i think its because of crack/cocaine, gangs, and money. but remember -  when white people do kill people its usually the pyscho serial killers that get orgasms from killing people. where i live got the nickname "heroin city" because heroin is cheaper here than a pack of cigarettes. there is alot of gang violence here and honestly its because of drugs and money, a fight for survival, if there was less drugs or black people who were poor or lived in ghettos then there wouldnt be as much violence. its probably a conspiracy by the cia or fbi to kill off blacks or something. thats what some black people think, that crack and aids was invented to kill off them, which sound ridiculous but you never know, this country is run by white people who are rich.

P.S. its not the color of their skin, its the culture and the history. and the only reason black people still use slavery as an excuse is because its the last history of large enslavement. but if you think about it ALL people's ancestors were slaves, romans enslaved anyone, so did greeks, thats just how it worked, the vikings enslaved parts of europe i believe. doesnt mean its right BUT it doesnt mean that you have a right to complain about it, all slavery was bad, it happened to all of us unless ALL of your ancestors were royal, which is HIGHLY unlikely. there has never been a time in history where there wasnt any blood, violence, slavery or other horrible things, its just how its been, i dont think its possible to suddenly change to having world harmony and peace, it would take a long time if even possible. the worst event in history i think was the holocaust, that was REALLY uncalled for, that was extermination, they fucked around with their bodies too, tried all different kinds of chemcials and replacing limbs where they dont belong. its fucking sick, fuck nazis. and for all of you who will probably ask, no im not jewish, or black or rich. nor am i racist i am just stating an opinion, i can tolerate almost anyone as long as you arent annoying as shit or act stupid.

Last edited by silentsin (2006-02-04 12:30:09)


Berserk_Vampire wrote:

Well when ever any crime is commited they usually always blame the black person if white people are around and one black person who do they blame?
The one with the gun
Horseman 77

CRUSHER wrote:

No...just, no. People with a fucked up mindset like you are the same people that fuck this country.

This is like saying the following. " 400 years ago my English ancestors were at war with the French, they fought and killed them alot. That's what made me kill all those French people!"

Racism - Black people do get special treatment in a lot of ways. Take BET for instance, if someone came out with a station called "White Entertainment Television" black people all over the country would have a cow. You'd never hear the end of it. It's the same with all white anything, it's called discrimination but when you have all black this and that it's okay? WTF?!

Now I'm not saying racism doesn't exist because it does, but Blacks are sure as hell not innocent of it. I'm even racist to an extent, I have had black friends and some black people are highly intelligent and quite nice but generally not. Where I work there is a majority of black people and I get to hear  about about ways to exploit welfare all day long. "Claim your neighbors kids." "I live in rent free goverment housing but I just got the new Eddie Bower series Expedition. I'm getting rims next week." This is bullshit. It makes me angry to no end that I'm forking my money over in taxes to pay for this worthless stupid shit beside me.

I think the Black community, as a whole should stop playing the race card every time something doesn't go their way. Only then will racism start to dissapear. They need to take responsibility for themselves and earn themselves a better life instead of whinning about not having the oppurrtunity.

Again, I'm not saying all black people are like this because I know they aren't. I'm just saying fix your own problems.

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

First off...interesting comments, Tyferra.  For the most part, I tend to agree.

In regard to BET, just what are we supposed to call it?  Negro TV?  Coon Cable Network (CCN for short)?

    " Give us one damn channel where we can show content that relates specifically to us. "
" C.C.N.  ? " Glad to see you have a sense of humor. The point he makes is, Korean Cable programing is geared to recent immigrants who haven't Totally assimilated yet. Don't speak the language, Have trouble understanding how products or services work. This is why they need it.

Blacks have been here for as long as anyone else has save Native Americans. You Claim you want to be One, Assimilated and Equal. Not different, No different, " We are all just  humans.", but than you want your Very own cable to be " Black orientated "
WHY if there is no difference?

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

It is only after they saw the ability to market towards blacks that black oriented shows started showing up. .
Sound familiar ? You have Undone your previuos post. This is my very argument " its about money " ONLY.

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

Personally, I feel that if it were not for shows like Good Times, The Jeffersons, and probably the most prolific of them all...the Cosby Show, the networks would still be white television.
So.. if it weren't for all the black shows there would only be white shows, but there are blacks shows..

so what's your point ?

