+60|6678|miami FL
I like what I see and think there is life out there but not as close as mars
16 more years
+877|6567|South Florida

RECONDO67 wrote:

I like what I see and think there is life out there but not as close as mars
I thought that too, but god.. just imagine how easy it would be for the government + nasa to cover up life on mars... so easy. we cant see mars so we just believe what weve been told... shit, maybe it doesn't even exist for all you really know.
15 more years! 15 more years!
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6172|North Tonawanda, NY

Mitch wrote:

I thought that too, but god.. just imagine how easy it would be for the government + nasa to cover up life on mars... so easy. we cant see mars so we just believe what weve been told... shit, maybe it doesn't even exist for all you really know.
I mean, look how easy it was for military to cover up an invisible destroyer!

It's invisible , so you can't see it!

Conspiracy theories are far too complex to be feasible.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6763|Sydney, Australia
Well, the most interesting part of those videos was in the second one when I realised that I had the same lens as the photographer (near the beginning).

On the actual scale of the universe, the odds given aren't that bad.

Wikipedia on the Milky Way wrote:

The galaxy is estimated to contain 200 billion stars but this number might reach 400 billion
The Milky Way is but one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe
There are 3 to 5 × 1022 stars in the observable universe.
With every star, there is a possibility that there are planets. On each planet, how many different rocks (yes, individual rocks) could there be?

Just a hint: Many more than 1 billion billion.

Have you ever looked outside and seen a cloud form a shape that you can recognise? Maybe a face?
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6716|Florida, United States

Mitch, I'm waiting to hear what you have to say to us skeptics.  You seem very determined that this is the truth, so convince me that this isn't just a load of rubbish.
16 more years
+877|6567|South Florida

Havok wrote:

Mitch, I'm waiting to hear what you have to say to us skeptics.  You seem very determined that this is the truth, so convince me that this isn't just a load of rubbish.
Hey. All the proof i need to believe it is in that second video.
Some of you say its just shadows? But they make a 3d model of it in the second video.


the face clearly has eyes, nose, mouth, lips, nostrels, and they say its also got irises.

Now, i can see how a rock that maybe sorta looks like a face could be fake, but this is sooo detailed to be natural. Plus you gotta think, Mars could hold a lot of information about how our life started. Theres a second less detailed face on a different part of mars too... coincedence? doesnt seem like it.
15 more years! 15 more years!
+66|6883|Missoula, MT
Now, i can see how a rock that maybe sorta looks like a face could be fake, but this is sooo detailed to be natural. Plus you gotta think, Mars could hold a lot of information about how our life started. Theres a second less detailed face on a different part of mars too... coincedence? doesnt seem like it. … ce_on_Mars

One of the Cydonian mesas, situated at 40°45' north latitude and 9°26' west longitude, took on the striking appearance of a humanoid Face on Mars in a photo taken by Viking 1 on July 25, 1976. Some commentators, most notably Richard C. Hoagland, believe it to be evidence of a long-lost Martian civilization along with other features they believe are present, such as apparent pyramids, which they argue are part of a ruined city. Image analysis of the early Viking images led a few researchers to suggest that the features of the Face might not be an accidental consequence of viewing conditions.[1] However, today it is generally accepted to be an optical illusion, an example of pareidolia. After analysis of the higher resolution Mars Global Surveyor data NASA stated that "a detailed analysis of multiple images of this feature reveals a natural looking Martian hill whose illusory face-like appearance depends on the viewing angle and angle of illumination".[2] Geological optical illusions have been found on Earth too; an example is the Badlands Guardian Geological Feature, which resembles a human head wearing a Native American headress.

Last edited by Obey_m0rph3us (2007-07-28 22:04:04)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6716|Florida, United States

Mitch wrote:

Havok wrote:

Mitch, I'm waiting to hear what you have to say to us skeptics.  You seem very determined that this is the truth, so convince me that this isn't just a load of rubbish.
Hey. All the proof i need to believe it is in that second video.
Some of you say its just shadows? But they make a 3d model of it in the second video.


the face clearly has eyes, nose, mouth, lips, nostrels, and they say its also got irises.

