I'm Jamesey wrote:
This thread was a good idea until you started adding people for kidnapping idiots and making whiny threads.
Now it's just stupid.
Add yourself to the list for an AOCI
Samtheman and Surgeon also got BANNED from the server for that. They made a fool out of Justice and he did not find it at all funny.
=A2G=@ DueceGoose wrote:
This is a great look at the type of people attracted to this community. I find it amazing. As you look at these quotes, you get the idea that almost everyone here condones cheating, glitching, hacking, and encourages others to learn how.
And when you find the leadership here participating in, and condoning the behavior; it makes me wonder what kind of community is here, and how much fun would it be playing in your servers, and how reliable your stats are, and WHY IN THE WORLD would anyone except a cheater (liar, thief) be attracted to here.
Leaders here condoning the behavior? Who may you be referring to? Jamesy? Surgeon? They are
hardly leaders here on the forums...
And again, this thread was made for BF2s Forum Members. If there is incriminating evidence on ANY member on here that they hack/wall glitch constantly I will gladly add them to the list. I could do a member search for the guys you posted screen shots of, but the member search sucks. I think you have to have an exact match to get anybody's name on there...
Bruce-SuperNub wrote:
"I think it would be a cool addition, but maybe not that useful. It would be a great list for "Potential kidnappings""
Thats what you said, isn't it Im__Doomed or wtfever your name is.
Yet with you saying that and you adding people to the list for kidnapping, wouldn't that make you a hypocrite?
Perhaps adding those few for kidnapping might not be a good route to take for this thread, but at the time (Last night) I was trying to decide if I should do it. I thought what the hell, I will and see how it takes.
Maybe I should be more specific. I'll keep the list of kidnappers, but only if they are members who kidnapped on their main account and padded their stats excessively...
Again, I am open to opinions like I stated in my OP, I know a lot of you are young, but lets try and keep it civil. pirana6 wrote:
my question got caught up back there... what does AOCI stand for?
Ok, you might have missed it the first time (In my OP) But I didn't think you'd miss it the second time (I did quote myself) So here again for the third time:
Im_Dooomed wrote:
pirana6 wrote:
okay sorry... what does AOCI stand for?
Sorry, it means "Acting Out in Complete Idiocy" Basiclly a person can get this title from creating retarded threads, flaming people unnecessarily, personally insulting people in game, or insulting members of the forum here.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.