anything.
+721|6899|the dank(super) side of Oregon
am looking forward.

a. already own a scary looking shotgun

b. already know how to kill zombies

c. all dead relatives are cremated.  no chance of hesitation in combat.
+788|6974|Brisbane, Australia

Ty wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Good Luck Raiding a Military Base.
Well the guards would either be friendly or zombified and thus unable to use their weapons.
Aye that, in a Z-Day scenario if the members of said military base weren't zombified they'd be happy to offer protection or at least shell out a few weapons to help fellow survivors. However I'm running the scenario that at least 90% of the world's population is Zombified and said military base at Trentham, (which I might add is a shithole,) is completely vacant. See other survivors will be twiddling their thumbs going "Do, do doot doot doo dum de dee dah doo doo doot doot doo dee doo dee doo" and I'll be ready.
You're in New Zealand, guns are locked down tight there, I'd doubt the entire nation has more than a few handguns.

Like Australia

I would love a Z-Day only if it was a "Hold out until help/a cure" arrives, So only Australia/NZ (We can be on teamz!) was zombied and in the end everything went back to normal as possible, It'd be "pretty badass awesome"
Real Хорошо
+826|6838|Adelaide, South Australia

Sarrk wrote:

Ty wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Well the guards would either be friendly or zombified and thus unable to use their weapons.
Aye that, in a Z-Day scenario if the members of said military base weren't zombified they'd be happy to offer protection or at least shell out a few weapons to help fellow survivors. However I'm running the scenario that at least 90% of the world's population is Zombified and said military base at Trentham, (which I might add is a shithole,) is completely vacant. See other survivors will be twiddling their thumbs going "Do, do doot doot doo dum de dee dah doo doo doot doot doo dee doo dee doo" and I'll be ready.
You're in New Zealand, guns are locked down tight there, I'd doubt the entire nation has more than a few handguns.

Like Australia

I would love a Z-Day only if it was a "Hold out until help/a cure" arrives, So only Australia/NZ (We can be on teamz!) was zombied and in the end everything went back to normal as possible, It'd be "pretty badass awesome"
This entire thread is fail.

Zombie viruses only happen in Europe, Asia and America.

Africa is fine because all the other diseases cancel out the zombie virus, and Aus/NZ is fine because were freakin' islands in the middle of nowhere.

And nothing ever happens in Antarctica
Certified Twat
+296|6827|Bournemouth, South England
Lady zombies all walking about scantily clad, with no ability to refuse some luvvin'.... Sounds fun!
Certified Twat
+296|6827|Bournemouth, South England
I'd also remain safe.  I have one of these:

Mass Media Casualty

Penetrator wrote:

Lady zombies all walking about scantily clad, with no ability to refuse some luvvin'.... Sounds fun!
Ew. Then again it's no entirely clear whether having sex with the undead counts as Necrophillia.

Seriously though I have it all sorted out. Survivors meet at Homebase 139 and Homebase 14, clear out the surrounding area and create a roadblock on the road going south, eventually merging Homebases 14 and 139 into Homebase One once all Hostiles are destroyed, (by the use of the guns I have and an assortment of garden tools including three machetes.) Then we raid the gunshop in Petone and "Hunting and Fishing" in Alicetown, (which has some assault rifles and pistols for good measure,) and eventually stage a mission to Trentham where the Army base is. Gather enough ammunition, weapons and other useful items and then drink beer on the deck whilst shooting Zombies. Good time had by all!
Plus if the action gets too hot we can always go to the marina around the corner from Homebase One, nick a boat and head to Somes Island which is a completely suitable fortress, impenetrable to Zombies and it used to be a small PoW camp so it still has a few bunkers and trenches.

Dude, I am so sussed.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Certified Twat
+296|6827|Bournemouth, South England
I'd go all "Shaun of the dead" on them, pretend to be a zombie, then make haste to the nearest pub.  If your going on an undead slaughtering/secksing spree, you might as well do it very drunk.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Get one of these, I think it might help.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/B6-ARMOR … enameZWDVW
Yeah a zombie apocalypse would be great,,,,

being eaten alive an having to kill or leave behind your love ones....and what if they don't find a cure...ur abit fucked then aren't ya lol
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6943|Birmingham, UK

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

This entire thread is fail.