Now, i can see how a rock that maybe sorta looks like a face could be fake, but this is sooo detailed to be natural. Plus you gotta think, Mars could hold a lot of information about how our life started. Theres a second less detailed face on a different part of mars too... coincedence? doesnt seem like it.
Did you even read my other post?  Do you realize you're believing in something you hate most?  You're blindly believing in a... a joke.  Instead of measuring the possibility that the face could form naturally, lets measure the possibility that aliens would actually do it.

~First off, we have to know if aliens exist.  That's likely.
~Next, we need to know if they are intelligent life.  That's much less likely.
~After that, we need to know if they have the technology create space travel.  That's even less likely than before.
~Furthermore, we need to know if they have the ability to defy our laws of physics to move faster than the speed of light to get to Earth from wherever they're from before so much time passed that they died (it's said that it would take about 5 years at the speed of light to get from our sun to the nearest star, Alpha Centuri).  That's just stupid and the odds of that alone are less than 1000 billion billion to 1, but for the sake of debate lets keep going.
~Assuming that they find Earth, why the hell would they want to build pyramids and sphinxes?  If they actually had this advanced technology to get to us, why would they bother teaching such primitive technologies such as stone-masonry?  Instead of assuming these aliens exist only to toy with us, treat them like you would any other intelligent human.  They have to have a motive.  What is it?  Why come to Earth?

With all that combined, it sounds much more likely that it is naturally forming and not the work of aliens.

Last edited by Havok (2007-07-28 22:05:25)

+66|6883|Missoula, MT
I thought the odds that it was natural was 1000 billion billion chances to one.
+240|6707|Austin, TX
Mitch, just calm down a little bit. 

A lot of us want tp believe in life on other planets.  Even in intelligent life.  But Mars is not the place to look. 

I know it seems very tempting.  And the "face of mars" has been creating debate in the situation ever since the photo was released.  Before that, it was the "canals of Mars," which were only called that through a bad translation (it was supposed to be 'channels,' not 'canals.')  As for the face, the human mind and eye try to create recognizable patterns in what we see; it is how our brain is wired.  Just lie back and look at the clouds sometime.

Yes, there is a bit going for the theory that there was once life on Mars.  Many of the believers take what evidence there is, ignore any of the countering evidence, and claim that the lack of further "proof" is due to some sort of cover-up.  It is conspiracy theory 101.  There was once water on mars.  Yes.  Mars once had a thicker atmosphere.  Yes. I can even say there was once life on Mars. 

Unfortunately, that life was in the form of bacteria and single-celled organisms.  Mars never really had the chance to become a fully life bearing planet for a few reasons, none of them too mysterious.

Size.  Mars is smaller than earth, producing much less gravity.  It has less of a 'pull' to keep from outgassing its atmosphere.  So a lot of its 'air' was lost to space. 

Molten core.  Since Mars is smaller, its core is also comparatively smaller, and cooled faster than our planets is.  The spinning liquid metalic core of the Earth is what gives us our Van Allen belt; basically our magnetic shielding protecting us from the cosmic rays of the sun.  Without that protection, mars was and is exposed to many times the level of UV radiation that the earth is, effectively sterilizing the planets surface. 

With the loss of atmosphere, water would quickly sublime (transferring from liquid to vapor state without reaching boiling tempurature) due to the change in pressure. 

With no water, there would be no moderating effect on the weather and winds, which would eventually cause the mars we see today.

But the biggest problem is with TIME.  It took billions of years for intelligent life to appear on Earth (if there is actually any intelligent life here now; the jury is still out on that one).  Mars did not have that time.  It became a barren rock long before anything could develop to that point.  Mars became lifeless while life on earth were barely mutli-cellular organisms.