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

And while you feel as if you are getting ganked by blacks taking advantage of the welfare system, you should look at the abuses by whites using welfare as well.  Over 60% of the welfare is used by whites and they abuse the system just as bad.
Whites are well over 60 percent of the population so by your math Whites are  " less of a problem ? "
How about my aplication to the Railroad in 1979 " We are hiring minorities right now."
or the State Troopers Test ? Minorities get an Extra 10 points out of a possible 100.
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6951|Hell's prison
My Question is, does this trash really belong in a T rated game, or in an affiliate Forum.  lets let the parents corrupt the kids before we do.  And I refuse to believe any one race is crime ridden, I seriously believe these re-re's hear what they do on rap music (every brand of music has it, im just using the most common in todays society) And they talk about Fuckin hoes, robbin a muthafucka, killin a n***a...and some believe if they fall into one of those categories they can be as cool as their idols.  The honest to God truth is that yeah those rap guys talk about it, but how many of them do you think actually did that?  Probably a select few, because if they are talking about what they "did" on the CD, dont you think someone would investigate it?  I mean free speech and all, but if say 50 cent talked about a guy he murdered for smudging his puma on July 12th, 2001, im sure it would spark something in someones head and it would be linked.  I refuse to believe that these guys are badass enough to commit some of these crimes.  Its all talk and thats all it will ever be, for those that did get caught, they got caught served the time, and are rappers, but they think they are so badass for doing time.  When in all actuality, society looks down on people that brag about the crimes they commited.

Your first post seemed, well, a little unfocused. See, I read the title as Blacks commit most of the crimes but then you mannaged to latch this absurdity onto the post...

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

70% of all black births are outside of wedlock (US Census).

Lack of God? 

What is your opinion?
And more than 50% of marriages end in divorce -- some of the worst offending states are the "bible belt" regions of the U.S. where christianity is the most popular religion. I mean, as long as we're throwing around incriminating statistics.

So far, meh.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Maybe a gene that sets a black person off more easily?
It was, at this precise moment, that I knew where this thread was heading. That must be one of the most ignorant sentances I've read in the last few months. The difference in "genes" between you, me, black people, and even asian folks is so rediculously minimal that it's simply absurd to think that, even if that gene exists, it is only present, and predominately present, in the black population.

So, now I've lost a deal of respect for this thread.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

dirtyepics wrote:

Just out of interest what does "Lack of God" have to do with it?
A lack of God would lead to - If I don't fear punishment from God because He doesn't exist or I don't believe in Him then I'm free to do anything I please.  Thus homicide would go unpunished outside a society's laws.  Now, where does society get its laws from?  But that's a different debate.
Now I know you've taken it down the shitter.

GOD, in any sense you want to put it in, has little to do with morality. Often times religion is a basis of what people build their moral standards from, but there is absolutely, positively, no way that a person must be religious in order to have a firm moral standing.

That statement, in lesser words, says "it's ok to kill because I don't believe in god" which is so extremely rediculous it almost warrents closing the thread.

You also stipulate that a societies laws are based soley on moral reasoing derived strictly from religion. Again, while a deal of our belief systems have roots in the mystisism of religion, the aggregate of a spiritually diverse population deeming murder inapproopriate points to a consuses of HUMAN THOUGHT, not Divine Law.


Finally, and back on point, the arguement you are starting is so steeped in ignorance that it's pointless. Simply presenting the "shock" statistic is annoying, at best. You obviously didn't do ANY research into this subject. You simply saw that, saw how it fit in with your skewed and biased perceptions and sough to -- blindly -- perpetuate the meme. You neglected any due diligence of investigation into WHY black people would be higher on the list, you didn't say anything about the court systems perception of black vs. white, you said nothing to the socio-economic conditions of where these crimes are commited, nor did you bother to address the ability of the average black murder to defend themselves in the court system in comparison to the (on average) more wealthy white man.

The statistics you brought forward serve no purpose but to blatantly incite arguement -- and not the kind that's productive.
just nothing

chuyskywalker wrote:

GOD, in any sense you want to put it in, has little to do with morality. Often times religion is a basis of what people build their moral standards from, but there is absolutely, positively, no way that a person must be religious in order to have a firm moral standing.
You just basically summed up my beliefs
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6959|San Francisco
All in favor of closing the thread before it just falls deeper and deeper into the shitter?

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