Zombie viruses only happen in Europe, Asia and America.

Africa is fine because all the other diseases cancel out the zombie virus, and Aus/NZ is fine because were freakin' islands in the middle of nowhere.

And nothing ever happens in Antarctica
You fool, Fenris! Resident Evil 5 is set in some sort of African country!

Zombie penguins, anyone?

I said it's a good thing.
Certified Twat
+296|6827|Bournemouth, South England

Balok77 wrote:

Yeah a zombie apocalypse would be great,,,,

being eaten alive an having to kill or leave behind your love ones....and what if they don't find a cure...ur abit fucked then aren't ya lol

Chill dude, me & Ty will save mankind, as soon as we've chugged a shit load of sambuca and absinthe.  Gonna be a two man shotgun rampage, hopefully using high powered motorbikes and terrapins with frikkin' laser beams on their heads.
Mass Media Casualty

Fuck yeah!
Sure we're quite literally on the other side of the world from each other but I'm sure we'll work out that little kink. Zombie Apocalypses don't have to make sense, they're just awesome.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Yeah ive just watched to many zombie movies and being eaten alive looks like it might suck.....but if you two r out ther with a couple of shotguns i feel safer
Cheeky Keen
+329|6875|Kent, UK
It would be awesome. I know where i can get some guns (If it happens while I'm back in England) and i can put all my 1337 skills learned as an Air Cadet to use
Certified Twat
+296|6827|Bournemouth, South England

Buckles wrote:

It would be awesome. I know where i can get some guns (If it happens while I'm back in England) and i can put all my 1337 skills learned as an Air Cadet to use
Buckles, you a pad brat?

Back on topic,  I have a Samurai sword here if anyone hasn't got access to shotguns.  Just clean it after you massacre stuff.
I'm gonna go ahead with the old, sacrificing myself for the good of man. Obviously there will be some sort of Zombie lord they cant exist without so I'm gonna jump in a jet (as you do) attach some nukes to it, and crash my plane into his Transylvanian castle and thus killing all the zombies in the world. I will be a hero and you will spend millions trying to resurrect me which will result in creating an even more powerful zombie, i take over the world and then you send someone else after me,,,,its gonna go on for a while lads....
Northern numpty
+194|6766|Boulder, CO
already have my zombie plan made out.
1) nick the axe in the shed and some knives (for taking out people who aren't zombiefied) my favourite knife atm is a evil looking steak knife that incredibly sharp and due to my boots i can hide down my sock.
2) take all the tinned and dry food from the cuboard to take with me.
3) run a mile to the local river.
4) run back home due to forgetting the can opener (bound to happen)
5) run back to the river and steal a small fast motor boat (dingy with an outboard motor will do) and a good map and a compass.
6) sail to the big napoleonic era off shore forts on the south coast.
7) make myself a base on said fort.
8) go into town to find a couple of hot non zombie women and take em back with me
9) build up harem further and suceed in life.
Negative Ping
Wow...you guys are sick.  Actually thinking a "zombie" holocaust is a good thing?  Just lookin for an excuse to shoot shit I think.  Ok...zombies...think it out.  With the zombie panic in motion...say...70-80% of ppl infected...who going to run the power plants, they don't have auto pilot.  Without power...no electricity.  No one to produce food...so eventually a food source will be depleted.  Yeah...there is canned crap...but I'd just off myself if I couldn't have some tasty lobster at least once a month.  Also...like another mentioned, your loved ones and friends could/would be infected, you really think you can put a bullet in your brother or best friends head?  And who says you wouldn't be infected immediately. 
Honestly...If that shit ever went down, I'd freak.  I'd take my fiance and her kids, jump in my truck, head to outskirts of town to where my parents live (my dad has an arsenal...but I wouldn't go there for the fancy weapons like most of u) so I could have all that means somethin to me in one place, I would feel more comfortable.  Wait to hear word, stay low...and just wait.  I wouldn't go on no damn shootin spree...might need to save the ammo.
I'll bring up more points later...but my opinion, it's sick to want the end of the world to happen...pity you want it to just as an excuse to shoot ppl...

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