Now, I do not want you to lose hope.  You may take faith in the Drake equation.  For those of you too lazy to google it, the Drake equation is a postulation that basically demonstrates the possibility of life on other planets.  It works like this: 
Let us say that only 1 star in 100 has any planets.                                                                          1/100
Further, let us say that only 1 in 50 planetary systems has a planet in the "life bearing range."           1/50
Now, let us say that only 1 in 100 of those planets even has the requirements for producing life,         1/10
and that only 1 in 100 of those capable planets actually produces that life.                                        1/100
Now, let us say that only 1 in 50 of THOSE planets actually had life become intelligent,                       1/50
and only 1 in 20 of those intelligent species grew advanced enough to leave its own planet.                1/20, how does that sound for stacking the odds against life, eh?
math, do not fail me now.... I make that as 1 chance in 5,000,000,000.  And those are some very pessimistic numbers.

Reality check time.   Current estimates hold that there are some 100,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy.  And our galaxy is only 1 of another 100,000,000 or so other galaxies.  If you simply play the odds, there is every chance that there is life SOMEWHERE out there.

Now, will we ever meet that life?  Extremely doubtful.  Too much distance that takes too long to traverse for too few reasons. Of course, if I travelled across half the universe and found an alien race, I think it would be funnier than hell to just make pretty patterns in their crops. Wouldn't accomplish much, but really funny. (yes, that part was sarcasm.)

No, there is no proof that intelligent life exists out there.  I like to think there is. From the moive Contact, "if it is just us, that is sure an awful waste of space."

Last edited by imortal (2007-07-28 23:11:12)

+240|6707|Austin, TX

CMDR_Dave wrote:

I thought the odds that it was natural was 1000 billion billion chances to one.
hmmmm, ever see the face in the cliff in New Hampshire?
Mass Media Casualty

All that made me want to do was listen to David Bowie.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+240|6707|Austin, TX

Mitch wrote:

Havok wrote:

Mitch, I'm waiting to hear what you have to say to us skeptics.  You seem very determined that this is the truth, so convince me that this isn't just a load of rubbish.
Hey. All the proof i need to believe it is in that second video.
Some of you say its just shadows? But they make a 3d model of it in the second video.


the face clearly has eyes, nose, mouth, lips, nostrels, and they say its also got irises.

Now, i can see how a rock that maybe sorta looks like a face could be fake, but this is sooo detailed to be natural. Plus you gotta think, Mars could hold a lot of information about how our life started. Theres a second less detailed face on a different part of mars too... coincedence? doesnt seem like it.
Take a moment to think logically.  How did these folks get their data to make a computer model?  Did they make their own spacecraft, fly to mars, and take their own photos?  No.  They analyzed the pictures sent back by NASA.  To my knowledge, there have been two (2) pictures taken of the 'face.' The one that is the original, and a second one taken much more recently.  The first picture is the famous one, and the one everyone uses as 'proof.'  The second picture was taken at an oblique angle, and shows nothing that looks like a face.  The believers, of course, claim that one is a fake made by NASA to cover up the truth.   So, for the sake of argument, we will not look at that one.

But that leaves only a SINGLE source for their great 3d models and 'enhancements.'  This is a picture taken back in the sixties.  The picture was never a close up of the face; the photo everyone sees is a blown up portion of another picture.  They blew that photo up to the very limits of resolution for that film.  So, that is what they have to work with.  So, how did these folks get all of thier measurements for their model?  There has been no radar mapping of that site like there was of Venus.  There are no engineers to crawl all over Mars like there were on Earth providing us with acurate measurements.  The folk you are relying on guessed.  They MADE IT UP.  There is no magical technology to bring out details on the photo that the film and camera of the time were not accurate enough to record.

Try it for yourself.  Take a modern, amazing resolution, high pixel picture, and keep enhancing it with just about any program you can name.  After you enhance it three or four times, you cannot even recognize what the photo was.

Mitch, I am afraid that it is the people you are trusting your hopes to that are hiding something.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6763|Sydney, Australia … 20400.html
The Google Earth spotter who discovered the intriguing rock formation that looks like an iPod-wearing native American...
So... the aliens do that one too?
prince of insufficient light
Thanks for the laugh. Especially when you said we can't even be sure Mars exists. WE CAN SEE IT WITH THE NAKED EYE.
+1,175|6604|British Columbia, Canada
While I believe in "Aliens", that doesn't look like no face to me..
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

imortal wrote:

CMDR_Dave wrote:

I thought the odds that it was natural was 1000 billion billion chances to one.
hmmmm, ever see the face in the cliff in New Hampshire?
Do to erosion that face feel. It is no longer there.

Mars did at one point have water on it, and bacteria. With water and bacteria the likelihood of such structures occuring greatly increase. So yeah sorry Mitch but Mars never had multicellular organisms.

Pug wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Wasn't it with Mars that it was created round the same time as Earth? And they both were to develop in the same way, atmosphere creation, oxygen, plants etc etc. But Mars was different (Retard Mars) and therefore became a dead planet. Maybee! The humanoids that actually lived on mars came to Earth?
I saw something recently about how the moon was one of the major reasons why life is here.  Check it out on the interweb, pretty interesting.
I've seen a special on the Moon as well. Without it, Earth would be Mars. Also, it will happen because the Moon's orbit get higher with each pass.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6716|Canberra, AUS

mcminty wrote:

Well, the most interesting part of those videos was in the second one when I realised that I had the same lens as the photographer (near the beginning).

On the actual scale of the universe, the odds given aren't that bad.

Wikipedia on the Milky Way wrote:

The galaxy is estimated to contain 200 billion stars but this number might reach 400 billion
The Milky Way is but one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe
There are 3 to 5 × 1022 stars in the observable universe.
With every star, there is a possibility that there are planets. On each planet, how many different rocks (yes, individual rocks) could there be?

Just a hint: Many more than 1 billion billion.

Have you ever looked outside and seen a cloud form a shape that you can recognise? Maybe a face?
Plus, a seemingly 'dead' pocket of space (i.e. a region of the sky - a tiny region in a photo - that appeared to have nothing in it) contained thousands upon thousands of galaxies on closer inspection.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
16 more years
+877|6567|South Florida

Obey_m0rph3us wrote:

Now, i can see how a rock that maybe sorta looks like a face could be fake, but this is sooo detailed to be natural. Plus you gotta think, Mars could hold a lot of information about how our life started. Theres a second less detailed face on a different part of mars too... coincedence? doesnt seem like it. … ce_on_Mars

One of the Cydonian mesas, situated at 40°45' north latitude and 9°26' west longitude, took on the striking appearance of a humanoid Face on Mars in a photo taken by Viking 1 on July 25, 1976. Some commentators, most notably Richard C. Hoagland, believe it to be evidence of a long-lost Martian civilization along with other features they believe are present, such as apparent pyramids, which they argue are part of a ruined city. Image analysis of the early Viking images led a few researchers to suggest that the features of the Face might not be an accidental consequence of viewing conditions.[1] However, today it is generally accepted to be an optical illusion, an example of pareidolia. After analysis of the higher resolution Mars Global Surveyor data NASA stated that "a detailed analysis of multiple images of this feature reveals a natural looking Martian hill whose illusory face-like appearance depends on the viewing angle and angle of illumination".[2] Geological optical illusions have been found on Earth too; an example is the Badlands Guardian Geological Feature, which resembles a human head wearing a Native American headress.

Wiki [owned] Mitch

Either that or its just a lie by Nasa....

15 more years! 15 more years!
16 more years
+877|6567|South Florida

imortal wrote:

CMDR_Dave wrote:

I thought the odds that it was natural was 1000 billion billion chances to one.
hmmmm, ever see the face in the cliff in New Hampshire?
OMFG!! What a coincedence!!!

I was just in New Hampshire (going to Rye) and we passed right by where it used to be.. Sweet.
15 more years! 15 more years!
pffftt zombies
The face is a mountain. duh. … 525-1.html

Wow. The guy in the first video even gets the NASA acronym wrong toward the end. Wow. I can't believe you take him seriously.

Last edited by Daysniper (2007-07-29 08:41:06)

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