Havok wrote:
Scr0k wrote:
RedTwizzler wrote:
(Again, not questioning your beliefs)
Why do you believe that the Bible is the Holy Scripture? I understand that it says so in the Bible, but why do you believe it?
Galatians 1:11 - The bible isn't something that a man made up. It's God's word. And if the Bible is the word of God than I think that the stuff in the bible is true. Ever heard of the book called "90 minutes in heaven". It's about a guy who died went to heaven, and miraculously came back to like 90 minutes later and said he went to heaven. Read it.
I don't think I understand, so I'm going to need you to explain this to me. You're saying that the Bible is God's word, so it must be true. But who or what says the Bible is God's word? The Bible does, right? So to summarize, the Bible says the Bible is true. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
My question to you is, if the Bible says that the Bible is God's word (which it does say, obviously), how do we know it's actually true. We can't talk to God to ask him if it's telling the truth. Who's to say that it's not making up or exaggerating facts? Try explaining it to me without using the Bible as a source or reference to prove your point, because that would defeat the point of this question.
There are historical documents (from Jesus' time)written by atheists that have been recorded and are strait forward facts. In these documents it says that Jesus was a real man that did amazing things. Some of these documents have eyewitness accounts and actual information on miracles that Jesus performed. In the Bible, these same miracles are described. A research in England showed that the historical stories written by atheists and the Bible stories are 99.1% parallel to each other.
Who's to say that its not making up or exaggerating facts? Those historical documents written by atheists.
One thing that really gives me personal confirmation is this information that i have come upon while reading the bible:
The Psalms in the bible were written around 1000 B.C. (1000 years before Jesus came)Psalm 22:14- Messiah's bones strained at the joints.
Psalm 22:15- Messiah's mouth agonizingly dry
Psalm 22.16- Messiah's hands and feet pierced
Psalm 22:17- Messiah's bones UNBROKEN
Psalm 22:18- Lots cast for Messiah's clothes
Psalm 69: 1-2- Messiah experiencing sensation of drowning.
Psalm 69:21- Messiah given vinegar to drink
The prophet Isaiah worked around 700 B.C.Isaiah 7:14- Messiah will be virgin born
Isaiah 53:7- Messiah will die quietly like a lamb
Isaiah 53:9- Messiah will be buried with the rich
Isaiah 53:11-12- Messiah's death will cover sins of many
So basically these guys said "His mouth will be dry but will feel a drowning sensation, his bones will be strain, but unbroken. and he will be virgin born" Either they were really telling the future or that it one incredible guess. These are just a few of the perfect prophecies Christ fulfilled on top of the pictures of His life presented through the lives of Old Testament figures such as Adam, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, and Ruth.Also: Ever heard of the 4 miracles that accompanied the death of Jesus Christ on the cross?Matthew 27:45: The Midday darkness.
Matthew 27:51: The Tearing of the holy curtain in the Jewish temple that separated the temple from the holy room in which the Jews believe the Holy Spirit presided. (only the holiest of people could go into this room and had to have a rope tied around their waste just incase they died while in the room because of the overwhelming presence of God)
Matthew 27:51: The Earthquake
Matthew 27:52: The Holy dead coming to life.
These are all HISTORICAL events that happened simultaneously with the death of Jesus Christ. Written not only by people who believed in Jesus, but by atheists as well as people who scolded Jesus.Jesus died on the cross to wash away the sins of the world. What are the chances that at the same moment that Jesus died, the important curtain in the Jewish temple that separated the Holy Room where God was from the rest of the temple) tore from the top. Revealing the room where God was with all the people in the temple. I don't know about you, but this stuff convinces me.
If any of this is unclear just PM me, I would be happy to tell you more about the Bible.