I was talking to a mate today about OSH; that's "Occupational Safety and Health", a public watchdog who makes sure we're all safe at work. We registered our hate for them and agreed that the world needed to be more dangerous. We settled on the best idea for getting rid of the need for OSH would be a Zombie Apocalypse and agreed that it'd be "totally bad-ass awesome." During the day we formulated the best plan for survival which included barricading Somes Island in Wellington Harbour and raiding the military base at Trentham for weapons and ammuniton, it even went as far as to suggest that a trip up to Auckland to the Armoured batallion to nick some APCs was a good idea. Once the bases, weapons and supplies issues were sorted there'd be nothing to do but shoot Zombies and drink beer.
After asking a few mates we encountered during the day the score was approximatly nine for and four against a Zombie Apocalypse, including my mate Rob who reckoned it'd be bad because inflation and house prices would go through the roof, (never ask an accountant an easy question.)
I mean for me having an island that used to be a prison camp just offshore and knowing where to get decent Zombie-slaughtering weapons etc. a Z-Day would be awesome as, but I'm wondering what the rest of you think.
After asking a few mates we encountered during the day the score was approximatly nine for and four against a Zombie Apocalypse, including my mate Rob who reckoned it'd be bad because inflation and house prices would go through the roof, (never ask an accountant an easy question.)
I mean for me having an island that used to be a prison camp just offshore and knowing where to get decent Zombie-slaughtering weapons etc. a Z-Day would be awesome as, but I'm wondering what the rest of you think.
[Blinking eyes thing]
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Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon